Diary Entry

Death and Life (Amary)

[=#9966cc]There have been so many deaths lately, it seems...
Tyerk...When? How? Why didn't I hear about it sooner? Why did no one tell me? Though I feel sad about every death I hear of, this is the first time it's been someone I actually knew.

I didn't know him very well, but I always liked him, and I hoped we could be friends. I'm certain we could have, with a little more time.

I remember that time in the playground... Thinking about it now brings tears... We were having fun. We played at "deer stacking". It didn't last long, but I enjoyed myself.

And now I can't believe he's gone... And, it's been a while, it seems. And I never knew about it. I had noticed I hadn't seen him around. But I didn't realize...

Then there's the stag that was called, I think, Wesker... I never met him. I may have seen him, but I'm not sure. They say...Darkweaver is...responsible... I didn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. But now...I know... And it has me very confused. I have seen Darkweaver fight others...in fact, now that I think of it, I think I have seen him fight Wesker... But I never thought... I understand why, but I think there could have been another way. Or, maybe that's just a desperate wish... Even the Priest said sometimes there is no other way. I'm just so confused... I can't be mad at Darkweaver, or disappointed, but I am saddened. I don't know what to think of all this.

Why these things have to happen, why anyone has to die, I will never understand. I used to think this place was a paradise...death isn't supposed to happen here. But, now I know better. In a paradise, there would be no fighting, no death, everyone would be happy. I only wish everyone could be happy. I wish I could help everyone, that I could make everyone happy. Once I thought I could, but now I realize it is impossible.

Or is it? Maybe there is still a way. I can't lose hope...

What a Day (Oisín)

[=#993333]I find myself with a mother and a father. A family... A familiar feeling. I know I once had a family, before. Something...happened to them...I believe... It feels good to have one again.

Master Scape... Or, I should say, Father... I want to thank you for being there for me when I was new to this world, for teaching me, protecting me, while I struggled to make sense of everything around me. If not for you, I would still be afraid... Well, I admit my fears are not yet gone, but they are diminished. I even enjoy things now that I once feared. Also, I thank you for your patience, knowing it must not be easy for one with so much energy to wait for a fawn with a bad leg. You also showed me how to have fun.

And, of course, I cannot forget the one I now call Mother. Even yesterday, you comforted me. You helped me forget my worries.
Though I was not born in this forest, I could not have asked for better parents.

Although...some of this feels familiar... Clearly I have been influenced by those that taught me, but I think that there is more to it... It might have something to do with the feeling I have always had that I once lived elsewhere, even to adulthood, which would mean that I have essentially grown up twice, in which case I must have learned things the first time around as well. It is a strange thing to think of... I have heard of others having had past lives. Maybe it is the same for me.

~Riddle me L O S T

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