theano7203's blog

AI Cyber Deer

Have you heard or have you experienced the AI Cyber Deer? It creeps around the edges of forests. It unlocks the entrance and by passes the greetings . It leaves doodles everywhere it walks. Crashes in the forest. Deer suddenly freezing. Flashing that prevent our dashing. It loves the visual expressions of our deer play by stealing them blending with a thousand others. Worse it undoes the ecosystem of the forest hidden. It is a chaos deer created for maelstorming. Who can mentor that so each can have a bit of chaos when they choose? It will not leave but only sleeps then reignites when someone does something new... It gathers it.

Unravel then Rebuild

Life has a way of unraveling despite protests and plans. The forest no different in that life cycle. Usuallytransitions with anger and reborn in anger. All indicators to rebuild. Relationships mattered in the forest ecosystem. How we played and interacted. How we greeted one another. How we let some fawn hide and watch while others received a mentor. If one deer wished to have pride so be it. If one wanted to fly, fall down, roll on their back in a fit of giggles we celebrated that with a dance. If a deer needed pride we made sure they had an opportunity to be prideful. If they needed to be brave a group formed to charge the twin gods. If a group draws bloody pictures it was allowed and if they wished another deer dead or the side dead we allowed that for a time. Reads like a painful rebirth. It will be a similar ecosystem but not the same. Deer will be coming in from the other place in pain and loss.

Unravel then Rebuild

Life has a way of unraveling despite protests and plans. The forest no different in that life cycle. Usuallytransitions with anger and reborn in anger. All indicators to rebuild. Relationships mattered in the forest ecosystem. How we played and interacted. How we greeted one another. How we let some fawn hide and watch while others received a mentor. If one deer wished to have pride so be it. If one wanted to fly, fall down, roll on their back in a fit of giggles we celebrated that with a dance. If a deer needed pride we made sure they had an opportunity to be prideful. If they needed to be brave a group formed to charge the twin gods. If a group draws bloody pictures it was allowed and if they wished another deer dead or the side dead we allowed that for a time. Reads like a painful rebirth. It will be a similar ecosystem but not the same. Deer will be coming in from the other place in pain and loss.

Blood and Remembrance

What is worse in the forest? Imagining the blood in the scenes on the tree bark and grass or the idea of it all. You turn, and there lies lovely deer peacefully playing on mostly green and blue areas. Yet, through your mind's eyes as you prance and walk the terrors and horrors surround you. Is unfair to only observe that without emotion so as to incorporate it in the forest symbolically? I always pondered why the sand soil contained red near the playground. Is somebody's blood spilled unfairly on the ground and the rocks are a place to hide when it is all too much to process. More horrible if not spoken, not drawn is it not? In a deer community another's pain too horrible for that deer to speak can be drawn, acted out or spoken by another. Or like fawns do turned into play. Yet though a deer is gone others remember and mention when they come back or go the graveyard and refresh the memory. Art and deer live on in the forest.

The Red Line has appeared

A deer while romping around the forest can enjoy the palette of green, blue, and grays as they stroll along. Occasionally, a splash of a stellar color will tickle the senses as one bounces by either by flower, mask, or those lovely big red antlers on some deer prancing boldly.

In the distance, one sees massive gray rocks behind the twin gods. A stroll toward the green palette suddenly ends into blood-red ground. Where green vegetation meets the blood-red soil will be the red line. Many ancient deer sit upon the horizontal gray playground rock observing all who cross the red line. Some ancient deer descend on the rock palette nearby. The atmosphere there is not always playful. No amount of bouncing can sway those ancient deer into play. Instead, you find yourself suddenly sitting.

If a deer explores the area enough called the playground Mother-like rocks to form a circle with a red middle, an enclosure. If a deer sits there they sink into the ground as if a grave while the ancient ones look on. Birds even swoop at the deer. So some of the spells that open other realms also serve for entrance into red line hidden areas. Many deer herds will be there sometimes while one or two deer sit much. Get up and then suddenly sit again.

The largest squarish boulder with the ramp one can enter but if surrounded by the other deer an event has occurred. Most deer go play elsewhere. Coming to the playground from the slightly hilled forest across the plain will not let one sneak in. Those ancient deer know your presence. Whole groups will walk up the rock and sit often in line along either side of an ancient deer.

The red line also begins to appear in the art in the forum in many creative ways. Dripping red line on hides, eyes, tattoos, and surrounding background. No one ever talks about it till today. The red line moved into text, into the chat of the forest.

Programmer Deer sharing a code

In case you have csv files and due to events or just life need to organize or move things to the cloud

A regular csv file with Python can convert to Python language and you can manipulate data

CSV looks like this
1,United States,39,41,33,113
4,Great Britain,22,21,22,65

With dictwriter command in Python
import csv

medals_table = [
{'country': 'United States', 'gold': 39, 'silver': 41, 'bronze': 33, 'rank': 1},
{'country': 'China', 'gold': 38, 'silver': 32, 'bronze': 18, 'rank': 2},
{'country': 'Japan', 'gold': 27, 'silver': 14, 'bronze': 17, 'rank': 3},
{'country': 'Great Britain', 'gold': 22, 'silver': 21, 'bronze': 22, 'rank': 4},
{'country': 'ROC', 'gold': 20, 'silver': 28, 'bronze': 23, 'rank': 5},
{'country': 'Australia', 'gold': 17, 'silver': 7, 'bronze': 22, 'rank': 6},
{'country': 'Netherlands', 'gold': 10, 'silver': 12, 'bronze': 14, 'rank': 7},
{'country': 'France', 'gold': 10, 'silver': 12, 'bronze': 11, 'rank': 8},
{'country': 'Germany', 'gold': 10, 'silver': 11, 'bronze': 16, 'rank': 9},
{'country': 'Italy', 'gold': 10, 'silver': 10, 'bronze': 20, 'rank': 10},
def sort_key(d: dict) -> str:
return d['country']

columns = ['country', 'gold', 'silver', 'bronze', 'rank']

filename = 'country_medals.csv'
with open(filename,'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as output_file:
writer = csv.DictWriter(output_file, fieldnames=columns, extrasaction= 'ignore')
# for row in medals_table:
# writer.writerow(row)
writer.writerows(sorted(medals_table, key= sort_key))

Where the hash tags are you can take off the last line and it does it a different way on a separate file
you load a csv file and then create a Python file

March of the Winkies

Community service for a time became important around the twin gods. I would only observe. When no one was there theano deer would get in the crack between the twin gods and twirl as she explored the sculpted carvings on the ivory like figures. Then would do shake the booty dance with the tune and leave.

Sometimes upon coming back groups of deer with the red and white masks would be gathered and charge up the hill at the twin gods. Other groups of deer would gather around and watch. Like knights of old it seemed some infarction had happened and a long conversation went on with some pacing back and forth. Once in awhile the whole group would charge the twin gods. For weeks afterwards they would hang out with different masks around the twin gods like Romans during recreation between military campaigns just friendly, snatching up fawns and swaying in pairs and groups scattered across that plain.

After years and hours observing theano deer never did figure out why. For years it occurred regularly and was part of the play. Like mind control take over of which art philosophy will be in control. Most of us liked a smattering of all and theano deer would go to playground because it reminded her of the good part of India which for the moment has nearly ceased to exist or is in hiding. Art seems to be an issue there now. What once was shared so freely has been laid to rest. Some winters have no snow but after winter comes spring at some point.

At times hiding inside the rocks of the playground while viewing Harappa and Mojen Daro petroglyphs seem to help decipher symbols of an artist tribe long ago and a 5000 year history much of which is metaphorical and full of double innuendos. Dharma/karma cycle rapid. Hoping the deer there survive it.

Is art ever really lost? Those symbols maimed and destroyed does it ever appear again? Part of a cultures conscieness and identity so it rebirths for the era it reappears.

The Dance of The Deer Exchange

In the Eden of the forest deer formed large chains and danced for hours. Any fawn showing up became swept up into the sound and movements of the ancient deers who pranced and around to ensure most of the forest participated. Many newcomers it served as a way to teach all the deer moves one needed so when combined in a sequence you had had animated mime deer that held long conversations. Signature sequences existed and you would recognize a deer or a set of deer by their greeting or actions. It became the designated deer exchange day.

An exchange is an act of giving. It has a sequence. A sequence is an act of giving one thing you receive another thing of the same type or value. So spells became a popular way to exchange particularly with young adult deer out of fawn hood. Essentially an informal market system formed of exchange. Different deer groups were experts at spells or places. You would go visit and they would show you a spell between each other and offer it to you. (Some deer took a while to discover staying out of certain areas their spells lasted longer--when you only know one to two ways to get a spell it is precious) Or a young deer casted their only known spell and when no more exchange a veteran deer would take them to a place and show them something. Like certain areas of flowers by the pond the butterflies come very close and seem to linger and are huge. You could turn your deer body certain ways and make it appear butterflies lived amonst your antlers. So new deer would go around looking for the butterfly in the antler spell. (not a spell but a magical place in the forest)

Many such acts happened in the days of dancing deer by the hundreds.

Within a group, the dance sequence would change and you would know one of the other deer took the lead so it would flow. A visual symbol of an inner deer practice would make for a merry time.

The Lost Mask

The Lost Mask Story

Suddenly as fall approached the seams of my deer mask began to burst apart. What was once a mask became a black amorphous cloth wriggling where it should not be. You know like underneath the chin, only on the left side of the face, blowing up above my deer eyes etc. So of course in the digital age you can order masks globally.

The search began and every day my mask would unravel. Never the same seam. Sometimes one of the sides and sometimes the front on back one on so upon spelling I suddenly was like a burlesque strumpet before a performance but on my deer face not near my star on the back part. Wriggle butt I am and dance regularly by the cage, but less than 6-month-old mask should last a little longer even if wriggled in. I spell up black. I like black masks. Despite global access, all the masks being black became an issue. I spelled and got any color but black.

Every day for four days I searched for all black masks by spelling and then dipping in the lake whilst going back and trying again. The original mask I used at the ruins had gone to pastel colors and like a wedgie cut. Which is fine for swimming but when the cold wind blows up your snorting nose you need the coverage. Goose pimples on deer noses you cannot warm up in public without getting in trouble. It means endless neck rubbing outside your normal deer group which since the pandemic can be risky. Sometimes you get all heated but not in the fun way. On a cold night, pandemic heat may be useful and of course, a strategically placed hot nose might make a new friend. Everyday I experienced the wedgie as my black mask on my deer body broke seams and traveled to crevices.

Finally, I spelled enough by the lake to get an all-black mask like the Rugby teams of Australia during Haka before a game. Rough but so satisfying. In a couple of days later while playing another black mask appears. All excited I do several and find a need to have a spectrum of black masks.

Flying Deer in Texas Forest

The clouds innocently streamed across the sky. White, high but not cirrus. Clouds from the sea making strands like seagrass but in the sky. Slowly the clouds broaden over time and the blue sky disappears. Gently and ever so quietly it began to drizzle and the sky became the soft gray all the way to the ground as the landscape began to shadow.

The wind though slight stirred alarms in the heads of deer. More was to come and night was upon them. Scanning the horizon the deer saw the outline of an ancient tree and hoped its large root system entering the ground would provide an alcove of safety for what was to come. Making their way through field and trees they stopped to graze in case the storm was long.

The ancient tree had what was needed. Two immense roots plunging into the ground with at least three feet of height. Nesting in the older deer looked at the canopy and its thickness indicated it would ward off the worst of the rain.

Several hours later the gentle wind increased into a gale with rain driving sideways and the canopy showering the sheltered deer with leaves and small branches. The roots height blocked most the severe gusts but rain still managed to pelt them once in a while. The canopy danced back and forth swaying and bowing.

Suddenly the bleat of another deer not in the group was heard. Natural instinct was to pop up and offer help. Ancient deer with a turn of the head and a nod stopped that. The wind would win and more than one deer would be in trouble. The deer bleated loudly in hopes the one battered and torn could come and take shelter.

Out of the mist two deer appeared ragged with wind whips across their fur and they darted into the root system and fell exhausted on the edge of the herd. The wind picked up speed just as they entered the haven and the outline of a third deer appeared for a second. Then the wind got underneath and casted the deer into the air.
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