theano7203's blog

Cathedral in the space so where are the catacombs?

Boris and Natasha deer request extension to pit in ruins become a passage to catacombing dark wanderings down below often lead to light or to rodonaia deer....Smiling rodonaia deer floated off and met up with cowboys ... married a dancing one and other married a socialite of extensive deer beauty... fawns bouncing all over the place, new colony formed...

A Moose

A deer transformed into a moose. It started about six months ago. It feels all religious so it needs to go to the ruins. A loose moose may result in a goose in the caboose and let us hope there is no noose.

Here is to Bullwinkle, Rocky, Natasha and Boris

It came on the wind

Water behind my habitat...
well worn and loved chair facing trees draping heavily with leave
as the breeze softly touched the water it rose up and moved through the trees
in a moment it gently caressed my face
as it did it left a gift
for logo

an essence of that moment in time
becoming a visual representation
on a word

....Texas summer evening at twilight become magic like that
a place for a moment of creative thought...

LOGO word and deer

Shall I take the chance to play with a word and turn it into art. Like a playful quiet deer near water always about to prance and yet always watching for an event. Can a logo capture that feeling and ...
anticipation deer

How the World Followed the Deer

Peeking out of the realm of forest, blue sky, and the sound of water the deer noticed on the edge of the forest to the netherlands others had begun to leave space for roaming in between entities. Social distancing has always been part of the forest where one lies in the butterflies and contemplates the deepest thoughts so as to have it flow from mouth and fingers as they make sounds or draw. Many do not understand the gifts of communing with out words and how observations sharpen. When a relationship does form it begins as intense play set among lush greenery whot much laughter. No corona exists in the forest does it... A place where everyone can play if they wish. So now the world does the same wandering around then suddenly in small groups gathering a favorite spot cuddling. Hmmmm a global forest ....

Something on the outside of the forest while you wait

A deer told me to share

It is not art based but at times projects come along where you can look art and gorgeous photographs

IN case you have need while you wait

it is a gig, a project, a job Aussies $10.00 an hour

enough to eat at a cafe and buy art supplies
Online remote pay by Payoneer, global could use some artists


Outside the Forest

A deer told me to share

It is not art based but at times projects come along where you can look art and gorgeous photographs

IN case you have need while you wait

it is a gig, a project, a job Aussies $10.00 an hour

enough to eat at a cafe and buy art supplies
Online remote pay by Payoneer, global could use some artists


The WAters

Deer companion spent the time observing the weather and events. Wind blows. Sand forms. Fire burns. Rain falls. An orange deer Leeloo once said. The companion deer spent most of the time watching the waters. As the water rose and fell she noticed the rain. Whether mist or droplets it coupled. Then rain drops group. As the rain did so it formed rivulets where waters had not flowed before. As rivulets gathered it formed streams. Streams become rivers. When water has no place to go it makes a lake as large as the amount of water that fell. One exception delays the whole cycle of it all. When water chills it becomes ice or snow. Companion deer watched as snowflakes gathered but instead of rivulets it formed a blanket on the ground and smaller blankets on trees and sleeping deer. At some point snow warms again and it moves back into being rivulets. As destructive as all that became in a temporary span of time so to did it cleanse the deepest tar. It is said that most of which anything breathing is made of is water. For a short time a membrane like glass holds it in a variety of forms and shapes then it leaks to return to the larger waters only to be scooped up by another glass like sack in a similar but new way. Companion deer remembered when watching births a rush a water cames before the fawn. Other deer deaths resulted into turning into water slowly as the rest decays. Usually some flowers would grow to mark the water event in that spot. Companion deer pondered how much of the water in her came from others and how much came directly from the sky.

sounds of water hertz style

Assing with Deer

(_!_) = Normal Deer Ass
(__!__) = Big Deer Ass
(!) = Tight Deer Ass
(_?_) = Dumb Deer Ass
(_E=MC2_) = Smart Deer Ass
(_$_) = Rich Deer Ass
(_x_) = Kiss My Deer Ass
(_X_) = Get Off My Deer Ass

Any other deer ass welcomed

Couple Uncouple?

When two become one and one transforms does the coupling end as well?

Deer companion pondered that nightly since ancient deer had turned into oblivion. At first she went to the cattails and pulled a few to get at the pulpy sweetness near the base. She laid it down after feasting on a cylinderical stalk. The next day she would return to feast on the crinkly dried leaflets of cattails.

In the evenings she would lay curled up in the last spot ancient deer had slept. In twilight sleep she would take her well formed neck and caress the air like ancient deer was still present then settle into sleep. Companion deer would linger in all the last spots ancient deer had stood once awakening as if memorizing every precious moment of interaction in their last days together.

By and large it had been pleasant with deep conversations with deer friends. In the following weeks she visited each and every deer who had helped attend to needs of those nature to collect those memories, those stories made in body language, and those last c ommunings.

One morning she arose and ran to where new poppies had arose and instead of eating the petals she held them in her mouth. In a slow gracious senuous walk she would meander back to where he left her on the stream shores. Instead of entering the waters she simply dropped the flowers and watched as they floated down nearly the same path that ancient deer did walk.

A few weeks later she paired with an ancient female deer who had lost her male companion. Together they ventured forth into new territories. Another deer offered an excursion into a land called tejas where the deer had less spots and sported browner coats and deep passions.

The ancient female deer has been a stellar flyer in earlier decades and had made global deer friends. One group had formed a colony in a set of grapevines.
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