theano7203's blog

Polar Vortex Deer Finds Shelter

Running through the forest theano noticed snowballs the size of her spots as a fawn. Pelting her coat she ran to and fro as if that would help abate the intense sting of half-ice half snowballs hitting her back. A few times theano reared her head up and head-butted the snowball into a tree. Looking at the Oak tree hollow told her a pile of bodies had cuddled to remain warm and to avoid the snowballs.

In that moment she remembered that the playground rock had a slanted piece for a covered open area and then the stone itself allowed entrance. So, she quickened her pace as she veered to the playground but as she did her back hooves slid and swerved. ICE in the forest.

Theano quickly shifted her weight the other way and balanced the unusual move. Dipping down the momentum forward made a sensual curve that lifted into an undulation that missed a fall and instead created a new dance move she could try during the group dances that were sure to come after the forest warmed.

Slowing the pace she sauntered to the playground where the small Stonehenge Wuan Mawn made by Merlin deer rose up to welcome one to the hidden labyrinth under the playground. Ancient deer had hinted many times that a prior tribe existed before them. The forest rose up out of their desire to have free place to play rather than the accidental hell they had created with too many rules.

Past her favorite sinkhole among the Stonehenge original that mimicked the peaty moorland she ducked under the slanted rock with its blue etchings. Then into the dark labyrinth underneath hidden in stone. She began the dance her parents had taught to move up her healing powers and with the stone nearby she fully expected it to amplify across the forest for any and all.

For what ever reason inside the playground stone it was warm and within hours she nestled down to sleep.

Royal Deer the Ultimate Slaves

Changing out the mask or the coat lets a deer make choices as to the mood or friend they are with that day. Royal deer come from the very cells their body happens to be made of so some parents deer love making session created a fawn who from the day of birth choice has been taken from. Within those realms limited choice becomes accepted in exchange for wealth of the forest. Within that herd a hierarchy established by ancient deer who knew how to create rule systems that last long after an ancient deer 's death maintains territory. As good as that all becomes for some the lack of choice and over generations not being the center of such a group has a high toll and price which often involves the taking of life of a fawn. Constraints do make creativity as royal deer know but mostly of the wicked type done with a gleeful play, friendly tug and if circumstances merit a removal, cut or entanglement to maintain the system. In the forest freely frolicking from group to group leaving some things unknown creates opportunities with few consequences. Adding a royal layer to mold deer to a purpose not of their own making enhances a type of creating that results in vast changes to relationships and a threat to royal power. Enslaved deer either submit or they elevate to a game. There can be only one in those games...

The Deer Knew

The leaves had fallen off the trees leaving shadowy grey images in the light before dawn and in the light before dusk. The paths followed well worn, well known, and had served well for play and raising fawns. Gazing from the ancient tree with hollow a deer could see the meanderings of any deer or deer group. The last couple of weeks had been different. The daily pattern had changed. For long periods of time no deer would travel along the wood paths. So, the paths filled with rabbits, squirrels, and squawking crows.

Where had the deer gone? A trot by the lake showed they had gathered there to play. No predators exist physically in the forest. Sometimes vague feelings of unease happen. As if pressure builds in the skull to the point and explosion happens right behind the ear. Often a dip in the lake removes the unease but this time unease had hit the lakeshore.

The deer instinctively knew their ability to frolic disappears with the unease spirit. Underwater excursions and pit playing became a favorite. It is said those that can fly high with a flyby also could shake it off. Most of all a good chortle with a good deer friend can do it too. Grass rolling, leg kicking, butt wriggling, and snorting puts a reducer on the unease. The Deer knew all those antics had a purpose but who would have thought a roll in the grass would do so much good.


Oh, the days grow dark early in the forest in preparation for an unusual winter. The squirrels gather more nuts than necessary storing their precious treasure in several areas of the forest. The frogs have added leaves to the pond to have additional blankets during their hibernation period. The rabbit dens have layer upon layer of grasses weaved to make more airspace in between the reeds for additional warmth. The pairing of deer continues because in a cold night two bodies are warmer together than one. Home and hearth seems to be the mandate by Mother Nature for days at a time with a few warm period interspersed to remind all winter does end and Spring comes. After such a winter, births of creativity emerge because everyone had a rest and time to think, to plan, to experiment. Nest fun seems so small and innocent until a deer wanders back out into the world and they realize it's prep for what is to come. Such intimacies remains the thing that makes a deer so deer.

Time of the snowflakes.


Good evening the deer said
Knowing that her love was dead

Bowed her head stepped aside
Doe walked off with a long stride

Stag ignored followed behind
Good evening you are a find

Flowing face legs of grace
Lay with me in yonder place

Doe says ordinary
I do not play or marry

To the long grass Doe went
Weary all emotion spent

Days moved passed safe at last
Live in present not the past

Restful sleep near the hill
Doe awakes and stag did fill

Love fog fills the Doe's mind
Rutting instinct did the bind

Poised and posed was the Doe
Stag intentions still not know

Ten days in others come
Dance begins near the tree hum

Doe makes for an escape
Stag steps up blocks with face cape

Whispered words by leader
Doe hears and heads to cedar

Bear it and a ring was said
Dishonoring her lover dead

Doe raged at the plan made
Family lines poisoned fade

Swore upon her lovers grave
She'd squash the head of that Knave Update 11/3/2020 Knave is squashed finally rah!

Put on Hold

Put on Hold

Oh how the Wind does blow
Whenever lies are told.
They lied to create a flow
A son or daughter sold.

So the Wind began to howl
To cover up the lies
Death showed up in its cowl
A Son or daughter dies.

The Wind became a gale
Liars continued on
The Cities began to fail
They All became a pawn

The raging Tempest grows
Ignoring truths well known
Stygian Nature sows
Civilization blown.

Oh how the Wind does blow
whenever truths are told
As Humans raise the low
and evil put on hold.

For those days when the breath of an alpha male two or four legged decides to blow. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Raiders versus Ancients Coming Soon......

On the whispering outside winds of the shrrroommmmm deer a new formation of activity in the forest has occurred. Dates all fluid but you will know. The third group is spectator deer. I hear the Aussies deer are attending for full acculturation. It seems language deer in the realm of forests down under decided to convert to technology deer and planted selves in Dallas forest. As we all know technology deer always have access to secret forests through the graphic artists deer. Once all in cyber space location will not matter. Rutting season 2020 disruption style. Raiders versus Ancients... Now that everyone has to wear a mask on some occasions how shall the deer distinguish now hmmm


Shromm, shroom --SHROOM went the wind in the Endless Forest. The change at long last had come. In joyous rebellion, the 38 deer danced across the forest floor announcing they had responded to instinct physically. As the romping and the twerking became in synch other deer sat and swayed to the unheard but definitely felt beat. Like the ocean endlessly kissing the shore they began the age-old ancient rhythm in new form for the next generation.

The ancient deer laughed as they remembered how it had been done to them.


Rolling in the grass near the pond while watching fawns hop to and fro brings up two perspectives while laying on your furry backside. Being a wondering deer often brings up that overly critical dissertation thinking that compares things in way that by the time one is through you propose you should have never been born. Pondering on the other hand makes a deer question and then go look for answers.

You get up and you wander around. You make notes. You become so noted but not noticed. That puts one in the realm of ancient deer.

Ancient deer of the skull face, grinning teeth and horns protruding skyward in defiance of some unknown god floating who knows where but possibly in the ruins invisible roofing cause wonder. They do things apart and together that get notices even when they are just sitting. You can feel their ancient mind putting forth invisible persona boundaries before you ever see them. You will find yourself veering off in an orthogonal manner if you try to head straight for one who does not wish to interact. It becomes quite a game trying to get to them for a run through. At one time someone discovered how to make flying deer and other the ancient ones they would hoover and then drop. Once done with fun one will find one self invisibly directed to areas of the forest for nexus making. When enough of that happens, a gathering occurs and in a moments notice all the deer everywhere begin to dance. Some alone while others form long lines or rings and all over the forest shaking deer booty everywhere. Just the exact opposite of the dignified ancient deer face. Sometimes the ancient deer would participate but other times they would go to the graveyard and sit or sit on the hill nearby and admire the stone work of the graves.

So we move to pondering once that experience is done. Why did my deer do that? Those of us who do not wish to be puppet deer for a game we do not understand just do something different we prefer over the imaginary director.

The bower

While running to and fro through the many trees a pleasant shady area with climbing tendrils in a field of blue flowers behind the Mother idol a deer can meet the most intriguing deer. As lovely as the Indus Valley 5000-year-old deer art is what is even more lovely is when you meet the bowing deer in the bower. Unlike any other deer, the gracefulness of the bow with a sweep either before or after lets one know a prince of deer has arrived. Never alone a set of companions with complex antics surround the ancient face of bone and teeth and antlers looking like tree branches to the sky. Even despite the fun, the aura of dignity and integrity oozes out from such.

Those gatherings are unlike any others. A whole hierarchy of complex relationships becomes apparent. A whole system of movements between the ancient players speaks of interactions long ago, of what is new and what was. Some things remain though an ancient one is gone a part of their movement remains with the other deer. Often like Watchers, they would strategically place deer selves in areas where they could observe other interactions. Like knights of old a code of existence becomes noticed. Rising at once play or a mock war would begin with deer from all realms running to take the side of the one that watched over them. During the fall near the ruins, games of fierceness would begin and the deer would be traded to other Watcher Ancient deer. During the same era, many ancient deer would gather and meet for serious forest business.

It is said the ancient faced deer began at the moment of birth of the game. One moment chaos and in the next there the ancient deer were in full glory. Glory lasts forever in actions and deeds across the fields. Those deer that have witnessed those events stand on spots and remember when an area was filled with the ancient deer circle and its ways.

The Bower blesses and a deer begins to develop their own bow and sweep.
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