
. The Rut 2024 . (Date Vote!)

Aru's picture

Distractions and school

Lately I've been finding it really difficult with staying on top of my studies. As a result I completely botched two exams last trimester and I've found myself having to do resits, which I've never had to do before. The pass mark was already insanely low initially, but I couldn't even do that and the pass percentage has increased as a result. Anything that distracts me will have me on another tangent for an hour until I can sit myself down, only to focus for a grand total of half an hour until I get distracted again. It didn't really help that I was just sort of constantly talking with my friends on voice calls-- I found it hard to focus on them and on my content at the same time. I've tried stopping that altogether for a bit as I get ready for my last re-sit, but the issue still glares at me with things not making sense and not being able to get my act together. It makes me feel really directionless and "lazy" like what some people might call it.

I just don't really know what to do, especially with my parents. I tried to argue that I would like to take a lower load (so that I can have more time to improve my grades and not feel like a total failure), but my mum just said that I had no excuse because I didn't have a job or any other commitments outside of school. Which is, while true, really sad for my GPA; I was doing really well when I had a lower course load, which is to be expected, but feeling like I was winning at something really did help with doing things. I understand they just want me to "finish on time", but now I'm just barely scraping by for other courses again (and failed some others) and it feels really horrid. That sense of failure is really... something. Looming over you.

I don't really want to have to chase up the courses I failed, but with the way things are going and my mindset, I might have to. My last re-sit still felt really uncertain and I didn't manage to answer all the questions properly.

Question from a newbie

Hello! I'm new to this game and everything to do with it, only recently discovering it and downloading both legacy and updated versions of the game. I'll cut to the chase and make my question brief.

How do you customize your deer? I see people that have like all kinds of colors and even deer skulls for faces, but I am stuck as a default/fawn. Can someone please explain? Tysm!
Jeweleye's picture

14 Years had Passed

Hello everyone,

Two days ago, on May 29th, my deer avatar, Jeweleye turned 14 years old. I have played this game for a long time, beginning in 2010. I have been an active player and member of this game and community. Many of my Forest Friends are long gone, but I hope they will return someday. I miss them dearly. Over the years, I have enjoyed helping many players keep their new avatar appearances. I have made new friends along the way too.

In 2017, with the new 5th generation of pictograms, I introduced Widmung into the forest. He is my second oldest avatar acquired during the Halloween festival. With both of my deer characters, I am continuing to help the next generation of new players into the Forest.

I have many memorable moments from the past and enjoy making more now. I hope that this game will continue its support so we can play it long into the future. I thank the creators of this game. They are trying their best to resolve the issues on the remake of The Endless Forest.

Best wishes to you all and I will see you soon in the Forest! Smiling

How to Get Useful Answers to Your Questions

To get useful answers to your questions, it's crucial to be clear and specific about what you're asking. Provide context and relevant details to help others understand your inquiry fully. Research your question beforehand to ensure it hasn't been answered already, and ask in the appropriate forum or to the right person. Be respectful and courteous in your approach, encouraging others to engage with your query. Lastly, be open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives or solutions. By following these guidelines, you increase the likelihood of receiving insightful and helpful responses to your questions.

Getting useful answers to your questions often depends on how you frame your inquiries and how you engage with the person you're asking. Here are some tips:

1. Be Clear and Specific: Make sure your question is clear and specific to avoid ambiguity. Vague or overly broad questions can lead to unclear or irrelevant answers.

2. Provide Context: Offer context or background information to help the person understand the purpose of your question. This can lead to more relevant and insightful answers.

3. Ask One Question at a Time: Avoid asking multiple questions in one go, as this can overwhelm the person and make it difficult for them to provide a focused response. Ask one question at a time and wait for a complete answer before moving on to the next one.

4. Listen Actively: Pay attention to the person's response and listen actively. Avoid interrupting or jumping to conclusions. This shows respect and encourages the person to provide more detailed and thoughtful answers.

5. Encourage Elaboration: If the person's answer is brief or unclear, ask follow-up questions to encourage them to elaborate further. This can help uncover additional insights and perspectives.

AI Cyber Deer

Have you heard or have you experienced the AI Cyber Deer? It creeps around the edges of forests. It unlocks the entrance and by passes the greetings . It leaves doodles everywhere it walks. Crashes in the forest. Deer suddenly freezing. Flashing that prevent our dashing. It loves the visual expressions of our deer play by stealing them blending with a thousand others. Worse it undoes the ecosystem of the forest hidden. It is a chaos deer created for maelstorming. Who can mentor that so each can have a bit of chaos when they choose? It will not leave but only sleeps then reignites when someone does something new... It gathers it.

Unravel then Rebuild

Life has a way of unraveling despite protests and plans. The forest no different in that life cycle. Usuallytransitions with anger and reborn in anger. All indicators to rebuild. Relationships mattered in the forest ecosystem. How we played and interacted. How we greeted one another. How we let some fawn hide and watch while others received a mentor. If one deer wished to have pride so be it. If one wanted to fly, fall down, roll on their back in a fit of giggles we celebrated that with a dance. If a deer needed pride we made sure they had an opportunity to be prideful. If they needed to be brave a group formed to charge the twin gods. If a group draws bloody pictures it was allowed and if they wished another deer dead or the side dead we allowed that for a time. Reads like a painful rebirth. It will be a similar ecosystem but not the same. Deer will be coming in from the other place in pain and loss.

Unravel then Rebuild

Life has a way of unraveling despite protests and plans. The forest no different in that life cycle. Usuallytransitions with anger and reborn in anger. All indicators to rebuild. Relationships mattered in the forest ecosystem. How we played and interacted. How we greeted one another. How we let some fawn hide and watch while others received a mentor. If one deer wished to have pride so be it. If one wanted to fly, fall down, roll on their back in a fit of giggles we celebrated that with a dance. If a deer needed pride we made sure they had an opportunity to be prideful. If they needed to be brave a group formed to charge the twin gods. If a group draws bloody pictures it was allowed and if they wished another deer dead or the side dead we allowed that for a time. Reads like a painful rebirth. It will be a similar ecosystem but not the same. Deer will be coming in from the other place in pain and loss.
Jepha's picture

Personal Blog-ish

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