
Serpulalacrymans's picture

Autumn Fire

The air is cold against my face
The leaves crisp beneath my hooves
The sweet smell of decay on the air
Laced with the warming scent of smoke.

Beautiful orange streaks dancing
Destructive yet loving to life
The flames wash over the forest
What was once warm now burned fiercely.

Spring has come, snow melting away
The burnt forest still remains
However the forest is blessed with ash
New life sprouts and deer are thriving.

Something so beautiful, yet dangerous
Destruction leads to creation after all
Life is sacrificed to birth a new beginning
May deer young and old never grow hungry

Demented Deer Musings Part2

The Deer and I were drinking a little bit. Well to be exact, one case of de plantis Vodka, 5 cases of pond beer for chasers and a case of creek gin. WE didn't drink all of that of course. There was a half a bottle of creek gin left that someone had dropped behind the twin gods. There was 12 deer there___five boy stags and 7 lucious ewes. This one stag was known as a cutter, cut in line, cut in the air, cut through pond just cut and he owned a French Deer Shop (specialized pelts with the mardi gras mask and then end up the spotted sexy swag coat). About 3:39 am in the morning ( see Other and he is there he woke me up)

Thank you

thank you so much for whoever help me !^^
i am very greatful. again thank you so much !

i hate to ask but can someone help with my deers look.
all i need is the candles and dotd pelt.

Demented Deer musings Part 1

I am feeling kind of sad tonight you wanna know why? My deer gal got a crew cut today. You see it all started at the big dance around the ole oak tree. We were holding a fawn birthday party. I lighted her up with a peacock coat almost original. To be frank I bribed one of the ancient deer who have those skull heads with the especially large antlers. I do not know it it was original or not but I traded a couple of hours of keeping watch near the pond for it and took my place in the rumble near the ruins. My 1946 mask from fawn kindergarten and a genuine almost as good as metal monogrammed hold a stick leg pouch with only one crack in it. Any how it started at the deer dance
SacredMorningStar's picture

[Intro to the Mun]

Hais there

Name's Rio


Writing, Reading, Drawing



Impire Empire Pending Come Join...bring your best riddles

The deer near the blue bonnet grotto surrounded by large aspen trees slowly meandered among the flowers till they each found a spot to look out from. The ivy had grown so much over the last year from some angles it made the tree appear as a conifer. The day had been especially taxing as the red crossed hare mask deer repeatedly charged up the hill at the twin gods. Formed as a brigade with impish intensity they assaulted the twin gods to make some point only the imp deer know. For a time the forest sound became impire with chortles, gurgles, tricksters and wanderers frolicking around. Impire Empire lead the days with belly laughs( deer falls backwards and wriggles almost a sexual invite but not quite just a good tease) and while meditating and contemplating.... well deer fell out of the trees. So for a time we had Raindeer all around the pond daily. They would sit up in the tree branches or the fortune cookie shaped leafage waiting. Once under the tree you could not see them so you learned to get on top of a mound or another deer and look first. Then the imp deer learned to fly. dropping down a bit they would chase you into the forest. In mass at least eleven of them would group, fall to the ground on their backs and do the wriggle. If you came near by they would hop up.and neck snuggle. After a few moments all would begin to dance. Like Hotel California you could not leave till the head deer said so. You danced and danced and danced. The imp deer would take over so much almost all the deer present in the fores would dance all at once like some magical spell in some fairy deer land set in motion by one innocent fawn exploring out of curiosity. I being from a major imp family chose to run around most gleefully defying having a mentor deer after capture.

Write your name

The Mars Rover they put away. It has some power left but they won't let anyone play. I want to write my name in the Martian sands so.................................

In the Endless Forest red ground exists and it has a few bare spots. With just one simple Tkinter program the deer could write their name in the red sand....

Not forever....just awhile...and then some thing or someone wipe it ...

For Deer Trump :)

Python 3
recursive technique
nested functions

def spam1 ():

def spam2():

def spam3():
z =" evn more spam"
return z

y = " more spam"
y += spam3()
return y

x = "spam"
x += spam2()
return x


spam more spam even more spam

Death Loved Life (Intro)

I've been thinking of starting a discord server for the game, that way some of us can have easy contact with deer we met in-game/befriend those we've met. I'm still getting myself situated back in the game currently, though it would be nice to have someone to hang out with! Depending on the time of day/night most are available.

Now to the relevance of the title, I wanted to write a story/blog entry of two deer that represent life and death, my own lore behind the Endless Forest. Though I will be busy a tad bit, I have many ideas to put and do and if some people would like to join me, you are more than welcome to help out a fellow deer in-game and/or discussing things here, or in a different social media platform.

The Endless Forest is very peaceful, with it, it helps many creative thoughts come into my head. As a artist, it also helps me with ideas for my own comic (which I am secretly working on), before I start blabbering on and on, please tell me your opinions of these! I can't wait to hear from all of you Smiling

Prose to the survivor of dead deer mate

The skating the pond deer is no more. Took his last glide across the waters and now navigates somewhere in the mist of the heavens. Taking the deer helm he steers the mighty deer ship across billows of clouds with a smirky grin like a possum caught foraging behind a tree. Coupled 40 years with a she deer who had the ways of the wanderer and the charm of a madam without teeth. Together they danced and made music in forest realms surrounding their home spot. Taking deerlets in they mentored, nurtured and soothed till the fawns could run out independently on their own. Though the fur become tainted with gray and silver their impish spirits did not.

Now alone she who wails and beys across the forest alone tis discovering she has to go on and the hagfish deer have gathered with their steely smiles and nice platitudes surrounding her and like Dorthy Parker deer finds she must Resume:

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.
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