Michael Samyn's picture

TEF II step 11

Bugs got fixed, features got tweaked and leaves, doves and squirrels were added. Small but necessary steps.

Full report on the dev log.
Free access for backers.
Michael Samyn's picture

TEF II step 10 - it's Christmas!

There's a special update on the development log describing the tedious process of creating a dedicated server in Unreal Engine. The good news is that it works and that you can try it out! Later today, we will email each backer a download link for a pre-alpha test build of The Endless Forest II (only Phase One, don't get excited Eye ). But if you can't wait, or missed our message, please send email to The.Endless.Forest at Tale-of-Tales and we will send you a link.

Merry Christmas and a super New Year!

— Michaël & Auriea.
Michael Samyn's picture

Tef II step 9

With forest sounds, graves and idols, intersection effects and border icons, Phase One is nearly complete.
Full report on the dev log.
Free access for backers.

Enjoy the holidays in The Forest. They may be the last in this engine!

Michael Samyn's picture

TEF II step 8

We have added almost all the plants and trees of Phase One in Unreal.
Full report on the dev log.
Michael Samyn's picture

TEF II Step 7

We have added Emotions and Activities. So now deer can dance in Unreal too!
More in the dev log.
Michael Samyn's picture

TEF II step 6

There's a new progress report about the remake of the game on the dev log, accessible for free to backers of the Second Decade.

We have added hyacinths, the ground of Phase One and the Ename church ruin.

It's starting to look like our forest!

Michael Samyn's picture

Pictogram generations

As many of you know, the pictograms that identify deer in The Endless Forest are regularly updated. This way the era when you started playing becomes part of your deer's identity. Pictograms are not just decorations, they are names that belong to a single character. This is why we discourage donating or trading pictograms. They are part of the story of the Forest.

So please, do not try to acquire pictograms from previous generations, or any pictograms that were registered by somebody else.

They are not commodities. They are identities.
Please respect that.
And add to the story of The Forest over time.

Thank you.

Michaël Samyn.
Michael Samyn's picture


I'm overjoyed to announce that the fundraising for the Second Decade of The Endless Forest is now complete! The whole game will be remade in Unreal Engine!

Fundraising continues on http://endlessforest.org/fundraising/ towards adding new features.

Thank you all!

Michaël & Auriea.
Michael Samyn's picture

TEF II step 5

We have posted an update on the remake of The Endless Forest in Unreal Engine here: http://olt.lt/ms/the-unreal-forest-step-5
Access is free for backers.
Join them if your haven't yet: http://endlessforest.org/fundraising/

TL;DR? Forest Magic! All of it. Implemented!

Michael Samyn's picture

Raising funds for the Forest

The IndieGogo campaign to remake The Endless Forest with new technology closed with an amazing 86% of its target collected. That's fantastic! Thank you all for your support.

This means that the remake will definitely happen!

I'm sure we can count on you to collect the remainder of the budget now that we have a bit more time. You can do that here.


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