Ephra's picture

Home again, 21

Is there a place you visit often when you daydream? I think this is one of mine.
Sighthoundlady's picture

Weather Report! [Sunny and Dry!]

This post is to talk about TEF weather. It's for everybody. Post your weather pictures, or give us alerts when the weather changes.


i hope you gets alot of candy XD
i sure did
please enjoy my halloween gift from me to you
Sithrim's picture

Our Mother.

It is meant to be one of the Twin Gods. I always see Auriea as a Mother, naturally, and so, I always see her pregnant. Well for me she is constantly. I don't think we can notice it, she just looks bulky-looking I think...
Anyway this is for Auriea. (:
Thanks for those who watched me do it and gave advices haha.
Aphnel's picture

I - A silent stalker

My Sleaze encountering Imp for the first time ~.
A little doodle made out of boredom.
Also one more pic under the cut.
eyestrain's picture


When we are together, it feels much closer than this. But I am unable to capture the same unexpected intimacy.
eyestrain's picture

portrait of the artist as a young stag

excuse the terrible pun in the title
Hubalaboo's picture

Michael and Auriea

Thank you for the Endless Forest Smiling
Michael Samyn's picture

Forest Map works again

We managed to get the real-time map of the Forest working again. It had been broken since our move to the new server. Please let us know if you notice any problems.
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