gurgelin's blog

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My little inspirational/uplifting video collection

Are you pretty?

A pep talk for you!

Europe dances together. (Call me cheezy but I was dancing too)

The world is awesome <3

Save Busuu!

You give a little love and it all comes back to you. Every movie should end like this. <3 If you haven't seen this movie I will tell you that Pies = Guns.

I am addicted to multilanguage disney songs. Don't they just make you happy? ♥

Christian the lion.

More multinational love.
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Gurgy Art Trades TM (Currently: Closed)

Hi guys I want friendship! How about an art trade?

Please observe that my art fluctuates heavily and is bound to be messy so please don't expect any masterpieces! Also it might take me forever to finish it.. xD

I'll trade with anyone so don't be shy please Smiling It's first come first serve. Just one spot for now.
CLOSED for the time being. No calling ahead, please! (I'm sorry about this but it stresses me out to have stuff ahead of me and really puts a block on my creative juices.)

Pending trades:


First trade: Rice for Rice


Rice in water!
This was a lot of fun to do!! Smiling Rice's design is so great, I loved getting more closely aqcuainted with it. I made her coat too red, but my opinion kept telling me, brighter, brighter, make it brighter, NO it still needs to be BRIGHTER! So here we are.
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Ringthing the durrsona

Hello and welcome to what will be Ringthing's page. Also my own personal page!
This place is bound to stay in construction and full of clutter for a while so I wouldn't hold my breath on this one!

On the left, a concept thing before I had actually put her in the forest. My durrsona. Basically, me in deer form! Yes this is exactly what I look like.. Always with a banana behind my ear and epic stalker goggles strapped to my head. Duhh! Smiling On the right, her look in forest. I love it! ♥
Fanart (lol, I am delusional) can be made in either version.

With Ringthing, what you see is what you get. You may interpret her actions freely. I don't intend to explain them.
She doesn't have a name in particular; I call her Ringthing for the shape of her picto.
She is often a paparazzi deer so remember to smile, folks!
You're always welcome to tag along!

Okay, I said I wouldn't explain her actions but I need to explain this.
Signs that she is in camera mode:
She runs away from you when you get close. (It's impossible to see anyone within a few metres.)
She is non-responsive when you try to interact up close. (Same as above.)
She prods the ground and runs away. ("I want you to stand in this spot.")
She has a twin, or one of my other deer is assisting her. (Although this isn't always the case.)
She is moving strangely, often backwards, and rotating jaggedly. (Trying to get a good angle.)

If this is the case (and you want your picture taken), stay in your spot (or wherever she's trying to put you) and start showing off your style. Yeah, baby!
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A shout-out to a sweetheart fawn: Rose987

I hope you will see this and register! Your fawn is such a sweetie and has a wicked sense of style xD

Don't fall off now!


My doe and I want to see you again! <3
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Flyleaf in drag screenshots

Flyleaf the beautiful drag queen!

Flyleaf: "Does this pelt make my butt look big?"
Bloo: *barf*


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Mr. Stag bio WIP (Tavros)

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This is a diary entry that became too long and too lame to put on the bio page. Warning of bad and completely uninteresting writing. Don't feel obliged to read, please.


October 12:

Salli?? Where's...?

I finally pick up your scent after days without a word, and you just HAD to be in the direction of the ruins, hadn't you.

I rush towards that foul place. If the blue ones have you, I'll, I'll...! "Rip their hearts out"? Where did that thought come from? Okay, NO. No heart-ripping. Absolutely NOT. I'm just gonna get in there and get you out, quick as a flash.

I screech to a halt as I suddenly see blue shapes looming straight ahead on the hill. My heart is in my throat.. blue... the blue ones? My head is soaring. No, they look different, don't they? More vibrant, and there are others. They're resting? But it's too close, no, this is dangerous, I should...

One of them gets up, moves in my direction. Stares. I'm backing up. I sniff the air, I know Salli is here! My little pal... I can smell you. Are you among them? If my eyes didn't tell me otherwise, that would have been my guess. But there is no sight of your light tawn little body.

I throw myself into action, leaping in a circle around the hill. Maybe you're sleeping safely behind a tree on the other side? The staring deer follows my motion. Stop that! I'm looking for a fawn, not a fight! But suddenly. That face, isn't it...?

Oh. Goodness. Salli, oh wow, how you've grown! Hahaha. Oh, yeah, hey! Uhh yeah I was gonna come greet you in a minute, I was just checking out these logs back over here, for uhh... nevermind! You didn't have to just stand there and stare at me like that, you know! Howsabout coming up to say hi to your old friend, eh?? ...What are you talking about, I wasn't cringing and backing away! Why would I do that, you silly? That should be your name, "Silly", not Salli. Ahahaha.

Oh jeez, and what are you wearing? Let's get you fixed up, shall we?
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Hilarious antics (screenshot heavy)

<--- This is music for those who like listening to music.

- A screenshot blog post


Vodun & Bloo

And introducing special guest stars Karuna & Shamiya!

Thank you for watching, you've been a wonderful audience!
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