gurgelin's blog

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It's an Endless Mononoke Forest? (AMV)

This forest feels eerily familiar in some ways, doesn't it?

(I love this brilliant AMV. Had to share!)
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What do you listen to when playing TEF?

I'm curious... do you listen to music while playing TEF? If so, what do you listen to?

I'm mostly curious cause I wanna find some nice, non-intrusive music that works with the atmosphere of the game. ^^ So far I've been listening to some generic calm piano music that I found on Spotify. It really adds an extra dimension of relaxation, I think. <3 But I'm not really well-versed in this genre of music. Does anyone have any suggestions? Smiling
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Once in a {Bloo} moon - WIP

working on css and everything else
sorry for occasional css update-spamming
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Hello from a fawn

Um... hello? I am very new! So I thought I should introduce myself a little. But I don't really know how to go about all of these blog entry settings and what-not, so please bear with me if I make mistakes.
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