Hilarious antics (screenshot heavy)

gurgelin's picture
<--- This is music for those who like listening to music.

- A screenshot blog post


Vodun & Bloo

And introducing special guest stars Karuna & Shamiya!

Thank you for watching, you've been a wonderful audience!
shaku's picture

LOL. You even made GIFs! XD

LOL. You even made GIFs! XD This is so brilliant. Best tree antics ever. The legs looked so freaking creepy XD

gurgelin's picture

It just didn't manage to look

It just didn't manage to look as funny with just still images! ^^ I wish I had gotten some better screenshots though, those gifs could be a lot better. xP

Creepy? Well, yes, but..! More like hilarious!! x'D

*Equal parts disturbed and

*Equal parts disturbed and amazed, really.*

That first GIF.... xD Until I saw the second one I didn't even notice what was odd about it.