Diary Entry

coming back after a decade

i found this game as a kid so soo long ago. literally like 10 years ago give or take. and the joy i get finding out it still has a community and even plans for the future...
i downloaded on a whim way after i shoulda gone to bed and hopped around for a bit with someone and it was just as pleasant and relaxing as i remember. hoping to immerse myself at *least* a little bit<3 getting to know my deer and how he will develop as time passes and all that. developing myself as a person too by making my first ever post to a forum in the year 2023 cuz its never too late for anything


Hello, hello!

I just found out about this game today. what a fun concept! i've only played a couple minutes so far but i've had a lot of fun exploring Smiling

i've seen a few deer around! some were fawns like me, but others were all grown up with the craziest styles. i came here right after seeing them to find out how i can look as cool as them Laughing out loud

turns out i just need to give it some time haha who'd of thought haha

anyways, all the deer i've seen so far have been pretty sleepy. they didn't even wake up when i said hello or jumped around! who knew deer were such deep sleepers haha

i'm gonna keep running around for a while Smiling

see ya in the forest!


Jeweleye's picture

13 Years Have Passed

Dear fellow players,

Today marks my 13th anniversary for being on this game and community since 2010. I have played this game for such a long time. I hope everyone is well. For years, I have helped numerous players keep their physical avatar appearances and giving candles for new players. I wonder if there is a way for me to still become a backer for the new version of The Endless Forest. I hope to enjoy playing the game in the years ahead and seeing my old friends and making new ones.

May the Lord bless you with peace, prosperity, and joy.

See you in the forest. Smiling


I regret making a late night dinner that consisted of just, resturant style ramen? Gods I don't know how to describe my cooking.

Birthday boy

Our younger brother, Hvoshch Knigochei, has grown up this night, so the family has a small cozy gathering not far from the The Great Singing Tree to celebrate. We will be glad to cuddle with more creatures to feel even cozier if there are any who want to join!
His name looks so terrible in transliteration x) It means Horsetail the bookworm. You can listen to the pronunciation here.

December-January TEF sketches

Sleeping buddies
Tarter, Sanga, Podorojnik

Sketches for future characters, paper ones were done at work:

My post keeps getting deleeeted

Can antibiotics see me?

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