~Monster Among Beauty~

gglidden's picture
A HUGE thanks to .Sam. for fixing the css...since I suck at it. <3. All the information is back.

I seriously need to teach myself to update this old as hell bio more often...

!!Warnings!!This bio may contain language, violence and gore. Characters that she doesn't know the name too will be in parentheses. Hydra's actions are IC 99% of the time. With the exception of helping others with their sets. I do take full responsibility of her behavior. If you have any problems, just let know at gliddengrace@gmail(dot)com

Physical100% - Emotional75% - Mental100% - stable

"After all this time, you still remember me. And look how much grown!"

(Player's note: Holy s***, i did not update this in two freakin years)

5/22/18: Been enjoying Gunarr's company after re-visiting the forest.

2/17/16: Many months have passed since the last time she saw some of her family. Wonders where they are and hopes they're ok. Misses them very dearly.

10/11/2016: About a week ago, the she dragon was surprised to see Mitty approach her. Felt a little better after seeing the little dragonling has grown up some. Followed the little one to a group of others (who'm i can't remember all the names sorry :c). She could tell that he wanted to play with another small deer, but Dardan was nearby and so the she kept watch. Seemingly out of nowhere, a large stag (who was part of the group earlier) got into a fight with Dardan. This lasted for a time when some others tried to break them apart. Their efforts were futile as the two continued to brawl. Hydra felt sure that this fight had nothing to do with the rut; felt too serious for that. After standing there and watching, Hydra decided to leap into the fight and go straight for Dardan. Her goal was to give a taste of his medicine when he charged at Hydra when she was already busy fighting (Midas). Hyprocrite deserved it. Felt a mixture of victory and still wanting to tear out Dardan's throat.

9/25/2016: Woken up in a bit of a daze, then realized that her wounds (or lack there of), no longer hurt. How did she heal so quickly, and seemingly after sleeping? Will have to ask Rose when she feels a bit better. For now she'll just try and calm herself down. Highly doubting this will be possible.

9/23/2016: Was nearby Rose, a canine (Brille) and and a fawn (Draugar). Not much else happened until Hydra spotted (Midas) at Rose's den and immediately panicked. Charged right up to the canine stag to get that stag to fuck off! Then a fight broke out and both continuously charged at one another all around the tree. Another stag jumped in (Fletcher) and for a moment Hydra dreaded that he was after. Thankfully he was also charging at (Midas). HA! Two on one! Eventually Rose heard the commotion and stepped in as well. Now it's three on one, a fight where Midas will have no choice but to back the hell down. Noticed (Erieda) watching from the distance and as much as the she dragon wanted to rip out that doe's throat, she ignored her. (Midas) backed away moments before (Dardan) appeared and charged at Hydra. This shocked the she dragon. She thought him and Rose were friends at one point? Became even more pissed off. What a fucking coward. He only stepped in after she was already fighting (Midas). Had a head-on collision with the large stag. Bites, clawing, head butting. This fight was more vicious than with (Midas). Then as suddenly as the brawl started (with Rose and Fletcher going after Dardan) it ended. Either Hydra won this fight or Dardan wizened up and lost interest. Whatever. At least those fuckers left.

9/20/2016: Shortly after wandering around as a crow she caught scent of Rose and and enemy... After transforming back into her usual form she wastes no time to investigate what was going on. Could clearly see Rose was being attacked by (Erieda). This is all she needed to know before barging in and viciously attacking. It was now 2 on 1 so the she dragon knew that the other had to quit eventually. The fight ended but soon after both Rose and Hydra found (Erieda) at Rose's den. Another scuffle broke loose. After some time passed it looked like (Erieda) was limping? Good. Serves her right. It was that moment that Hydra has had enough. Even after so many months of pretty much leaving these bastards alone they keep causing the dragon and her beloved ones trouble. Now, it was time for them to watch their backs...

3/8/2016: Have noticed (Wanda) stalking Rose much more intensely after the birth. Patience ran out when she woke up and sensed trouble at The Playground. Upon arrival she saw (Wanda) far too close to Rose and her daughter Cvijeta. Did not tolerate this bs especially after that one day when Rose told her that one day (Wanda) seemingly attacked Rose out of no where. Sounded like a completely unprovoked attack. With this in mind she immediately charged at the ghostly creature. Wasn't sure how to ward off a phantom-like creature, but that sure as hell did not stop her from trying. Thankfully (Wanda) left leaving Hydra feeling very agitated and very protective.

3/6/2016: Witnessed the birth of Rose's fawns. Felt very proud of her.

1/27/2016: Has been feeling rather stressed these past days. Been trying to find a suitable tree for Rose since it's clear she'll be giving birth soon. Wasn't very successful until recently she feels sure she's found a vacant, and has decided to guard it for a while. The thought that those lizards might still be lurking somewhere in forest puts her on edge. On top of that she's witnessed (Hammel) and (Vittani) hunting smaller individuals. Great. More predators. Was resting with Rose when (Vittani) was nearby. Did not like how close she was so she stood and watched carefully. Was not going to let her anywhere near a pregnant Rose. When the lizard-like doe didn't leave she huffed, snarled, and swung her antlers at her as means of intimidation. Didn't work. Became physical and charged at her a few times. Considering that her target was much smaller than her she probably missed a few times and received some nasty bites on her feet and ankles. Ouch. The skirmish was short-lived and the lizard doe left.

1/16/2015: A lazy day for the most part while relaxing with Rose and (Thais) some new faces near the Crying Idol. That is until she heard a commotion and woke up to see two familiar lizard predators hunting down the two does. Immediately charged at the them, switching between targets until they retreated. Stressed that two large predators are at large, and that Rose and her unborn child(ren) could be in danger.

1/7/2016: Greeted Rose and nuzzled her after responding to her call. Stood there for a few moments when a blue colored dragon approached, said hello to Rose, then nuzzled her. Immediately felt suspicious and on edge. Didn't know who this was. Then the dragon said he was Mandel, but she did not believe him right away. Both her and Rose quizzed the stranger to see if it really was Mandel reincarnated. Apparently it was. She figured that reincarnation was possible in this world as well. The interaction was too much for Rose and she suddenly fainted. Hydra felt relieved when she was still breathing thank god. Used this time to question Mandel on who killed him. Sure enough her suspicions were correct....it was Maggot. She also received much more information on how that monster works. Feels on edge about the whole ordeal. Feels that it's urgent to rid the forest of that nasty thing.

I / II / III / IV / V

Real Name: Unknown, goes by Hydra

Sex: Female

Voice: Modified Moro's voice.

Species: Wyvern dragon with Chimeric-like features.

Size: 2 meters at the shoulder. Size Reference.

Alignment: May seem evil, though more towards Chaotic Neutral. Can be dangerous to anyone.

Pelicann's picture

That's pretty terrifying. I

That's pretty terrifying. I love it. Would love to know more about her Laughing out loud
LambFleece's picture

Beautiful art there. Track of

Beautiful art there. Track of interest~ C:

Avvie by Hadoukin

Hnng... You already know how

Hnng... You already know how much I love this character. ♥
kinda miss her antlers, tho.
LunarPriestess's picture

It's wonderful. I love

It's wonderful. I love magical creatures.
This art looks so beautiful.
My character descendant of chimeras. She looks like a chimera, but she with one lion head, has body of deer and serpent tail.
gglidden's picture

Pelicann: Thanks.

Pelicann: Thanks. c:
LambFleece: Thank you very much, I had a lot of drawing this in my sketchbook.
Sam: Yeah...but I'm not sure if the antelrs really worked for he. Next time I draw her I might give her antelope antlers, or maybe a combination of the two.
LunarPriestess: I loved magical creatures ever since I was little. Dragons were one of my favourites. c:
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Poppyflower's picture

This is a really interesting

This is a really interesting concept. Tracking ^^
the information you put at the top reminds of me of Scylla
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
gglidden's picture

Thanks Poppy. c: Oh yyeeaaah

Thanks Poppy. c:
Oh yyeeaaah I remember Scylla. I never really liked English Literature class, but I was always fascinated about greek mytholgy, and I enjoyed reading those stories. If I were to put a full blown history on her bio (not sure if I will) her past might have a greek mythology feel to it.
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
OkamiLugia's picture



gotta track this before i

gotta track this before i forget. uvu

loveeeee her art gg <3
din's picture

mm mama

mm mama
gglidden's picture

OkamiLugia, Tornpaw, Din:

OkamiLugia, Tornpaw, Din: Thanks guys. ^^
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")

The entity doe carefully

The entity doe carefully sneaked up to the offended-looking intimidating creature.
"I have no idea why did she attacked at you, I am sorry about that..," Severa spoke carefully with mild fear as she bowed her head down to the creature. She wasn't really fond of having to make enemies.

[[This counts as a track. Lovin' her design!]]
gglidden's picture

The tall slender serpent is a

The tall slender serpent is a creature of few words. She remained where she sat and did not move her head. Her fierce red eyes, however, quickly glanced at the thin one close by. She let out a faint growl and simply replied, "I go where I please" and left it at that.

Hello there Jennie, sorry for the late reply, I've been busy these past couple of days, and thank you for the track. I had a lot of fun drawing her. ^^
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")

Nice to meet with Hydra

Nice to meet with Hydra today! And maybe it was not very friendly meeting. c: My Demoness wanted to make a friendship. q_q oh

Tracking. I like her concept.
gglidden's picture

Hi there Draconia. C: It was

Hi there Draconia. C: It was neat to meet Ractera! Sorry that Ractera couldn't make a new friend today. Hydra's personality includes one hell of a bad temper. >.<
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
ima_eat_u_beware's picture

Think it's time I tracked

Think it's time I tracked this girl xD Sorry for my Cavallo. He can't seemed to stop pestering her.
gglidden's picture

Aha! I've been wanting to

Aha! I've been wanting to know who that stag was! Nice to meet you by the way. Sorry for the late response, been busy trying to build her bio....but CSS is a pain.
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Vala 's picture

You drawing is in the art

You drawing is in the art gallery...
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

.Sam.'s picture


Signature by Butterbrot

gglidden's picture

Aww thank you sam. c:

Aww thank you sam. c:
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Sannosuke's picture

Hydra is surely terrifying!

Hydra is surely terrifying! The backstory you've crafted is very engaging and was an exciting read ^^ I really like your new art too! It sounds like she's quite twisted inside... I wonder if there is even a remnant of that magnificent healer inside of her...
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
ZakuroToshino's picture

The new art looks amazing!

The new art looks amazing! <3
gglidden's picture

Vala: Sorry for the late

Vala: Sorry for the late reply. Thank you though. c:

Sannosuke: Her backstory took me forever to type lol. Thank you. ^^

ZakuroToshino: Thanks. c:
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")

She looks so cool. One day

She looks so cool. One day I'll have enough balls to actually approach her in forest Lol. (excuse my french)
gglidden's picture

Thanks for the track Lesedi.

Thanks for the track Lesedi. c: Not always easy to approach a dragon, especially one with a bad temper lol.
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")

Woof! It was exciting to


It was exciting to interact with Hydra today. c:


Sig: Aihnna

gglidden's picture

Merp! Thanks guys. c:

Merp! Thanks guys. c:
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")

Well ... Hi. Sorry, you wrote

Well ... Hi. Sorry, you wrote that Iris has no horns. It makes me a bit annoying, because demoness has bone horns meter. If you have not found her BIO, it can be found through Raktera's (I have problems with the picts). I would be very grateful if you take it in fact ^^
gglidden's picture

Hello Iris. Yeah, I took that

Hello Iris. Yeah, I took that part out in the updates cause I remembered both Ractera AND Iris have antlers. My bad sorry. >.<
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")

Nothing, it's my fault that

Nothing, it's my fault that Pictou almost impossible to find ?)
OkamiLugia's picture

Incredible artwork gg!!!

Incredible artwork gg!!!
gglidden's picture

Ooky! Hi! Man I miss you, how

Ooky! Hi! Man I miss you, how have you been? C: And thank you a bunch. c:
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
SapphireSkye's picture


Avatar by Mary13!
gglidden's picture

Hello SapphireSkye. c:

Hello SapphireSkye. c:
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
OkamiLugia's picture

Miss you too c: I've been

Miss you too c: I've been okay, going to school/work and spending 99% of my free time on Dragon Age. You?
gglidden's picture

I've been searching for jobs

I've been searching for jobs and playing Guild Wars 2 and Borderlands 2 with friends.
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
OkamiLugia's picture

yuuuck I'm really not looking

yuuuck I'm really not looking forward to that after I graduate... And I was into GW2 for a long time last year! Haven't touched it since the last living world update though, and then before that it had been several months >> Will probably hop back into it once the new expansion comes out though!
snowbell's picture

-tracks all over-

-tracks all over-
Laughing out loud

He's just a curious blob

He's just a curious blob don't mind him <3

gglidden's picture

Snowbell: Weee! Good to see

Snowbell: Weee! Good to see you becoming a little more active Snow. c:

FoxOfTheStars: Hi there Fox, thanks for the track. c:
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
WayfarerHart's picture

So spooky! But I bet Starless

So spooky! But I bet Starless making a game out of tugging at her tail the other day didn't help haha.

gglidden's picture

Hello there Veedeer. c: Lol

Hello there Veedeer. c: Lol playing tug-o-war with a cranky dragon's tail is never a good idea. x3
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Modi's picture



*Secretly stalks*

*Secretly stalks*
gglidden's picture

I see you over there. >u>

I see you over there. >u>
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")


gglidden's picture


Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
IvyChain's picture


Track Smiling
Tavra's picture

Track this girl *O* Thanks

Track this girl *O*
Thanks for today, by the way. <: