Face Biter

Draak's picture


NoteHere is the tooltip text.
tl;dr Ongoing Marionette Plot Things:
=Followed Garai and Mar into a world unknown to her x2 after being promised f i t e. Overly enthused about it.
**=Learned TEF characters have human forms including Garai. Was weirded out and stuck her nose up at the idea because Humans are Weak Bags of Flesh. (She lacks a human form mostly because I havent come up with one yet)
=Learned what guns were. Yelled at Guns because Loud.
=Felt good because she ended up proving herself useful in battles and property destruction.
=Got massively confused and dumbfounded multiple times at what was basically eldritch horror.
=Had all her abilities tested against the Bosses. Did it for Grei
**=After being seriously burned by Wick after they went feral gained a grudge towards them.
The resulting retaliation of her and Umay attacking Wick after being burnt resulted in Set firing a gun at them both. Neira almost lost it in her enraged injured animal state thinking Set was trying to kill her again, but Set and Wick were whisked away. Her dislike of Set increased further.

Got patched up by Doc, Garai convincing her that if she didnt her face would fall off.

Major f i t e time teaming up with her uncles against multiple demons.

Ended up having a lot of adrenaline boosted fun, even if she came out looking like she tried to hug a cheese grater.

Spoke with both Uy and Grei about the Hector situation to get multiple opinions, ultimately leading her to go against her aunt and apologised to Hector alongside getting some of his side of the story out of him. Still feels guilty over her actions and learned one and a half lessons: try to get both sides of the story and to try and use her brains before her brawn.

Also still trying to get her head around the idea that she went against Grei's advice.

this is fine.gif
Things hit boiling point when Hector arrived to sit with them (Mar, Damia, Sig and Menace) causing Neira concern and inner turmoil for the safety of Damia, still believing Hector was a threat after what Grei told her. Knew Mar could keep Damia safe but her brain had a "but Grei" moment and she escorted Damia back to Greis den. Tl;dr made forest deaf by calling for Grei with Damia but Damia grumped back to Mar because no Grei.

Damia being a lil oblivious noodle started playing with Hector, causing Neira to get increasingly more agitated, ultimately resulting in her vocally lashing out at her great grandpa. Ultimately causing mass confusing and she stomped back to Grei's.

A while later roamed for a bit before noticing Hector had left the group, was briefly pleased until a distant quarrel involving him and a handful of others (Dorian, Umay, Aligheri and Hraeth's Plot Demon) caught her attention. Blinded by frustration and anger she charged in towards her distracted grandpa and proceeded to attack him regardless of the threat surrounding them. Tried multiple times to provoke him but failed, and she became more and more aggravated that he wasn't fighting back.

Was caught off guard by Umay briefly coming to Hector's rescue like a freight train, but their quarrel didn't last long, Hector standing between them while Neira tried to yell at him.

Ultimately didn't get any answers because of the situation at hand and once again stomped off to Grei's awaiting answers from Hector at a later time.

Angry and conflicted. Part of her starting to feel guilty regardless of what Grei had told her.

Pulled aside by Grei and was told some semi-vague things about Hector almost killing her and someone she'd taken under her wing, not sure what 100% happened but is a mixture of being disappointed, angry and saddened. 100% trusts Grei's story because of course she does :pensive:

Slowly growing more tolerant towards their baby cousin mostly due to being conflicted with her inner Sig voice telling her "youre really bothered by something that small????"

Met her baby cousin for the first time.

Near immediately wary and irked by them because they look like a draxomera but do not smell like one. Thinks they're akin to her brother Jaar and thinks they smell "wrong" due to their unnatural creation.

but suddenly fite and trying to asist grei fight the whole forest

Had an argument/talk with Sigel about the prior situation, with her demanding what on earth was going on. Got a few answers with Sigel managing to defuse her anger, giving her some food for thought about big ol demonic looking beasts and her aunt. Felt bad for exploding at him and also apologised.

Arm is healing, still scabby.

Had been skeptical over a new face that'd been hanging around (Val "mr goat man"), tolerated them for the most part...until she discovered them holding Grei to the ground while a worried UY watched on.

Cementing her views that "yep they were bad all along (:"

Did her best to try and intervene and help Grei, getting one of her forelimbs chewed up in the process.

Had a "actually using her brainmeats" moment after witnessing Uy sitting with Set.

Milled about it for a while before coming to the conclusion that even though it's a hard thing to do, she should probably go speak with Uy about it. Reminded herself that it'd worked with Garai when she was a smol potat during the massive family drama.

Hesitantly told Uy that basically "yeah hey so uh that guy tried to hunt me as a child" and was relieved when she found out that Uy didn't favour them either.

Uy also gave her more things to think over, being that brute physical force isn't always the answer. Garai had also told her something similar during the rut, and it's making the cogs in her head slowly turn.

Had a bewildered dance lesson from Castallion after encouragement from Uy, first time she's ever danced. Did end up having fun though even though it wasn't fite.

Learned about the art of control and holding back in rut fights from Grei after thinking it was weird that no one actually fought to the death. Had a lot of food for thought from Grei's words.

F i te h y p e

First rut fight against Nix, became proud of herself for being able to solo the giant.

Later told Kozan rudely to shoo :pensive:, still harboring a massive grudge against them because they're friends with Set.


Learned that chasing the "bug" (Naida) that was sitting with Uy and Easca is not a good idea.

Pixie dust does not taste nice even if it glitters up your face.

Returned to the forest after a successful hunt.

Gave Sigel a jawbone and crystal "knife" she crudely crafted.

Also came back with salt towards her parents for running off and missing said hunt.

Currently outside of the forest for the first time going on a hunt with family.

apparently it's been over a week since she fite'd, doesnt feel like it Recovering, small cuts and bruises have healed, larger ones still remain.

Loafed at Grei's with Sigel for a while, then visited the pond cos Sigel had wandered that way. Contemplated throwing rocks at fish because that's what mum would do.

Fought Sabit while Sigel watched. Thought that Sabit was making a mockery of her so she lashed out, putting up a fight for a while even though she was hurt. Didn't want to feel like a coward for backing down even though she was really feeling it. Eventually the fight ceased with Sigel dragging her home.

Covered in various cuts, bruises and antler gashes.

I need to update her header art

Past experiences with Runnur have seemed to have left it's mark in her lil head, was sitting with her fabumums Uy and Easca with a sleeping Umay when a giant cyborg canine came up to them (Khavos). Immediately smelled the "machine" on them and became agitated, didn't really stop and think and began to back away and hiss at them. Eventually she zipped off and buried her face in Grei's den to simmer down. (Was visited by Satsi who delivered a snack, and she picked up on Uy being nearby).

Quietly disappointed in herself that she ran from the scene when she felt like she should have stood her ground.

RazToday at 12:35 PM
Neira's motto: Do it for Grei

WindToday at 12:35 PM
Do It For Grei!!
grei's fav motto

RazToday at 12:35 PM
also emphasis on try because she also doesnt want to get killed hJKGHKJDG
she's like
stuck between being wary of giant characters because of what happened to Sigel
but also she doesn't want to be seen as a coward


discovered she's too big for her old baby jail

Found an awake Garai with Grei after the two of them terror tornado'd on the way to his den.

Fed the idea of venturing out of the Forest into the Draxomera homelands to hunt. Highly excited at the idea

Bye bye baby fuzz

almost as tall as mum now

Discovered that snow is less fun without her baby fuzz.

Has been getting up to no good with Grei and putting bugs and w/e other dead things on Uy and Easca because they're nice dinodeers and sharing is caring. Has also dubbed them the "worm deer"

Went on a hunt with Grei and pursued a rabbit (Saro) for a lil while before ultimately losing said bun in the long grasses around the playground. They both sulked and grumbled about it but Neira ultimately had fun in the end because team pursuit hunt

5/10 - most of her baby fuzz has been shed, minus a clump of it around her neck and the odd small tuft here and there.

Saw a tiny near the pond (Mercy), checked them out and decided they had one too many ears and eyes and hissed at them, deeming them too weird.

Did wonder if they may have come from the same place as her four eyed sibling. Mum said no and put it in her head that maybe she could poke the third eye for science

Kinda being Grei's shadow during the rut

Doesnt know at all or is aware of what the rut is but everyone is f i t e and she's getting over excited over it.

Watched Grei fight Blake, afterwards summoning all the power of child bluntness asked Grei out loud why she didnt fully hunt them when they were standing right next to Grei. Neira pls.
RazToday at 12:20 PM

[12:22 PM]
Neira's gonna be all chirpy at the preening and then she'd just blurt out "sO WHEN DO THEY DIE"
[12:22 PM]

[12:23 PM]
She's so used to playfighting being a family only thing and fighting outside of family is for hunting

WindToday at 12:23 PM
GREI JUST blow in Neira's face. "Not yet."

RazToday at 12:23 PM
"oh ok :I"

3 months old, starting to shed her baby fuzz. Gonna end up looking like she has patchy baby penguin fluff. Also going to be slowly growing into leg form.

potat > leg > tol > c ho nkg

Was some trouble stirred up at the pond curtosey of Niklaus, inwhich Grei lead Neira to watch from afar because totally safe idea yes. Neira got a kick out of it watching her mum go up against them.

Until Neira was spotted and promptly chased by the giant red creature, instantly bolting the moment she saw them beeline towards her. She dodged and weaved like a little potato bullet before managing to lose them in the Birch forest. After getting her bearings she made her way to Grei's den and hid there until her mum and Grei arrived.

Fuelled by adrenaline and excitement having successfully evaded the predator she babbled on about it to the both of them.

RazToday at 8:12 PM
Neira is just "i was only scared for a lil bit but i was faster "

WindToday at 8:13 PM
[8:13 PM]
grei's so proud but not gonna say that with fari probs ready to eat her at any moment

ego +20

Had a discussion with Garai about Fari, Garai trying to encourage her gently to try to move on from the previous dramas in regards to Boss. Wasn't sure how to properly put her thoughts into words so the conclusion was vague.

Afterwards Grei lead her away to her home, secretly offering her a place there.

WindToday at 9:37 PM
"This is my home. You're the only one of your siblings to ever come here." She brushes along the large tree, indicates with her muzzle toward the roots and the den within. "I raised my daughter here." A soft growl. "It's always open to you."

Had a quiet talk with Grei about the whole family situation, learning that she does not owe anyone forgiveness if she doesn't want to give it, sharing mutual spite against Boss and slowly coming to an understanding about her mum.

Now almost two and a half months old, meaning she's going to start shedding her baby fuzz and her adult colouring will very slowly begin to appear. Also growing into l e g form. Fuzzy potat > l e g > c h omnk

Currently just a little ball of conflicted emotions. Still unhappy about all the things that Fari has kept from her and her family in regards to her father, on top of Fari constantly disappearing and reappearing for days on end. Yet appreciates the things she's taught her and the moments she's cared for her.

Is lowkey pleased at her father's absence, given he's one of the sources of her negative emotions.

will I properly write this out maybe one day

Reunited with Sigel after trip to Playground - overwhelmed, confused but happy to see them

Spilled salt to Grei

Sigel smells a bit weird but he's ok

Lowkey plotted to take down "bigger prey" when older with siblings

Wind - GreitaiToday at 7:38 PM
Grei will kinda just keep curling around the kids, and say. "If he isn't helping like he should, then you can count on me instead."

Spilt aggravated beans @ Garai, got some answers from him. Learned that it was Boss's fault that he couldnt take them. +20 dislike to Boss. Made amends with Garai.

Learned from Sigel that mum brought Boss here; can't comprehend

Garai spilled the "he's your dad" beans not a happy potat also can't brain at it

Fari went MIA because of everything, followed by Grei

Potats were moved back to the old den

Is really not liking her home life given the change in situation, hating that she has to put up with Boss's presence.

Once again while he appeared near the den she weasled off nearby, sitting in a crater that Qathi had dug the day before while they'd been practicing hunting mice with their mother.

Caught a familiar scent; Garai made a beeline towards them, finally relieved to see another family member. Tried to speak with them but instead everything came out as a jumble of words and chittering, she wanted so badly to go back home with her uncle.
Though Neira's beeline hadn't gone unnoticed and Fari and Boss were soon in tow. Garai gently reassuring her and trying to nudge her towards them, though she refused, not wanting to go back to Boss and with the both of them looming Garai soon made a break for it leaving Neira where she was. Neira frantically called after Garai but to no avail.

She quickly became an emotional mess, fuelled only by Fari scooping her up, causing her to feel trapped and Boss trying to give her an affectionate boop (she b i t back because oh hell no). Stuck in Fari's arms she wriggled and squirmed the whole way home.

Upon being placed back in the den she felt overwhelmed and helpless, her anger and frustration soon gave way to sadness upon realising that her own uncle had left her behind.

Unaware that Garai and the rest of the split up family are laying low for the time being.

When your life gets turned upside down because a giant stranger of your own kind arrives into the forest.

Unbeknownst to all the babies it was their father having followed Greitai and Garai into the forest after an outside hunt. Isn't fully sure what was going on with all the adults upon the arrival of dad but there was soon a huge commotion a distance away from the den. Eventually a hurt Grei came and , took them all on an "adventure" to the ruins to play "hide and seek".

A tension filled moment of time passed until Grei wandered off leaving them all under the watchful eye of Hector.

The snowballing of events that then happened soon after rapidly became a blur for Neira. Mum arriving with a giant stranger, anger, fighting, an injured sibling and being whisked off back to the den

Visibly shaken and trying to process what had gone on, had a restless night. But knows one thing for certain, this giant stranger that mum knows is bad news. Hates.

Month and a half old, has already aquired a viscious rivaly with one of her siblings; Satsi. Grown to dislike that sibling over the others after their repeated antagonisations resulting in physical fighting between the two of them. It now doesn't take much for Neira to violently lash out at them, taking any excuse to attack them.

Determined to let them know she means business......even though she is tiny and not even a year old.

Guess who got ill from all her tantrums and being out in the rain

Unhappy, lethargic and slowly learning her actions have consequences.

Will learn from today that tantrums get you no where

Completely distracted from family drama after weird blue smol came into the den, proceeded to make a giant fuss, screeching and hissing at maximum volume. Fari somewhat subduing her by keeping her close, however it did not last as she had to venture out of the den.....which lead to Neira trying to attack Carys the moment mum left. demon child.Keyword: trying, as Neira is but a tiny potat, Carys managing to semi stop her by holding her back with a paw which only in turn made her more angry. Eventually Neira had had enough and ended up leaving the den to make her own den without weird blue things that she thinks should not be in her h o m e without her permission because it's totally her den.

Actually made a dinky little den under a nearby rock, with the help of Hector who briefly returned to check on the chaos.

Discovered uncle had cleaned out the den, which meant the nest she had made was gone.

Sulked for the rest of the day, because her hard work/mess was gone ):

Grampa Hector brought a smol friend to visit the potats

Neira did not like weird blue smol because....she found them weird, which resulted in her getting aggressive and defensive because this my home and you're weird >:0 also she's learning too much off greitai. When her attempts at trying to be big and intimidating failed she went and crabbied in the den.

Very briefly met Uy and Easca......promptly hissed at them and pulled their tails because rude child :l, however she was quickly distracted by Greitai and shenanigans ensued.

Much later mum took them on a small wander to the pond with Sigel and Dakari, on the way discovered a flowerpatch, turns out flowers are not edible :( but fun to run around in.
Had her first experience with water. Did not like this water, it was too cold for tiny snoots and paws :(

Discovered a willow tree, very quickly started shredding it and got excited when mum said she could take some home, so she did and made a nest out of it inside the den.

S n o w

...is also disappointing and tastes like nothing :/

Had some shred lessons from Greitai, watching her tear apart the latest hunt took down notes.

A little while later Greitai approached her holding a small scrap of meat, dangling it infront of her. Neira becoming as mesmerised like a cat after yarn. It lead to Greitai moving it around for her to chase and try to catch. Tiny terror. Neira darting and pouncing after it for a while before she catching it, plonked herself down and began to shred it to pieces.

Trying to chew siblings horns is bad

After getting curious to see if one of her sibling's horns was chewable, was snapped at and she instinctively snapped back. Only to be scolded by mum not fair. Went and sulk loafed at the back of the den.

cue negative interaction pop up sims style

Now officially a week old, is a fair bit bigger than her siblings. Now of which there are three. Still unsure of the ever growing number in the nest but she has no ill will against her sisters and brother.

Still hisses at them though (non-aggressively because she finds the noise making amusing) thx greitai

Met Greitai and Hammel (though unbeknownst to her; grandpa). Has decided to learn a few things from Greitai, making sure she struts around anyone she meets...also hissing.

One of her sisters has also hatched, not sure what to make of potato number 2. Spiny.

Met Akiro (and some page not founds) will probably try to snek blep like Akiro before learning her kind doesn't blep to scent the air. will probably still try to snek blep

Elegant snek children and one fuzzy potat


ankle biter was bornd
Firstborn of Fari's litter/clutch
Met Uncle Garai
Likes nudging everything yet to learn she can also bite everything

Aliquam erat volutpat. In sagittis laoreet nunc et convallis. Integer id gravida nibh, eu pharetra risus. Ut non nisl a leo tincidunt eleifend at tempus nisi. Curabitur sit amet luctus lorem. Vestibulum rhoncus, turpis mattis tincidunt mollis, leo nisl rutrum arcu, non scelerisque nibh sapien et tellus. Phasellus elementum, justo in maximus ullamcorper, felis dui mollis lacus, eget vestibulum lacus urna in purus. Ut sed neque ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc pretium, leo quis eleifend lobortis, erat augue tincidunt dui, pharetra molestie ligula felis et neque. Fusce nec ipsum ut tellus molestie malesuada. Integer quis arcu nunc. Vivamus tristique molestie magna ultricies interdum. Nunc commodo maximus sapien nec efficitur. Vivamus ut nisl eget nunc porttitor porttitor. Praesent facilisis rutrum urna non rhoncus.


Name: Neira

Alias: First Star (from mum), potat/potato

Gender: Female

Pictoname: Shards

Age: 1 year (May 25) Young Adult

Species: Draxomera

Size: 17

Scent: Grei/Grei's den.

Diet: Meat

Voice: -

Reference: [x]

Faceclaim: -

In-Forest Set: Koi pelt, skull mask, beluga antlers.

Toyhouse: [x]


Adventurous | Fearless | Curious | Rascal
Independent | Viscious

Will develop as she grows.

Manners are questionable, for the most part they're okay but she's by no means prim and proper.

Conflicted about anyone larger than her, due to watching Sigel get mortally wounded by her father when tiny.

Really likes going out and exploring, curious and nosey.

Stands her ground, will defend herself and others she holds close.
Won't be letting her siblings push her around. Independent.

Destructive when given the chance.

Thinks she's 10 times bigger than what she actually is. Thinks everyone has shrunk

Currently views violence as a means to solve her problems when angered, mostly due to witnessing her family members behave in the same way. - Slowly learning that this isn't always the right way.

Aliquam erat volutpat. In sagittis laoreet nunc et convallis. Integer id gravida nibh, eu pharetra risus. Ut non nisl a leo tincidunt eleifend at tempus nisi. Curabitur sit amet luctus lorem. Vestibulum rhoncus, turpis mattis tincidunt mollis, leo nisl rutrum arcu, non scelerisque nibh sapien et tellus. Phasellus elementum, justo in maximus ullamcorper, felis dui mollis lacus, eget vestibulum lacus urna in purus. Ut sed neque ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc pretium, leo quis eleifend lobortis, erat augue tincidunt dui, pharetra molestie ligula felis et neque. Fusce nec ipsum ut tellus molestie malesuada. Integer quis arcu nunc. Vivamus tristique molestie magna ultricies interdum. Nunc commodo maximus sapien nec efficitur. Vivamus ut nisl eget nunc porttitor porttitor. Praesent facilisis rutrum urna non rhoncus.



Fari: Birth Mother Giver of food and nudges.
"Boss": Birth Father Giant stranger. Unaware they are her father.Learned he's her father. Doesn't like said information and wishes she could get a refund. Hates for the hurt they caused on her guardians and sibling.
Garai Uncle Also giver of nudges. Provider of food.
Hammel Grandfather b i g
Hector Great Grandfather giant fuzzball, cosy.
Qathi Sister Second born. Favourite yet unsure about.
Jouska Sister Third born.
Dakari Brother Fourth born.
ZurraiBrother Fifth born.
Satsi Sister Sixth born. Source of angatonising. Despises slightly less now that Boss is in the picture and they share a hatred towards.
Sigel Brother Seventh born.


Greitai: "Grandma/Aunt" minor idol Highly fond of and appreciates.
Easca: [strike]Wormdeer 1 Pranked with Grei by putting a handful of worms on them also with half a mole. Doesnt know their names so just has dubbed them worm deer.[/strike] Fabu-mum
Uy: [strike]Wormdeer 2 ^[/strike]Fabu-mum


Kerpheres: Scarab snack machine Lorg ancient mummy golem thing, good source of food and playthings.
Name: Thingy words and stuff


Niklaus: Thingy Chased by, but evaded when smol.
Set: Thingy Also chased by, but evaded when smol. Hatred towards further exacerbated by him shooting at her while he defended Wick in Plot Things.
Wick: Holds a grudge after they seriously burned her during Plot Things (by accident). Attacked her with Umay resulting in the above reaction from Set.


Name: Thingy words and stuff


[x] [x] [x] [x]




Partial taunt = hiss

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In pretium augue nec massa posuere finibus. Vivamus rutrum orci non dolor congue, id ornare ex consectetur. Aliquam nec diam quis tellus dignissim maximus. Pellentesque consectetur fringilla nulla eget fermentum. Aenean sagittis cursus facilisis. Etiam sed lacus et justo finibus egestas. Quisque auctor erat vestibulum quam posuere, sit amet auctor erat ultricies. Aliquam a libero ac tellus finibus condimentum. Vivamus ut quam venenatis, tempus nulla non, porta nisi. In suscipit aliquet pretium.


1x Grei Feather
1x Tailfeather she nabbed from Axoxoctzin
1x Crystal of sorts brought from Windswept via Fari + Grei
1x Crude primitive bow from Fari
1x Fearbringer (giant hippo mole thing) Skull and jawbone
1x Art of her done in wolfblood by Sigel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In pretium augue nec massa posuere finibus. Vivamus rutrum orci non dolor congue, id ornare ex consectetur. Aliquam nec diam quis tellus dignissim maximus. Pellentesque consectetur fringilla nulla eget fermentum. Aenean sagittis cursus facilisis. Etiam sed lacus et justo finibus egestas. Quisque auctor erat vestibulum quam posuere, sit amet auctor erat ultricies. Aliquam a libero ac tellus finibus condimentum. Vivamus ut quam venenatis, tempus nulla non, porta nisi. In suscipit aliquet pretium.

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All actions inforest are considered IC and do not reflect myself. Will be OOC around nameless/page not founds/deer with no obvious bio.

Tab JS by AlisonRobin.
CSS template and various other codes from Unplugged.
CSS layout by Shey.
Best viewed in Google Chrome, 1920x1080.
























WayfarerHart's picture

(No subject)



Baaaabyyyy <3
by paperflesh




bb <3

lil ratbag!

lil ratbag!
Paleray's picture

(No subject)

Draak's picture

(No subject)

Rav's picture

I love child

I love child
Jiaruqa's picture

Oh wow, she is so cute!

Oh wow, she is so cute! <3
wyldflower's picture

(No subject)



Malakh's picture


Bard/Wilds (they/xe/it collectively) | Updates
Draak's picture




Kaoori's picture

smol child

smol child
Echosong's picture


ShrinkingRose's picture


Urschanabi's picture

(No subject)

Signature © Draak
1Antidote's picture

angery potat

angery potat
Draak's picture

the angeryest she was having

the angeryest she was having a grump day today GHLKJDFN

Track for this cutie ;w;

Track for this cutie ;w;
MizuSky's picture

Ah, so this is the small

Ah, so this is the small fluffy thing Skye & her friend were desperate to try and cuddle.
Draak's picture

The owl pelted deer and the

The owl pelted deer and the beluga pelted deer from last night?
Yeah she got a bit startled and was not happy they snuck up on her and tried to give her a hug,so she got a bit crabby...and then got frustrated when they chased her
MizuSky's picture

Yup that was them, Skye was

Yup that was them, Skye was the owl pelted deer, she's a bit of a ditz and doesn't realise when people are running away from her it's not because they want to play tag. Eventually though she caught onto the hissing then got distracted by a group of other deer she could snuggle.
MizuSky's picture

Retrack on the right account

Retrack on the right account because I'm a dumbass.
Malakh's picture

i must track the horrible

i must track the horrible little creecher
Bard/Wilds (they/xe/it collectively) | Updates