Dinamo » an angelic sinner

din's picture
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(It's been a long time I know. Got tons of broken links and
images all over everything so please bear with me until I can figure them out.)
Hung out with Cadaver!



Name: Dinamo
Pronunciation: dine - UH - moe
Aliases: Dina, Din, Dinner
Gender: Female, Doe
Age: 11 year old adult - Entered the Forest on March 9th, 2010
Size: 3
Pictogram: Dinamo
Set: Mini, Swan Pelt, Crying (ToB) mask, DotD antlers
Voice: Enya - "#439C91"
Breed: White Tailed Deer x Grey Wolf Hybrid
Scent: Smells of pungent Cinnamon, sometimes Musk
Sexual Orient: Bisexual, prefers males
Status: Mated to Anjali
Children: Lucamo, First Born, Son; Emily, Second Born, Daughter

Mauvable's picture

♥ Mine.

♥ Mine.
HB's picture



/sets up camp

/sets up camp
Mothlett's picture

Re-track ♥

Re-track ♥



thelittleraven's picture

Hi bby

Hi bby <3
din's picture

thanks you guys &hearts;

thanks you guys ♥


Echosong's picture

(No subject)

Kaoori's picture


din's picture

thanks guys &hearts;

thanks guys ♥
Ireth's picture


din's picture

DONT TALK BACK thank yoouuu

thank yoouuu ♥


Iaurdagnire's picture


thelittleraven's picture

Gurl you need to get this bio

Gurl you need to get this bio up soon.

din's picture

BANG thanks guys boom. its

thanks guys

boom. its done!
Apparanza's picture

Beautiful bio~! 8D &hearts;

Beautiful bio~! 8D ♥

By Leuvr
din's picture

8D thank you!!

8D thank you!!
Anjali's picture

I already said how gorgeous

I already said how gorgeous this is. ♥
(Ireth you're amazing).
din's picture

omg thanks ;A; ily

omg thanks ;A; ily
thelittleraven's picture

love you, woman

love you, woman <3

Oh, goodness. This CSS is

Oh, goodness. This CSS is just lovely! I love how her little leg is the top border <3
I'm in love.
Djavu's picture

oh my gosh! no words can

oh my gosh! no words can describe how beautiful this is!!
placing a track here dear ; u ; ♥
Echosong's picture

Woah. That css is amazing.

Woah. That css is amazing.
Ireth's picture

*loves all over bio* Mm, mm,

*loves all over bio* Mm, mm, good.

And Anj, get your ass back on TEF. >:|
din's picture

ily2 bb

ily2 bb <3

thank you jill omg. all credit goes to the clever ireth ;A;

eee!! im so glad you like it. thank you <33

thank you echo c':

yerss 8D

retrack omg THIS CSS


-rubs on-
din's picture

thank you!! 8D

thank you!! 8D
Snowsauria's picture

Wow, this bio looks

Wow, this bio looks absolutely gorgeous. ;;
din's picture

thank you snow &hearts;

thank you snow ♥
Hadou's picture

.3. track ~ such a nice, new

.3. track ~
such a nice, new bio
din's picture

; A ; thank you so much!

; A ; thank you so much!
Echosong's picture

"Hello! It's nice to see you

"Hello! It's nice to see you again."

OrinocoFlow's picture

I need to get this little

I need to get this little girl out more :3 Mind if I throw my fawn Versie at her Laughing out loud
You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
din's picture

"It's great seeing you too,

"It's great seeing you too, Echo. How have you been?"

of course! i'd love to meet one of yours c:
Echosong's picture

"I've been doing pretty good.

"I've been doing pretty good. And you?"
Mothlett's picture

This new css is love &hearts;

This new css is love ♥ goodnessj kflds
din's picture

"Great to hear, haha!~ I've

"Great to hear, haha!~ I've been the same, generally." A smile. "Thank you for asking."

thank you omg ;A; all creds to ireth ♥
OrinocoFlow's picture

Versie wandered the woods

Versie wandered the woods aimlessly. Her papa hadn't been around for a while and she'd hid herself away as well. Now that she was a bit older she branched out from the nest to discover more than what she know. Outside of the nest and pond...

(sorry for the crappy start)
You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
din's picture

no worries at all

no worries at all c:

Dinamo was relaxing at the Pond, in the splotchy shade of a nearby Willow tree. She was close enough to the mouth of the River to where there was a small height gap between her and the clear waters of the Pond. Her front hooves hung down over the ledge, and the tips were touching the water. Blue eyes watching the small rings ripple through the water as her grey hooves pierced it, they were called upwards by a colorful being. A small, colorful being. "Mmn."

A small child was across her, on the other side. She watched it for a moment with a smile, but drew her gaze back down to the water after a while. Knowing not to stare, she expected an adult to be with it shortly.
Rouda's picture

So. Pretty. Must.. Track.

So. Pretty. Must.. Track. DDD; ♥
din's picture

thank you!! &hearts;&hearts;

thank you!! ♥♥
Hum's picture

This looks amazing. 8l

This looks amazing. 8l
din's picture

thank you so much hunbuns

thank you so much hunbuns ♥
Hum's picture

I think you mean Humbun.

I think you mean Humbun. -Shot.-

No but seriously ermahgerd. ♥
Apoidea's picture

Needs more keyboard hearts.

Needs more keyboard hearts.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

din's picture

your new nickname is humbums

your new nickname is humbums YEP
no changing it now NO GOING BACK ♥

aw thank you ;u; that made me smile
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

(No subject)