Carnegie Museum of Natural History ( Irish Elk! Also image heavy)
December 15, 2012 - 3:27am — quadraptor
So here's a bunch of pictures from the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, PA. Enjoy guys
Check out the deer behind the Holy Family
Juvenile T-Rex
I would have taken more mineral pics but one of the people working there said we couldn't take pictures of the ones in the back of the mineral exhibit, so I didn't know where that began so I didn't take any more. There were a loooooot of beautiful minerals there, this is just a sampling of them.
I was really happy to see the Stego. He was my original favorite dinosaur before I became a Velociraptor fanatic
I found Little Foot!
I freaked out when I found the archaeopteryx. Beautiful fossil!
Mr. King himself
This was a huuuuuuge flyer!
Oviraptor!! 8D!!
Just for my brother, who loves Triceratops
Okay everyone ready? Here he is! You know him! You love him!
Oh my Twin Gods it's QuadRaptor!!
No but seriously, I was absolutely beside myself seeing the Irish Elk, and took a lot of pictures of him for you guys. Enjoy XD
I tried to find a magpie for you guys, but either they didn't have one or I walked by it. So here's a couple of Quad birds I thought were really pretty
Now we're into the North American and African mammals...
So at first I was like "Hey look it's Toukan...", then I saw...
...The white ones, so here you go Pega. Toukan lives (sort of) at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History!
And have some moose while you're at it
Gerenuk are very pretty!
I found Pent XD
These guys were absolutely beautiful and huuuuge! I didn't realize how big they were!
One more of the big big big flyer
And some dinos having lunch.
XD I didn't get to do everything, if I had a little more time I would have gone through the Ancient Egypt exhibit and gotten a bunch of pics for you guys, but we had to leave at a certain time or be stuck in heavy traffic. I do plan to go back again so I can go through those, the Arctic Animal exhibit, the Native American exhibit, and some of the art. But I can definitely say the minerals and the animals were great. The dinosaur fossils were my absolute favorite, I mean...I have dreamed of seeing these fossils, and finally seeing them sparked my inner child
Iwanttogotheretoo! ;___;
So much awesome. Perhaps needless to say, but the Irish Elk and T-rex was my favorites. ♥
Although I saw many other awesome dinosaurs - and other animals - there as well. And the moose. :'D
Oh man, that trip back to the Museum of Natural History in NYC my friend and I keep talking about so needs to happen. 8| So many years since I've been there, and I would appreciate it so much more than 7-year-old me did in second grade. B|
Lucky lucky you! Such a nice museum.. but where the parasaurolophus? *gasp*
There are literally hundreds of hipster shots and edits all over tumblr of the stuffed reindeer. It's funny seeing them from a different angle.
Glad you guys liked these! I plan to go back sometime so I can see the other exhibits, so when I do I will post more pictures. I definitely know some of my friends will appreciate the Ancient Egypt ones.
Amazing pics, holy crap.
XD I didn't get to do
Iwanttogotheretoo! ;___; So
So much awesome. Perhaps needless to say, but the Irish Elk and T-rex was my favorites. ♥
Although I saw many other awesome dinosaurs - and other animals - there as well. And the moose. :'D
Thanks for posting these! n_n
omg these are all beautiful
Amazing pictures.
8DD Oh man, that trip back
Oh man, that trip back to the Museum of Natural History in NYC my friend and I keep talking about so needs to happen. 8| So many years since I've been there, and I would appreciate it so much more than 7-year-old me did in second grade. B|
o3o Thanks for sharing all of
Thanks for sharing all of this with us! Amazing pictures!
Stego is still my favorite 8D
thnks for sharing these Quad! they're all awesome! *¬*
Lucky lucky you! Such a nice
There are literally hundreds of hipster shots and edits all over tumblr of the stuffed reindeer. It's funny seeing them from a different angle.
heehe Quad cameo.
"These guys were absolutely
that happens to all of us
Glad you guys liked these! I
The dinosaur bones were still the best for me.
That's Da Kar! I mean oryx!
They are great photos, always like to see them from you. Thanks for share them!
That museum is only an hour
gorgeous pictures! I wanna go there again. Went on a field trip there a couple years ago.
'I found Little Foot!' ahhhh
ahhhh yes little foot reminds me when i was younger