The Wild Abandon. | Flint

Tisority's picture
06/11/17 - New art and a slightly revamped design!!



Made a brief appearance during the rut, but otherwise has just.. been doing horse-things. Eat some grass. Lick a tree. The usual.

Name | Flint x
Physical | Male, stallion.
Demasi equine hybrid breed.
Age | Young adult.
Appears approximately 8 years.
Visuals | Reference & size #17+
Voice | Undecided "Talks like this."
NSFW | Tumblr


Human intelligence | Feral mannerisms | Alert | Flighty | Social | Apprehensive | Affectionate | Withdrawn | Quiet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi commodo vestibulum ante in vulputate. Nunc leo justo, pharetra a ex ac, condimentum porta nibh. Etiam dolor ligula, dictum non blandit ac, malesuada eget lectus. Nam in dui sit amet metus placerat vehicula non tempor mi. Nunc mattis pretium vulputate. Pellentesque dignissim, est vel molestie blandit, ligula felis lacinia turpis, id efficitur leo felis fringilla turpis. Fusce tincidunt velit quis ante interdum, ac facilisis metus maximus. Pellentesque a metus nisl. Pellentesque viverra dolor id erat posuere suscipit.
More shrugging

Nunc hendrerit elit nibh, eu euismod ex interdum sit amet. Cras diam erat, sollicitudin sollicitudin sem et, laoreet malesuada massa. Nullam fringilla feugiat velit, ut vehicula nibh elementum ac. Nunc faucibus justo quis ligula efficitur pellentesque eget quis nisi. Sed id dolor gravida, rutrum felis sagittis, euismod purus. In dignissim vulputate neque, et placerat mi. Ut id tortor nec ipsum accumsan varius nec iaculis odio. Phasellus vel elit sed turpis ultrices rutrum ut a orci. Nam posuere eu urna et dignissim. Nunc consectetur est massa, sit amet feugiat ante placerat sed. Pellentesque sollicitudin ac lacus eu vehicula.

Praesent viverra commodo neque id tempor. Ut sed odio justo. Duis fringilla elit metus, in sagittis lorem sollicitudin vel. Sed ornare elit non ex imperdiet, nec sollicitudin mauris viverra. Cras luctus eros et congue varius. Nunc quis nisi egestas, volutpat orci nec, vulputate diam. Sed vel tristique ipsum. Donec elit sem, rhoncus ut massa eget, maximus feugiat ex.

BodyMind Heart Memoirs{Disclaimer}

SoliloquyChryseis's picture

(No subject)

Tisority's picture

dont u gimme that sass u

dont u gimme that sass u jive-ass white boi

Hi Soli <3
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

< insert sass here

< insert sass here >
Tisority's picture

:^) k m'done

k m'done
hadoukin's picture

/track ovo

/track ovo
tigerart27's picture

Track and hello!

Track and hello!
Tisority's picture

Allo! ovo tysm you two

Allo! ovo tysm you two <3
Echosong's picture

ouo &hearts;!

ouo ♥!
Tisority's picture



ps, Hadou - I feel hella dumb asking this but is one of your characters in this group, I'm kind of an idiot and I might just be super unobservant so just wondering ;_;
hadoukin's picture

it's okayyy, aha yes, Belail

it's okayyy, aha yes, Belail is in with the group there, she's on my side account ;V;
Tisority's picture

OH doi alright

OH doi alright <3 tyty~
Mauvable's picture

TRACK gdi I love him

TRACK gdi I love him
Tisority's picture


AND WE LOVE KYRIA ;; gosh your dorkcat's A+
Apparanza's picture

FLEENT &hearts;


By Leuvr
Tisority's picture


Clare's picture

LOVEME &hearts;

SoliloquyChryseis's picture

I need an actual equine

I need an actual equine character SORRYLUNETTA...whyudodis
Tisority's picture

Raven: ROFL u no he do Soli:

Raven: ROFL u no he do

Soli: :j I apologize for nothing 8j need more hors

PS THEEEE broken link to the comment form is fixed now ;_; Ifeelsodumb
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

more hors yas

more hors yas
ima_eat_u_beware's picture

Annnnnnnnnd tracking all over

Annnnnnnnnd tracking all over this lovely equine. Cav's new "friend" LOL if only. #pleasecavmakeafriend
Thais's picture

Hi there! The one that fought

Hi there! The one that fought Cavallo today was Sadiki. I know, they have the same set :x
Display pic by crabbycrown ♥

u r forgiven

u r forgiven
Tisority's picture

ima_eat_u_beware: HOOOOOMG

ima_eat_u_beware: HOOOOOMG poor Cavallo, Flint's a huge grump-butt around other stallions when close relations are involved. They'd probably have much better luck of getting along if they had a chance to meet one on one ;v; one day

Thais: OH, sorry ;; I thought I saw Shardul's picto nearby so I just assumed ;o; I'll fix that up, ty for letting me know <3 ps - Sadiki's got a gorgeous design and I've admired him from afar for some time tbh ;; such a pretty boi~

Tuna: wat. WAT I DO ;-;-- oh the comment thing. breathes ty <3