Learning to cast spells - Chapter 3

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Yzen's story - chapter three

Yzen wakes up early. He didn't have slept for long, but he feels the power in him. Alright, let's have fun and magic.
First, he has to find out deers. Well... Hey! Where are you? His instinct says that almost 20 deers are hanging around. So... Let's find them. Oh great, here they are, right to the pond. Well, it will be easy. There are plenty of magic tricks around the pond. How about the mushrooms circles? Come on!
He drives them to a mushroom circle: one fawn, and four deers. Well, now, they... Ok, they have already understood what he wanted to do. They lay down in the circle. The two fawns are hopping and running around them. Not realy usefull, but if the magic can come with that.
Now, it's the tricky moment. They all fall asleep. Then they ake up with bright power, casting spells on the joyfull two fawns... which are changed into a raven and a bird. Woaw!
Yzen can't wait to do the same! So long to master magic spells! No matter. He runs to a flower field and takes some to give to the deers. He can do that. They all move back to the pond. Rubbing against the three, sharing anklers... He really learns magic spells! And he does it really fastly, only two days he has been in this magical forest. Maybe his parents will learn it quickly too.
Maybe they... won't come. He prefers not to think about that.
Well, he casts pelt spell now. Magic is hard to master and they all have to sleep regularly. No matter, he feels filled with energy and power. One day, he will be able to master it. And he will be a mighty deer as well as the other magic deers which walk around this forest. They all look so... proud, and royal. They own the forest as Gods. Woaw.
Yzen has to rest a lot: casting spells, then writing in his head everything he sees, and everything he does... It's a hard job and it makes him a little bit tired. Doesn't matter. He hears music will sleeping. And he will wake up to learn again and again, and to pray the Gods who are giving them such powers.

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