A race between falling leaves - Chapter 4

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Yzen's story - chapter four

Yzen is walking through the forest. So wonderful. Suddendly, he hears some hooves striking the ground, tagada, tagada, tagada. A black and white deer emerges from the forest, running in the sunshine. Tagada, tagada. His hooves make him flying, he runs fast, he runs well, and Yzen doesn't know where he is going so fast.
Yzen begins to run too. He runs, following the running deer. Woaw, this speed... They run together, through the forest, without any goal. Trees, leaves, trees again... They jump over the river, running around the pond. An other deer, a brown one, with a mask, comes and runs with them. They go through the forest, jumping over the playground. Hey lazy people! Come and run!
Even the fawn with he was playing, a few minutes ago, starts to run. They are now four to run without goals, but just to hear the sound of their hooves over the floor. Trees and landscapes slide fast all around them. This freedom... It's so great! They want to run and run and run again, to the sky!
Nothing to stop them, nothing to end the race against... the race against anything i suppose. Or maybe the race against lazyness, against being tied, against the time which makes us old. They areyoung, they are free and they run through the forest.

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