Tuhka's blog

Tuhka's picture

Nostalgia Spammage [images]

I don't know, I was bored so I started digging my old folders and blogs.
Unfortunately seems like I've lost some of my older screens, no idea where they are.

Behold, this is one of the first screenies I've taken in the forest.
Yes, it's Quamar in his very first set before turning into a zombie carrot with annoying personality.

Annoying zombie carrot having a bounce with fabulous Rah Bop.

Jen: -hangs from Quam's antler-
Laruna: -imitates Quam's reactions.-

Zombie pose while the trumpet guy is sporting dark magic in the corner.

Decorating the tombstones. With our heads.
Cyric, Quamar and two others whose name I don't remember.

I'll find this picture forever adorable. Quamar and Her kid.

Mm, stylish. *3*

Oldie awesome grinfaces <3

Quam: -launches a fawn at unsuspecting Nem-

Quam and Nem burned down a whole city.
Deer bbq plz.

Other deer: You're not worthy for his holy presence, you're coming with me!
Quam: N-nuuogh, lemme lick him. Even a little! ;___;
Holy guy: Psh, this is outrage!

Double-date. Anyone?
Tuhka's picture

N U L L [bio]


Narcissistic :: Friendly :: Michevious :: Outgoing :: Attention seeker :: Party animal :: Sarcastic :: Bitter :: Sexual :: Sensual :: Playful :: Arrogant :: Butt-hurt :: Independent :: Cool :: yet wild :: Flirty

[=white]o Tends to get a bit too close physically, he's not that familiar with such things as personal space.
o Not too concerned about genders. As long as chemistry works, he's fine with both.
o In overall means no harm to anyone but might get rather devilish for those he haves grudges against
o Loves teasing others a bit, no real harm meant for no reason.
o Avoids physical fighting.
Tuhka's picture

Screen Dumpy.

Okay I don't know does anyone care to watch these but oh well, here I go as I myself enjoy these.
Lame captions, I know.

Surrealism: Cut and Theo[with wrong picto but yes it's Theo] having a silly play on Rip.
Or maybe they're having a fist fight, who knows these guys anyways. Cut is losing.

Cut's fighting club for naked nameless guys.
Basic stance.

Nameless: Oi, that cloud looks like you!
Cut: Really? That one looks like you right after my hoof sank in yer face.

Nameless: Sir, would you like to swap flowers? I -hate- always getting confused with my twin brother... I'm so gonna show them all....
Cut: Hell if I cared. No.

Cut: -really dirty dreams-
Draum: ..... o__o;;

Rip: M-m-my lucky p-penny.... I-It's lost.... f-forever!!
Cut: C'mon, it can't be far. -checks Rip's guts-

Every party has a party pooper.
Others: Come oooon Cut. Dance with uuus~
Cut: -ignores the dancing vibes coming behind his back-

Cut: Uh oh, check that out, there it comes again.
Rip: .... w-what comes? Wait!

Space saving level up.

"Yes, join the dark side. We've got no cookies but we're having fun as hell."

People should pay more attention to their pictos and not leave them lying around, sheesh you guys!
Cut: .....
Tuhka's picture

Suicidal lemmings [Picture spam, tef, IT, Sims 2. It wants to provoke your comp to suicide]


Have a nice pile of nice happy deer. Feel the love in your guts.

Quamar: *being bullied and pressed underground* ;___;
Minideer: *bullies* >8D

Quam: *lifts* D8<
Minideer: ... D'8

Minideer: *shows Quam who's the boss* Take me to the river D8<
Quamar: Y-yes, my lady...

Epicfawn: *facecrashes to Quam* mfff~

Epicfawn: W-Wait!! D8
Quamar: Never facecrash to me againnn!
Stellmaria: .__.

Quamar: *sends flying*
Epicfawn: Nyaaaaa~
Stellmaria: Uuh, a penny!

This is art.
Stellmaria: *Not impressed*

Fawn: *fails*
Stellmaria: Aw darn, what a let down! I want my money back...

Yori: Oooh, a penny!

What's wrong in this picture?

Two sides of Riptail finally meets.

Cutlass: Say, ya afraid of zombies?
Riptail: S-s-saaay w-whaaat...? o___o

Riptail: Y-you poor excuse of a man, how dare you blahblahblah nagnagblah~
Cut: *really pays no attention*

Quam: Whoa, check this out.
Tuhka's picture

Screenie Dump [it wants to kill your computer, be warned.]


Multiple Quamars.

Quamar: hohoh, I've got more fawns than you.
Tuhka's picture

|Aton Nemesis|

Note: Before any confusion happens, I'd like to point out that Aton and Nemesis are two completely different characters using the same body.
In other words, if you are in terms of friendship with Nemesis, it doesn't mean Aton knows you.
BUT, if you're friends with Aton, Nemesis might know you too. Because he's a stalker and watches Aton's every move.

Note 2: I'm using a font called Trajan Pro in this bio so I think it's possible people who don't have the font on their computer can't see it right.

These characters are still heavily under development xD

Name: Nemesis
Being: A Demon
Gender: Male
Age: unknown/ageless

- Unpredictable
- Changing: sometimes he's mellow and approachable, sometimes he's fierce and aggressive.
- Intelligent and calculating
- Observant. Well-aware of his surroundings.
- Loner in a way. Curiosity usually drives him nearby other deer.
- Trickster. Tends to trick his prey or cruelly play with them before killing.
- It's not impossible to make friends with him. The thing is, would you trust a demon?

Other Facts:
[=#67707c][=Trajan Pro][=13]- Running speed can be surprisingly high and he can make long leaps.
Tuhka's picture

.:|| W e l c o m e to the Zombie Party 3 ||:. Thank you for attending!

It turned out to be more epic than I expected, thank you so much for making this evening the most epic event I've ever had!

I'll Post screenies of it tomorrow, good night everyone and have a great time while waiting for Halloween! ;]


There weren't too many people in the beginning but the number of people grew later and we ended up having epic deer tower and other stuffs.
And I'm terribly sorry I disappeared at one point, my connection died for a moment. Naked Quamar. That's frightening.
Wheeh, thanks for the fun, made my day xD

The second party will be later today. Waiting you all there. CB



I'm warmly welcoming every deer of the Endless Forest to my self-organized event in the forest this month.
This is the third Zombie Party I'm organizing and will be carrying out by myself and the previous parties have been successful and tons of fun. Besides Zombie Parties, I've also held The Gathering of Small Animals and I'm intending to do it again sometimes as the last time was a blast.
I'm sure both new and old players are eagerly waiting for the All Hallows eve, which is at the very end of this month, so maybe this event will make the waiting even more fun!

I'm hopeful of getting more participants in this event as the number of players in the forest has grown quite a lot since the last times. I truly wish to get as many people joining as possible to make this party even more epic.
Tuhka's picture


Tuhka's picture

Quamar's Screenshot blog [03.10.2009]

Thought I should do one big picture spamming blog instead of doing tons of those smaller ones.
Newest first.

I can honestly say this has been one of the greatest days I've had on tef for a while.
I had my good ol' Quamar messing around and he met many epicly funny people and made many new friends, and of course met some of the old ones. Really hoping to see you guys again. :'D
And please, if you see your deer in these pictures, identify yourselves!
Thank you for the great day!

The day started with a nice little dance-line.

Virgil helped Quamar to guard the Bridge.
The white deer: Phear mah epic fighting skillz!
The fawn: Don't test them on me D8>

It's a multi-headed deermonster. Quite common sight. -nodnod-

Have some more dancing. Seems like it all was too much for Virgil.

"Whose turn to share the playcards?"

One rebel here.

Fawn: *just hit the tree*
The doe: I'll just sit down right here and pretend there's no any heads popping out of the tree at the moment.
Bell: *stumpnom*

Um yeah.

Quamar: *floating skillllls*
The pink-ish doe: Oooh, a penny!
The white doe: Oi, don't touch it! Might be cursed! D8>
Pink: Noooooooo~! *epic slow-motion run*

"Wah, are they following me?"

Tuhka's picture

BRAINKILL. [humiliating Cutlass and Riptail]

Update 08.12.2009
More pictures D'8
Obsessed? Maybe.

Cut bunny ,___, [by Q]

Dogs. I want them, want them so much D8< [by N]

Jellyfishes. Based on really random roleplay :'D [by Q]

Ninjas~ [by N]
They own.

Turtles... :'D more random roleplays. [by Q]

Elephants... They're so darn cute... ,___, [by N]

lol........ WUT?
I'm not sure where did this all begun but I ended up dying from the inside last night.
Me and Narina drew like.... the whole night. 8OOOO

Right ahead lies some scary pictures. After seeing them I can't guarantee you'll be the same you were before seeing them...

Cutlass and Riptail drawn as various forms of life.

Ant eaters [by Narina]

Gryffins. lol. [by Quamar]

Beeerds. [by Narina]

Giraffes o__. [by Quamar]

Bunneeh. [by Narina]

Kittens. This is just adorable. Aw, I wanna pet them. xDD [by Narina]

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