Tuhka's blog

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Screenie Dump #7

Tuhka's picture

Take me :: L U D A :: somewhere Nice

Simple Smile

teen/young adult


[=11][=#ad9568]¤ loves rough plays, pushing and wrestling around and being a nuisance, trying to spar with her tiny antlers no matter how big his opponent was.
¤ Innocent and naive - can't always read between the lines and will most likely not know how to handle certain kinds of situations.
¤ Physical - loves proximity and warmth and shows affection easily.
¤ Easily lead around - trusts almost everyone.
¤ Outgoing, friendly and overly playful, even in situations when she shouldn't be.
¤ Curious - all the things, every bush, every rock and every moving thing is amazingly interesting and worth checking out.
¤ Honest - yet dishonest even to herself sometimes.
¤ Careless - doesn't always pay much attention where she's pushing her nose into and might be oblivious of dangers.
¤ Sexuality unknown - hasn't quite grasped the concept of such things and her love and affection is platonic.
Tuhka's picture

Screenie Dump #6

Tuhka's picture

|:| ZOMBIE Party 5 |:| Welcome! [THE END <3 Thank you~]

The Halloween is just around the corner and the thick fogs have fallen in our forest once again, zombies have taken over and the greatest of them all has awaken.
Hereby I'm happy to invite and welcome you all in my fifth [...?] Zombie Party I've hosted every Halloween for some years now. *grows a beard and feels old*

Basically it's a Halloween-themed gathering of all deer of the forest, the bigger mob, the more fun.
There's no any set rules, we do pretty much whatever we wish together, I'm open for suggestions for activities. Mostly the most thrilling part has been the big mob itself running through the forest, stopping to dance or bounce somewhere for a while to gather everyone back together and then run again as one big herd.
Also it's been fun to do different dance formations, dance lines and the event has usually ended to a game called Simon Says in the old ruins. [one deer in their own turn stands up on a stone platform and everyone follows their actions]

*It would be great if many could come dressed up very halloween-themed. Skeletons and zombies but it's absolutely not required

[=#875d75][=11]28th of October
11pm Finland-Helsinki time. You may check the time on your timezone here: Timezone converter
I hope this suits everyone. I'm open for better suggestions!
Tuhka's picture

Screen Dump #5 [72 images = IMAGEHEAVY]

Been a while since I did one of these, dunno does anyone look at these anymore but anyway :>
Screens from multiple games this time

This could only mean tangled antlers.


"Imma nawt a flowah boy!" >8[

Teh ultimate FANBOY ATTACK.

ding ding ding, we have a winnerrr! Of the 'most boring old rambler' award.

Only a true fanboy glues himself to their target of admiration.
Auriea: "Get off you little sucker.. D8<<"
Quam: "I wuv u.. @__@"

I sense some tightened security.

Wait, something's rong.
Tuhka's picture

Small Commissions :: OPEN ::

In need of some little money, so I'm opening sketch/lineart commissions.
around 15€ me thinks.

Only accepting paypal. (8
tiia.varjus @ pp.inet.fi

linearts: 15€
1 2 3
[ask if you want it transparent, that's possible too of course]

With flat-colors: 20€
o o o
The colored ones here

Can draw dragons and critters like that, no humans. Preferably deer/TEF related but not necessary. 8>
Tuhka's picture

:: Heaven's Not Enough :: [Blood warning]

Just experimenting something.
Started from random scribblings inspired by the song and then it just ended up like this :'D
I don't think I'll ever finish it, though, but had fun doodling it and wasting my sleepy time.
You may interpret it however you wish.

Click 'play' and read along and enjoy the bizarre blog that makes no sense really.. :]

Tuhka's picture

Screen dump #4 [imageheavy]

Been a while since I posted the last time.
This time screenies from multiple games.
I have some The Sims 2 screenies as well but I'll save them for later to prevent this growing too imageheavy...

Fight it.

It keeps me going.

It keeps me breathing and feel alive.

And no more

I'm alone.


Stretching and exercising on rip while drooling Rip's head tuft.

Cut has got a Xentrie. He seems heavy.

Faceplanting galore.

Someone has got invisibility cloak and spare pictos. No more butt staring for Cut.

"Bubble monkey."

Sadness is overwhelming.
Tuhka's picture

Screendump #3

Just a small one this time.

Cut practicing his cuddling skills.


Quamar: Oh yes oh yes, adults magazines ooh! -laughs to his beard-
Raunun: Boobs. ... -drool-

Quam: 6__6

Cry: Wait, I think there's something different about this statue. ô__o

Cut in his heavenly dream.

Maybe you can tell who should take a shower.

Why I never get enough of these kinds of pictures.

Cut: I stare ya with my friggen eye! -intense stare-
Rip: -whimpers under pressure-

Some days are just more windy than others.


In a cold weaher you always stuff under a bigger deer than yourself.

Cut does not approve of me MSN'in.

forgot to post this one the last time.

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