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Orinoco [ Jenny ] Personal Blog

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Brave heart Gentle soul } A private rp between Emslee and OrinocoFlow

This rp shall chronicle the time Leonardo and Nadya spend in the human world with his 'witch'. Due to events that grew and grew on the large buck's shoulders he could not stand to stay in the forest and asked if his mate could come as he knew he would not return in just a few days. Leaving without so much as a goodbye to anyone the two vanished from the magical forest

This is a private rp amongst Emslee and I, you may post to track but please no comments here. If you wish to comment please do so on either Leo or Nadya's blogs. :3
Thank you and enjoy the rp.
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Shadows of my Past::Private RP Brooks, Orinoco, Cali::

Orinoco stirred softly on the grass. Nightmares were invading her sleep yet again and she could not take it. For weeks this had been going on and only recently did it grow to a peak that was unbearable. Even when awake they seemed to be there, gnawing on her consciousness like a dog ravaging an old bone. It was maddening and she had purposely avoided both her mate and daughter as she did not want them to see her like this. Laying her head to the grass she cried, she cried for a long time then suddenly, like a gust of wind from an unknown source the onslaught on her mind vanished. The doe smiled and in an instant passed out. She was asleep for hours. When she awoke she felt tired still and she felt sore this confused her the most. Looking at herself, or what she could see she noted small scratch marks. Perhaps a squirrel or rabbit had been climbing on me she thought then slowly rose. She felt lethargic and her mind was swimming. Despite this however she seemed to have more energy. With her new found strength and serenity she sniffed out her daughter and mate. When she found both together she smiled then slowly walked to greet them. Oh how happy she was to see them, and them her. Making her way to where they had been sitting she sat down and nuzzled them both when they joined her. For the first time in a long time Orinoco believed today was going to be a good day and only get better from there.

How wrong she was. Fever began to make it's way into her body. The small cuts and scraps grew to an angry red and swelled to the size of pine cones. Cold sweat permeated her fur making it greasy and her breathing was heavy. As it grew harder and harder to breath she started to cough and a black, sludge like substance spewed from her mouth.She turned her gaze sympathetically to her mate and daughter. How incredibly infantile it was of her to approach them before fully healing. Now her darling family had to see her in such a horrid state.
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