

Those humans who smile lightly at my ever fluctuating and endless knowledge of pain and time. To view me as a blessing for this nature and my faint hints of guidance. Am I truly that heaven-sent creature you percieve me as? Simply because a human is unlikely to dictate such an essence does not mean one is so holy. To know such foul inherent actions like the back of your hand is merely hell. The innocence of humanity is the most adorable gullibility yet.


How dare such a saint of angelic beauty like that of fireflies in the woodland eras of dawn be inticed to a snake like you? As if Eve herself took a bite of the sickly apple, little knowing of her naivety and the effects of this faker. What desperate and vile bugs crawl towards this rotting lump of a flesh stuffed fruit be hexing. They scramble, chew, and crawl on this dubious delicacy only feeding the ego of the apple. However they are but, mere bugs. Eve has enough mercy to spare these a slam as they bite and nip at her blood too. The flies and maggots feed off the poor girl as they greedily watch their ugly friend, the apple decay.


I'm bubbling with it. Like tar it sticks to the finest of fabrics, almost near impossible to get off. To beseech the sickening squelch of the pop and the churn of said corrosive feeling is to drown in it. This tar runs through my veins in the pace of a sloth, mixing in with my own blood to create a noirceur ichor. It gurgles from my throat spilling out in floods, swallowing the condemned as my poison tongue laps at whatever remnants it gets. This is your home now. Live in my desolation for earning my hate.


The forest feels like warm wood again.
Yellow that drifts through thick canopies unseen, green that fills the entire sky, of gods' reach. The trees that play like instruments, wind and string fusing together in an eternal polyphonic noise. You can taste it in your mouth, the honey of wooden aroma and walnuts, hidden in the past and found in the present, stored cold beneath the aged roots of the oak tree.

It quiets and comes back around. The crackling sounds of the gods' musician, his strings that move the human faced deer in crooked ways, crooked as the bark of their trees, crooked as their branches and as the bend of their stream. He plays the warm deep melodies that lend color to the creatures observed from above.

Sunkissed greens and browns cradle like memories, memories beyond and before mortality.

Ancient deer is no more

While waiting the other deer brought the orange poppy like flowers from the fields. Their dream like quality for mystic crystal revelation and relief from the pains of old age have been well known from sunset to sunrise and back again. In the latter days ancient deer would still stand but only wander a few feet to return to gently sitting on the ground. With help he would arise daily several times from the ground to enjoy the breeze, the fish, sustenance and conversations with the head nods and hoof pawing.
At the stroke of midnight he arrived near the edge of the meadow where a rock had laid in the form of a deer for centuries. He turned it 90 degrees so the curled fawn's head was pointed to the sky and the bottom of the tail on the ground. With a new perspective all saw a sleeping fox had arrived in the forest. With that he lay down beside it to fall in a deep sleep from the flowers given by his lovely deer companion. In three days time he released his last breath quietly. They managed to place ancient deer across the backs of three adult deer. In step with each other his body was taken to the pond where the second lotus flower lays in the stream. Here they entered where deer become frog. Soon 4 frogs came from out the bridge and swam in the pond. Eventually the other deer returned to land. The ancient deer remained in the pond. Lovely deer the companion remained on land and was attended to by many. Some deer transform...
Rouda's picture

Ruttarut 2021

Hmu via discord if you interested in planning fawns, plots or whatever comes to mind.. Kaunako#2487

Cool math games

Play cool math games for all ages, where logic, thinking and an endless run adventure where you practice math while playing. You can paly chess against the computer or your friends. You can choose specific Game Types from the bar at the top that work on different skills. From factorization to graphing equations, games can help students apply the skills they've learned and let them have fun at the same time. That will get students manipulating 3D shapes, solving quadratic equations, and enhancing their problem-solving prowess. Have fun.

Riddle Me this

What two things can always see what the other sees, but can never see each other?

Tolkien Riddle the Eyes have it

An eye in a blue face
Saw an eye in a green face.
"That eye is like to this eye"
Said the first eye,
"But in low place,
Not in high place.


The elder deer accepted the forest gifts from others. Long companion deer took the moss given and made a mat by the small tree wrapped in ivy in the blue meadow surrounded by sycamore trees. Soaking the moss in water then brought to the elder deer let him sip while resting. Within that radius the elder deer functioned well. Others brought small trees they had uprooted with their antlers. Once arriving pawed the ground and placed in areas suitable for viewing from the moss mat. Some deer explored the water areas and found ferns. Placing the ferns where the sun beams streamed strongest broke it up a bit so the elder deer could remain in the dappled light. It made a lovely living fence that waved in the breezes as the day past. Others brought deer fairy plants for brunching since those plants had healing powers. Some realizing old age does not have a cure brought deer fairy plants that soothed and comforted. Mystic crystal revelations allowed when a deer becomes elderly. Other deer strategically placed plants around to make a path for walking. Something to view while waiting to transform from physical to just deer light. Who it helped the most became long companion deer. Joyful cuddles and communing had returned. Bellows and chat as each plant present came. Elder deer got up for short jaunts hunting the deer fairy plants among the blue foliage there. The flying deer had discovered long ago in the treetops and in the higher elevations of the Ruins air plants. They gathered those since they purified the air in an area. The ethereal look of the plants placed in branches low to the ground or even in the blue foliage made for creative thinking. Some deer took the air plants between forks of their antlers and tossed it around making some dance and others fall backwards on the back for a chortle. The elder deer told his stories to all of those he had known, of what he had learned, and how the forest had always taken care of him. Even now it did so.
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