
The Feast

Humans eating the lights causes imbalance in the forest. Both dark and light exist together in an endless dance of negative and positive. Positive builds community and negative well it eats and ravages. As the deer know one can never get rid of all the shadows. They teach lessons. The goal becomes to minimize it. Shadows nibbling remains tolerable but all out feasting ruins the balance. Sustainability helps things flow. Wandering around following light orbs or lit up deer makes one prance about and wriggle. Sometimes lying the shadows, walking among the gravestones, necking with the black buzzy bees near the ruins lets impish part play a bit without fully feasting on the spirit energy. Vampire deer hmmmm feast but eventually balance restores as some beauty comes in through a creative effort and though an individual deer has its light dimmed the community moves forward as always. REsurrection always possible with a dance or two or generous glow light poofed at you or sometimes a swim in the pond does it. Being reborn and fawning again gives new experiences refreshed again.


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Captured Deer Orbs seen in Human Lines

Standing on the edge of the forest I saw humans lining up everywhere. They must be hungry. With small satchels and pieces of paper in hands they rant and rave as others thrust sticks with large squarish colorful fall leaves in the air. Some bark, others murmur quietly. Into the cave hole of their large structures they enter. When they come out they smile and are more normal again. You know which ones eat deer meat. It flits across their face. Like the orbs near the ruins. Captured deer orbs crying to be let free. How do you snatch those from the humans? If I call out they will notice I am watching. If I dance the music will start. Might try a neck hug and may be the deer orb will embrace and I can take back to the forest. Mother deer may be a good place to put them so they can float during the abiogensis or special community times. Humans warring. Stay safe and hidden.

Harlequin Deer Painting a Picture with Words...

Sample Sheet for Writing


Soft white body of fur sensually sleeked back morphs into a set of four slender black legs ending in a trapezoidal hoof ready for pouncing and play. On top of the back lies the symbol for the five types of purple devils she unleashes as she prances. The last realm on her tail exclusively reserved for fawn imps who entertain and escape from their mentors with it. As her slender pearly white neck rises from the body her mask covered eyes highlights her demur Mona Lisa like smile underneath the puggish cute nose. On her head she wears a mask. Her eyes become the orange tadpole like form with the come hither hook. Below a set of black feathers extend out curvaceous but sturdy for all the tickling about to commence. Above a crest of the same black feathers to tickle those in the air space realm. Either side of the head an engaging set of well spread voluptuous rack marked with an orange circle invites streams of play. From the fingers of that enticing well spread rack more tickles stream to all.


Harlequin Deer leaps through the forest adding impish antics to the empire of flora and fauna. Known for making an inner change of behavior in the deer she does so with a smile and grace. As she passes by her special sauce as in aura breathes new life into fawn and mentor alike. The way she does so entirely disassembles the dark forces that try to enter the forest. Harlequin makes purple devils. Purple devils go about doing good deeds, antics that make others laugh, and just impishly defy the norms. They sit far above in the rafters of the ruins. They gather in the not so complete places such as the abstract forest by the lone tree and large plateau rock or in the corner of the pond nearest the big humming tree where a close look turns the landscape into a surreal watercolor expansion.

Harlequin Deer Painting a Picture with Words...

Soft white body of fur sensually sleeked back morphs into a set of four slender black legs ending in a trapezoidal hoof ready for pouncing and play. On top of the back lies the symbol for the five types of purple devils she unleashes as she prances. The last realm on her tail exclusively reserved for fawn imps who entertain and escape from their mentors with it. As her slender pearly white neck rises from the body her mask covered eyes highlights her demur Mona Lisa like smile underneath the puggish cute nose. On her head she wears a mask. Her eyes become the orange tadpole like form with the come hither hook. Below a set of black feathers extend out curvaceous but sturdy for all the tickling about to commence. Above a crest of the same black feathers to tickle those in the air space realm. Either side of the head an engaging set of well spread voluptuous rack marked with an orange circle invites streams of play. From the fingers of that enticing well spread rack more tickles stream to all.

Harlequin Deer leaps through the forest adding impish antics to the empire of flora and fauna. Known for making an inner change of behavior in the deer she does so with a smile and grace. As she passes by her special sauce as in aura breathes new life into fawn and mentor alike. The way she does so entirely disassembles the dark forces that try to enter the forest. Harlequin makes purple devils. Purple devils go about doing good deeds, antics that make others laugh, and just impishly defy the norms. They sit far above in the rafters of the ruins. They gather in the not so complete places such as the abstract forest by the lone tree and large plateau rock or in the corner of the pond nearest the big humming tree where a close look turns the landscape into a surreal watercolor expansion.

Cricket in the Forest

Hopping and skipping around the pond an array of sounds entered my furry little fawn ears. High pitched and quick I suddenly realized not just dragonflies lurked among the cattails and pussy willow branches but there lie crickets. Making an "S" shape with my body I sleekly glided between the cattails and cocked my head just so. Shrilly and distinctly I heard the cricket call. Elusive between the splashes of the frog and the meandering of the fish I followed the sound till underneath the bridge. I sat quietly as I discerned the cricket direction. Small black or brown spots barely perceptible to the deer eye lurk in the grass and shadows lie cricket homes and cricket ways. Looking for mates or chirping the temperature to others fellow crickets nearby alerts everyone in the forest that we are not alone. Of course where cricket appears so oes India. Hope it is Sariwatsi or maybe the ancient temple in Orissa at dawn. Either creates that ebb and flow so necessary to life and love.

Hopping like crickets in this video from INdia Made in India

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Deer Eyes

Moist, deeply brown with the swirling of souls in every blink the deer viewed the forest in the dim light. Tilting her head just so she saw the underneath of leaves waving in the slight breeze as the sounds of the babbling brook filled her ears. Seeing the blues, reds and greens of the forest comforted her as the colors danced across the various objects before her. Purple hazes took a bit to adjust to. Not as natural but functional. Using the vision of other spectrums reveal other delights and forest secrets. Hidden covers where one could hear everything going on but not be seen. Plenty of those existed in the forest once curled up in with nose tucked between front legs with back legs sensuously and light laid next to long brown lovely legs. Meditative breathing slow and relaxed gave a mindfulness which leads to an awareness of all within and without. As the deer breathe exits and the moist deeply brown eyes scan the horizon changes occur. A gentle nudge to play, gracefully roll and giggle, hooves thrusted high in the air just to see how high you can go, and flying off hill, off tree, and over the pond starts up. Splish splash becomes a regular sound again as frog and deer interchange places in the swirling moist azul blue waters of the pond. The purple dragonflies gather near a small set of willows at the lower end of the pond near a log. Hear they whisper the secrets of the forest as they flit through antlers or ears frequently. Never followers by simply gently observers of the deer they act as a gateway of discovery. Many have enticed them to play but dragonflies interact as they please or not.


Deer — not bears, bees, sharks or scorpions — are the animal that kills the most Americans. However, the deaths aren't because of viscious Bambi attacks — most of the fatalities are a result of car accidents.

Fourlegged deer that is

They lurk around America's vast countryside and sometimes make their way into cities. They're cute and furry and have big round eyes. Nope, they aren't bears — deer are America's deadliest animal, as summized by an analysis of CDC data from LCB.

These furry mammals are responsible for an estimated 120 deaths a year, usually due to car crashes rather than attacks

So I am assuming that the deer have grouped up and outside the forest have went on raid, attacking htat which attacked.....

Furry companions with razor sharp hooves and kamikazy ways coming your way because they could not play in the peaceful endless forest.
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