Beneath the Metal
Lies the
true Dalek.
They are not robots, that is only their armour.
Beneath it all, they are a species of fragile, mollusc-like creatures fashioned from human DNA a long, long time ago.
Through generations of "perfection", they feel nothing but hate now, even as their true bodies are quite fragile and vulnerable.
They are not without means of defence, though; one should
never get too close to a Dalek in any case, exposed or not.

This one has been transformed... It wasn't just the outer shell that took on a deer-like appearance when it came to the forest.
-quickly tracks then hides in
Very interesting twist from Dalek into deer. Me like C:
Heh, thank you very much! XD
My pleasure. Well, looks
Aww, thank you so much! >w<
You're welcome. And I know
You couldn't be more right
-rubs self all over- I still
I still need to do the Ood deer's bio.
And that image at the top. *u* Me like, heh~
Heh, thank you so much, it's
And DO EET! >:C *pushes*
Ahahaa! I love this
I remember the original Dalek which were red and blue and all sorts. x) They never stopped being creepy.
I willllll! /hngg I just need
I just need to make it as epic as this. XD
psst- the River Song on here isn't an equine.
She's a deer. at least i think she is XD
@Verdalas: Pfft, so glad you
Also, hi! : D Been wanting to contact you for a while... Never grew the balls XD;;
@Raindrops: Oh, come now, no need to compare it to mine, they ARE separate deer, after all XD
Gah, I've been watching too
XDDD; A River Song pony would
A River Song pony would be awesome though.
It SO would, man, it SO would
I saw! OwO It looks awesome <
(No subject)
Love it!!!
River's eyes narrowed slightly at the threatening body language the alien before her gained as it lowered its head, scraping the ground with its hoof which caused her to take a few steps back. A small distance away, she moved into a defensive pose, ready to fight if need be. She had no antlers like some of the other does and the stags of this forest, but she could still pack a punch. Not to mention she had some heat on her - thank to the Vortex Manipulator - which she hoped worked, unlike the Dalek's laser.
"Seems you and me are not the only ones from our world who have found our way here. I've already run into a few incarnations of the one you call 'The Oncoming Storm.' And don't worry... I'm just as shocked as you are that this place has not blown up yet with the paradox this is causing." She answered the first question, watching as it tried once again to power up its laser to shoot. Legs locked, ready to spring forward with all her might before the creature screeched and took a few steps back, the sound and sight of the forest's magic stopping it.
Raising her head and letting out a breath, the golden doe let her ears drop back against her head slightly as the smaller creature came right up in front of her, its eyestalk staring straight into her eyes, blue reflected in green.
"From being here for a while. I've learnt that this place has its own magic. Energy runs through the trees, water, ground and animals that live here. The deer are able to cast spells on one another to help one another in ways a Dalek couldn't think of. I'd learn your place, native of Skaro. This is not like the world you know where such single minded thoughts such as yours will be tolerated. The Twin Gods will not allow it."
"Blink" is the first episode you see them in. Next time will be a two part with River Song when Matt is the Doctor. You'll love it!
Yeah... they scared me somewhat. But I agree with the Doctor with how they were using the bodies as vessels in our world. It's better then letting them go to waste. XD
Also yes, River is a deer - Mule Deer to be exact. XD
And a River Song pony you ask?
Weeeelllll..... I might have created one on the pony creator by Generalzoi on dA.
But she doesn't have a cutie mark so far since I have no clue what it would be.
Half where I got the idea for Deer-River's curls.
The Ood narrowed his eyes,
I need to catch up with DW. It's been a while since I last watched it. /goes to do research
"There are no such things as
It scraped its hoof again in frustration and annoyance as a tremble ran through its metallic body, the attempts of murder apparently draining its power drastically.
But the Dalek wasn't stupid. Noticing this, it seemed to calm down, standing still yet again, even tilting its newly-acquired head slightly.
"It is a source of power, nothing else. And power can be tapped into and controlled. You will show me the source of this power!" It demanded, sounding almost smug as it stood there, putting up a bold front.
It didn't even notice the lone Ood hiding in the bushes behind it...
Omg, MORE of them? That's fine, I wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyway TwT
And I just dig the Gelth for making zombies XDD
Ooohhh, that is awesome! XDD She should have The Doctor as a cutiemark. -shot- XD
@Raindrops: Go, gooo, my little minion, The Doctor awaits!
Her ears lowered more,
"Well... it seems whatever brought us here has picked the wrong place to drop you if you believe as such." She said, muscles twitching as she watched the metal-cased mollusc calm down once again as it exhausted itself with its attempts to do what it did best...
Exterminate all life forms that were not Dalek.
The revelation to the alien made her frown and she shook her head, curls that feel from her head and neck, like a mane, bouncing with the movement. The smugness in its voice put her more on edge. What if it had found a way to restore itself even more?
"The power here can not be tapped into like how you perceive Dalek. It's not like that of a machine. But if you would like to know where the surges of energy are coming from then follow."
She didn't know if this was the right thing to do. But until she knew fully what this creature was up to, she couldn't just kill it stone dead. The Doctor, she was sure, would like to have a word with this Dalek.
Ears perked to the soft sound of a noise and she glanced back, noticing the faint glow of a communication sphere and the unmistakable presence of the Ood.
Oh yes... there are more. But the episodes coming up with the angels and Eleven are different to Blink. Hehe...
I don't really like zombies. They are one of the only scary/mythical creatures to actually creep me out.
That could work but would look rather... ood.... I mean.... odd.... XD
I better head to bed, been up all night... again.
But it is holidays. *shrugs*
I love how I found this right
The 3rd one, in my opinion, kind of stunk though...
His design reminds me of a golden robot...C-3PO! c: ♥
I shall stalk this bio, because it deserves more than a track >8l
@Bambookirin: loool, I hadn't
@Spoilers: No, I haven't forgotten about the RP, I'm just waiting for Raindrops to answer TwT
I guessed that. XD And I'm
And I'm playing around with CSS at the moment.
But I can't get Mr.Sanguine's codes for the boxes with the borders to work. ;A;
Stalkinnnnng. I meant to do
I meant to do this earlier.
Oh, I love that image at the top so much.
@Spoilers: I got it to work,
@Ammy: Omg, thank you! XD I gotta admit, I'm really happy about that picture too TwT First time he turned out the way I wanted him to XD
No, it's fine and sorted now.
I asked why they didn't seem to be working on the original blog and it was because I had the wrong format thing ticked. XD
And the new pictures/info is AWESOME! <3
Ahh, I see XD Had that
And thanks! XD
And I spoke too soon... XD I
I want it to be the same way her bio is at the moment, except the text in boxes.
I have the top in the right place but I can't get the other boxes in the right place.
Like how you have your rectangle ones next to each other. >.<
You're welcome. ^^
To do that, you need to place
Oh... I thought it might have
I was reading the CSS you sent me and saw that and wasn't sure what exactly to do at the time.
Thank you. <3
You're welcome! >w<
Feeling himself being
One could almost see the smug
"Excellent! You will take m-" It was cut off as it heard the scrambling sounds behind it and swiftly turned around, eye stalk flaring bright blue and laser poised to attack.
"An Ood?!..." It exclaimed in something that almost sounded like surprise as it examined the hivemind from afar.
It hesitated for a moment.
"Others? What others?!" It demanded, turning back to River with a jerk that almost shook its body.
It seemed it was just as used to its new body as the Ood was... Inelegant, unbalanced, even a little clumsy... But then again, Daleks had never been known for their great mobility.
sorry to interup but i
The sight of the Ood didn't
River now stood between the two, one ear pointed towards the Ood and the other the Dalek, listening to their requests and questions before she turned her head back towards the racist dustbin.
"I've told you already about the others. So far it's me, you, the Ood here and 3 different Doctors. Yes, that's right Dalek. Your worst enemy is in the forest and not just in one form but three. So I suggest behaving yourself. Now..." She turned her head back to the other cervine. At least with this one there was some reason in its brain.
"If you would like then you can come with us. We might run into at least one of the Doctors along the way. Other then that... I don't know if or when anymore from our world are coming." She said with a small smile, turning back in the direction she had been heading...
...towards the Twin God statues.
That's okay, and thanks >w<
The Ood nodded, dipping its
Also, idk if the person playing Dr Whooves is playing him anymore. T_T I haven't seen him in the forest -- come to think of it, all the ponies have died out, heh. :c
The Dalek froze as those
"Three?..." It droned with more than just a little fear in its voice. It seemed to shrink a little, taking a small step back, laser dropping defeatedly.
"But... That is a paradox!... That is impossible!..." It said, inside its shell trembling with every word. If there were three Doctors in these woods simultaneously... Then the correct, professional term for the Dalek's state would simply be... "fucked".
It took a deep breath, cold-sweat stinging its skin.
"How can there be three Doctooors on this planet?..." It almost begged, for the first time in its existence fearing for its life.
Its feelings were getting more and more prominent every minute it spent in these woods...
She smiled and turned back
"I'm just as confused as you are about this. All of us have been brought here by something and probably for a reason beyond our thoughts at the present time. To have three Doctor's in one place at the same time and be in that place is not the safest for any of the creatures here. Myself and two of the Time Lords - so far - are searching for the energy surges my Vortex Manipulator picked up when I first got here." She said, glancing between the two before looking down to the device around her front
Oh well that's sad to hear. ;A;
I really like Doctor Whooves.
"Not as tough as you're
Track. <3
"You are one to talk with
Like an old, married couple, I tell ya XD
A quick nod of the head, eyes
edit- I'm curious: what is its set? I haven't met it in the forest as of yet. I'm eager to do so, but I'd like it to be on my Oodeer. XD (And that name just sounds like a very posh person saying 'oh dear' XD)
The Dalek looked at the Ood
It then turned back to River again, looking almost frantic.
"You will answer this question! Do you have any means of transportation?!..." It screeched.
If this deer had a way to get off this planet, the Dalek was NOT letting that chance slip away!
It could almost feel its heart pound... It had wanted to demand that information before, but figured River was stuck on this tiny planet as well... If it WERE a planet and not a small piece of land trapped in a time-space-distortion... Would explain the multiple doctors...
His set is in my deer-directory and I'm gonna send him in under a different picto today >w< Would be awesome if you could help me get his set TwT
Mm, alright. c: I'll be as
Oh, awesome! >w<
What picto will he be using?
And I'm too impatient. I want to start using my Oodeer noowww~ But I don't want to stop using any of my current deer for the moment. And it's only four more days until I can, haha~
I know exactly how you feel,
And I'll be suing the picto of one of my un-used deer, Birth, to be precise >w<
Until my Auxiliary picto grows up, they're my temp-ones XD
Alright. c| Well, I'll be
awesome! >w< Probably won't