your spine is cracking [ roleplay! ] your hands they shake

I haven't made one of these in a while, and well, I want to. I get bored quite easily, y'see |: Human or deer doesn't matter too much to me, but I'm only putting up human descriptions for this one. Rut and Sax are my two main characters just now, so they'll be the ones available.

Literate style, please, and I'd really love to see some new people here too ;; ♥


send me dead flowers every morning, and I won't forget to put roses on your grave

appearance : not mine
artwork : Fayne

|| Around 6"2 or so || Toned yet slim form. Skin is gold-tanned. || Slight bump on his nose || Bright, cerulean-blue eyes; fairly large, with long eyelashes || Slightly crooked smile || Shaggy, golden-blonde hair || Generally wears button-up shirts, normal jeans, and a leather or denim jacket || 'Typical' English accent; 11 seconds (good to compare his accent, which is the blonde's, to the other, more posh one) ||

|| Works in HMV part-time || Owns a very small, cramped apartment which is generally in a state of disarray, constantly untidy || Has a bit of an alcohol problem, and has been 'banned' from drinking as a result || Smokes, though he has cut down a lot recently || In a band of sorts with some friends; can sing and play guitar, though he also knows bass and some drums || Loves music, particularly of the 60s and 70s || Owns a silver motorbike which he loves to pieces ||

ain't no spare parts, ain't no oil to change

|| Arrogant at times || May be awkward around others at first and say stupid things || Reluctant to be emotionally attatched to others for fear of losing them || Prone to severe bouts of anger and depression || Reckless when unhappy and often does things he'll regret || Reluctant to display 'weak' emotion such as fear || Easily made jealous or possessive ||

feel so suicidal, even hate my rock 'n' roll

|| Generally brave and unafraid to defend those he cares for || Has a sense of humour that helps him through bad times || Openly affectionate towards female friends || Enjoys making new friends regardless of age or gender || Not afraid to laugh at himself || Genuine, and doesn't often lie; would never do so for the sake of it, or to make himself seem better ||

it's got a backbeat, you can't lose it, any old time you use it


don't it make you feel bad when you're tryin' to find your way home, you don't know which way to go?

|| Real name unrevealed; goes by 'Saxophone' or preferably 'Sax' || Agent Number Nine, or variations of this ||

a storm is threatenin' my very life today

no artwork available

|| Around 5"7 in height, with a slim, athletic build; not curvy at all || Long-limbed, with large, long-fingered hands || Sharp features; golden, feline eyes; straight nose; thin lips || Short, spiky-curly-scruffy white hair || Usually wears very basic clothing, in neutral colours; perhaps loose dark-grey trousers and black boots; a long black trenchcoat to conceal any weapons she may carry || Generally low voice, swears often and doesn't articulate much ||

|| A military woman of sorts, working for an organisation in the Otherworld that disposes of 'undesirables' whilst trying to remain anonymous and undetected. Mostly consists of ex-criminals, often using blackmail to recruit them || Usually sent on stealth missions alongside Snake; an assassin of sorts || Shares a tiny apartment with Snake in the human world, using it to store weaponry, clothing and food, and to crash in || Adores blues music, likes jazz || Interested in psychology and how people work ||

happiness is a warm gun - bang, bang, shoot, shoot

|| Disloyal and self-serving to most, but not all || Murderer || Ruthless when it comes to getting her own way || May find it difficult to relax || May judge by appearance and reputation and treat others accordingly || Does not always give herself enough time to rest or enjoy herself || Serious and irritable when in a bad mood || Prone to moodswings, too || Frustration with the world || Traitor || Untrustworthy || Constantly fighting || Brings trouble wherever she goes || Ungrateful || Secretive || Aggressive || Paranoid that she is being followed by the M.I. || Suspicious ||

gimme, gimme shelter, or I'm gonna fade away

|| Strong-willed and very rarely gives up; determined to do as she pleases || Not easily swayed when it comes to opinion || A hard-working creature || Intelligent and always alert, highly observant || Takes pride in helping others when she wants to || Generally unafraid || Will make sacrifices for those she loves if truly necessary || Energetic || Playful when in a good mood || Has her more approachable days || Can handle herself and does not need to be protected, in her view || Her 'blue' moods make her quite affectionate ||

I'm having so much fun with the poisonous people, spreading rumours and lies and stories they made up

-plops down- Helllooooo.

-plops down-

Helllooooo. <:

[ HI I'm just going to go

[ HI I'm just going to go ahead and start this okay |: ]


'Maybe you should just do it and see what happens.'

What kind of advice was that? The worst kind; telling him to do something stupid, something reckless and impulsive. Then again, could this really be considered impulsive? He'd been thinking about it for days now, turned the idea over and over in his mind and debated every possible outcome that he could think of. A lot of them were undesirable, awful results that he wished he had never even considered. Perhaps one, or two, were alright. Some of them he could deal with.

It had been raining for a while now, and the pessimistic side of him was tempted to take that as an omen, warning him away from his stupid little plan. Rutilus Phoebus felt sick as he left his motorbike, black helmet hanging precariously from the handlebar, keys curled tightly in his right hand. His knuckles were white, jaw clenching nervously now and then. The light denim jacket he wore so often over that white button-up shirt was damp with rainwater, dark-blue jeans the same.

Knock, knock, knock. "Who ordered a fuckin' pizza?!" was his bellow; he always did think up different greetings and jokes every time he came to visit, never the same thing twice. Running a guitar-weathered hand through untidy almost-tie-up-able blonde hair, Rut stepped back, heart thumping violently. He knew he wasn't going to be able to do it straight away, knew he was going to wait a while, until the tension was unbearable. "I've got six deliveries to make, madam, I in't got all day! Chop chop!"

Emerald-toned irises gazed

Emerald-toned irises gazed out of the crystalline window, now covered in tiny pearls of rainwater that seemed to be endlessly falling from the sky.

She had been somewhat quiet the last couple of days. Even her brother, who come over twice in the past week noticed. The second time, before he left, he asked her if anything was wrong. Martisol had just answered that she was tired. His dark eyes had narrowed, staring into her face, as if searching for the real truth, but he had just sighed and said his good-byes.

She had no explanation as to what was going on. A strange feeling in her gut told her something was very wrong. She was turning sick with worry. She laid her thin hands on the base of her neck, where her amethyst usually rested. It wasn't there, of course, but it was just a nervous impulse. It was being used within the trees of the forest to be used as a protector, a ward. She had hesitated to give it up, of course, but she was sure she was going to get it back as soon as possible, right? Maybe all this worry was part of the reason her stomach felt like twisting in on itself.

There was also the fact that she didn't know what was going on with her heart either. She was just in a confused daze, unsure of what her emotions were trying to tell her. Yet, she felt so alive.

The sound of the motorbike cut harshly through the rain, snapping Martisol's attention to the front door where soon, a ever-so familiar voice bellowed through the wood. She couldn't help but smile. He would make her feel better for a little while, at least. Get her mind off things.

"Hold your horses!"" She yelled back, playing along. Pushing off from where she was leaning against the window frame, she leisurely walked into the foyer to open the door, a polite smile on her face. "I'm afraid those deliveries are going to have to wait, sir. It's awful weather out, isn't it?" She said, grabbing his jacket and tugging him into the warm building.

AA Something flipped in his


Something flipped in his stomach at the sound of her voice calling back to him; relief, perhaps, just to hear that she was alright. That, or it was his nerves again, playing up, laughing at him. Telling him not to be so stupid. What was the point in all of this anyway, really? It'd be nice, he told himself, nodding. It'd be nice to just be able to kiss her all the time. Platonic-romantic. Just kisses. It wasn't fair on her, though, was it?

Rutilus laughed nonetheless when he was pulled inside, arms swiftly wrapping around the smaller to hug her tightly to his damp chest. He let go to shut the front door, keep the heat in; no doubt she'd have it on, it was freezing after all. "Well no bloody pizza for you," he insisted, hands shaking slightly; he could pass it off as shivering. Then again, Rut's body was warm, as it always was - he was a bit of a human radiator.

He ran a hand through his hair again, ruffling Martisol's afterwards before letting himself into the livingroom, inhaling deeply. Abruptly the taller turned to look at her, a hand on his hip - oh look gayer, Rutilus, please, look more homosexual if you can - before he let it fall to his side. "You been usin' coconut shampoo or somethin'?" He could smell coconuts and honey, with the faintest traces of vanilla.

God damn it. Did she do it on purpose? Did she know that those were his three favourite scents, putting aside burnt matches and roses? Did she know she was attractive to him? Maybe. Then again, she always was quite an innocent creature. Rut raised an eyebrow at her, head tilting.
MickKreiger's picture

One murder meets another,

One murder meets another, Julianna and Saxophone? Or are we sticking with our usual Nate and Rut haha?

Martisol chuckled in response

Martisol chuckled in response to his statement as she had her face buried into his soaking wet shirt. "Well, I'm not that hungry, so I guess I ain't too dissappointed."" She noticed his arms shaking somewhat, she wondered if it was really that cold outside. Maybe she should turn the heat up...

As she fixed the hair he had ruffled up, she walked behind him into the living room and straight to the radio that had been quietly humming a song in the background, not that she had noticed it that much. It was just there to make the repetitive rhythm of the raindrops less maddening. She turned the machine off and turned around to face him again.

You been usin' coconut shampoo or somethin'? She chuckled as she walked back over to him, wringing out a part of her shirt that had gotten damp from his hug earlier. "I always use that shampoo. The smell is just... amazin'. Almost therapeutic to me..."

That's when she noticed the look in his blue eyes. She now stood directly in front of him, looking at his face. He seemed curious but distant at the same time. As if... as if he had something on his mind, but he was trying to distract himself from it. She grinned up at him warmly. "You're soaked. Do you need a towel or somethin' to dry off a li'l bit?"

[ Mick; asdf the first would

[ Mick; asdf the first would be spiffy |: You starting or am I? And if it's me, I need some location ideas maaan. ]


Tensetensetense. Maybe he should--no, no, not yet, Christ. There had to be another opportunity. Rutilus looked down at her, one corner of his mouth pulled up into that old smile; a crooked confidence he'd once displayed far more openly, still buried there beneath. The scent of vanilla was stronger now, but the coconut almost drowned it. He wasn't complaining.

"If y'don't mind," he nodded, lifting an arm slightly to study the drenched, almost transparent sleeves of his shirt. Rut chuckled, heart thumping, so loudly he was sure that she would hear it, standing so close to him. "But er, y'know, try an' contain yourself, the shirt's gonna have to come off." He looked at her with mock sternness, blue eyes straight into green. "No swoonin' an' fanning y'face."

He wondered, as he subtly searched those bright, emerald eyes, what she was thinking at that precise moment. Had her stomach flipped? Was her heart racing? Probably not, he supposed. He'd never seen any evidence that suggested he could have that effect on this woman in particular.
MickKreiger's picture

-shrugs- Julianna can often


Julianna can often be found in shadow-y locations, or on the streets at night.

He seemed nervous, almost sad

He seemed nervous, almost sad about something. She had this sense that he was holding back something. After years of being so close to him, she knew how to read him most of the time. He was still good at hiding certain things, but every once in a while she could just sense something in those eyes.

Eyes that were now locked on hers. For some reason, they would make her freeze. Those eyes would lock her into place for a moment. The very next moment, she would smile and laugh.

"No promises." She teased and patted his shoulder, turning to walk toward the hallway.

As she opened the door to the linen closet, she thought about how often she had seen him half-naked. It never made her want to faint or anything, but she had to admit she looked, when he wouldn't notice. What sane girl wouldn't? She never let herself think too much about it, though, trying to make sure she didn't get any ideas. Well, she did come to a conclusion that his body type was very pleasing to the eye. Not too thin, but not overly muscular to the point of ridiculousness...

Oh, what was she thinking? She shook her head slightly as she finally tugged a towel out of the stack, as if trying to shake the thought out of her head. Where did that come from? Was she desperate or something?

She came back into the living room, smiling slightly as if nothing had crossed her mind. She carried two towels in her arms. She laid one across the couch for him to sit his wet rump on, and held the other towel out for him. "Want me to hang the shirt up in the laundry room to dry?" She said, almost a side thought, being polite.

AA As she left the room,


As she left the room, Rutilus began to pace, back and forth and back and forth until he was certain he was walking a hole into the floor. He stopped, looking towards the doorway briefly just to check that his best friend had not yet returned, that she couldn't see him fidgeting and moving incessantly as if he had lost the ability to be still for one moment. His mind felt scrambled, and he wondered if he should abandon his plan for now.

Then he realised it didn't have to be a plan. If the moment came, it came. If time went by and Rutilus didn't feel that the tension absoloutely had to be snapped, then so be it. It was so simple, so obvious; why was he worrying so much? If she took it badly, he could laugh it off, make a joke of it. If she took it well, then...well, good! But what if she wanted something more from him, a commitment? It was the title he didn't want, the officialness of it.

When Martisol returned, Rutilus was standing still again, blinking at her, expression somewhat blank before he remembered what she was actually talking about. A nod, quick, shaking his thoughts around inside his head. "Yeah, yeah." He should have removed his shirt when she was gone, he realised, to save him the awkward stripping with her there. Long fingers plucked quickly at shirt buttons, fumbling; he cursed. "Don't mind me, just--havin' issues, fuckin' hell..."

The shirt was peeled from a golden torso, black sun-tattoo visible on his chest. Rutilus folded it out of habit, not quite as untidy as people thought he was, and held it out to her, taking the second towel at the same time. His heart thumped again, trying to break free from the bone cage it was trapped in. He almost expected to see a bruise when he looked down. "Cheers." The blonde moved almost hastily away from her, as if he could not stand being so close; he perched himself on the sofa, atop that fluffy towel. "Just--makin' you run around after me, sorry, love," Rut laughed, lifting the towel to rub at his hair, making sure it wasn't as damp as he thought it was.


The streets were quiet at night, and that made it a lot easier for her to get fresh air without the usual fear that she was being followed or watched. This world was infinitely preferable to the one she had come from, much safer and less terrifying - but the idea of humans having dominion over it was still absurd to the agent. She found herself watching them often, still so surprised to see them without collars and masters, no longer slaves.

Her favourite trenchcoat, deep black and reaching her ankles, kept her athletic body warm - and the revolver in her belt hidden. Scruffy-curly hair was a white mess atop her head, ruffling frequently in the breeze that would not leave her alone. Agent No.9 was not out of place in the night streets, but she could never blend in with the daytime crowds - and so she stuck to escaping in the dusk.

This rooftop in particular seemed like the perfect place to perch herself. Somewhere she could watch people without them knowing, somewhere she wouldn't be disturbed. The problem she faced was her hair, such a stark white, and pale skin didn't help either; a hood or a hat might have done her some good when it came to camoflauge.

A sound, quiet. Almost inaudible. Sax froze, crouched atop the roof of a block of flats, only two stories high.

When Martisol realized he was

When Martisol realized he was having issues with his buttons, she almost reached out her hands to help him, but as soon as the thought came to her, he figured it out himself. As the now-translucent white shirt was peeled away, her eyes fell on that black sun tattoo. She knew that tattoo inside and out, could trace it in her mind. Yet, it still stood out in her mind as almost an act of bravery. She knew she would cringe away from the needle if she attempted to get a tattoo.

She gingerly took the soaked shirt from his hands, somewhat surprised at how neatly it was folded. She knew he was all messy, but she loved seeing his little quirks like this.

She also couldn't help but noticed how quickly he stepped away from her and sat down. Something was up. But she just smiled at him and turned back toward the hallway she just came from. "Oh no, it's perfectly fine." She said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear as stepped around the furniture.

Her bare feet hit the cold tile as she stepped into the laundry room. She started to simply hang the shirt up on one of the hangers, but had a second thought and instead grabbed a dryer sheet, throwing the clean-smelling object into the electric dryer along with the damp shirt. She turned the timer on the machine and smiled. Now his shirt would be dry and warm when Rutilus got it back. As warm as he was.

Turning off the light behind her and closing the door to gently, she stared down the hall at the back of Rutilus's head over the back of the couch. She could tell something was up. Something was wrong. He had something on his mind and it was troubling him. Was that why he came here so suddenly? So he himself could feel better? Do get whatever it was off his mind?

She sighed under her breath, not even audible to herself. Just air. Trying to relieve the constriction of worry off her chest.

Composing herself, she walked back into the living room, where she promptly sat herself next to him on the couch, far enough away but close enough to not be akward. She gathered her legs up to her chest, her feet digging into the cushions. She studied his face and body language, trying to make sense of things. She decided to just come out with it.

"Are you ok? Something seems wrong."
MickKreiger's picture

Julianna often used the

Julianna often used the nights to practice her assassination techniques, using both her actual skills and the technology that she had been given from her father. Tonight she was practicing her abilities at roof jumping. She was after all her training, an able jumper, she could jump approximately ten feet, allowing her to get across rooftops that were at a similar level to her. For jumps that required her to leap much higher or lower than what she was already at, she had both her grappling gun, and her drop distance boots. Her father had created some technology that allowed her to slow her rate of descent. She was unsure of how they worked other than they seemed to emit no upwards thrust, she knew that she couldn't use them to jump any higher. She believed that they counter-acted gravity to a small degree so that she didn't just slam into the ground.
She was approaching a block of flats, so she had to hope that there was no one on the roof. Too much of it was obscured for her to accurately guage if there was anyone on it. Normally she wouldn't perform the jump, but she was nearly back to her sewer entrance, and descending through this building would prove difficult.

She aimed for the nearest corner, there was no one else at that bit - she could tell that much, and if she landed softly enough, she could merely claim that she had always been on the roof, and she wasn't wearing her overcoat, so she looked innocent enough. She had chosen to wear a casual dress. It was easier to practice this way, her overcoat made it difficult to jump effectively. She would likely have ditched it anyway before she started running. Her arc through the air was graceful - not for any real reason, other than Julianna enjoyed her intelligence photos to make her good looking. If she was forced to look at herself, she would look good. She landed softly, before readjusting her hair so that it lay straight behind her.

AA Waiting for her was


Waiting for her was torture, since he only had the job of drying himself to keep him occupied until she returned. The damp towel was folded on the arm of the sofa once his body was dry, head tilting back against the sofa, cerulean eyes staring up at the ceiling. Was he out of order, he wondered, coming to her house with such stupid, fleeting ideas in mind?

Rutilus was oblivious to her gaze on him from the end of the hallway. He sat there and tapped his foot on the floor to the rhythm of the music playing quietly from the radio, tempted to get up and flick through the stations, see if he could find something else that he liked. Laziness, however, won him over and left him slumped where he was, eyelids threatening to flick closed. Long lashes - gone to waste on a man, better suited to a woman - brushed against high cheekbones, brief.

"Welcome back," was his slightly slurred greeting as the golden gypsy returned to him, seating herself farther away than he would have liked. In a perfect world, he could have pulled her over onto his lap and snuggled her for as long as he liked, watched stupid movies and fallen asleep half-way through with her, fed her icecream and pretzels and other ridicuolus things like that. In a perfect world. Then again, he suspected that he could do that anyway, if he was brave enough to try it.

Rutilus' eyes opened properly at the question. He'd been rather obvious. That, or she knew him far too well, which almost...frightened him a little. A chuckle escaped his throat. "Nah, nah, I'm fine." Quick, quick, an excuse... "Just--well Taliene's still missing. That's three months now." In reality, he wasn't worried about his sister, not at all now, and that...well, that made him feel like an asshole.

He sat up a bit straighter, arm over the back of the sofa as china-blue locked onto emerald-green again, fixing his gaze upon her. "Howcome yer all the way over there?"


Golden irises had followed that female since the moment they'd caught sight of her. What Saxophone had seen was the ascent; the spectacular, graceful leap that even she could not have performed. The agent was built for speed, yes, and agility, but she could never leap that high. Climbing was a stronger point of hers in comparison. Saxophone slowly shifted her weight, positioned at a crouch now, eyes fixed on the stranger as she straightened and adjusted her hair.

This was not an ordinary person, that much was obvious. To Saxophone's knowledge, humans even in this world did not roam rooftops at such late hours. Suspicion suddenly flared in her stomach and the agent searched her memory, scanned it for an image of this woman whose face she could see vaguely in the darkness. Was she an M.I. agent, following No.9, sent by Danforth? Saxophone had to know. Curiousity won her over and instead of dropping from the roof, climbing back down to ground level and disappearing into the night, she rose slowly to her feet and stared.

"This a hobby of yours?" was the question, expression forever displeased, suspicious. Saxophone's shoulders were tense, hands by her sides, curled into fists. In comparison to No.9, the stranger was much more...conventional looking, from what she could see. But why, Sax wondered all of a sudden, why was she jumping roofs in a dress?! "What're you doin'? Who y'work for?"
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

I'm just going to track this

I'm just going to track this since I keep coming back to read |3;

&hearts;!!! I was wondering

♥!!! I was wondering if this roleplay in particular would get lurkers. |:

[-cough- We've got

[-cough- We've got stalkers]

She expected as much. He hadn't told her anything about them finding Taliene, so she naturally guessed she was still missing-in-action. Martisol nodded and looked down, briefly, wondering what she would do if Validus ever disappeared, or what he would if she disappeared. Would they tear down the town looking for her, or would they just put it off as one of her usual disappearing acts? Her gut twisted in guilt, but she didn't let it show.

She looked back up and shrugged at his question, shifting in her position in response. She was now sitting closer to him, somewhat on her knees instead of them being in front of her, giving her enough height to look into his eyes better.

"No reason. You just seem kinda... tense. Or tired or something. I wasn't sure..." She stared at his face again, trying to read it better, but nothing was clicking...

She hesitantly reached out to move a stray golden hair from his face. Her head tilted as she watched the light coming from above them dance off the hair briefly as it moved. Her eyes moved back to his face, where she continued to search.

"Well, she disappeared at New Years, right? So it's technically only 2 full months. Don't be so pessimistic."" A tiny, barely noticable smile came onto her face, more out of habit than anything else.
MickKreiger's picture

That was certainly

That was certainly interesting, someone had not merely been curious about her because she had been roof jumping, they were interested in who she was. This person had the demeanour of someone dangerous, yet it was subtle. They looked to be someone who had similar training to her - another covert operative? That seemed likely, but the question was what agency. There was nothing that would indicate an attachment to the CIA, MI6, or any of the other agencies - known or unknown, but then their wouldn't be. Agents of any agency were expected to be able to provide cover constantly so as to maintain their covert status. She was unsure of how to play this, it was possible that she had caught this agent at home and thus they wouldn't be as well armed - or it was possible that this woman was armed, most presumably with a gun. Julianna was a very unique agent. She carried her dagger with her as opposed to a gun - except on missions where long range was key - then she brought her sniper rifle. She examined the other girl again, looking for any familiar postures or movements; she had learned the training methods of the agencies she encountered most often. This girl did not seem to have any of them. Perhaps she was merely paranoid, though there was little to suggest that.

"I was jumping roofs, I assumed that was fairly obvious," She answered, there was no real tone to her answer, neither interest nor disinterest. It was merely said. "As for who I work for...well, that depends on when you ask. My father sometimes, highest bidder the rest of the time." If there was one thing that Julianna did not do, it was lie when she had no reason to do so. If this was an agent and they reported what they saw, they would find out who she was anyway, and if they weren't, well, she might have use of an agent with her unique abilities and training. Julianna had been trained better than covert operatives usually were. They were electively trained, and they were trained as adults. Children were not generally agents of the governmental agencies. Julianna had spent the first thirteen years of her life being trained in various forms of fighting style - both unarmed and armed, had recieved advanced gun training, she had been trained to resist torture and had recieved training in all of her advanced technology. Well, she had been taught how to use it.
"And what of you? Who do you work for?" She asked in return, it was manners after all that if one were going to demand information, one would give a little back.

AA The concern she showed


The concern she showed for him made him feel warm, content; he allowed himself a quiet chuckle, lips quirking upwards again. Rutilus made no comment on her thoughts of his current state of mind, instead sitting there silently still, heart stuttering unexpectedly when he realised that the silence was threatening to swallow him whole, and he had promised himself that if tension needed breaking he would do it by--

--a flash of gold passed over his eyes, and soft fingertips brushed against his skin. Rutilus swallowed and just smiled again, relieved when his friend spoke; reassuring him, as she always reassured him, while at the same time she managed to fit in a playful little dig at his character. The blonde laughed, relaxing all of a sudden, shifting so that his body was angled towards her better, leaning between the arm and the back of the sofa. "I reckon she's fine," he nodded, head jerking briefly to flick away that persistent lock of hair. If he'd wanted to, he could have tied it back in a ponytail now; it was almost past his shoulders.

"But," Rutilus started suddenly, and sat up a little straighter again, forever fidgeting. "Enough about me. I didn't ask how you were." Casually, a long finger tapped Martisol's nose, before his arm returned to resting against the back of the sofa. Best to keep the attention away from his unusually tense behaviour, the sudden darting from her when she came too close, the prolonged eye contact and that bewildering tension that could not quite be called awkward. "You okay? I notice you've uh, been doin' that thing you do sometimes." Very informative. He tried again, waving a hand. "When somethin's wrong, you uh, you don't smile right. It's--polite, not real."


Saxophone could not keep still, had never learned how to do that strange silent, still intimidation thing that her best friend always performed. She could hear that rough, gritty voice in her head now, with an accent so similar to her own; keep still, y'gon' make 'em think you're nervous! But she was not nervous, no, not afraid of the girl so much as the possibility that someone out there was watching her, or that someone in this world knew who she was and what she did for a living. So in her impulsive, fidgeting state, Saxophone did not keep still; she paced, first to one side, and then to another, long fingers tapping against her coat pocket.

My father sometimes, highest bidder the rest of the time...

Few people were so open with No.9, and she had learned to know when someone was lying to her, to some extent at least. Now her theory that the woman was also an agent was confirmed, but they obviously did not work for the Initiative. That organisation was filled with bad people, evildoers, people with few morals, people that were willing to kill for money. It was not as structured as Danforth made it out to be; the human agents were constantly being slaughtered by species of higher rank and more power. But back to the point.

This girl, whoever she was, did not work for Danforth, for he did not have any children, which didn't surprise Agent No.9 in the slightest. Few people would want to marry such a beastly man, she assumed, though in reality what did she know about love and desire? Saxophone made no comment on the stranger's honest answer, though she did make a mental note to thank her for her honesty if the opportunity arose. Not yet, though. Not yet. She still had to be cautious - for now the stranger wanted information from her.

"God," the white-haired creature joked flatly, wry smile twisting thin lips. Her pacing had stopped, finally, golden eyes staring right at the other female, studying her. Saxophone had a knack for memorising people's faces, body shapes, and in particular the ways in which they moved - useful for watching them in a crowd, be it to hunt them down, or in rare cases, protect them. "You wouldn't know 'em, trust me." Funny, telling someone to trust her.

By the way, I've killed children just to get back at their fathers. Definitely trustworthy. Did you know I'm a thief, too?

Her eyes flicked down to briefly judge the space between them, determining that they were definitely out of eachother's arm reach, even with Saxophone's slightly too long arms. "You gon' tell me yer name?"

She chuckled as he touched

She chuckled as he touched her nose, a genuine sound for once. She looked at her arm, which was now resting across the back of the couch, still somewhat close to his head. Close to his lengthening hair. Of course, she had noticed how long his hair was before, but never really thought much about it. She wondered if he wanted it this long or if he just kept forgetting to get it cut, or worse couldn't afford it. She wanted to grab a comb from her bathroom and just brush through it, putting every hair back in its place...

She breathed out heavily at his question. Less of a sigh, more of a tired noise. Her eyes wandered from his face and hair to look to her side, where she could see through an archway into her dining room, her eyes fixing on a window where she could see the rain continuously pounding on the glass.

Drip, drip, drip.

Martisol's free arm wrapped around herself now, almost protectively. "I've just got... This feeling... I dunno what it is but I've had it for a few weeks... This bad feeling in my stomach that something's gonna happen. I've had this feeling before... Lots of times... Sometimes before... bad things... And sometimes nothing would happen." Her voice was quiet, detached. A touch of confusion and the tiniest hint of worry and fear.

Her eyes came back to look at him. "You ever get that feeling' sometimes?"

AA Nothin' bad's gonna


Nothin' bad's gonna happen - I'm just thinking about kissin' you.

Concern flickered in his eyes; he knew that tone of voice, that lost, worried edge. A sigh escaped the blonde and he shifted closer to her, one corner of his mouth pulling up into a crooked, reassuring smile. "Yeah, I get that," he admitted, giving a slight nod. Rutilus moved again, this time brave enough to wrap a strong arm around Martisol's shoulder and pull her closer. "But hey if somethin' happens it happens, yeah?"

He became very much aware of how close they were, and how very shirtless he was; tattooed chest bare, rise-falling slowly, calm despite his thumping heartbeat. The rain outside began to throw itself violently at the windowpanes, as if trying to break inside; stopstopstop, it said, stupidplanstupidstop. And Rutilus hesitated.

"It'll be alri'," he stated stupidly, for lack of much else to say. He could not reassure her if he didn't know what was going to happen, could he? Rutilus exhaled again, realising that the scent of coconut and honey was much stronger now, so close he could almost taste it. His lips twitched upwards again, weakly, body tense as he struggled to think of something else to say; something else to break the tension with.

Don't do it don't you fucking dare not yet make sure she's okay first don't you dare.

She let out a small, weak

She let out a small, weak noise when he wrapped his arm around, and she gave into his embrace, resting her forehead on his bare shoulder. The rain.. his bare chest... his warmth... It all made her think of the night he woke her up so early in the morning to drag her into a freezing lake. She swore she almost got frostbite, but it was one of the best nights in her life. Spontaneous, something she hardly ever was. And afterwards she didn't want to let him go, simply because he was always warm.

She laughed, although it came out muffled. What was she worried about? No one was threatening her, there wasn't anything that should worry her. Rutilus seemed fine and Validus claimed to be alright. There was nothing to worry about.

"You're probably right. Just me bein' paranoid." She closed her eyes briefly, just enjoying his presence. They blinked open and she brought her head up so that her chin was now resting on his shoulder. Her eyes fell on a multitude of pictures hung on the wall behind him.

"Ya know, I'm surprised you came out here. I thought you hated rain. Didn't like goin' out in it."

AA His hand stroked her hair


His hand stroked her hair as her chin thudded gently onto his shoulder, long fingers carding through strands of blonde. Rutilus gave a quiet hum of thought, long-lashed eyes flicking closed, content, free arm around Martisol's waist. "I do," he confirmed, heart beating violently against his chest and therefore hers; he wondered if she could feel it, trying to escape. "But I wanted to see you."

He shifted and drew back slightly to press his lips to the side of Martisol's head, reassuring. "No more worryin' from you, woman, let y'self relax." Rut repressed a yawn and tightened his embrace again before letting go, messing the smaller's hair up playfully; ease the tension, again. "An' if you don't relax I'll...uh..." He thought about that, gaze flicking upwards. "...think of somethin', I will."

Rutilus looked down at her, playful spark suddenly gone from his eyes, replaced with that earlier tense uncertainty, throat tightening.

Her ear was briefly pressed

Her ear was briefly pressed against his neck, where she caught a quick feel of his pulse. Had she imagined it or was it faster that it should have been? But then, his head moved and she couldn't confirm her thought. His lips were close to her ears now, reassuring her, but she was only catching the words as her mind froze.

When he released her somewhat, her expression was blank, but curious. Martisol looked up at his face, catching the look in his eyes. The blue wasn't as bright as usual, similar to what happened when Validus was upset, when his eyes would turn the color of hurricane clouds. But with Rutilus, sure his eyes were still that eye-catching bright blue, but there was something cloudy about them. As if looking through a mist.

At the bottom of her vision, she also caught a slight movement as his throat, causing her to narrow her eyes slightly. She wasn't as oblivious as some would think.

"Are you sure nothin's wrong?" She spoke gently, motherly. True concern. "Is there something you're really worried about?"

AA The almost unnoticeable


The almost unnoticeable narrowing of those leaf-coloured eyes caught his attention and made him realise that she understood something was still wrong. The emphasis on 'really' caught him off guard; could she tell now that he was not worried about his sister in the slightest? Rutilus tried for a smile and failed, resulting in a sort of awkward quirk of his lips, misty-blue irises averting, pinprick pupils moving in unison.

"Nah, nah, just--" Abruptly he cut off, struggling, not wanting to lie to her but at the same time, so very reluctant to tell the truth. The rain drummed in his ears and drove his brain to madness and confusion for a split second; he could have done it then, there, at that precise second and still he hesitated. Rutilus exhaled heavily and leaned back into the crook of the sofa once more, distancing himself from her.

"I was talkin' to Jared the other day," he began, not quite looking Martisol in the eye now. Long fingers tapped against his denim-clothed knee, teeth biting at his lower lip; a nervous tick. "An' after discussin' some things we uh, got onto a particular subject." The shirtless man paused again. "He told me to do somethin' I might regret, somethin'...spontaneous, but I'm havin' a hard time workin' up the courage."

Bright blue flashed to Martisol again and locked her there.

While he spoke, she watched

While he spoke, she watched him. She watched his fingers moving up and down in one of his little nervous habits. She could feel her own fingers itching to reach up to where her necklace usually was. Instead, they softly rubbed against each other instead of the amethyst.

She thought hard as she stared into his suddenly bright eyes. She couldn't look away. He was hiding something, obviously, giving a general response. She had some suspicions, nothing truly specific, but she feared jumping to a conclusion.

She thought about Jared. She didn't truly know him, just met him a couple of times when she came to visit Rutilus at his apartment, but what she knew was that he was a truly nice guy who must want the best for his brother.

She shifted her own position, just getting off her legs, making her lose height. She never took her gaze off his face, and the expression that was on it. "I guess it depends. If you think it's something you need to do, just do it. Maybe you won't regret it." She shrugged slightly. "But it's your choice. It's always your choice."

MickKreiger's picture

Julianna smirked, this was

Julianna smirked, this was certainly an interesting agent. She had never encountered one quite like this before. She was being studied, Julianna knew that much so she subtly changed her mannerism pattern to one that she rarely used - that way if the other agent came to anticipate certain emotional triggers then Julianna could surprise her with her actual mannerisms and micromovements. She wondered what agency that this woman worked for that she "wouldn't know 'em." She knew of the existence of nearly every agency in the world that trained spies. She continued her examination of the other woman. There was something strange about her, she was continually thinking about something - as if she was expecting some kind of trouble. Julianna was as well, but she would only retaliate. Without a mission, killing others was pointless, and generally cruel. There were very few circumstances where Julianna would strike first, and this woman had displayed none of the signs of someone that would put her into such circumstances. She seemed...on edge, perhaps nervous.

"Julianna Castinor, Senior Agent of the Castinoran Assassination Group," Julianna answered the other woman. She didn't personally like the name that her great grandfather had given to the business of assassins, before that it had had no name and they were merely the Castinor Family. They could be hired only through various mediums who never really knew who their bosses were. There was about four shell companies that the information would travel through before reaching a member of the family - generally Julianna since her father was restricted to his labs now...because of that woman. Julianna felt the anger coming at the thoughts of her, but she used her mental discipline to block that out. She would not become angry at the thoughts here. That would be unprofessional, and she prided herself on her professionalism.
"Are you extending the same courtesy?" She asked. Julianna wondered if this agency was aware enough of the criminal underworld that the title that she had presented herself would alert any warning bells. They weren't well known by the lower echelons of the espionage, counter-espionage, or criminal organisations of the world. The people who knew of them, generally knew of high level secrets. Her great great grandfather had made sure of that, before his son had created the actual group format that it existed in today.

AA His choice, no-one


His choice, no-one else's. He didn't have to do it if he felt it wasn't right and--well, it wasn't right, was it? Because he was so adamant that nothing could ever come of it, that they couldn't be together, that so many things could go wrong and he was so scared of losing her that he could never even take the chance. Rutilus' eyes flickered briefly to the place where that necklace usually rested, and then back up to meet those bright, emerald eyes.

"Right, then," he answered softly, and all of a sudden his hand was on the side of her face, thumb against a soft cheek, fingertips in blonde hair; he was tilting his head down to reach her and even if he had wanted to, he would not have been able to stop himself. The kiss was gentle, warm, almost unbearably sweet; his heart was pounding in his ears, it was going to escape, he was sure of it, so sure, and she was going to push him back and look horrified, ask what the fuck he was doing and why, and he would not be able to think of an answer...


The name did not ring any alarm bells in her mind, nor any other bells, and furthered Saxophone's belief that this agent, whoever she really was, was not a threat to her. The Initiative had no reason to have knowledge of any human organisations simply because they did not operate in that world; therefore Saxophone too knew nothing of them. She had previously been unaware of even the existence of the police, but Snake had educated her well; enabling her to blend...somewhat well in the human world. Sometimes, she slipped up; the concept of the internet was foreign to her too, or had been, until she had realised that in the east of the otherworld, technology was much more advanced and something very similar did exist.

The female shifted and looked the other woman over once more, lips thinning. "M'name?" she questioned, eyebrow arching upwards, as if surprised that this 'Julianna' would even ask - perhaps dare to ask. The stranger was a 'senior agent', an authority figure...and suddenly Sax realised that authority figures could never truly be trusted. Then again, she had no authority over the otherworldly agent. Hm. No.9 thought for several seconds and eventually, she gave the name that even Snake knew her by. "Sax." She had learned that to say 'Saxophone' in this place brought strange looks, and those were best avoided.

Then again, even 'Saxophone' was not her real name.

"You don't seem t'mind talkin' about yerself."

So many things seemed to

So many things seemed to happen so fast, yet in slow motion.

She saw him shoot toward her only a split second before she felt his hand on her face, his fingers brushing her neck, causing her to shudder internally and gasp slightly. Her heartrate shot up with adrenaline as his lips met hers. Bright green irises closed tightly.


She expected herself to be surprised, startled. But she wasn't. Sure she was surprised, it had happened so suddenly, but she was not in the least bit afraid. In fact, it was more curious than anything.

Rutilus would kiss her on an almost daily basis. But they were just affectionate, simply playful. A peck on her cheek, his lips against her hair... But this was different. He was gentle, careful, but at the same time there was hidden passion in the kiss. She was fascinated, her heart now beating in rhythm to his own.

Tha-dump! Tha-dump!

Something was happening, in her heart. She could feel it. As if something like a rope was being snapped. Something that was constricting her heart, holding it back. It was being snapped in two. Free from its bonds, her heart leapt, another burst of adrenaline.

Tha-dump! Snap! Tha-dump! Tha-dump!

Martisol leaned into the kiss briefly, unaware, until she came fully back to her senses. She pulled back then, gently, slowly, opening her eyes to see his face inches away from her own. She was breathing in short, shallow but quiet breaths. She could still feel the heat from his skin. She suspected what this was about.

She stubbornly never let herself believe the others. Those who said that he and she would end up together. Those who were suspicious of their relationship. She told herself that if she was going to believe it, the words had to come from his mouth.

In between breaths, she was able to stutter out: "Is this... Are you trying to tell me..." Unable to finish her own question, she now realized that she was somewhat nervous, but tried to keep herself from shaking.

[sorry about the essay there. Been dying to write that. It's a fail anyway.]

[sorry, double post. Internet

[sorry, double post. Internet acting up >>]

AA She kissed him


She kissed him back.

Rutilus felt his heart give a stuttering flip, heavy eyelids flicking open just in time to see Martisol's lashes flutter, and bright green gazing up at him, burning into his memory in one of those I-won't-forget-this moments. His own irises were bright; brighter than the northern lights, the stars, the sun. The faintest traces of a smile tugged at his lips, chest rising shallowly, adrenaline forcing his heart into overdrive.

She wanted an answer; she wanted an explanation; she had suspicions and she wanted them confirmed. This was what he had dreaded. This was why he should never have kissed her - but then where would they be if he had not, with that unbearable tension still there, just pleading to be snapped? Martisol would not have made the first move, of that he was certain. His explanation could be left for when she calmed down and stopped trembling; he could feel her quiver.

"Breathe," the taller laughed softly, gentle as he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, mind racing. What to say to her? How could he possibly tell Martisol how he felt, only to then say 'but...' and explain why he was too afraid of losing the golden gypsy to start a relationship with her? It was unfair, so very unfair, but if he could just kiss her, if he could just kiss her when he wanted to kiss her...

Rutilus kissed her forehead, and then without thinking it over he dipped his head and kissed her again, though brief this time.

"...You kissed me back."

At first, she just stared at

At first, she just stared at him, her chest and arms trembling out of her control. Her gaze wandered down, falling on the tattooed sun on his chest. He watched as his chest moved up and down, trying to match her own breaths with his. She took a second to collect her own thoughts, trying to figure out what had happened just then. Her head was spinning.

Her head lifted again when he kissed her forehead, her gaze locking on his, green meeting blue. Then he kissed her again. Shorter this time, and less dramatic, but it still made her heart jump in her chest, nearly wrecking what little composure she had recovered. She gulped and took a couple of deep breaths.

"I... I guess.. I did." She sounded astonished at herself. Sure, this wasn't the first time they had truly kissed, but it was much different than any before it. "I... did..." She froze. Her lips were still parted slightly, her eyes locked on his. Her irises held a look of curiosity.

What was going on? Was that just an automatic reaction? Or had she honestly kissed him back? She didn't remember being in control, but she knew she didn't stop herself.

She had. She had! She had actually kissed him back!

Blinking once or twice, she tried to bring herself to focus, but it wasn't helping. Her lips opened slightly more, as if to speak, but nothing escaped her mouth.

[edit: Sorry. Wanted to rewrite some parts...]

AA As he watched her try to


As he watched her try to regain her composure, he could not help but smile again, nerve-wracked as he was. Rutilus felt somewhat...proud of himself, gaze flicking here and there, studying the reaction he had gotten from her; body trembling, breath quickened, cheeks flushed, voice stuttering. He knew she was confused, that she didn't quite understand what was going on, perhaps could not register the full impact of what had happened.

For a few seconds he realised he was drowning in that beautiful mixture of honey, vanilla and coconut; his memory replayed the first kiss over and over, how soft she was, how strong the vanilla had become, how his heart flipped...

Rutilus cleared his throat and leaned back into the corner of the sofa, head tilting slightly to the side as he watched the smaller, heart still thumping loudly against his chest. "Didn't think y'would," he admitted quietly, long lashes brushing his cheekbones as he looked downwards, realising that the difficult part, the part that he had been dreading, was the part that came next.

"S'pose you might want t'know what the hell I'm thinkin'." A pause. He thought for several seconds, tongue running over his lower lip in thought. "...This is what I came 'ere for."

As he moved away, she leaned

As he moved away, she leaned into the back cushions of the couch, crossing her arms on the top and burying her face in them. She was finally collecting herself as her heartrate slowed down.

Maybe she overreacted. Had she overreacted? Was there any reason for her to suddenly get shaky and nervous?

She thought about that feeling she had right before she kissed him back. It was as if her heart was being... Freed from something. That was what startled her the most. The kiss was very simple, but she could tell in her heart it had more than just "simple."

She stared at him while he spoke. She just wanted to ask, see if he said those three words. But she couldn't make herself ask.

Instead, her head came up to rest on her arms instead of half-buried in them. She had a gentle smile on her face, her eyes half-open with an affectionate look in them. "That was it, wasn't it? What you and Jared were talking 'bout. Your 'something spontaneous'? That something you might regret?"

The smile disappeared and her eyes opened fully, but her face still held a look of gentle curiosity.

So what does this make us?

"Do... Do you regret it?"

[edit: Sorry again. OCD wanting me to rewrite a couple of sentences real quick. Fix some wording.]
MickKreiger's picture

"Would you prefer I lied?"

"Would you prefer I lied?" Julianna asked with a shocked inflection, she was always surprised when someone was shocked that she was open and honest about who she was and what she did. There was very little point she found in lying, people generally found her for one particular reason - they knew who she was for only a couple. She felt no need to play the games that she played on assignment, she had seen the agents of both her group, and the other international agencies and she saw what the constant games did to them. Those were the actors who didn't have an actor anymore. They were characters in a constant game and who they were was simply lost to them. Julianna had seen that happen to many of the agents and she was determined that that would never be her. She had a personality - not the strongest in the room, but it was there and it was hers. She wouldn't lose it, she was an assassin and she was good - but sometimes she just needed to be Julianna Castinor.

"What about you? Do you mind talking about yourself?" Julianna asked in response.

AA The way she gazed at him


The way she gazed at him made him want to kiss her all over again. The distance between them was going to drive him insane, he was sure of it. Should he move over again, pull her to him? No, no, not yet. He could wait.

Rutilus half-chuckled when she spoke, correct as usual. He didn't answer her verbally; nodded instead, let her know that she was absoloutely right - and then her smile faded abruptly, making him worry. The taller swallowed, sun-tattooed chest rising as he shifted, sitting up straighter, worried now. Had he fucked up? She'd seemed so content a few seconds ag--


Unable to help himself, the goldrose laughed and shook his head, strands of hair irritating his eyes; he flicked them away. "God, no," he insisted, looking right at her, blue irises warm; a tropical ocean. "No, I don't regret it at all."

Again he fidgeted, shifted, leaning slightly closer to her, arm stretched over the back of the sofa. "...D'you wish I hadn't?" Rutilus questioned, eyebrows twitching together in a brief frown. "'Cause it was--gonna happen someday." Quite blunt - but it was the truth.


The surprise on the female's face brought a rare bark of laughter from between thin lips. No.9 shook her head, waving a hand dismissively to indicate that no, she would not have preferred to be lied to. Saxophone liked having information - and not just because it could often be used against people. Frequently, she just found herself interested in the lives of people that were not her.

Saxophone shifted and found herself unable to keep still any longer; she began pacing again, not quite relaxed but certainly not as terribly tense as she had been initially. The trenchcoat flapped gently at her ankles, and then more flamboyantly as the wind picked up for a few seconds. Strands of white danced and curled atop the agent's head; briefly, she readjusted her fringe, tried to flatten it down, and failed miserably.

"Depends on th' questions," was the eventual response, keen eyes flicking to stare over the edge of the roof, look downward. There were so few lights on in the surrounding houses now; when was the 'dead hour' in this world? Saxophone understood that artificial light meant activity. "Depends on who's askin', but you ain't a threat." Her head snapped up, suspicious as she backed away from the edge, suddenly afraid of being pushed over. "...If you are, you should lemme know now, man, get it over an' done with."

But she was half-smiling, which meant she didn't really think it a possibility.

The corners of her mouth

The corners of her mouth twitched up in a minuscule smile when he answered her, relief welling up in her chest. She didn't want him to regret doing that. To regret anything. To regret staying by her side.

She glanced down briefly at his question, the tiniest hint of a smile still on her lips. She shook her head slightly, bangs falling into her face. Her eyes looked at him through the golden veil the hairs created in front of her face, before she looked up again, picking up a hand to gently put the hair behind an ear.

"No... I'm actually kinda glad you did. I sure as heck wasn't gonna do that myself." She let out a quiet chuckle and her lifted hand came to rest right in front of his outstretched one on the top of the couch. Her fingers were not completely stretched out, but were only somewhat curled, relaxed, the top joints of the fingers almost touching the tips of his.

She stared at their hands momentarily, thinking. Perhaps this is what a good relationship needed. Somewhat brave enough to make the first move and someone who loved the other enough to accept them...

She lifted her head now, straightening her neck and shoulders slightly. "Yes. That was... definitely gonna happen sooner or later." She agreed, her eyes searching his face, trying to memorize every detail.

Finally, she took a deep breath and spoke. "So... Now what? You gonna kiss me again?" Her tone was light, the smile on her face growing playfully.

AA Ah, he'd known she would


Ah, he'd known she would never have made the first move; he would never expect such a thing from her. Just as those pretty, bright eyes rested upon their almost-touching hands, blue irises joined them, gazing calmly, curiously. Their fingers would have fitted perfectly together, he was sure of it; hers delicate, soft - his long, rough.

Should he take her hand, he wondered, lock them together? Rutilus feared the intimacy of it, the closeness. He was sure she would not have flinched away, but there was an...expression of curiousity still held in those emerald crystals, asking silent questions that the golden gypsy had not voiced.

Her playfulness caught him off-guard; Rutilus laughed, head cocking to the side, crooked smirk tugging at his lips. Remnants of an old persona came fleeting back to him, mind recalling the confident, fearless young man he had once been, comparing it to the reckless, awkward, conflicted creature that he had become.

"Don't know," Rutilus sighed dramatically, gaze settled contentedly upon her face. He took in the faint smile, the mirth in her eyes, the strands of hair that stubbornly slipped away from where she had tucked them safely behind her ear. He drowned himself in a green field, suffocated in the honeyed atmosphere. "You wanna be kissed again?" Still with such a playful tone, but he was hopeful; secretly serious.

I fucking love you.

Had she been waiting for this to happen? Rutilus wondered if she had thought it, predicted it, dreamed it. He certainly had. Had she ever talked about it with someone, or had she - as Rutilus himself had previously done - stayed in denial, insisting that nothing would ever happen between them, that they were friends and nothing more?

Pausing for a moment,

Pausing for a moment, Martisol just stared at him, her eyes closing halfway, looking at him as if she were considering her answer, even though she already knew what it was.


She couldn't lie to herself anymore. Validus would sometimes pester her about their relationship. Sometimes she would wonder if they could be happy together, if they would end up together. Sometimes, in the dead of night, she could see both of them smiling and happy... But then she would push it from her mind, not letting herself imagine this when she wasn't even sure it was going to happen.

Now it had happened. Now she could imagine.

Her heart was begging her now. What would it be like to really kiss someone. To really kiss him. Not him just kissing her in surprise, but a true one. Both parties equally participating. Her one fear was that she wasn't adequate enough. He'd been in so many relationships... She was drastically unexperienced compared to him. But she pushed that fear behind her, trusting that he would guide her.

Leaning her upper body toward him slightly, her head tilted up a little, Martisol smirked up at him impishly. She blinked, her eyes focusing on his cerulean ones.

MickKreiger's picture

Julianna snorted at that one.

Julianna snorted at that one. This 'Sax' person had called her not a threat and yet was aware she was highly trained by some sort of shadowy unknown agency. This one was either extremely well trained, or flippant. She would allow the behaviour were it the former, but were it the latter and she had the feeling it may well have been she would feel the need to correct her mistake - through force if need be. If she was not a threat, a lion was a cat. That was the kind of metaphor that applied. Being called not a threat annoyed her, made her feel powerless and after that event. After the betrayal of that woman, she would not be so powerless again. She had resolved her self, steeled her will and muscles. She had become a warrior of equal prowess if not greater than that woman and she would kill her if she got the chance. She was such a threat to this woman because if Sax was more of a threat than she was and they fought, she would lose and she would die. She would not complete her mission. She was indeed, a threat. Hostile, on the other hand, she was not.
"I am a threat," Julianna answered, "I am merely not currently a threat to you...I am however competitive...and intrigued I must if you are of a similar intrigue...I wouldn't mind testing out our skills."

That was a little bit of a lie, competitive she was and she was intrigued but that was not the main reason behind the offer of a little "friendly competition". The best way to learn about an agent was that way, the mannerisms that they used in travel or in single comabt when there was no real danger told a lot. That was why Julianna never used the same mannerism twice. She had learned an adaptive strategy that allowed her to move as her instructor used to say "with the fluidity of water, and with the grace of a swan, and the bite of a lion". Her father was fond of such image inducing speech. He read a lot of high fantasy. She smirked a little at the memory but had covered the smile with a subtle flick of her hair to draw attention away. She noticed that the other had a similar snowy white hair colour to she. That was comforting. It was rare to see white hair that wasn't on the elderly.

AA The smirk she gave him


The smirk she gave him set him on fire; Rutilus tilted his head down to better look at her, heart starting to thump violently against his chest again, anticipating what was to come. He was going to kiss her. He was going to kiss her, and she was going to kiss him back. They were going to kiss, and it wouldn't be the way it had been all those years ago when he was a cocky son of a bitch and she was naive and almost oblivious.

"I'm takin' that as a yes, if you don't mind," was his casual response before he'd leaned in again, left hand coming to rest against the side of Martisol's face once more as his other arm wrapped around her, pulled her closer to him, almost onto his lap. He could feel his heart pounding in his ears. He could see bright bursts of gold in his blind vision. Every nerve was on fire, and he could hear...nothing, as if he had been submerged underwater.

They were under the sea, in his mind; drowning contentedly.


"I'll pass."

It was a blunt declination. Sax had no wish to fight now, or spar; the only person she enjoyed sparring with was Snake, and even then it was rare. She didn't even feel the urge to challenge a competitive nature; wary of the other woman - who was apparently a threat after all - analyzing her and figuring out the best way to beat her in combat.

And there was always the miniscule chance that at some point, they really would fight, and Julianna would have an advantage over her.

Saxophone shifted and tapped her fingers on her coat pocket restlessly, feeling the urge to move, not to stay in the same place for too long. "I ain't in much of a sparrin' mood." She was staring at the other female again, blank-faced. Were you followed here? No? Good." Sax looked out at the sleeping world again, eyes narrowing for a second.

"Is this dead hour?"

Taking a deep breath and

Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, Martisol stretched her neck up to let her lips meet his. She could hear her heart cheering her on in her ears. Adrenaline coursed through her now, she could feel herself shaking on the inside. Wether it was from nervousness or excitement, she didn't know.

Her arms, almost reflexively, came up to rest on his shoulders when he pulled her to him. Her fingers wrapped around them, feeling the strength and solidness of them. She couldn't help but admire that now. But didn't she now have the right to do so? To admire everything about him? Ever inch, every detail?

Yes. Now she could. She didn't have to hold back.

No turning back now.

She was no longer aware of anything else, not even the fact that her heart felt like it was about to jump into her throat. She couldn't feel that strange gut feeling anymore. The pounding of the rain was matching the beating of her heart, the sounds mixing and intertwining.

The gypsy's soul was floating away in utter bliss. How could she suddenly be so happy? Maybe she did love him. Maybe that's why her heart had never been open to anyone. Now it was free. 


Her lips smiled against his, a soft giggle coming out against her will.

AA A shiver wound its way up


A shiver wound its way up his spine as her hands came to rest on his shoulders; his lips twitched upwards just as hers did, quiet chuckle escaping him. Rutilus broke the kiss only to peck her, gentle, and then once more. It was liberating, this sudden breaking of the boundaries that had been in place before. He could kiss her. He could kiss her.

Black pupils threatened to swallow the bright circles of blue that surrounded them. For a few seconds he just looked at her, and then felt himself laugh shortly again, easily. Rutilus leaned back into his little corner of the sofa, one arm outstretched to beckon her over. "C'mere, you," he insisted, voice warm and low. Still the rain was thudding excitedly against the windowpanes and he thought it interesting that such a joyous event should occur on a rainy day, rather than a preferred sunny one.

Rutilus' heart was trying to escape from his body again.

Calm down.

"So, Marti, pet." He paused, thinking. "You're takin' this very well."

Two pairs of eyes stared at

Two pairs of eyes stared at each other for the shortest number of seconds, but to Martisol, it felt much longer. Her eyes were locked on his again,  that smile still on her face. Her gaze would try to wander from those cerulean irises on occasion, but it would barely get past the corner of his eyes before they snapped back to his enlarged pupils. She was drowning in the blue.

Her gaze was broken when Rutilus leaned away. At first, she was somewhat disappointed, but her heart skipped when she realized he was beckoning her over to him. Without hesitation, she scooted over to him, taking his outstretched hand to pull herself closer. She leaned against his chest, soaking in the sunshine-like warmth he gave. It might have been raining outside, but she had her own sun right here.

You're takin' this very well. She thought about her answer for a second, trying to explain it to herself. Her eyes focused on the sun-tattoo right in front of her now. She watched his chest rise and fall before taking a deep breath and answering.

"Well... I think this has kinda been in the back of my mind since... A little bit after I came back I guess. A couple o' months ago. I was surprised you were still here, and that you were still willing to stick by me." She paused and took another breath, trying to relax her racing heart. "I... I guess there was always that possibility that you and I felt... more than we gave ourselves credit for. That we felt more than just friendship. If that makes sense. But I never let myself think too much about that possibility... Afraid to jump to a conclusion."

Pausing, the gypsy turned her head up to look at his face. "But now... I guess I wanted to know how it felt. To really feel more." And I think I do feel more. She was having a hard time finding the words to explain. Taking another shaky breath, she shook her head and looked back at that tattoo. "I'm sorry. I probably sound stupid."

AA His head tilted backwards


His head tilted backwards against the sofa, lengthening hair brushing ticklishly against his shoulders. Rutilus had closed his eyes again, sound of the falling rain dulling as he focused instead on the gypsy's words, trying to memorize them, keep them imprinted in his mind. He found himself smiling again as she continued to speak, saying all the things that he himself had thought before. In his mind she didn't sound stupid at all; the words made his heart skip.

To really feel more...

Rutilus' eyes opened at that, looking down at her again, aware that she was staring at his tattoo. He chuckled, brushing strands of blonde hair behind Martisol's ear, crooked smile in place. "Stupid, love? No, you've just--you've just said everythin' I've been wantin' t'say for...for..." How long had it been? He thought about it, silence stretching out before eventually it came to him. "...for a bloody long time."

His arms wrapped more securely around her, breath shuddering slightly as he exhaled, heart hammering. The fear of this all going horribly wrong was seeping back to him, tainting the exquisite joy he felt. "I've..." Rutilus hesitated, then chuckled. "I've felt we were--a bit more than just friends for...God, for ages now. I don't know how long, but I--" A deep breath. "I remember how it felt when I thought you'd found someone else an' I was too late. A bit like bein' hit in the stomach by a moving train."


The rain was falling heavier now. Was it a bad sign? Rutilus swallowed, shifting slightly, eyes fixed upon Martisol. He didn't want to bring up the most difficult part - his reluctance to be with her, risk losing her - yet, not yet.

Closing her eyes at the

Closing her eyes at the mention of that "someone else", she felt her gut twist slightly in guilt. She sighed quietly, somewhat burying her face in his chest. She had thought about that, too, but she knew it was hopeless. Her head lifted again, her eyes coming up to meet his. "I don't think... that would've worked out anyway, so don't worry about it."

There was silence then, and she could hear the rain picking up speed. To her, it was less of a bad sign and more of nature saying 'You aren't getting out of this easily. Figure out what's going on! This is your one chance.'

At that moment, she felt him shift under her. Assuming he was simply uncomfortable in that position, she lifted herself up from his chest slightly, still securely in his arms, to give him a chance to move, but then she saw his face.

Rutilus's expression and eyes startled her. He had the same nervous look that his face had held only... What? A few minutes ago? 10 minutes ago? Was he worried that she was going to reject him?

Hesitantly, her left hand reached for his face. It stopped a few centimeters away.

She spoke quietly now, trying to make her tone sound reassuring. "But that doesn't matter anymore. It's in the past. It doesn't matter because..."

The lifted left hand finally came to rest on his cheek, pushing some of his messy hair out of the face she had come to love over the years.

Her voice was only just audible over the rain. It was shaky, nervous, but serious and filled with the truth. "... Because what I want now is you."

AA Rutilus' breath caught in


Rutilus' breath caught in his throat as that delicate hand hovered only centimetres from his cheek; he exhaled silently when it finally rested against him, brushing shaggy hair away. He didn't dare speak, didn't dare move, didn't dare do a thing that would interrupt her speech, stop her from saying exactly what he wanted to hear.

'You'. Me.

Swiftly his hand gripped her jaw gently, pulling her in for another kiss. Rutilus was gentle, yes, but there was a passion there, a burning eagerness that he knew he'd been keeping locked away for a long, long time now. He muttered against Martisol's lip, unable to help himself, voice a low murmer, but even he could not make out what he was saying, only that it mattered but it was not the three words he wanted to say.

He drew back when the necessity for oxygen made itself known, hands shaking slightly; his right hand was on Martisol's mid-back now, while the fingertips of his left rested subtly against the smooth skin of her neck. Rutilus was smiling, yes, but he could not for the life of him bring himself to say it yet.

He wanted to sleep; fall into the dream abyss there with her in his arms, and delay the morning's arrival. Rutilus didn't know what he was going to say to her when they woke, but he supposed he would think of something.

That fear returned to him.

Another surprise kiss, but

Another surprise kiss, but this time she was ready. Her left hand fell from his face when he moved and the whole arm came up to wrap around his neck, holding herself to him. Her other hand came up to rest on his right shoulder again.

She was suddenly aware of everything at the same time. The way his right pressed into her back, encouraging her on, his left fingers lightly on her neck, making her shudder, his lips against hers, making her heart skip and run.

His lips moved briefly, as if trying to say something. But she could not hear anything, nor could she figure out what he said by the way his lips mouthed the inaudible words. Even though she wanted to know what he was trying to say, she proceeded to forget about it, for the moment at least, when his lips pressed against hers again.

When they finally came up for air, she was smiling right back at him. For a moment, she just took in his smile, soaked in his warmth. She could stay there forever, secure in his arms.

Then she did something she would have never dared to do before. She stretched up and kissed him herself. Twice. Once on the cheek and once on the lips. They were very short kisses, almost just pecks, but they felt liberating to her. She was the one kissing him.

She had no more words. She just contently leaned against his chest, looking up at his face, her left arm still around his neck, the fingers of her right hand brushing through his hair. A calm, sweet drowsiness came upon her, and she thought how nice it would be to fall asleep right there in his arms.

But at the same time, her mind wanted to race and thoughts were being thrown at her left and right. What was going to happen in the morning light? Would they regret what had happened? She hoped not. She wanted this more than anything now. But she tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on his familiar, handsome face and the feeling of safety he gave her now.

(Too many worrddsss)

MickKreiger's picture

Julianna snorted at the

Julianna snorted at the accusation that she had been followed. She was hardly green, she knew how to travel through the cities rooftops without being detected. She had known that coming on to this rooftop would involve speaking to this 'Sax'. She was still doubtful that was her actual name. She had heard hundreds of names and nothing like that. It was unusual.
"Shame," She said disappointedly, although that was fake. Not that Sax would know that. Julianna had what her father referred to as 'Level 6 Deception'. There were seven levels of each system, increasing numbers meant increase in talent...not that Julianna actually knew how the system was done. Her father merely said those things. He was not usually wrong. Dead hour?
"Dead hour?" She asked.


(Sorry for bumping but I had

(Sorry for bumping but I had no where else to put this. -shifty eyes-)

[ GUYS sorry for not replying

[ GUYS sorry for not replying my brain's all DEAD right now and yes idk I'll reply one day especially to you AA because like...this shit's important /lol
<333333333 ]