your spine is cracking [ roleplay! ] your hands they shake

I haven't made one of these in a while, and well, I want to. I get bored quite easily, y'see |: Human or deer doesn't matter too much to me, but I'm only putting up human descriptions for this one. Rut and Sax are my two main characters just now, so they'll be the ones available.

Literate style, please, and I'd really love to see some new people here too ;; ♥


send me dead flowers every morning, and I won't forget to put roses on your grave

appearance : not mine
artwork : Fayne

|| Around 6"2 or so || Toned yet slim form. Skin is gold-tanned. || Slight bump on his nose || Bright, cerulean-blue eyes; fairly large, with long eyelashes || Slightly crooked smile || Shaggy, golden-blonde hair || Generally wears button-up shirts, normal jeans, and a leather or denim jacket || 'Typical' English accent; 11 seconds (good to compare his accent, which is the blonde's, to the other, more posh one) ||

|| Works in HMV part-time || Owns a very small, cramped apartment which is generally in a state of disarray, constantly untidy || Has a bit of an alcohol problem, and has been 'banned' from drinking as a result || Smokes, though he has cut down a lot recently || In a band of sorts with some friends; can sing and play guitar, though he also knows bass and some drums || Loves music, particularly of the 60s and 70s || Owns a silver motorbike which he loves to pieces ||

ain't no spare parts, ain't no oil to change

|| Arrogant at times || May be awkward around others at first and say stupid things || Reluctant to be emotionally attatched to others for fear of losing them || Prone to severe bouts of anger and depression || Reckless when unhappy and often does things he'll regret || Reluctant to display 'weak' emotion such as fear || Easily made jealous or possessive ||

feel so suicidal, even hate my rock 'n' roll

|| Generally brave and unafraid to defend those he cares for || Has a sense of humour that helps him through bad times || Openly affectionate towards female friends || Enjoys making new friends regardless of age or gender || Not afraid to laugh at himself || Genuine, and doesn't often lie; would never do so for the sake of it, or to make himself seem better ||

it's got a backbeat, you can't lose it, any old time you use it


don't it make you feel bad when you're tryin' to find your way home, you don't know which way to go?

|| Real name unrevealed; goes by 'Saxophone' or preferably 'Sax' || Agent Number Nine, or variations of this ||

a storm is threatenin' my very life today

no artwork available

|| Around 5"7 in height, with a slim, athletic build; not curvy at all || Long-limbed, with large, long-fingered hands || Sharp features; golden, feline eyes; straight nose; thin lips || Short, spiky-curly-scruffy white hair || Usually wears very basic clothing, in neutral colours; perhaps loose dark-grey trousers and black boots; a long black trenchcoat to conceal any weapons she may carry || Generally low voice, swears often and doesn't articulate much ||

|| A military woman of sorts, working for an organisation in the Otherworld that disposes of 'undesirables' whilst trying to remain anonymous and undetected. Mostly consists of ex-criminals, often using blackmail to recruit them || Usually sent on stealth missions alongside Snake; an assassin of sorts || Shares a tiny apartment with Snake in the human world, using it to store weaponry, clothing and food, and to crash in || Adores blues music, likes jazz || Interested in psychology and how people work ||

happiness is a warm gun - bang, bang, shoot, shoot

|| Disloyal and self-serving to most, but not all || Murderer || Ruthless when it comes to getting her own way || May find it difficult to relax || May judge by appearance and reputation and treat others accordingly || Does not always give herself enough time to rest or enjoy herself || Serious and irritable when in a bad mood || Prone to moodswings, too || Frustration with the world || Traitor || Untrustworthy || Constantly fighting || Brings trouble wherever she goes || Ungrateful || Secretive || Aggressive || Paranoid that she is being followed by the M.I. || Suspicious ||

gimme, gimme shelter, or I'm gonna fade away

|| Strong-willed and very rarely gives up; determined to do as she pleases || Not easily swayed when it comes to opinion || A hard-working creature || Intelligent and always alert, highly observant || Takes pride in helping others when she wants to || Generally unafraid || Will make sacrifices for those she loves if truly necessary || Energetic || Playful when in a good mood || Has her more approachable days || Can handle herself and does not need to be protected, in her view || Her 'blue' moods make her quite affectionate ||

I'm having so much fun with the poisonous people, spreading rumours and lies and stories they made up

[ heh, it's ok. I'm just

[ heh, it's ok. I'm just kinda "uuuh god what next", too.
They'll probably just end up falling asleep like usual. The freakin' lazy bums |:
Nah, kidding. I'm glad you like it so much xD. I've never really drawn kissing people seriously before so UHH excuse the akwardness of their faces >>