yeah, we know how very hard you tried, girl. (T+M)

fayne's picture

She woke up and he was gone.

It had happened a few times before in the past few weeks. However, he’d always be back by morning, and she’d kept herself still by thinking that he’d be happy if she left him alone, and that was how he wanted it, right? But not this time. This time she woke up and there was blood on the sheets.

Her bad leg creaked when she stood up, causing her to stumble. There was a dim glow under the door – the hall light wasn’t on, but another was. As soon as she grasped the door handle, a violent fit of coughing sounded from somewhere in the house. Anxiety flooded her system like water. She continued into the hallway.

It was the bathroom light that was on, but the door was closed. The woman jumped slightly at every retching sound emanating from the room. Her hand found the handle and tired it, only to find the resistance of a locked door. She could have picked it in no time at all, but her better judgment stopped her. Tuna sighed and pulled her hand away.

There was blood on her palm. (nowsthetimetopanic)

Another fit of vomiting erupted from inside. Her heart clenched and fluttered alternately inside her ribcage. Wait. Her back cozied up against the wall, and the blonde woman slid down to the floor, crossing her arms over her knees. Tired gray eyes stared straight ahead. Wait it out.

She was there till the early hours of the morning, when the sickness finally dissolved into silence. Picking the lock in less than fifteen seconds, she opened the door to find him sprawled on the floor, half-conscious. It was difficult to get him to stand, but he dazedly let her pull him back to the bedroom, and made no objections to being bundled up under the covers. She left to make a pot of coffee at dawn’s light, and returned to see him slightly more awake from before, shivering violently. “Chills,” he croaked. Tuna knew her expression radiated quiet despair. It took what was left of her remaining energy to pull herself onto the bed and prop him up against her, but she wrapped her arms around his neck anyways, bracing herself against the shivers that rocked his body. There they stayed, after he had finally fallen asleep, until he finally quieted, and she collapsed beside him, racked with silent tears.


Things aren't going very well. 8\ HOO BOY. Anyways uh this is rad, ENJOY IT. B|
Kaoori's picture

fff you have a way with

you have a way with words.
fayne's picture


WHY SHANKS KAOORI. o3o I doubt anything that comes out of my mouth makes any sense WHEE. <3333
Verycrazygirl's picture

Poor Tuna and Mas... It's

Poor Tuna and Mas... Sad

It's odd, they actually invaded my dreams last night, Mas' sickness and Tuna being there and all, it was really odd. o.o

fayne's picture

WELL. All of my TEF dreams

WELL. All of my TEF dreams include roller coasters and stuff, nothing srs. :< Thaaaanks dear. <3
Emiva's picture


YAYMOREDRAMA.<3 I always love reading your work, Fayne. |3
Plus I wanted to comment on something because we haven't talking in SOLONG.
Soyes. -throws stick at- hai. cB

Rut sends cuddles. Long, warm

Rut sends cuddles.
Long, warm cuddles.
fayne's picture

HI EM I know we haven't

HI EM I know we haven't talked in forever. 8c HIIIIIII. -flailraindance-

She might like that, dannay. yes. <8
Fledermaus's picture

OHGOD don't make me cry. I'll

OHGOD don't make me cry. I'll make it better, I swear <3333
Why are you so amazing.
fayne's picture