A Snake's Revenge

KingEnvy's picture
Warning, Auto-play Music

The smell of death clung to slick black fur as fog gently grazed his body. The slight chill cold enough to cause the moisture upon him to freeze, creating small crystals of blood and water that glistened in the small specks of sunlight that forced themselves through the treetops. Slender legs continued their march forward, never-ending, the thin body it was holding up looking sickly weak. Shoulder blades stuck out as well as a small ribcage. The dark skin seamlessly stretched over a bag of bones it seemed.
Markings that used to be bright and colorful were now dull and grey. The only marking that still held any color was the freshly new blood red marking of a dragon devouring its own tail, in an endless circle of never-ending life, placed itself on the center of his left thigh.
Sharp, bright violet eyes glared out at the world from behind emerald bangs. There strands clinging to his fur every here and there as well, while the others swung freely back and forth with his uneven footsteps.
Yet behind this sickly looking deer, an obvious evil shone through, refueled by hate for what happened to him. A sly grin broke out across Envy's face, dark laugher erupting from him, causing his body to shake.

{hurhur fear my failarts}


-stares at awesomeness- I've been granted two beautiful pieces of art. Your actual art and your writing. V I request you to write more. 83
Density's picture

I second that notion! Lawrdy

I second that notion!
Lawrdy this had me leaning closer to my screen xD

Density's picture

/grabby hands I srsly wish I

/grabby hands

I srsly wish I could draw like you ;_;
you have such a unique style.
KingEnvy's picture

-faceclings dens- And me you

-faceclings dens-

And me you D:
But thank you very very much, your comments make my day x3
Tally's picture



Love. <3

Sexy Envy is darned sexy...

Sexy Envy is darned sexy... (And a note <_< He might have to play calm Lust down for a bit >.>)