The Scars of the Future

reoplusone's picture
I was contemplating my life. Yes, the whole 70+ years that are left. And the words came to me as I drew. Here they are.

Let the wind blow away your problems
Let the darkness fear the light
Close your eyes, trust yourself
Let all this hurt take flight

Let it go to a place far away
Let it go there and then be cleansed
But let it be known for all you're worth
This purge is the means, not the end.

The road ahead of you will have rocks
And pain as far as the eye can see
But scars are funny in that they use
What was to teach you what to be.
Density's picture

I loved this ;_; I wish I

I loved this ;_;
I wish I could save more but I keep just saying "wow" in my head xD
Serenai's picture

Those last two lines still

Those last two lines still get me.
Icon Art © Beloved