~ Sanno/Anguish ~ Bio ~

Sannosuke's picture
Today's Card : Judgement
Cleansing Fires, purge my iniquities; consume me completely that by demise I might rise again.

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Stable and Strong
Remembers everything prior to his possession and has intermediate flashbacks of the horrors he committed while under Anguish's influence.
Replete with Lamentation


Over one year... I can hardly believe.
Incredible is the capacity of Fools and long lived is their bitter fruit.


Roamed the forest in high spirit, enticed into a fairly playful mood by three fawns as they laughed and dressed each other up. Freed for now from Anguish (who's spirits yet lingered over Hydra's family den), Sanno played lightly through the evening with the children, then roamed alone for a while, taking his time to stop and smell the roses.


For three days Sanno lay motionless on the stones of the forgotten temple with Jovan at his side who nursed him slowly back into health. Today he finally had the strength to rise. His entire spirit once again resided in his flesh, but it had been separated for many years. It took great time, effort, and help from Jovan, but eventually he managed to stand upon his legs again. The two walked together slowly together, Sanno leaning heavily into his friend and savior and stumbling periodically or leaning against a tree for extra support. At last, they made it the Crying Idol. With Jovan's help, Sanno managed to descend into the cool of the water. It poured over him, rinsing away so much more than years of accumulate filth, excrement, blood, sweat, and defilement; it purged him of the impurities and stains of death that were imprinted on his flesh and soul by the demons who had had their way with him for so long.

For a long while Sanno soaked, his tears slightly salting the water. Memories of the countless times he had bathed in this fount before proceeding with his duty to pray for the lost and forgotten of the Ruins burst forth, much like the weeping stone. His muscles buckled and rocked as they experienced the cold chill of the icy spring.

Sanno ascended from the pool with a helping hand from his friend and they walked together a short distance. Jovan nudged some berries towards him and motioned towards Tig (The Collector) who sat just yonder.

"I have some berries from the kid over there. You should eat," said Jovan.

It took effort. His dry tongue lapped carefully at the berries, able to chew and swallow only a few at a time. His jaw and stomach muscles had been unused for so long that they struggled to take in much, but
the sweet juice of the berries bursting in his mouth sent shivers down his spine; so sweet and succulent... he'd forgotten what it meant to eat.

"And water," Jovan insisted, as he pushed forward a large bowl like leaf filled to the brim.

Sanno looked up at his friend with speechless gratitude. Tears flowed freely out of his eye from the kindness, generosity, and selflessness of his dearest friend, whom he had not laid his true eye upon since he was only a child. His vision blurred, tears pooling up, as he gazed down with deep gratitude at the sustenance set before him.

"Th.. Thank you, Jovan." Sanno spoke. "You... You've saved me."

Jovan curled up beside him like the child he remembered, leaning carefully on his friend. Sanno watched with great joy as Jovan took in his now familiar scent and smiled, snuggling into his fur. A surge of energy rose up from the depths of his belly, rising and, filling his cheeks with warmth. A huge and honest smile spread across his weary and cracked lips. Memories flooded into his mind of the fawn he loved so dearly, now here again but fully grown, pressing firmly into his pelt. The love and joy from the deepest place of his spirit radiated outwards. Warm tears trickled down his cheek and onto the head of his hero.

Jovan's voice fell softly onto his open ears, "I love you, Sanno. Always."

Sanno's body heaved as his freshly restored soul resonated with that of Jovan's which lived within him.

"I love you too, little one. I love you too.


When Jovan had fallen asleep, Sanno quietly rose. He was able to see something now that he never had before; a light. Staggering his way up the hill, he arrived at last to the Twins from where the light emanated. For the first time, he put his head to the ground and prayed.

(Written by Kujance and Sanno)

Anguish abandoned his host's weak and beaten body, tossing it callously into the ditch of the Ruins, and departed with his legions in astral to spew curses and blasphemous woes down upon the den of Hydra and her brood. Sanno's body lay crippled, broken, and vacant, nothing more than a puppet without strings. The only thing within the corpse now was a single drop of Jovan's soul. Jovan seemed to have caught the scent of his old friend and, as he approached, the shard of spirit that lay nestled into the deepest recesses of Sanno's broken bones began to vibrate and stir, breaking up the unplowed soil of his spirit. It swelled with vibration as the young stag stepped ever closer to his broken friend.

Jovan was saddened by how limp Sanno was as he dragged the seemingly dead body from the ditch. The two sets of 5 puncture wounds that ran vertically up Sanno's chest smeared coagulated blood up the stairwell as Jovan pulled his lifeless form free. He tried multiple times to awake the weak creature, from whispering his name to nudging him, always being gentle not to disturb his already damaged soul. When he realized he was getting no where after trying the same technique over fifty times, he rested his head against the shoulder blade of the beast, disappointed.

Sanno's breath was shallow, almost missing entirely. The whispering words of his old friend fell onto closed ears, but the sliver of spirit within him started to ring and vibrate in harmony with their owner. As Jovan's head settled into the bruised flesh and matted fur of the fallen, the light inside trembled in perfect resonance, tearing through the muck and mire that clouded and strangled his soul.

Jovan noticed a slight change within the limp body, and brought his face up from Sanno's shaggy pelt. He called out his name again, being as gentle as he possibly could. The blood on the stairs left a cold aura around his body, but he was determined to help his close friend. Quietly, he told Sanno to relax, to stay still. The pain within Jovan's chest rose, making its way to his right eye. It felt like a needle puncturing the very pupil of the buck's eye. With that, Jovan allowed three more drops of his soul to fall into the dark and hollow pit of Sanno's missing eye, then quickly closed his eyes again, the pain excruciating. It seemed so simple to just give up on such a priceless thing, however, Jovan refused to let such a being be left alone. If more of his soul was needed, so be it. He would bond and share as much needed, risking his very life. His body heaved, in pain.

Sanno lay limp and still as the tears of his dear friend spilled into dry ducts. With his legion departed, the droplets of Jovan's soul quickly found their way to their counterpart, the single shard that dwelt inside. Like water they joined together forming an inseparable bond. The vibrations within him raised in frequency and amplitude as Jovan's half god spirit reverberated throughout his dusted bones. Along with light came a rush of Jovan's past memories, several of which included Sanno before Anguish had seized him. These flashes began working their way up the bloodstream and into his mind, resurrecting in him glimmers and sparks of thought and memory. Suddenly, his body violently convulsed as the swelling light within broke through barriers of pain, confusion, and darkness. A thousand memories flashed before his mind's eye in an instant, overwhelming the flesh and soul of Sanno which struggled to fully grasp what had been happening to him since Anguish's seizure.

Jovan rested his head against the body again, crying normal tears now. All he wanted was to bring back the Sanno he loved so dearly as a child, to once again hear his reassuring stories and calming voice. Instead of sobbing, the male took in a few deep breaths, channeling his way through the remaining parts of his soul to the four droplets that were now bound together within Sanno. Imagining a hand, he held it out to the broken soul's consciousness. He called out his name again, ordering him to grab hold of the softly lit, flowing essence that is Jovan's mind. He wanted to take Sanno back into reality, to save him. He desperately called Sanno again, his own consciousness forcefully growing stronger. This was all based on instinct as he gently caressed the suffering soul within the emptiness, wrapping light around him to help him further realize who and what he was to Jovan. And he called his name once more.

shrill ringing~

Sanno's consciousness opened like the breaking dawn, light piercing violently through the veiled chamber which had enclosed and bound his soul. In an instant, all time passed before his mind's eye, his life as a man, the woman, nay, the wind of those ancient hills which had cursed him for his love into the form he now held. The beginning and the end, Jovan and Hydra, Sanno and Anguish all spilled through him like a bursting fountain. He remembered coming to accept his place in the forest through the love and kindness of others, Emelia, her small silhouette rose and fell like waves against the beachhead of consciousness... The children surfaced, Andor, Freya, Shahla... faces waxed and waned before his eye like a thousand passing moons. When the bombardment of recollection ceased a name came forward without a face.


It was coming from both within and outside of himself.
It meant something.
It was his name.

"I am here." his consciousness spoke, illuminating in the astral.
He beheld a holy hand reaching out through the dimensions, beckoning him, urging him to take hold.


"I am here." he called out, projecting his essence desperately towards the hand, reaching out to it for salvation.

The gentle contact from the other was all it took for Jovan to bring Sanno back as quickly as possible. His silky, golden hand formed into a sort of basket, then into a ball in which Sanno remained in the middle. The vessel of energy and thought appeared as a dust storm formed from the northern lights. Jovan kept his focus as deep as possible, holding his stiffened body up, muscles aching, as if breaking through the remaining black and sickening barrier had taken away his all his strength. The exterior shell of cleansing golden light closed in as the seed of light within branched out and, as the two finally made contact, Sanno felt his spirit whisked away in a whirlwind, a twisting vortex of power which carried him encapsulated through the aether. Through the bond which he refused to break Jovan successfully came through, along with the soul of Sanno, with just enough strength for the words, "be free," to slip out before he collapsed to the ground. A raging headache wailed away at his sore mind as the buck heaved, visibly tired from the intensity.

His body convulsed and seizured with tremendous force as his long enslaved spirit slammed back into the flesh. Immediately his consciousness melded once again with his mind and he was aware. His stomach and chest scrunched together as he recognized the fresh wounds on his body. He tried to will it to move but the beating Rose and Anguish inflicted on it were severe to the point of collapse. He did, however, manage to open his right eye and curl the corner of his mouth up in a smile.

"Jo... Jov... ..u've do.. ..t."

He closed his eye and took a deep breath into his lungs, filling it with air for the first time in ages. The pain was severe, but he managed to press his head into the warmth of his friend.

Since the very moment a shard of Jovan's soul entered the vessel, a glimmer of Sanno's spirit started to reemerge.

Anguish held Sanno's flesh over the place where he fell, gazing down through the black billow of smoke which rolled from his eye like fog, when a sudden spark of memory flickered to life within. The silhouette of a dragon rose to the surface of his mind, the lost shadow of her figure seeming to manifest against those very stones where she so often lay.

A twisting wind carried with it the nearly forgotten scent of The Serpent Queen. Memories began to flood into his darkness, lighting the way for the soul of Sanno to progress against his captor. Anguish retreated for now into the painful depth of sorrow while Sanno rose to a bit of clarity. That familiar smell of the mighty dragon he'd once known so long ago was clear and real. He followed it, his memories surfacing more powerfully with every step he took towards great Hydra. There she was, the mighty serpent, coiled firmly around a girthy elm. As he stepped into the clearing where she lay, the natural vision of his right eye cleared for the first since he had passed and Sanno looked with compassion and joy upon his old friend.

This lasted merely an instant as Rosaïwira (or "Rose," Hydra's granddaughter) and her adopted fawn, Tomo, returned to their den from an outing. A spirited veil of milky fog fell immediately upon Sanno's right eye, glossing it over with something like fogged glass. Rose's voice warbled and distorted, indecipherable, as her image shook violently and shattered into darkness, saturated with deep shades of red and black. A thick and pungent cloud spilled out of Sanno's left eye like tar as Anguish surfaced, recognizing and seizing the opportunity to attack and destroy anything precious to his host. Her complaints and displeasure with his presence fell on deaf ears, nothing more than an inaudible droning, a ringing static. The wasting flesh of the seized sat patiently at the foot of Hydra as Anguish held fast, manipulating and twisting Sanno's lips into a disturbing smile.

"A daughter...

It was clear that Rose's discomfort was growing as Anguish held his position, motionlessly waiting for her to step into range. She approached boldly in a powerful stance of protection over her family but Anguish did not flinch. As soon as she drew close enough for the legion within to touch, the multitudes churned in the æther, reaching out like a vast shadow, trying to produce in her every kind of brokenness and pain imaginable. To his surprise she seemed to be completely unfazed by the psychic attacks and the massive and powerful Doe quickly turned on the intruder.

Before Anguish could raise the body to it's feet she was upon him with fierce wrath. Her jagged antlers sunk into chest, hoisting him up and flinging him against the elm. Though Anguish considered fading into the background and allowing Sanno to fully experience the beating about to come, he worried that the memories would force him into hiding again. Instead, with a hoarse croaking groan, his nostrils flared as he inhaled, commanding and drawing into himself the shadow forces under his control. The power surged into him as the armies surged into Sanno's muscles, bulking and twisting his form into something savage and contorted. With obscure angles and deformed posture he tried tearing and lashing into her flesh with claw and fang, however the sheer size advantage she held over him hindered any truly severe damage.

Her hooves thundered down upon his cheek and skull and a firm kick into his side sent him reeling.
Anguish himself felt the breaking limitations of his host and he viciously forced the body to posture, bones cracking and grinding into position, despite what could be a fractured leg, the puncture wounds in his chest, and a broken rib. The spirits then rallied in malice, billows of black smoke pouring out and pooling at the feet of the beast. With their rising hatred, they carried Sanno's body into the air. In a wild fit of rage Anguish and the powers at his disposal circled above the den of Hydra and her family, spewing blasphemous curses up their dwelling, pouring out venomous bowls of malison upon her and her brood.

In the chaos the mighty dragon had woken. She rose to greater heights than his host's memories managed to recall. Immediately recognizing the absurdity of engaging with The Serpent Queen herself, Anguish retreated to the Ruins, among the dead to whom he used to tend. Still enraged, he wildly flung the body of Sanno into the stone walls of the ruins, smashing his head forcefully into the cobble and the iron bars of the cage in which he'd first taken hold. This went on until Anguish could no longer force the puppet to stand. He cast the body callously down to the bottom of the stairwell and the fountain of smoke from his eye subsided. Sanno lay there in perfect stillness.

Darkness has come.
The pale, lying, mirror light of the mad man's moon cast dancing shadows down which loomed and stretched, etched this way that throughout the endless wood.
Anguish rose and shone down a single eye, centered over where he died, casting gaze into the night.

His vision and spirit descend, woven within the sprawling darkness, upon Rin_Monster54, the unsuspecting wanderer that had succumbed to slumber in the flower groves of the graves.
With malice, he attempted to entered his dreams and break the boundaries of his mind....

Meets my lunar mirror.

((I don't know what to say. This has been such an honest and interesting encounter, I really just don't know what to say ^___^))
((Yup, just don't know what to say XD Pony, it's been awesome ^____^ I'd love to see a bio page for Pony! She's been so wonderful to interact with ^___^))

Glimpses of his old kindhearted self began to emerge as the shadows within him gradually withered away under the constant torment of god particle that was now flowing through his veins (thanks to the tears of Jovan.)

He was actually able to give of himself today, spending his energy casting magick upon Calix (sorry I couldn't get you that mask! ;_;). It was during that time that just over the ridge 2 brawling stags, Kayze and another, scuffled. Their fray came uncomfortably close and Sanno (who probably shouldn't have gotten involved) tried to push the two away from Calix who lay undefended under a heavy dose of mask magick XD

Sanno's approach somehow became involvement and quickly escalated quickly into a 2 vs 1 against him. Despite the odds turning, his fury started to rise and he wrestled the one into submission and Kayze into a cease fire. However, not long after the peace, Kayze decided to come over and make another effort against Sanno. Sanno rose furiously against him. At that very moment a practically new born fawn, innocent and flawless in it's white coat, walked cluelessly into the melee. He tried desperately to defend it, forsaking his dominant attack position against the two, using his body to shield the child. The last thing he remembered was it's precious blood splashing across his mask...

Anguish Rises

Immediately, the light of Jovan's half god spirit within Sanno was crushed almost into nothing as the legion of darkness within him erupted with fire.
The muscles of the seized shivered and bulged with unholy strength and black smoke billowed out of the pit of his right eye, thicker than ever before. The harsh and distorted voice of Anguish pours like venom out and onto Kayle

"Now you die."

With the force of an army of 10,000 strong behind it, Sanno's jaws and fangs sunk into his flesh. Anguish threw Sanno's neck into a contorted whirlwind with abandon, using his horns to pummel and strike Kay over and over again. He scoffed at Kayze's efforts against him as he controlled Sanno's body yet remained disassociated from any pain inflicted by Kayle as he fought back, at first still being an agitator, and then more into desperate attempts to save his own life.

With red vision and black displacement, Sanno slipped into the background and Anguish pursued Kay with complete malice and murderous intent throughout the forest. When their fight came crashing out of the wood and down into the shallows of the pool Anguish nearly caught K by the back of his neck, trying to force his head down and under the shallow water that they splashed about it, but narrowly missed.
As Kayze's stamina started to wain, the malevolent spirits within him cried out ever louder for his blood to be spilled; for the spirit of life within him to slip away under the satisfying crunch of these jaws.
Anguish then considered something tremendously evil... He stilled the rising cries of "Death!" that rose from his legion with a word.

He snatched hold of Sanno's tongue as it lashed and whipped about across his face and mask, gathering up the blood that had collected there into one last satisfying swallow.
He left Kayze where he lie - to live - but why?


"Another blackout?"
His eyes squinted into tiny slits as the radiant light of the Spring sun poured into the forest, nearly blinding him.
"Wh... what? I..."
He struggled to understand what had taken place... The last thing he remembered was the cold steel cage in which he had self bound his wavering body and psyche. He remembered the similarity of the icy cold of the bars and the deathly chill of his blood running cold, his heart pumping ever slower.

What was this new dawn? Why was today's grass at it's very greenest and the sky in the deepest shade of blue?
There was still deep uncertainty within him and a seed of darkness still existed, however today he remembered who he was.
"M... my name is... 'Sanno.'"

He found rest in the kind company of Circe and her family and in some of the others who had gathered around the lake side. A little ways into the evening, he was slightly whisked away by Circe (which seemed to upset a larger female he assumed only to be her mother) and found comfort curled up with her and Rohit.

This was the first time Sanno's flesh had felt the warmth of another since Ashe, Andore and Emilia and tried to comfort him the night of his death.

How long had it been... since this scent was last noticed?
A memory so lost in the darkness... a... friend.
Jovan approached,muscular, full and grown. This vessel had not been in the presence of him since his horns were just stubs. Anguish and the Legion at his disposal suppressed the internal cries of Sanno desperately trying to call out to his long lost friend.

Jovan's voice wavered, as if he weren't quite sure... "Sanno?"

Anguish twisted and contorted Sanno's fragile frame into cripplingly unnatural poses.

Jovan's eyes sterned as he slipped backwards, the god form within him rising to the surface.
He spoke with thunderous authority.
"Give him back."

Foam spewed through cracked licks as guttural laughter poured out like saliva from his curling tongue.
"The one whom you seek is dead now, boy."

Jovan commanded again, "Come back."
A wave of empathy seemed to wash over him as shards of Jovan's soul contained within his golden tears started to form in the corner of his eye. He approached with somber confidence and grief.
"Come back."

As he stepped forward, a tear fell from Jovan eye into the dark void of Anguish's eye, carrying with it a fragment of his spirit.

The words "Come back" soaked through the veil of darkness that swarmed about the poor beast, sinking even into the marrow of the dusted bones that propped up it's once sturdy frame. The essence of Jovan's soul begins searching out the deepest recesses of the vast darkness to find whatever remnant might remain of their once cherished friend.

For the briefest of moments the distortions caused by the many voices vanished and a single feeble and weak one trickled out... "Jov...."
As soon as it had come it was gone and the spirits wailed in agony as the holy entity (the half of Jovan's soul that is part god) surged through every vein and chakra channel, ripping the darkness apart as it traversed.
In a booming voice Anguish cried out,
"Bind him! Bind him!"
The malice inside swarmed and circled their host, building a dense barrier of pain and sorrow around the sealed soul of Sanno.

What were these unfamiliar yet obvious movements that flowed through the vessel?
Within the largest circle the triangle formed.
These claws pierce the earth as toes curl in rigid deformity, stamping about in wild occult patterns.
Mouth foam splashed about the dead face that lie behind the mask.
Strange energies surged within the sealed space raging and striking thunderously through what once was Sanno.
The spirits closed the ceremony through a curious series of contortions and he twisted backwards out of the circle.
Shaking with daze and dark ecstasy a presence was realized.
There Jhorla sat, only feet beyond the perimeter.
What had she witnessed? How long had she been there? The thick magickal veil spiraling about the mighty mushroom circle had surely blinded him from her presence.
The body approached her in spasms as it's skull mask slipped down, revealing the deranged, dead hollow shell of a man behind.
Anguish spoke through.
"What have you seen?"

Your loathsome light beyond the bridge
summons me, oh enchantress.
This devil witch will take the pledge
and find the damned and damaged
'yond the "Ridge of Savages"
where she is ravaged as I vanish.


Anguish rises~

I know not what my devils do in the vessel forever lost in the woods, but the spirit of Sanno is soaring high and alive in a holy paradise. He misses so many of you and gazes down joyfully and full of compassion on the many he loves who roam the wood still. <3 (Love and miss you guys)

The body stood at the moment his soul rose to the heavens. A new spirit dwelt within these dry bones which passed effortlessly through the iron bars into the Endless Forest, finally with all eyes open.

A third day passed; then a forth and filth. Sanno's strength dwindled rapidly as his spirit steadily broke, encased and strangled within these iron bars. Muscle fell from his bones like leaves in the heart of Fall and his lips cracked from hunger and thirst as does a dry creek. He struggled to raise his crusted eye to the sun that beat down so violently upon him, seeking out a hint of light... of hope.
His flesh had been wasting away, but even more so did his spirit. The fire of life inside of him had nearly been completely extinguished by the darkness within.

Though it took great effort he managed to pry his eye slightly open. The light from the sun blinded him and silhouetted the figure of Ashe who waited by his side, pressed tightly against the cold, hard steel, but he recognized him by his scent. What joy this brought him...
"....aaaaaaaagggsh...." He fought to call out her name but all that escaped was a choked and painful exhale.

A single tear pooled up in the corner of his eye and lingered there almost indefinitely, his dehydration not allowing enough tears to spill it over and down his cheek.

Sanno awoke in the sacred circle of trees blanketed by flowers after having blacked out several days ago... Something had seized him when he slipped deep into his mind after a simple question had been posed by Nimh, who's leg wounds he was treating in the great Oak. Last thing he could remember was.... "Who am I..?
Best not to think about it..

He checked the hollow tree to see if Nimh was still there recovering and was pleased when he found she was not.

"Good." Sanno said with a sigh. "I wonder how long I've been out and what I've done this time..." he mumbled, roaming towards the Crying Idol to bathe. Once clean he went to the Ruins where he mainly hid behind walls and columns trying to stay away from the strange herd that had wandered in. Though it was a bright and warm day in the forest, the air around the temple grounds was permeated with the distinct smell of rain. He closed his eyes, taking in the scents around him. Though it was a little difficult to find the source of this fresh misty scent over all of the musk from the herd, he realized that it was emanating from Kio who had perched herself on the nearby hilltop. Curious, he approached this majestic, yet completely alien, creature and greeted her with a mild bow, taking a seat nearby in the warm grass.

While he was there he slipped off into a dream that he had become a Raven (although this was maybe some sort of hallucination?) He imagined himself soaring alongside wild stags, light and free. He swooped down into a beautiful patch of grass, bursting with light where many children played and a large family had gathered.

How very curious and pleasant, Sanno thought to himself as he landed softly in a patch of spring flowers among the fawns. He danced to greet them all.
Suddenly a strong wind came from the East and a shadow fell over the grounds. The family rose from their places of leisure and reared up, gnashing their teeth and brandishing claws and horns, surrounding him like demons. Charging in, they trampling the ground around him and lashed out with their teeth.

The vision broke and he was once again aware of his true form there in the forest after a half dozen little fangs sunk into his forearm. Staggering backwards, disillusioned and in bewilderment he pushed back against his attacks, trying to apologize for whatever disturbance he had caused. While still dazed, one of the younger ones slammed into him with it's short antlers creating two small punctures on his left side stomach area. He lashed out instinctively and sunk his fangs deep into the fawns neck and shoulder, locking his jaws and thrashing his head about violently before throwing the child aside. The horrible "Yelp" that came from it gave him crystal clarity.

What have I done?!?! What is happening?!?! He thought to himself as the infants blood trickled down his chin. Suddenly a ferocious warrior, Ramsus rose from his resting place nearby, eyes flashing fire as he barreled forward, headlong.

"Wait! Sanno barked, eyes wide and heart throttled as his body quickly filled with adrenaline.


Sanno crashed down onto his side and slipped away into the darkness.......

KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! the devils voices cried and echoed through his hollow shell.
Black fire poured out of the hole in his right eye and swirled about his body as it rose from it's crumpled heap, violent and wild. It flung itself with complete abandon at the massive black stag , fangs and claws whipping like a whirlwind. If it weren't for Ramsus' incredible size and fervor to protect his family, he may have even been slain, yet rather he reared up with a mighty roar and met with a solid smashing of skull and horn. They clashed for a several heated moments, exchanging a torrent of blows. All the while the dark spirits truly engaged in this combat assessed his every motion and move. Ramsus was too powerful. In a battle of brawn like this, especially while he was protecting his family, Sanno's smaller frame simply could not compete, albeit enhanced by the spirits within.

MUST KILL HIM! shouted out his demons, as the two broke away from interlocked jaws and fangs, each trying to gouge out the others eyes. In an instant the darkness within abandoned this brawl in favor of more shadowy methods to accomplish it's ends. The Legion rapidly phased him away from the scene and began circling, stalking, calculating and plotting a perfect ambush.

For the 3rd day in a row, Sanno diligently managed his tasks among the graves, tending each one and calling forth blessings over the lost. As vigilant as he was at these tasks, so too was she in her patient waiting. Once again, Jen was posted up with resolve in the old entrance hallway of the once grand structure.

When his ceremonies had been properly closed, he decided to meet this one who waited so often near the graves and inquire more about the reasons she frequently visited. Though his greeting was hesitant, and her approach slow, once they agreed to speak the conversation flourished and took on a life of it's own. Quietly, they got to know each other over the course of the day.

As evening came 'round, Jen quietly slipped away and Sanno returned to keeping an eye on Hydra. It was right about the time when little Emilia came running up completely exhausted and collapsed near where he rested. Quiet surprised, he examined her for wounds but found none.

"Poor, dear... Completely tuckered out..."

He refused to leave the little one's side throughout the night and kept her safe, making sure no one disturbed her. Andor's nose was quite keen for one so young as he easily caught the scent of his 2 friends and tracked them right down to the Inner Ruins. After a quick wrestling match just outside of the Ruin, (to hone the tykes skills!) Sanno and Andor stepped back in to make sure Emilia was safe and warm. They laid down at her side and the 3 of them spent the night curled up together.

"How is it that only the children understand... he thought to himself.

Slowly, Sanno's eyes grew heavy and the warmth of Andor and Emilia pressed against him brought comfort and relaxation. He let them close naturally as he settled into the earth...

That night he had no nightmares.

Andor sure is growing quickly and his strength is also maturing rapidly! He was quite feisty this morning, and Sanno was happy to have a healthy and playful scrap with him. He even managed to bowl Sanno over with a charging tackle! Quite curious to see as to how strong he'll be when he's full grown.

Many scents swirled about the forest today. Perhaps is was the variety of Spring flowers which had brought such an eclectic bunch into this part of the wood? There was one scent that caught his attention most of all though; one he hadn't caught in some time and it was out of it's normal place in the inner chambers of the Ruins. After a bit of struggling to sort out the many odors, he finally found the train and tracked it down to Hydra. He found her resting with some little ones in the flowers!
How very interesting! Sanno thought.
He approached the mighty dragon with caution. It'd been some time since they'd last crossed paths, and he wasn't quite sure she'd remember him. However he was quite pleased when she came right up, sharing in his enthusiasm. They sat together for a time in the grass and chatted quietly.
How curious to share in such a peaceful moment with such a ferocious creature...

Sometime later Sanno awoke, lying covered in mud by the pond. He coughed up a pink mixture of blood and water, gasping for air, not sure of what exactly happened...

Something must have gone wrong with the ritual... That spirit... what was it? His head spun in confusion... All he could think was to... try again.

And that's just what he did. This time without interference. There was one dear waiting patiently at the ruins (Jen) and didn't interfere at all. She seemed just as contemplative about life and death at this moment as he did and so, letting her be, he circled and prayed.

Feeling good about having made his rounds with the fallen successfully and without any sort of... incident, he laid down, emotionally and physically drained.

Was thankful when he woke to a few curious nudges and prods from Andor and Emilia. Those playful two always gave him a bit of fake energy to work with. Emilia seemed incredibly exhausted and Andor a bit distant; even still, Sanno was incredibly thankful to have a some familiar company.

He spent the evening watching over the two

The ritual began with prayer. He entered the sacred circle with trembling and readiness. Sanno struggled against the raging storm in his mind, but after great effort, he fell into a deep meditative state, completely suppressing the flame burning from his right eye.

He rose from the holy place and walked slowly to the site of the second step; the cleansing. On his way, a strange and scentless burning spirit appeared and traveled alongside him. It mirrored his every move, as some kind of loyal acolyte. Remaining clear minded, he allowed the streaming tears of the stone to wash over his filth and wounds, purifying his body and soul.

Approaching the resting place of the lifeless and, having paused momentarily at the perimeter of the ruins for one last prayer, he entered. The shadowing spirit echoed his motions and walked in perfect stride with him. Stone by stone, he read, remembered, wept, and prayed for the dead. This time was not his first, nor was it planned to be his last.

Exhausted, he approached the last two graves.


Sanno was startled and thought it strange when the mysterious follower suddenly moved first, sitting down at the site. He wanted to leave... be done with it...
Any stones but these...
He hesitated for moment, but then sat down too.
Immediately the spirit erupted into a fiery wisp and swirled about him, pouring into his empty eye and seizing him completely.


His body fled aimless, frantically possessed at breakneck speeds throughout the forest for hours until it eventually collapsed.

He'd not eaten since before burying the heart of that fallen lamb. Perhaps it was the realization that purity exists not even in the youth that sapped his will to live. Then again, it could have been the flower he'd admired, plucked, and watched whither at the sight of the burial. The muscle melted from his bones as he lay motionless for weeks in the darkness. It felt as though his soul had finally been brought to it's knees, never to rise again.
It wasn't his spirit that lifted the body from the ashes, nor was it the hunger.
He just.... surrendered... and the wind did the rest.
One shadow to the next, his corpse drifted through the forest, amongst the lovers.
They littered the forest like dung.



For the first time, he didn't struggle, just... fell behind.

Sanno's vessel rose from the flowers in which it hid and phased towards Virus and Titilayo who rested nearby, enjoying the new blooms.

4/25/15 continued...
Sometime later he awoke among the dead he so often watched and prayed for, but he was encaged!
What is this?!
Frantically he trashed about, gnashing his teach on the iron posts and using what little head motion he had to bash his horns against them. Some sly beast, Andore stared at him emotionless, eyes never moving from the caged animal.
It was EmiliaYo who showed compassion on him, casting a soothing spell that calmed him down a bit. Tears poured down Sanno's cheek as he thanked her sincerely. Even though he knew she meant well by staying near his side and giving company, the eyes of Andore burned ever fiercely through his defiled spirit.

The eyes.... God, the eyes.....
He roard and lashed against the cage.

When a young fawn approached the scene and came curiously up to the cage he nearly tore it's head off in a fit of despair trying to send it away from this spectacle he'd become. Thank God it worked...

What was this? What had happened?
The last thing he remembered was....

sweet surrender......

and... something else...

He felt foreign energy surging through his body and he threw it about against the bars.

4/25/15 Finaly
Who knew salvation would come through music! XD haha
After hours of being trapped in this mental prison, Emilia's super positive spirit and spontaneous Rock out completely rejuvenated his natural spirit, which sprang forth out from the darkness and ripped back on whatever was grasping him all this time. Thanks so much Emilia ^___^ Omga seirously I was DYYYING in there! aaah just could not get out! thaaank youuu XD

How many days..?
Sanno pondered the passage of time as he staggered through the woods, seemingly in circles.
How many times have I passed this tree..? Is that... the same patch of flowers? Agh, these brambles....
It had been weeks since he'd found any sanctuary or rest. The wind seemed to whip through hidden passages, chilling him to the bone with icy winter gusts. When the winds hushed in the dead of night, the shadows crept into his mind and crawled through his dreams. Tormented cries of anguish and shallow moans of despair pierced the veil, night after night, as he writhed back and forth on the ground, gnashing his fangs, sieged in sleep.
He shivered quietly to himself, exhausted and cold inside. Then... something familiar... something... warm.
Fre... Freya...
Staggering, he followed the smell of fire and iron, of coal and smoke, back to the doe it emanated from, resting peacefully in a secluded patch of tall grass encircled by the warm and radiant white light of the sun.
Sanno pretended that everything was fine, and nuzzled her gently. He rested his head softly on her side... and fell asleep...

Awoke feeling something warm on his neck... Smiling and still half asleep, he enjoyed the comfort that this sensation was bringing him. When was the last time I felt this..? He could almost remember... Sanno squinted his one eye open to see what was warming him and found that it was sweet Freya's breath. Her small chest rose and fell with steady rhythm which he found quite peaceful. It reminded him of waves breaking on the sea. The sea.... Something I can't seem to...
Why couldn't he remember? Why did she make him feel so warm? He pressed his head into her chest, listening closely to the sound of her heart, and decided not to wonder about it anymore.

Something about the warm sun shining down and the blues skies put Sanno in particularly high spirits which allowed him to be a bit more outgoing than normal. He met Shahla, Goro, Lilu, Moloch, and several others soaking in the warmth of sun made just right by a cool breeze. He mostly noticed and spent time with Shahla after seeing her off to the side a bit, watching her friends (he assumed) from a small distance. This seemed like a safe and reasonable place to be to him also so he joined her on the hill overlooking the others. After some time Sanno became hungry and thought Shahla might also be so he quickly rounded up several squirrels and even managed to take down two small birds. This would be a wonderful treat ^^ He returned with a blood smeared mask and a big grin as he brought the kills to her, presenting the meal and offering her as much as she wished. He thought to himself how pleasant it was to share food with a new friend...

He awoke sometime later, surprised at how good he felt, lying there in the warm grass. It had been ages since he'd reached such a point of relaxation, so much so that his body just gave way to sleep. It must be the warmth of the sun and that meal that's gotten me this way... he thought to himself.
He felt a bit embarrassed that he'd done such a thing in the presence of this new friend and her family, so he slowly slipped away to the stone piles. It was a slow climb to the top. He savored it, anxious for the view he'd have to assess his surroundings with more clarity. He quickly reached the summit using clever maneuvers through the rocks. As the vast forest came into view so did a pure white creature of the forest... This was not what he expected to find and, being in the good spirits that he was, he slowly and peacefully approached it, moving one rock at a time in it's direction, stopping on each and making himself known as to not surprise it. As soon as he'd finally reached the stone it'd been resting on it leapt from it's place and dashed way to the peak that Sanno had been on previously.
A cold wind suddenly blew through, cutting down into Sanno's bones. As he gritted his fangs and closed his only eye, he was flooded with memories and emotions which swept over him like a storm. Madness swept through his mind and a burning flame began to emerge from the pit that was his right eye. It glowed with passion. And rage...
His vision went red. The world spun. Insanity plotted a killers path back through the stones and with craft and death he approached the white beast...

It wasn't until after the sun had set that Sanno regained consciousness... He found himself some ways from the stones he last remembered being on, lying in the dead center of a perfect circle of wild flowers enclosed by the wood covered in blood. All he knew was he needed to get clean.

Sannosuke was thankful that Shahla didn't see him creeping through the brush and slip into the water... He shivered with freezing rapture as the cold winter water washed away the blood and sin. He emerged presentable, shook off what filth was left on his coat, and walked calmly towards Shahla, greeting her as if nothing had happened since they separated earlier that day.

She however was waiting on a friend and didn't have too much time to spend at that moment. Sanno thought that this was good. He returned then to the pond to get a cool drink and to splash his face. When he arrived he met Freya for the first time. Approaching slowly, he hoped she might be willing to share in a drink together. To his surprise not only was she willing to have a drink with him, but she was quite kind and even affectionate. She seemed eager to form a friendship with him. She had never met Sanno before and yet had such trust and faith in him...
Is she naïve about me? Or does she see something in me? What is this trust and kindness..? Sanno wondered. Her behavior was lovely and baffling. He decided he would spend what time he had left with her...

Sanno walked among the graves, reading the names, weeping over some and praying over all. As he rounded one of the corners he found great Hydra resting among the ruins. He examined her quietly, quickly, and carefully. It was the first time he'd seen a wyvern. She was mighty, rippled with strength, strong framed, both beautiful and terrifying from neck to tail. He was afraid but... something about her...

He approached. She rustled gently as he drew near but he didn't seem to rouse her too badly. Nothing was spoken but when he made eye contact with her he felt something... familiar... Something... painful. He stayed there with her for a time. Her strength gave him courage.

Sometime later, a Western breeze carried with it a smell he knew well. His nose was keen and picked it up easily over the foul of the dead. He didn't really want to leave Hydra's side... however he'd committed to this meeting previously and departed briskly.

Only a short ways away he found his friend Jovan sleeping among the flowers. Noticing the size growth in his antlers and size, Sanno couldn't help a small smile as he imagined that he must be exhausted simply from growing XD
"Sweet dreams..." he whispered as a goodbye with intent on returning to Hydra. However, Jovan awoke with a start at the small voice. Sanno thought to himself how much better off everyone was when he kept his mouth shut... Secretly though, he was very glad that Jovan woke up. He'd been looking forward to meeting with him all day and was was finally able to see the true growth that had taken place now that he'd risen from his blanket of flowers. They grow so fast...

LooksForDoves's picture

Yay, Sanno has a bio!

Yay, Sanno has a bio! Laughing out loud

Kujance's picture


gglidden's picture

The very first that caught my

The very first that caught my attention about this bio is that...you're very good at telling stories. It was very fun and interesting to read Sannosuke's backstory. C:
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Sannosuke's picture

Thank you for taking the time

Thank you for taking the time to read and I'm glad that you enjoyed the story so far ^^ Thanks very much!~ When Sanno met Hydra he immediately related to her in that she too had previously been human and has taken a sort of liking to her X3
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
idiosyncrasies's picture

About time I tracked this

About time I tracked this sweet guy. ♥
The backstory you have up so far is really interesting!
Tuo's picture


xaii's picture



by FoxOfTheStars ♥
gglidden's picture

That is a very lovely art

That is a very lovely art Kujance made for you! I've always wondered what exactly Sannosuke looked like.
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
gadkiy's picture

Track c:

Track c:
Snowsauria's picture

Should place a track on this

Should place a track on this nice fellow. n_n
LostintheEcho's picture

Hi, just wanted to check

Hi, just wanted to check something with your updates from yesterday ;;

The group that you approached as a raven mostly consisted of canine type characters, so when they see a bird you can imagine how dogs behave ahah.

It says your character actually attacked one of the fawns/pups? Could you clarify which character it was? I didn't see anything like that happen so I'm kinda surprised about reading it ;;
Sigi by Wake

Sannosuke's picture

Oh, thanks so much for

Oh, thanks so much for reading through ^^ Man, it all went down so fast, I'm not sure whom it was that I "attacked" which made Ramsus get up. I felt swarmed by the whole pack and just lashed out at the nearest one jumping and rearing up at me, really. I just sort of imagined that somehow I'd hurt a young one in my defense and that's what made Ramsus come in so hard after I was already out of the Raven form and backing away from everyone. After the skirmish with Ramsus lol he was like all I could think about and stalked him pretty much the rest of the day XP XP XP <3 (no hard feelin's yeah? Much love! I think your char is great!) so I didn't really get into the map and check on the rest of the pack. So sorryyy ;_; You'd probably know who all was involved in that little episode better than I do! If you know, I'll certainly fix it ^^ Thanks again for reading, sorry for inconsistencies and shhhtuff XD lol I just make up a bunch of b/s XD XD XD it's fun though lol
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
LostintheEcho's picture

No hard feelings at all! I

No hard feelings at all!

I didn't see your character make a distinct move towards my character though, nor the others with theirs. It makes it difficult for us to work with, so maybe this time your character missed? It's okay if they tried, but usually if something like this happens, the player will talk to the other player about it before hand so that we know for sure and both agree to it ;u;

Maybe next time we can discuss things before updates over skype?. Might make it easier for us both. c:
Sigi by Wake

Sannosuke's picture

Ah yes, you're quite right.

Ah yes, you're quite right. That sounds like a great plan! Sorry, it was really the first time I was really trying to write about something that happened so fast that involved so many different players. I'll try to track down and ask around with the others involved more often in the future, and it'd be so awesome to be collaborating on the stories with more of all you awesome folk!
Oh, and a miss it is =) I'll edit the story up a bit when I get a chance ^^
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
Mary13's picture

Boop! Tracking.


Avatar by me& signature courtesy by velveteensoldier <3
Sannosuke's picture

lol omg @Mary13 thanks so

lol omg @Mary13 thanks so much for the track XD How funny, lol last night I was totally browsing all your awesome different characters for houurs, but felt totally like....

XD and didn't say nothin' XP
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
IvyChain's picture

Hello~ sorry if my Skremmende

Hello~ sorry if my Skremmende is being rude, he's a little hot headed today :/
Sannosuke's picture

Well, thanks, man ^___^ But

Well, thanks, man ^___^ But no worries at all! Wasn't takin' anything personal, and honestly, I felt bad, when I first saw ya I thought you were Jen from a distance and I was like "w0000 wuutuuuup!" lol and then you turned around and I was like

But no worries at all ^^ Thanks for comin' over after and sayin' "hi" =)
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me

Glad I could be a part of the

Glad I could be a part of the fun.
Also track because this guy is really interesting.

Track! I remember hanging out

Track! I remember hanging out with you a while back, sweet to find you!
Sannosuke's picture

Hey!!! Ah, it's so nice to

Ah, it's so nice to hear from you ^___^
I remember Jovan a lot~ Man, it's been forever now @_@;; Sorry ;_;
I hope you've been doing really well! Very nice to hear from you. Thanks very much for saying "hello." =D
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
Acurna's picture

I should have been here a

I should have been here a while ago.

Hello! I would like to get

Hello! I would like to get acquainted with you!
I was about you in a huge oak, but you slept.
Sannosuke's picture

(^,....,^)/ Hellooo~! So nice

So nice to meet you ^^ Thanks for the nice message today, made me smile ^^
I hope to make your acquaintanceship as well =)
Perhaps we shall cross paths in the forest again soon =D I'll keep an eye out for ya. Have a great one!
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me

Interesting dude! I can't

Interesting dude! I can't believe I've gone this long without noticing him.
Definite track C:
Sannosuke's picture

Thanks so much for the track

Thanks so much for the track and kind word, Mr Biscuit! ^___^
Glad to meet you =D
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me

Anguish, kon'nichiwa again!

Anguish, kon'nichiwa again! Barf!
You're so rarely appears in the forest. How can I meet you?

I hope you didn't read my biography last time. There.. mm. .khem.. there was a misunderstanding..

Thank you for the company!

Thank you for the company! Your deer is lots of fun to interact with!
Sannosuke's picture

@ Ysill ~ "Ohayooooo~!

@ Ysill ~ "Ohayooooo~! (^_^)/ Yes, things changed pretty radically for me for a while there... Slightly more settled at the moment so I finally have a chance to breath and catch some of that fresh forest air ^___^ I wish I could be on more regularly like the olden days ;_;

@ 11dollarbills ~ "Ah! Yes, thank you so much for you company as well! I've enjoyed interacting with you so much ^__^ It's been a real pleasure, thank you! Really, this is by far the most "socializing" I've done with this character in a looooong time @_@;;; He's gotten so shy... Thanks for your patients ^^ It's really nice to be here with Circe and Rohit =D
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
kseniamokhova's picture

Trakking I would like to

Trakking Smiling
I would like to get acquainted with Anguish. Theophane also loves to lie around disorganized church, we can say it is a piece of it at home ... Now he is a little lonely in the forest with no relatives.
I hope you do not mind to communicate with him. Eye
Sannosuke's picture

No no, not at all! I feel

No no, not at all! I feel bad, you've caught Sanno/Anguish at a very strange point in his story ^^;
At the moment he can't rise, though would love to hang out with you~! And he very often is at the Ruins, so I know that we'll be crossing paths again and hopefully many times! =D As soon as this in progress interaction with Jovan wraps up he'll be mobile again ^^ Can't wait to hang out proper! It's still really nice to have your company ^_^ Sorry Sanno is so wounded atm
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
cloudandis's picture

"I see u in that water. Gonna

"I see u in that water. Gonna come down thar. Mah Showah." -sam

:'D nice to meet you.
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna
Sannosuke's picture

(^,....X)/ Ahooooy~! Eeeeeee~

Hi, Sam!
X,D Sorry to hog the shower XD First time this guys' bathed in..... years ;___;
Get clean and enjoy, my friend! Very nice to meet you =D
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
cloudandis's picture

Nice t'meetcha too c: xu x

Nice t'meetcha too c:

xu x well, least his smell is to die for.
Sabel, Sam

Image © Alhnna
depstop's picture

Gonna track this ^^ Hope to

Gonna track this ^^
Hope to meet this guy someday : D
Sannosuke's picture

Thanks so much for the track,

Thanks so much for the track, Dep! (^,....,^)/
I hope very much to meet your lovely someday too! Let's make it sooner rather than later! =D
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
Huksta's picture

Hi again and track! :3

Hi again and track! :3
Flyleaf's picture

Hi , Sanno , what Beautiful

Hi , Sanno , what Beautiful drawings you have here !!
Trackity Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Sannosuke's picture

^,....,^ @Huksta ~ Yeah it

@Huksta ~ Yeah it was good to see you and nice to meet you ^^

@Fly ~ ~glomps you~ \(^,...,^)/ Eeeeeee~! Love you, buddy! Thanks for the track =)
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
DisRabbit's picture

//silently tracks// Geon got

//silently tracks//
Geon got a surprise seeing him inside a tree haha
back into the groove baby
Sannosuke's picture

(^,....,^)/ Alohaaa~! X,D Yus

Yush... Anguish is haunting eet @,...,@
Thanks so much for the track! Quite nice to meet you =D
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
depstop's picture



i love it
Sannosuke's picture

@ Depstop ^,....,^ Thank you

@ Depstop
^,....,^ Thank you so much!
I couldn't be more thrilled with it =D
A tremendous thanks to Evern for the brilliant css and octahedra for the stupendous work on Sanno and Anguish art!
Their commission page can be found @ http://endlessforest.org/community/cssart-commissions-closed
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
Thais's picture

Such interesting story he

Such interesting story he has! Placing my stalk track here. (:
Display pic by crabbycrown ♥
Sannosuke's picture

(^,...,^)/ Hellooo~

Hellooo~ Thais!
Thanks so much for the track =D
Sanno has been a very malleable character and has changed really organically through random forest experiences ^^ It's been a pleasure! Hope to interact with you soon =D
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me
Vessan's picture

Tracks! Very intriguing here.

Very intriguing here.
phantomhelsing's picture

well hello there~ tracking

well hello there~

tracking <3 c: