
parrotsnpineapple's picture

Warm afternoon sun,
Lighting murky halls;

dipped with old flesh and ill-promise.

"I'll come for you soon" Rett said.

"But It will not be me"

"Hero will take the form of another.
For I sacrificed a child, into the water.

So you could live aGain"

WhEn a new dawn breaks, so too will the surface.
For when tHe forest soon enters Its daRker hour.

They'll come to carry you home.

eyestrain's picture

I really like this. The white

I really like this. The white brings out the richness of the color. The strange sight of them, separated by the water's surface Soul lost in the lake.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
ocean's picture

Lovely screenshots. I'm

Lovely screenshots. I'm especially fond of the last one; the ripples look so nice.

I absolutely adore the

I absolutely adore the lighting! It looks exactly how it does in my front yard when the sun is at that late afternoon angle and it's filtering through the trees.
parrotsnpineapple's picture

Eyestrain: Thank you kindly.

Eyestrain: Thank you kindly. I can safely say I was inspired by most art galleries, figured I would give it a go C:
Beautiful words <3

Ocean: Thank you very much

Fish: Thank you! When I was editing them I had afternoon in mind, it is usually sunny but today it decided to rain :C
shaku's picture

This is gooorgeous *A*

This is gooorgeous *A*