~Riddle me Everything

"Hello my darlings. My name is "Lucifer" Sebastion Scott. But...I would insist that you please... call me "Silence".
What do I do, you ask?
Well, some may call me a magician...but I simply creature illusion and wonders through forethought and reasoning.
But it it isn't to say that I didn't consider trying to get out of this...blasted...forest. ...of course... But I do keep myself busy.
Perhaps, my darling, are you fond of riddles?"

What runs but never grows tired? "River."
A hundred arms, a thousand fingers, but has no eyes to see where it lingers. "Tree."
What never breathes air, always drinks, and is covered in chain mail armor? "Fish"
What when spoken of is lost? "Silence"
What lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with it's root upwards? "Icicle"

I live at the end of times and space, of silence, vengence, revenge and grace. But cannot be seen in a dying child, although in it's heart and tender smile. "The letter 'E'"
Only one color but not one size, stuck at the bottom yet easily flies. Present in sun, but not in rain, doing no harm and feeling no pain. "Shadow"

/~~~ \
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? "The letter 'M'"
Brothers and sisters have I none, but that man's father is my father's son. "He is my own son"
It has been around for thousands of years, but is never more than a month old. "The moon"
What holds water yet is full of holes? "Sponge"
What belongs to you, yet others use it more than you do? "Your name"

My Distant Companions
When does Thursday come after Friday? "In the dictionary"

I went to the city and stopped there, I never went there, and came back again. "A watch"
What is that which goes with a carriage, comes with a carriage, is of no use to a carriage, and yet the carriage cannot go without it? "Noise"
What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten? "Deck of Cards"
This thing all things devours: Birds, trees, beasts, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grings hard stones to meal; Slays kinds, ruings town; and beats high mountains down. "Time"
Hard iron on horse, cow's hide on man. "Shoe"

Poke your fingers in my eyes, and I will open wide my jaws. Linen, cloth, quills, or paper, my greedy lust devours them all. "Pair of scissors"
I talk, but do not speak my mind. I hear words, but I do not listen to my thoughts. When I wake all see me, when I sleep, all hear me. Many heads are on my shoulders, many hands are at my feet. The strongest steel cannot break my visage, but the softest whisper can destroy me. "An actor"
How does one manage to extinguish a candle sitting in the center of a room 12 feet away from the door, and still manage to reach the door before it becomes dark? "It is the daytime"
Pronounced as one letter, and written with three. Two letters there are, and two only in me. I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and grey. I'm read from both ends, and the same either way. "Eye"

Another Day
I know a word of letters three, add two, and fewer there will be. "Few"
How can a blind walk directly to the building in any city with the most stories? "He walks to a library"
What is it that everybody does at the same time? "Grow older"
How can there be an occupied boat without a single person on it? "Everyone on it is married"
Take away my first letter; take away my second letter; take away all my letters, and I would remain the same. "Postman"
A word I know, six letters it contains. Subtract just one, and twelve is what remains. "Dozens"
What can bind two people yet only touches one? "A Ring"

**Day off** ...

Malicious Pursuit
**Emotional Entry**

A Somber Tale
Another Riddle
What can turn everything around but never moves? "Mirror"
A box with keys without locks, yet they can unlock your soul. "Piano"
What can one hold but never touch? "Their breath"

**Emotional entry**

Which Grows with it's Root Upwards
What does one buy but never knows they are using it? "A coffin"

This runs fore to aft on one side of a ship, and aft to fore on the other. What is it? "The railing"
You can see nothing else, when youlook in my face, I will look you in the eye, and I will never lie. "Reflection"
What 7 letter word becomes longer when the third letter is removed? "Lounger"
What has a head, a tail, is brown, but has no legs? "Penny"
At the sound of me, men may dream. Or stamp their feet. At the sound of me, women may laugh. Or sometimes weep. "Music"

Words Unanswered
If you break me, I do not stop working. If you touch me, I may be snared. If you lose me, nothing will matter. "One's heart"
My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick, fat, I am slow. Wind is my foe. "Candle"
I build up castles, I tear down mountains. I make some men blind, and help others to see. "Sand"
Forward I am heavy, but backwards I'm not. "Ton"
Three brothers share a family sport: A non-stop marathon. The oldest one is far and short, and trudges slowly on. The middle brother's tall and slim, and keeps a steady pace. The youngest runs just like the wind, speeding through the race. 'He's young in years, let him run'. The older brothers say. 'Cause though he's surely number one, he's second in a way.' "Clock"

That Which is Hidden
I am always hungry, I must always be fed, the finger I touch will soon turn red. "Fire"

Amoung Other Things
What question can you never honestly answer yes to? "Are you being dishonest?"
Kings and queens may cling to power, and the jester's got his call. But as you all may discover, the common one outranks them all. "Ace in a deck of cards"

What English word has three consecutive double letters? "Bookkeeper"

And Writing Desks
A rooster lays an egg at the very top of a slanted rood. Which side is the egg going to roll off on? "Neither, a rooster doesn't lay eggs."
How does one escape certain doom when riding a horse, where there is a cliff to the right of you, an elephant going the same pace as you and you can't pass it, a hippo running to your left, and a lion running behind you at the same speed? "Get off the carrosaul"
Tom's mother had three children: April, May...but what was the thid one's name? "Tom"
All about, but cannot be seen. Can be captured, cannot be held. No throat, but can be heard. "Wind"
What starts with a 'T', ends with a 'T', and has 'T' in it? "Teapot"

**Emotional Entry**

Ripped from my mother's womb, I am beaten and burned, to become a blood thirsty killer. "Iron / Sword"

That are Silenced
What's black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you're all through with it? "Coal"

Of Gold
**Similiar riddles**

Runs smoother than any rhyme, loves to fall but cannot climb. "Water"

Tainted Light
I have four wings, but cannot fly. I never laugh and never cry. On the same spot I'm always found, toiling away with little sound. "Windmill"
What falls but doesn't break, and what breaks but doesn't fall? "Night and Day"

What I Was
What kind of cheese is made backwards? "Edam Cheese"
I am the red tounge of the earth that buries cities. "Volcano / Lava"
Gold in a leather bag, swinging on a tree, money after honey in it's time. Ills of a scurvy crew cured by the sea, reason in its season but no rhyme. "Orange"
The more I am clever, the more I am good. The more, as a rule, I am misunderstood. "A riddle"

Word Games
Thirty white horses on a red hill; First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still. "Teeth"
It roars like thunder, and rises higher, while breathing fire; This wingless wonder "Hot air balloon"

I stand beside the holy man. The monarchs feat my wrath. None may move the way I can. Ever the crooked path. "Knight of a chess board"
With a knife, cut open my head. Then weep beside me even when I am dead. "Onion"
I am used to bat with, yet I never get a hit. I am near a ball, yet it is never thrown. "Eyelash"
I don't have eyes, but once I did see. Once I had thoughts, but now I'm pale and empty. "Skull"

Tell me
**Emotional entry:: Tells a bit more in-depth past**

And Masks
Walk on the living, they don't even mumble. Walk on the death they mutter and grumble. "Leaves"
I can be short and sometimes hot. But when displayed I rarely impress. "One's temper"

An Answer
**Response to Iaurdagnire's Riddle**

Something Which to Rely
I am the yellow hem of the sea's blue skirt. "A beach"

Curious Strings & A Threaded Soul
**Responses to meeting the Puppeteer**

Five young maidens are all a chatter... "A human's hand"
What are the elusive characters? Missing two letters or numbers?"C & T"
How could two identical sons be born on the same day but not be twins? "They are triplets"

Let me Recall
**Emotional Entry**

To be added

Verycrazygirl's picture

Yess, INDEX! A Red Deer

Yess, INDEX! Laughing out loud

Iaurdagnire's picture

This is very impressive <3

This is very impressive <3 thank you for putting this together!

Flyra's picture

Wow. Impressive collection

Wow. Impressive collection indeed! -loves on- You are so multiply talented, shim; in writing + drawing + videomaking. It's just amazing. 8O

f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
Verycrazygirl's picture

Whenever it was desired, no

Whenever it was desired, no one will see him. At night, The Red Deer was in his element, a mere shadow among shadows, only very much alive.

The first time this night he decides to be visible was when he walked through the clearing and into the dimly lit ruins. He stepped with the greatest care, and made not a sound.

The stag then suddenly stopped, before him was a broken pillar, or what could also be interpreted as a performers stall. To the Hart, it was like a stone stump. And it was also the first place he encountered a very peculiar creature some many months ago.

Virgil had come with a gift, of sorts. Held carefully between his teeth was a crimson flower; a poppy to be more precise.
The poppy was a symbol of love, death, friendship and chance to the Guardian.

He lowered his head and tucked it carefully beside the broken pillar. There it was more likely to last rather than be trampled by playful fawns.

At this stage, Virgil doubts the return of the Riddler. This is a parting gift, and a thank you for the times they had.

Verycrazygirl's picture

"Try sit-sliding!"

"Try sit-sliding!"

Mmm tracked (:

Mmm tracked (:
Verycrazygirl's picture

"As I was on my way to St

"As I was on my way to St Ives, I met a guy with seven wives.
Each of his wives had seven sacks,
each of those sacks had seven cats,
each of those cats had seven kits.
Kits cats sacks wives
how many people went to St Ives?"

"One. You did. Hehe~ "

"One. You did.
Hehe~ "
Verycrazygirl's picture


"Aye~ <3"


"Why are you always running?"

"The same reason I walk and

"The same reason I walk and lay."
Verycrazygirl's picture

"I do not like that answer."

"I do not like that answer."

"I do not like that

"I do not like that question~"
Verycrazygirl's picture

"Hmhmhm... Ass."

"Hmhmhm... Ass."

"Hmhmhm...leech~" ((Lol

((Lol Silence wtf. ))