:.{ Rhapsody }.:

updates; diary entries in comments.

Hello. My name is Rhapsody...which I believe is not my real name, but I still cannot remember that. A glowing pictogram above my head will let you recognise me in the forest.
I don't have a special title. It's a shame really, but I am young here...I don't know where I learned to speak like this. How do I know this language so well? Why have I always known it? A fuzzy thought of a creature crying is brought to mind...It feels like a dream, maybe. A memory?
I'm male, and I still, after all this time...do not quite understand this 'love' or 'attraction'. What is love? I can't...comprehend it, romantic love still seems strange to me. How will I know the difference...?
I am still a fawn inside, sometimes...There is still much for me to learn. But you can call me an adult, I suppose that is what I am physically.
I think my birthday is...the 20th of April. But how can I be sure? How do we know dates and names...? There is still so much I do not know.
My personality...Hm. I suppose I could be described as a little distant, melancholy almost. I have lost the only two friends I ever had in this place. I am reluctant to get too close again...but I am a curious creature, and friendly.
I have no family here. I am a lonely creature.
I believe in the Twin Gods. I believe they spoke to me when I first woke up here. 'Fawn,' they said to me. Just 'Fawn', they didn't give me a name at first...then they asked me, and I said, 'Rhapsody', and then the...symbol appeared over my head. I don't think that these Gods appear in or sound the same way to everyone, I have always believed that it is up to the seer to interpret what they...see.

When I was still a young fawn, I came across a stag who went by the name of Mick. Mick was a mysterious and highly intriguing stag - very unique, too. He was someone I trusted and relied on. I would question him endlessly, and he taught me many things - some of which have faded from my mind. Then one day, he disappeared. I have not seen him since - but I feel that he is still with me, wherever I may be, and that in times of great need I will be able to call upon him for guidance.

Another great influence in my life, as well as many others, was the doe named Poltergeist. I never did call her 'Poltergeist' - it was always Miss Poltergeist instead. I met her when she was carrying two fawns of her own, fawns I was eager to meet and play with. I hoped that we would all play together, that we would all laugh and dance and run and leap. But it was not to be - she died after giving birth to her young, and I never saw them when we were all still fawns. I still have not seen them. Although Poltergeist is gone, I can find her amongst the stars - where she belongs.

I'll put discoveries here...

A friend named Mick has

A friend named Mick has helped me to understand this forest better. He holds many many answers to my questions and even when he doesn't know the real answer, he does his best to help me anyway. Mick is a special soul.
A doe named Poltergeist has helped me remember what birth is, and how it happens. I hope I can become friends with her fawns when they arrive. Poltergeist seems to be a healing soul, in a way. She is very kind.
Mick tells me I might have been human in a past life, but that I probably didn't die.
What is human? What was my 'previous' life? What happens when you die...?
Seele's picture

He's such a sweety

He's such a sweety <33 That, and your writing style still amazes me!
AnimaSoul's picture


The Soul Of Souls

Mick is gone. Gone. I don't

Mick is gone.
Gone. I don't know how or why. I wish he'd...said...said something to me. He meant so much, he really did, a-and I...I don't...
I heard his voice in my head not so long ago. It was very strange. He said I could live without him.
I don't know if that's true.

I miss him so much. Who will answer my questions now? Who'll keep me warm when it rains and I'm shivering?

I'm scared...

huggles the little guy hes

huggles the little guy hes adorable


Aww <333 Flame and Ice will always be there for him if he needs them.

(Sorry for the double post).

(Sorry for the double post). Is Rhapsody in-forest? Ice or Flame want to meet him sometime, they still haven't seen him.

Thanks guys! Midnight; I'll

Thanks guys!

Midnight; I'll kick him in just now for you c: <3


Sorry I had to take him out

Sorry I had to take him out :c My game was really laggy...

It's ok, I took Ice out too

It's ok, I took Ice out too cause I'm doing other things.

I'm lying by the Pond, but I

I'm lying by the Pond, but I think I want to move. It's very warm today, isn't it? The frogs look a little sad. I think they prefer colder weather.
I hope Mick's allright, wherever he is. It was wonderful knowing him, it really was, but I know I can't keep looking back forever.
I'd liked to have shared today with him.

I wonder where Miss Poltergeist is? I should really just call her Poltergeist, mm...I can't wait until her fawns are born. I hope I'll be allowed to speak to them, maybe play with them. Even if I'm not a fawn by then.
Why haven't I grown up the way most fawns do? Or I've heard they do. I don't really want to grow up yet, I suppose, I don't have very many friends, or any family, and there's so much I want to learn. I met a little female fawn named Ice not so long ago, you know, and she was very nice...But I've heard she's grown up into a doe. Maybe she'll still want to play.
Why is the Forest endless? If the Gods created the Forest, who created the Gods? Are they deer, or something else? Why are the Ruins crumbled to the ground? Surely if they broke, the Gods would repair them...?

I think I'll get up and move now. I need to cool down.

I...I met a stag called...was

I...I met a stag called...was it...was it Rhye?
He told me that I'd be okay.
I don't think I will be. M-Miss...no, Poltergeist is gone.
Like him.
Who will I--who will I speak to now...?
And her fawns...
...everyone is dying...
Rhye...says that he isn't.
I...he scares me.
I don't know what to do now.


Kiraki's picture

So cute :3

So cute :3

Thanks, you two c8

Thanks, you two c8 <3
Seele's picture

*Cuddles with Rhapsody* We're

*Cuddles with Rhapsody* We're sorry ;-;... She's not gone though, really <3... Just look up to the sky, Rhap!

Much has changed. I no longer

Much has changed. I no longer feel my grief over my lost friends so intensely. It is still there, but fainter; I have come to realise that they are still with me, in some ways...
My pelt reminds me of her, of her pelt. I felt wrong wearing it at first. But I switch often.
The Pond has become my best friend. Even since fawnhood I would leap in at the first sign of danger. And now, regardless of whether or not my appearance will be that of a nameless, I still leap.
I do not always become a frog.
Sometimes, I can stay under there for hours.

Today, I caught sight of the

Today, I caught sight of the stag named 'Virgil'. I know of him. He was close to Lady Poltergeist...I wanted to approach, to thank, to see...But after watching him and an enormous, terrifying-looking creature of large tines and two tongues and terrifying, unpleasant, blue eyes...I was too afraid.
They chased me, so I leapt for the waters.
Later on, I met a pale doe by name of Dajhi. I quite liked her; friendly, approachable even if I was very shy around her...and embarrassed; she caught me trying to...well, trying to speak to a tree.
But then, I saw a white doe, and she seemed hesitant to approach with me there. So I backed away, and let her keep Dajhi company instead of me doing so. I was lonely, but that's something I have grown used to.
Virgil and his frightening friend were nearby. I approached.
The beast chased me.
Chased me.
I was so scared.
Later, I gathered the courage to approach and sniff him while he slept, but fear overcame me and I ran again.
I am such a coward, Sir Kreiger. What would you think of me now?

I was very lonely, so I tried to speak to the rocks around me. They didn't bother to talk back to me. I must not prove very interesting company...

I sit alone now, and my...my appearance is very similar to that of Miss Poltergeist's. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...You were like a mother to me...Is it so wrong that I should fashion my appearance after yours, with the only exception being the candle antlers I wear...? I'm sorry...

I'll wear my own mask, I'm sorry...

I miss you so much.