The Queen is taking a break....

Lyeekha's picture
Yes, Liëka's having a rest. She *will* be back, don't you worry! Eye

This is due to in, but mainly out, Forest problems. I want a break from Liëka, though I love her dearly and she wont be gone for more than a month/ month anna half.

Actual me typing this am still in forest, and FIU , Hunter , and Troll will still be there to play with. Smiling

I'm about to write about those three, so don't everyone ask about Troll; I know you havn't met him yet.

Aww D: Saanana has missed

Aww D: Saanana has missed Lieka muchly ): I hope she'll come back soon!
fayne's picture

Gonna miss Liekers, she was

Gonna miss Liekers, she was so fun to attack on the Brigade expeditions. xD
PM me for a role play, art trade, or anything else!
Leader of the Deermuda Brigade!
Zazvat's picture

I bet when she gets back

I bet when she gets back she'll be all recharged and ready for more deermuda evil!