Quadruple Poetry - Dinamo

quadraptor's picture
Just an idea I wanted to try - describing one character with four different styles of poetry. Expect to see more of these.

Victim #2 is Dinamo. I tried my best to make them as much about your character as I could. Enjoy Eye


Dreams have never been nicer
In my eyes than the sights here
Nectar of the Twin Gods, as you say
All around me the Forest speaks in whispers
Memories and nostalgia of wondrous times
Only let Nature enter, and you will see too




A flash of grey and splash of white
My playful fur glistens in the light
I watch the dragonflies at the dam
They never question what I really am
The wilder side of my spiritual soul
Remains at peace and guidance told
I call to you from far and away
To ask what fun we should do today
The land is kind and sings with choice
To all who listen to her loving voice
May we all honor her with the words we say
This is my pact, the wolf deer's way


I watched a butterfly take the time to drink from a flower. I stayed as still as I could, not bothering her, not interfering, just observing the intricate work, her careful movements, the slight flutter from her painted wings. I began to wonder if butterflies observed us, too. I sat up and stretched out my back after leaning down to watch her for so long. And as I did, something wonderful happened - the beautiful butterfly decided that her job was done, and she flew up and landed right on my mask. I stayed perfectly still, my eyes adjusting as the little one rested, her eyes staring into my own.

And then without any other thought, I knew it to be true.

She was thinking about me, and one night she would dream little butterfly dreams just for me.

OkamiLugia's picture

So refreshing and inspiring!

So refreshing and inspiring! Keep up the amazing work.

Oh. Beans. Im a victim. Quad.

Oh. Beans. Im a victim. Quad. >D

Im so sorry, but I have to go to bed rather extremely quickly, so I will comment on it tomorrow.

quadraptor's picture

Haha yes I love victimizing

Haha yes I love victimizing people XD!!

Actually I chose you because of your comment on Anjali's poem. Eye

Oh goodness. Just serve me a

Oh goodness. Just serve me a double helping of ohgosh beans and leave me be.

Iajskdhakjfhjsdh love it. ALL OF IT. ALL OF THEM. Oh dear god. Ive never had one of my deer written about. I am so honored to have this written for Dinamo. I absolutely love how you described her, and her part deer part wolfness.

GODGODGODGOD. I don't know what to say to explain how much I love these and how much I am thankful for these.

*Spazzes, frothing at the mouth.*

DEAR GOD. I JUST LOVE YOU. God, Quad (Oh look. A rhyme. ;D).
Anjali's picture

Yay, Dinamo-poems!

Yay, Dinamo-poems! <3 I really like how each one captures a different aspect of Dinamo...it's like you really get down to the essence of her character.

These are so fun and interesting to read, Quad!

I couldn't of said it better,

I couldn't of said it better, Anjali. <3

But still. I'm still in shock of the poems. I JUST LOVE YOU, QUAD.

The third is my favorite

The third is my favorite :3
Very careful choice of words.
Short and striking.

Awesome, yet again.

*Buuuump..?* I wasn't sure,

*Buuuump..?* I wasn't sure, Quad, if you got our last comments. If you already did, it's fine, Im not demanding a reply, I just really wanted to make sure you got the replies.