[Paz's Rut Blog]

10/10: leaving information here for next year (assuming there will be a rute next year)
9/22/11: I will be recycling this blog from last year, to use for this year's rut. I am leaving Phoenix's entries from last year.

|||Updates|||•|[Interact/Roleplay]|•[[Deer Directory]]

[picto] | [bio]

role: non-participant doe, neither dominant nor submissive (may also be treated as a buck)

•has no rutting instinct; more-or-less oblivious to the rut; will act as she normally does
•bucks/stags may attempt to herd her, but she will come and go as she pleases
•because of her antlers, others may confuse her for a buck, and treat her as so; bucks/stags can challenge her to a spar, although she is unlikely to accept
•not at all dominant, but may not necessarily submit, either, unless she feels intimidated

[picto] | [bio]

role: participating doe, submissive

•skittish/flighty; unknown stags/bucks may have trouble herding her, depending on their approach; if someone she already knows is present, she will be more likely to join a herd; she may flee if startled, or she might seek protection from others
•the longer she is with a herd, the more comfortable she will be with its' members, and the less likely she is to leave
•interests are based more on personal feelings than instinct; she is particularly attracted to stags/bucks that appear confident; her top priority is feeling safe

*Saiyko (priority--{platonic} her father; she will follow him anywhere)
*Gustiro (priority--already knows/trusts him)
•times in herd: 2
•times in herd: 2
•times in herd:3

Jokerman (protected Phoenix from Sianna and Sorog)

Phoenix is not comfortable with these deer present, and will be more likely to leave if they are too close.

Sianna (chased/harassed by; already previously untrusted)
Sorog (chased/harassed by)

[picto] | [bio]

role: non-participant buck, submissive (may also be treated as a doe)

•has no rutting instinct; will act as he normally does
•may run from perceived aggression
•he may be challenged to a spar, although he is unlikely to accept
•stags/bucks may attempt to herd him like a doe, although he will still come and go as he pleases, unless threatened to stay

Activities, 2011

Unfortunately, I had to pull out of the rut a couple days early. But I still had fun with it! Phoenix met a few more deer and possible friends, which is the important thing.

(10/5) [Phoenix]
herd: Pavo
•played with Pavo, Tori, and a fawn
•helped Tori "peacock" Pavo while he slept (which really just meant casting the antlers)
•rested a bit before playing some more

(10/4) [Phoenix]
herd: Snowshoe
•found Snowshoe alone
•played a bit with some fawns
•rested with Snowshoe

(10/3) [Phoenix]
herd: Gustiro
•found Gustiro; watched a fight/spar between him and (Virgo I think?)
•nervous because of a lot of deer nearby
•Gustiro (apparently) tried to steal a herd, resulting in more fighting/sparring, this time with Crucio
•rested with Gustiro, Dinah Moon, Morikiah, and Fikos

(10/2) [Oisín]
•spent some time alone by the pond
•found Herla; played with her a bit, but was intimidated by Gehirn
•thought he wasn't welcome there, so went to sit by the crying idol instead
•after a while went back to rejoin Herla and Gehirn

herd: Pavo
•found Pavo and Tori; rested with them at the pond
•startled/intimidated by Saosin, then confused by his seemingly playful behavior
•played around with Pavo and Tori, before they all settled under a willow tree to rest some more

(10/1) [Amary]
herd: none (unless Virgil counts?)
•Played with Dag and Lacie
•rested with Virgil and Lacie

(9/30-10/01/11) [Phoenix]
herd: Gustiro
•found Gustiro; met Phaios, My'Ne, Buttons (not sure if they've met before)
•rested with Gustiro's herd

(9/29-30/11) [Phoenix]
herd: Pavo
•met Pavo, Tori, and Ammy
•played around with Pavo and Tori

(and then the server must have crashed or something, because everyone is frozen...)

(9/28) [Amary]
herd: none
•visited Virgil briefly
•played around with some unknown deer
•hung out with Zach and his herd for a bit
•visited Gehirn for a bit

•found Silence, and was confused/amused by his actions, until he realized he was probably high
•found Ourania; played with Ourania, Kusa, Ryuu, Buttons, and Alyx for a while

(9/27/11) [Phoenix]
herd: Snowshoe
•met Snowshoe, Sorrel, Henna, Heika, Maia, Jokerman, Lynetta
•spooked by Sianna and Sorog, who succeeded in breaking up the herd
•once she felt safe again, rejoined Snowshoe, along with Maia and Lynetta, resting with them for a while

Activities, 2010
(Phoenix was the only one of my deer that participated in 2010)

•Is it over? The forest is quiet today. Which is nice, but...I am feeling a bit lonely now.
I was hoping to see Rush today. But I can't find him...
Hopefully I can see him again soon. I'm already starting to miss him...

At least I made some friends, finally.

•I found Rush again. I seem to run into him a lot these days. Not that I mind. I'm always happy to see him.
He seems to be alone a lot for some reason. I guess the other does prefer other stags. Then again, I haven't seen him do much to try to attract them. He seems more interested in just sitting or playing around. That's okay with me, though. I don't really care that much if the other does aren't interested in him. I like him anyway. Actually I think I...prefer it...that way...

•There's Gustiro...but there are so many deer...and I don't know most of them...I don't think I've ever seen such a large group.
Gustiro was in a stare-off with another scary-looking stag. I think I've seen him before, but I'm afraid to go near him. It seemed like Gustiro was trying to get Kaoori from the other stag, but he lost.

I watched Gustiro for a while, playing with some other does. I was still hesitant to go near, because there were still so many. Then Evania showed up, and made me feel better. I've only met her once before that I can remember, maybe twice, but she seems really nice.

Finally the group dispersed enough that I was able to approach Gustiro. Evania came with me. She seems to be one of his favorites. I don't know why, but it kind of bothers me to see him favor others... It shouldn't, though. I mean I understand why I wouldn't be one of his favorites. I think he's known them longer, too. But just when I'm thinking that I kind of wish I could be one of his favorites, I start thinking of Rush instead...Maybe I'm being...what is the word...contradictory? Ah...hypocritical?

And then just as I was thinking of Rush, I noticed him in he distance. Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself running up to him, leaving Gustiro's herd to do so. Yeah...I guess I shouldn't be upset about Gustiro favoring someone else when I seem to be doing the same with Rush...

We ended up near the ruins, playing around. Evania joined us at one point. And there was another...
But then I spotted Gustiro again. This time he was fighting with the stag that he was having that contest with earlier. Then he disappeared. That stag came up too close, frightening me, and then Kaoori came over and started threatening Rush. Why is she picking on him? Then there was a doe (or possibly a buck with small antlers) taunting at the big stag and trying to get him to fight. Right after watching Gustiro fighting, and then having all this stuff happening so close, I got scared and ran off. Evania came over to comfort me. I don't know why she does this when we barely know each other, but I was glad for it...

I noticed Rush seemed to have finally broken away from Kaoori, so I went over to him. We played a bit more, a fawn joining us at one point. I've seen that fawn a lot, actually. I'll have to see if I can find out its name...
Then Gustiro appeared again. I tried to be with him and Rush at the same time. It didn't work out too well. But at least they weren't fighting over me or Evania. She seems to prefer Gustiro anyway.
Mnh...I feel tired now...

•I don't understand what's going on. I saw Rush so I went to be with him. He was with Virgil's herd. But then there was...wasn't that Kaoori? Why does she have those antlers? And why is she acting like a stag? There's another doe...at least I thought it was a doe...acting the same way. They lowered their antlers at Rush when he tried to come greet me. They did the same when we tried to break away from the group. It didn't help that there was an aggressive stag and doe close to the herd, apparently challenging...Kaoori...and the other...stag-doe... I'm so confused.

•I found Rush again. He was with a stag I don't know. He startled me a bit, coming up so fast. But Rush assured me it was okay.
•We jumped around a bit, and then we ended up helping a deer get its set. It turned into a game of casting antlers on each other.
•Faunet showed up. She and the dark stag seem to like each other. She didn't stay long, though.
•Emdeaur appeared, looking different from what I remembered, but I was happy to see him. Unfortunately, he disappeared again pretty quickly.
•Mmh...I feel tired... I'm not used to all this running and jumping around. It's fun, but I'm feeling kind of worn out now. At least I can sleep safely with Rush here...

•I found Gustiro. I was a bit nervous at first, because he had some does with him I've never met. But he reassures me... He makes me feel safe.
When he gets close...touches me...like that...it feels strange... But...it's not a bad thing...
•Virgil and another stag (I've seen him before, but he still makes me a bit nervous) came and took two of the does with them. Gustiro sparred with Virgil and got one of the does back. I don't like fighting, but it was interesting to watch. Gustiro seems pretty strong. It's too bad I can't be with both herds. But I'd rather just stick with the one I'm already with...
• Rush is here. He lost to Gustiro... But...I want to be with him, anyway. Just when I thought I would stay... I'm...I'm not sure what I should do...
I...I like Gustiro, but...I want to be with Rush...I...I think I'd rather be with him...
I feel more comfortable with him...I'm not sure why... S-sorry, Gustiro...
•It's...almost like there is no rut...with him.

•There's Gustiro again. He looks hurt... Who is the doe? Do I know her? She's sleeping, though, so it's okay...
•Another doe appeared. I don't know her. But...she's alright. She's just sitting there peacefully.
•The second doe left to go sit with another doe I've never seen. Some fawns came by a little while ago. But now it's just the three of us again. I don't mind. Large groups just make me nervous.

•Hello Rush. Oh...Who...who is that with him? I...I'm sorry...It's just...i-it's always difficult for me...meeting someone new...
•It's not really a herd, I suppose...but I don't mind...
•There's...another me?! Just...dancing in mid-air. It must look so silly!
•I don't think I've ever had this much fun without Dad being around!

•I just woke up, and...wh-who is that? H-he looks...intimidating...b-but he was calm when greeting me. I guess he's...alright...
There's...no one around that I know...So I guess...I might as well stay here for now.

•There's so many of them...
•Virgil? Come back...I don't know anyone else here...
That one, though...his scent reminds me of Virgil's...
•I met another stag...Auxentius? He seems...alright...
•Oh! Rush is here. There's something...about him...I think it's...because he always seems so confident. Something I...have never been...

•sat with Virgil and Accendare, met Rush
•confused by the fact that Virgil seems to treat Rush like a doe
•the herd was joined by others
•played with Dad
•witnessed a spar between Virgil and Silence

•Met Gustiro, came close to being part of his herd until Saiyko appeared
•followed her father for a bit
•met Virgil
•randomly attacked? by an unknown deer, protected by Sai
•apparently became the subject of a fight between Sai and Gustiro (or maybe it was just because Sai got too close to his does)
•Sat with her father until he left. The Gustiro left, too, so she ended up joining Virgil's herd.

(unknown date)
•watched some stags, including Lucian, Zach (I think), and Nukilik (I think)
•met & played with Riley & Emdeaur

Rell's picture

Yay, but he's harmless when

Yay, but he's harmless when the rut starts (officially)

She just likes to cling to

She just likes to cling to him because she feels safest that way.
Rell's picture

That fight was long overdue.

That fight was long overdue. ;P

Well I changed my mind about

Well I changed my mind about tracking stuff for my other deer here. They can all still be treated like rut participants. But their updates will just be kept to my regular updates blog.

Track : D

Track : D
Serrod's picture


track!! Sticking out tongue
bland signature goes here

Yeah, writing "activities"

Yeah, writing "activities" from Nix's point of view now.

Ugh...Sorry to those who were with her. I feel like crap today...I was okay for a bit but now I just really don't feel like playing. Too dang tired...And feeling too "blah"...

Maybe I'll bring her back in this evening.

You deer is really hard to

You deer is really hard to approach! I hope Aux will find it easier next time (:

Heh, yeah, she's a bit timid,

Heh, yeah, she's a bit timid, but she will recognize him now, so that'll make things easier next time.
Really it probably would have been easier if she hadn't been startled by Nukilik coming up too quickly and nuzzling her. |3
Gustiro's picture

Track. : )

Track. : )
Esoh's picture

Hi! Can our deer be

Can our deer be friends?
I think they get along.

(Persephone met your doe, Gustiro, and a few others this evening. ^^)

Oh! Yeah, I don't see why

Oh! Yeah, I don't see why not. Smiling

oh yeah, this is pretty much

oh yeah, this is pretty much finished for now, I think
Scythe's picture


Tracking. Smiling
Lynetta's picture

Trackie ♥

Trackie ♥

Okay, so, not only does it

Okay, so, not only does it keep saying I'm not logged in, and showing the orange circle, even though I am apparently still actually logged in, but also the map is showing someone else's picto where Phoenix is. I suppose it's probably related.
If Phoenix appears naked for a second, it's because I just pressed "log in".

ugh, I didn't realize how bad

ugh, I didn't realize how bad this page would look on smaller screens

I have to pull out of the rut early, because my computer died, and the one I'm using right now just doesn't handle TEF very well.
Gustiro's picture

Sorry to hear your having

Sorry to hear your having computer troubles. : (

Well I'll be getting a new

Well I'll be getting a new one soon.
I just have to wait for it to arrive.