#Not Tired of THAT Yet# [SAFE TO READ][Semi-mature Themes]

Cleaned up version.

Great. Just great. Running from the cops, and now I'm down on the ground in the black. They must've popped me one. Upside the head if I'm lucky. Down on the ground. I smell like... pot. Must've given us away. I need to learn to shower before hits. My head is killin' me. What's goin' on? Where's the others? I coulda sworn A.V. was right behind me. Coward. Probably split. Can't finish a job. Good lay, though. Rides like a train. Heh.

Why do things always come back to you when you're unconscious in the darkness? Rudolph. My mom must've been shootin'. Or it was some holiday junk that I couldn't give a damn about. On December twenty-fifth. Hell. 'Least it wasn't some lame name like 'Noel' or 'Kringle' or something like that. Rudolph. Stupid Rudolph. Rudy. Yeah. S'a good nick. Gang knows it, I know it. Some moron with his teeth knocked out, and his blood spattered over his spread-eagle body on the cold cement knows NOT to call me 'red-nose'. Nnnngh! My head hurts. What the heck is going on? Can't the gang see I'm down? Sirens? Great. Sirens. Drake had better not be hurt. Can't stand that guy when he's in pain. What a wuss. Good cook, though.

M' rambling. Gotta get up. Gotta run. Gotta open some copper's guts for beatin' on my gang. MY gang. Not Jack's anymore. Hate Jack. Stupid gang. 'Fore I came, they might as well have been daisy-planters. Jack. DAMN my head. Those idiots arrest me, the old man'll bail me. Always does. Pushover. I wish I had my iphone about now. Where's the beat when you need it. I don't wanna be unconscious the rest of my life!

"Do you know what you're going to do with the rest of your life if you aren't?"

Shut up, Brian. You're dead. She's dead, too. Stupid woman, going all weepy-eyed and junk when you offed yourself. REAL smart, genius. Take a gun to your eye. Pull the trigger. I coulda killed you for less. Damn hypocrite. Always tellin' me to hold on, that things'll get better. You talked it, but couldn't take it, jerk. Blew your brains out. Wonder if you had any. Leave me to take care a' the 'rents and sis. Took care a sis, alright. Stupid girl. Blood and brains all over dad's floor. She deserved it. Call me that word? More manly than that bastard you called 'daddy'. You were pretty. Nice legs. No brains. Like mom.

What the heck is going on? I can't see a thing! Where are those idiots when I need them? OW, my head still... Where the heck's Drake - shoulda seen me fall, useless moron.

WHERE THE HELL AM I? A bridge? A BRIDGE? In a forest?! What the heck kind of trip is this?! GOD! Are you kidding me. Some practical joke.

"Well hello there... are you alright?"

... Why no, I'm not alright. Who are you? I can't get up, I can't see.

"Cell, come look at this... Where do you suppose this fawn came from?"

FAWN!? I'm a TEENAGER, you clown. Not some baby deer! Why can't I get up!? What the heck is wrong with my legs!?

"Rev.. does he have a mother? He's awfully small..."

Small? I could take you, you little coward. I don't even know what you LOOK like, and I could take you. My head is still killing me...

"Oh! Look! His nose! How queer... I've never seen... anything like that in the forest. Perhaps the Gods are watching?"

What about my nose. Queer? What? Don't call me queer. .... My nose. Glowing. Red. What is this, some kinda bad high?! I'd beat up god if he were here. Or if he even existed. But he doesn't. My GOD, a red nose. As if I didn't have it bad enough already with the headache.

"He is rather unusual... and very cute. Do you suppose there is a doe nearby?"

"Tally's coming over here. I just saw her swing by the pond on the other side."

Tally? What a wierd name. Probably some... Wait.... Clip clop? HOOVES? The heck IS this place, some kinda horse... deer.... thing... orgy?! And why can't I see?!
I take that back. BIG deer-cow. How the heck did a doe get to be so HUGE!?

"Hi Rev!"

"Hi, Tally! Look what I found!"

Found? You stumbled across me, you idiot. This sucks.

"You act like he's YOURS, Rev. ... Found them yet?"

Found what, his balls? Wuss.

"Yeah! They'll all doing fine, but I think they hate me, or something..."

I'd hate you too. You're a whiny wimp.

"We should help this fawn to his feet, and try to find his dam..."

I ain't no baby deer! Why can't I say that? What can't I say ANYTHING? I can't talk! I can't walk! What the heck did those coppers DO to me? God, the gang is going to LIVE this UP when I tell them about this shit...

What? My legs. My eyes must be like.. screwed. I am NOT furry! I am NOT brown! I'm a Caucasian boy with a knife! I ain't a deer! YOU HEAR ME!? I AIN'T A DEER!

"Isn't that adorable! Even with that nose of his, he's still so sweet. Did you hear that little squeak? Maybe he doesn't know how to talk yet. We could teach him, Cell! We could have Seth and the others help... Er... maybe not Seth... I'm afraid what he'd teach him."

I don't need to be taught anything you loser! I'm not a DEER! And my nose ain't a lightbulb!

"Let's get him to the Old Oak.. we can help him better if he's out of this cold. But I don't know WHY his nose is... like that... It's unnatural."

"He can't be THAT unnatural... he's in the forest. The Gods must be a part of this. That nose is very pretty, even if it IS odd. I've never... I mean, not in my time. You know?"

"Me either... Come on, little one... can you walk? No? Rev, put him on my back, we can carry him easier that way."

Why am I so tired all of a sudden? DON'T TOUCH ME! ... Whatever. What the heck ever. I'll just go to sleep, and it'll all be over. Bad trip. Too much acid. Whatever. Gang's gonna pay for this. Mom. Why couldn't you have named me something NORMAL for a change? ... Rudolph. Red Nose. I better not be a reindeer, or I'm gonna kill someone. I might... anyway... God....

Darkness again.

Pegasicorn's picture

Rudolph sounds like he'd be

Rudolph sounds like he'd be annoyed, but I'm amused by his thoughts. XD
This flows very well. Made me wanna keep reading. =]