Isadorae; Adrift and at Peace

treacherous's picture



Physical Healthy. / Emotional Happy.


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    August 17th, 2014

              Wasting time a short distance away from the gathering group of family and friends to try and subdue her nerves and make the time go faster when startled by a pained yell, the source easily identified as Isiel. Froze for a moment before dashing back to her family, startled by the scene that greeted her. Stayed as near to her mother as she could without interfering with the efforts of Herla and the others to aid her. The following sequence of events as her mother lost consciousness and the trials of bringing her sister to the world were soon after dulled by the shock and surreal horror of the situation. A smile came to her lips as she watched Isiel coax the baby to life through teary eyes, relieved that both pulled through in the end. Taken aback by just how small Jhorla is, she avows to herself once more that her fragile sister will never be without her protection. Will be mostly spending time with her parents and the new addition in the following days, may rouse to investigate nearby fawns if only for a few minutes before returning.

    August 13th, 2014

              Woke up to Isiel sleeping and Ramsus keeping watch, decided to finally confront him about Isi always feeling sick; clearly needs to stop eating so much! Surprised when he explains she's pregnant with a fawn, at first a little skeptical. When he explains that she hasn't been able to eat well and is sick, makes a plan to enlist Ciel's help in gather berries to help her feel better. A little nervous that the new fawn may take all the attention and love away from her, but becomes excited as she remembers how jealous she gets seeing Neela's big family and her sisters. Reminded by Ramsus that she should protect her sibling as the big sister, and makes a point to vow she'll do just that.

    May 26th, 2014

              Relaxing with her parents and Ciel, happy with their company until noticing a group of fawns nearby (Sonali and...some siblings?). Immediately zipped off to exchange greetings and romp around, trying hard to recognize each of the young fawns' scents to remember later since they were obviously being filed in her memory as 'friends'. With how fast all the fawns her age were growing, she was happy to have anyone around the same size to play with. Sneaked a sniff at their stripey mother, then snuck away from the group to sniff at a strange deer snoozing in a flower patch (North?)...a little dismayed and embarrassed when Ram caught her trying to sneak some stranger sniffs and played innocent; no trouble over here, Dad, only nuzzles!
              Returned to playing with the group to see Neela had appeared, paying extra attention to showing her friend how excited she was to see her again. Got a little distracted when she saw a strange looking fawn (Indigo) huddled under Ciel. Puffed up her chest and did her best impression of imposing Ramsus to go over and show him that was her spot. It was successful, but the way the strange guy's expression barely changed made her feel a little guilty, he had a sort of sad look all the time. Not really sure about him, but tried to make it up by playing with him. Started a big dance circle with all the other fawns before tuckering out and laying down to rest with her many new friends.

    March 23rd, 2014

              Woke up to see two deer settling down beside a tree near home, didn't recognize the pair at first but after blinking away her sleepiness recognized the large fawn was Leo. Though it'd been a while since she last saw him, was surprised to see how much larger he had grown. A little hesitant to approach but gradually did nonetheless; yep, still smells like Leo. Noticed he seemed to feel bad for her discomfort and felt bad in return, goaded him into a little play time and was happy when things seemed just the same as when he was small. Decided Leo is still same old Leo, even if he was growing faster...not like Isa's jealous about that or anything, nooo. Got pretty uncomfortable when a strange stag showed up, amused when little Leo managed to puff his chest out and tell the passive buck off.
              Sat between the two family trees with Leo and plucked apart flowers for a bit til Ramsus awoke and ushered her back to their tree...apparently he didn't remember Leo too well as he seemed a bit disapproving, but didn't really complain since Ram and Isi cuddles are pretty much best cuddles. Geeked when Ciel showed up moments later, worried that his isa-playing-with-boys sense was tingling. Literally ran circles around Ciel as he spun around until he finally caught up to face her, flopped down and passed out cuddled up to his chest. Woke briefly enough to see Ram and Isi return, Isiel looking quite uncomfortable...she'd assumed when they were leaving it was just super boring grown-up business, but now it was obvious that they were leaving to have super fun battles without her. Resigned to insist on being included next time, but not too terribly upset since she got Ciel cuddles in the mean time.

    March 16th, 2014

              Spending her time sticking extremely close to Ramsus and Isiel, mostly being obnoxiously clingy. Avoiding all adult strangers for the time being. Met some new fawns the other day, including one that was especially peculiar (Glytch). Late last night awoke to Ramsus returning with the faint scent of the white stag upon him...doesn't really understand what was going on there, but was reassured by his confident and calmed manner.
              Woke up this morning to see Glytch not far off sitting atop a tree stump, seemed to be sleeping so she approached quietly and inspected his throne. Jealousy activate! Returned to her parents and expressed her disdain til Isiel lead her to a nearby tree stump. Tried to scramble on top to no avail, just not quite tall enough. Followed Isiel as she lead her away and showed how to get a running jump to the top of the stump. Tried to do the same but missed. Oh well, tried again a few more times...and failed again. Already becoming pretty frustrated and embarrassed with the repeated failures at this point, only to realize the laughter of a strange stag (Kalma) not far off was directed at her. Pouted and beat up on the stump a bit, taking a break to watch as Ramsus approached Kalma and told him off for his teasing. Watching her father lay down the law always added a little pep to her step. With her confidence restored and mood improved she gave the stump a few more tries. Incredibly enough this lead to...more failure. Her patience spent and soreness returning to her muscles, she then realized how their play was taking a toll on Isiel who was still on the mend. Admitted defeat and returned with Isiel to cuddle beneath fort Ramsus.
              Woke up from her nap feeling refreshed, and spotted a strange...creature of some sort not far off (Jovan). Curiously approached it, didn't look like a deer at all but acted much more normally than the other forest creatures like the rabbits. Definitely deserved investigation! Exchanged greetings and managed to elicit some play from him when another fawn awoke in the tall grass nearby (Freya). Romped a good while longer, noticing that Jovan seemed a little bit unsure while Freya seemed quite confident and explorative. Tried to sneak a little nuzzle into Jovan's thick fur to see what it felt like but played it off like nothing when he seemed to balk at her...oops! Had to take frequent breaks to slow down, still pretty stiff and sore from the ordeal of being chased by the white stag the other day.
              Eventually joined by two other fawns, but fell back from the party when they approached a strange stag (Sebastion). Eventually snuck a sniff when he was distracted with the others, but was too skeptical to join in the festivities. Was beckoned closer by Freya in an attempt to get her to properly greet the stag. Tentatively approached and gave a sniff when suddenly Ramsus showed up to scold her and shepherd her back home. A bit ashamed, but relieved that being called home created a good cover for her fearfulness. Spent some time fussing at Ramsus' chest fur gently with her teeth, not really up to snuff on exactly how to groom others but more or less just wanting to dote on her father. Left only when Jovan and Freya returned, settling down just a few feet away. Pretty much already decided to file them under 'favorite fawns'...if you'd really even call Jovan a fawn. Even more satisfied when more stranger fawns joined the cuddle pile.

    March 12th, 2014

              Woke next to Isiel feeling well-rested and eager for more adventures after her solo success the day before. Seeing a pair of deer nearby with a fawn nestled between them, mustered the courage to approach despite the adults and gave the fawn a sniff and greeting; got only a shaking head in return. Gave a little snort and returned to Isiel, shooting glares at the snotty fawn who did nothing but stare. Come on out and I'll show you what for, brat.
              Relieved when a more friendly fawn with candle antlers (on the picto SpudyNack?) approached and indulged Isadorae's playfulness and the wacko family took their leave. Played for some time leaping over tree stumps with her friend, before noticing Isiel keeping watch on a stranger quite nearby behind a tree. Huh, hadn't noticed him before. Stopped behind Isiel to peer at him, wondering how long he'd been there. Gradually got more creeped out as Isiel tried to shoo him off with no success, trying to beckon for her candle-antlered fawn friend to follow as they deserted his company.
              Got more and more uneasy as the white stag followed them, at first watching from the distance but growing nearer and nearer at each new spot they chose before he finally charged in threateningly. Ran away with Isiel several times until she stopped to confront him, trying to stay nearby for fear of losing sight of Isi...she was bad enough at trying to find her way back home on her own. Panicked and called desperately to Isiel, hoping she would come run away with her and not risk confronting him, but that only seemed to draw his attention to her instead. Turned tail and ran blindly as fast as she could with the beast on her heels, eventually getting a break when Isiel caught up and distracted him. Kept her distance, watching in fear for Isiel's life but keeping her silence as she paced back and forth nervously...but silence still wouldn't buy her salvation, and the white stag again turned on her. Managed to seek refuge cuddled up next to the crying idol when he lost track of her, and after an agonizing wait was found by an already pretty beat up Isiel. Relief was soon replaced by fear once more as the stag reappeared. This time managed to flee together, sheltering at the playground. Relieved to see her fawn friend was okay as she joined them as well, tried to motion for her to stick nearby in case he returned. They were found again, and as fast as she was didn't have the stamina to continue at such speeds and was kicked around a bit by the big stag. Was lucky enough to not completely lose her footing as that would surely have been the end of her. Pretty sure she saw another doe (noreen) try to defend them, but at this point wouldn't discriminate whether to flee or greet any strangers who approached. With that distraction, Isadorae desperately sought refuge in a group of strangers at De Drinkplaats.
              Relieved when Isiel managed to catch up and the rogue retreated, apparently weary of the many watchful eyes. Felt a fairly uncomfortable around all the strangers, and a growing sense of guilt when seeing the collateral damage Isiel had taken in the prolonged chase. Would have certainly muttered a sorry if she could muster the energy, but instead huddled up to Isiel until they had recovered enough to retreat to Herla's home. Collapsed cuddled up to Isiel, anxiously watching every deer that passed in the distance. All her muscles ached, and she had gathered several terrible bruises and cuts on her rump and sides from the stag's hooves. Numerous small nicks scattered her lower legs, mostly from kicking herself in her haphazard fleeing and diving for cover. Even her lungs felt ready to burst. Relieved when joined by Ramsus, standing briefly to nuzzle him before drifting off to sleep. Eventually woke with even further stiffness setting in, tenderly shuffling over to sit between the forelegs of a watchful Ciel who had also joined them, feigning a stoic watchfulness over her mother. She felt quite restless, a bit of guilt setting in every time she looked at Isiel's deep wounds. It wasn't the first time she'd been hurt because of Isa, there was also that time with the big boarish monster. But pretending to help keep watch didn't do much to make her feel better, and eventually she resigned to passing out cuddled up next to Isiel and Ramsus.

    March 11th, 2014

              Feeling fairly mischievous and full of energy, snuck off from home in search of some fun. Didn't plan to stray far from home, but discovered an intriguing fawn named Trout and was soon zipping through the forest with her. Eventually led her peculiar friend down to the pond to splash about in the shallows. A false sense of boldness and security grew the longer she was away from her guardians. Seeking some sort of defiant satisfaction after all the times Isiel had cautiously sheparded her away from the water, ventured forth to wade in...all the way to her kneeees. With satisfaction achieved she bounced around with Trout for some time, aiming to make larger and louder splashes to show off for her shimmery friend.
              Was a bit skeptical when two older deer altered between beckoning to them and dancing, but gradually followed Trout's lead as she ventured closer. Joined in with dancing for a bit and bouncing around a little more before settling down on the shore with Trout. Pretty pooped from all her showboating, drifted off into a brief nap with her friend before waking and scuttling home before darkness settled. Pretty satisfied with her solo adventure and feeling more confident for it.

    February 15th, 2014

              After a mostly lazy day, snuck off from Isiel and Ramsus to explore a little ways away. Found no other fawns to play with, so she returned to wallow in boredom. Practiced the art of stealth-sniffing those who were resting nearby until a little black fawn (Narumi) appeared. Rushed through a greeting before jumping into playtime, chasing each other around for a good while. Didn't realize how far they'd ventured from her parents until Ramsus came to scold her and ushered her back to to tree, leaving Narumi behind. Pouted and kicked rocks around for a bit, giving Ram the stink eye until he caved and went with her to invite Narumi back to the tree. Beyond elated when she returned with them and played for a bit longer before settling in for cuddles.
              Must have drifted off for a bit, because she later awoke to find her new friend and Isiel had both disappeared. Immediately started fretting. First Isiel would disappear, then Ramsus, then Isi, then Ram'd been a while since Ram returned and they'd all been together again, but she couldn't help but worry that the cycle had resumed. Tried to gauge Ramsus' mood in relation to Isiel's absence, and he seemed just as calm as before. Bored, even. Slumped over next to him, occasionally getting up to moo or listen about but eventually settled in snuggled up next to him.
              Rejoiced when Isiel reappeared sporting a skull mask, all of her worrying forgotten and replaced with curiosity. After a thorough inspection, decided it was pretty cool shit. Joined her in a lot of play fighting, showing off all her cool new moves she'd been practicing with her fawn friends. Actually probably looked incredibly lame, but very convinced otherwise. Followed Isi's lead in trying to goad Ram into joining them, failed terribly but she was having too much fun running around like mad with Isiel to be too disappointed. Greeted a nameless fawn who showed up only to be ignored as they approached Ramsus and nuzzled him. What do you think you're doing? With much effort eventually managed to finally fend off the little weirdo some ways away. Gathered her composure to do her best imitation of a cool, collected walk back to Ramsus and Isiel, her chest puffed out. But as she was nearly there, the little shit darted past and went to nuzzle Isiel. Uhhh, don't think so! Drove off the little shit again, this time making sure she stayed away for at least a few moments. Had horns cast on her, but decided they were acceptably cool and returned to play with Isiel and Ramsus.

    February 12th, 2014

              Spent most of the day cuddling with Isiel and Ramsus. Took every opportunity to invite any passing fawns to play, first of which being Leo who had a strange fawn (Junalia) in tow. Greeted her and welcomed her in their play, but roughhousing with Leo for a while noticed that she'd slipped away at some point. Well alrighty then, nice to meet you too. Met Jasmine later in the day and romped around for a bit before returning to Ramsus and Isiel.
              Absolutely geeked to see Ciel nearby, coaxing a bit of dancing out of him before leading him on an expedition to explore half the forest. Though leading the way, started out trying her best to match his pace and look just as calm, collected and cool. Jk, gonna dart off behind a tree and hide. Clearly too obvious as Ciel walked right over. That's okay. Led him to the old oak soon after, creeping inside the small hole in the back then darting around the outside to try and surprise him with a nudge. Showed off her growing climbing skills at the Ruins before heading to the pond to splash around a bit. Super failed at log climbing before realizing how overcrowded it was with strange deer, stuck close to Ciel until it felt safe to head towards home and settle in for his warm cuddles. Later woke to find Neela cuddled up as well and ran around wreaking havoc with her before finally passing out for the night.

    February 2nd, 2014

              Spending a lot of time curling up with Ramsus and Isiel, intent on keeping an eye on the pair since it seems every time one shows up the other vanishes. But after a few days feels more confident they're both here to stay, and sneaks off to the blueberry patch while they sleep. Has decided in her exploration of solid foods that, so far, blueberries are the most delicious. Has actually opted to mostly stop nursing from the nanny goat on her own since the weird looks it kept giving her was starting to really skeeve her out.
              Gathered a few berries and brought them back to the tree....using her mouth of course, so that's like...4 pretty squashed oozey berries. Presented them proudly to Ramsus since he was awake; they're still tastey, promise! Was a little disappointed at his initial response, but was satisfied by his charade of eating and enjoying the berries. Makes a note to bring him more later, as he seemed to love them so. Got pretty riled up after watching Ramsus tell off some deer acting like a punk (Judaius) to a strange doe (Eleanor). Practices imitating herding away on a fawn that wandered over after some time, all in good jest of course. Gonna be big and bad just like him some day.
              At some point dragged Isiel over to the ruins to hop around, accidently fell in the pit at one point and gave Isiel a heart attack. After shaking off the soreness decided the bumps and bruises were well worth the cool points earned for her triumphant conquering (of the lowest ledges of the ruins, that is).

    January 27th, 2014

              Gradually feeling more comfortable leaving Isiel for short periods of time as she rests, though never strays far. Primarily leaving to nurse from her nanny goat or drink from the pond. Slowly exploring the tastes of new plants, but always returns to the nanny to fill her belly, checking the old bear carcass nearby for any signs of Ramsus' return. Seeing none, sulks down to the pond for a drink only to discover Ramsus' limp body laying in the shallows. When her nudges failed to elicit any more response than briefly opening his eyes, she called out for Isiel, only to realize the doe was nearly already there. Was dejected to be sent to the shore, not understanding the dangers the water could cloak. Crazy cuddlefest with the sad heap of Isiel and Ramsus after Herla and Gehirn aided in his rescue.

    January 24th, 2014

              Called out for Isiel a few times when she didn't return the following night, very worried despite how much she enjoyed her time with Neela's family. A bit skeptical Johan appeared, who she hadn't met before, but with Herla's glowing endorsement followed him to find an unconscious Isiel. Spent a good deal of time moping about, hoping for her condition to improve. Was approached by Kaars, became increasingly frightened when he charged at them and hit Isiel. Probably only still alive thanks to Zyren, Fletcher, and an unnamed deer who chased the beast off. Definitely too shaken to approach any, sticking closer than ever to Isiel's side as her strenth seems to wane. Perks up a bit when Ciel comes to watch over them, insisting on a little play and dance before settling in for cuddles. Increasingly concerned and frightened over the state of her two rescuers.

    January 20th, 2014

              Currently enjoying being an uninvited guest to Neela's family, unsure of where both Isiel and Ramsus have gone off to. She can't complain too much between Neela's company, Herla's hospitality, Gehirn's indulging, and Ciel's everlasting kindness...and though it keeps her happy and distracted, she can't help but worry about both Ramsus and Isiel. Wants very badly to understand why they have left. Very surprised to discover Neela is vocal now, and boy is she ever! Though always fairly quiet herself she of course had to celebrate her friend's new found voice with a little moo-off!

    January 18th, 2014

              Excited to have Isiel back with her despite Ramsus' disappearance, even more so when she decides to rest with Herla's family. Glad to have Neela as a playmate, and gets introduced to Gehirn. Absolutely delighted that he humored her attempts to look big and tough just like him and Ramsus. Hard to tell who's taller without a side by side comparison, so certainly making a note to find a way to get him to pick her up someday. For now, pretending to fear her mighty strength will do! Returns to playing with Neela, and more than happy to welcome two nameless fawns who show up to play...until they started bugging Isiel. She knew nothing of the situation between Isiel and Ramsus, but Isiel's recent despondence and her current objection to their playfulness was more than obvious. Did her best to distract the fawns from Isiel, but when they persisted in their harassment switched tactics to trying to run them off just as she had seen Ramsus herd the white doe away from them not long ago. Resigned to cuddling with Isiel when she had little luck in playing protector.
              Later on was resting alone with Isiel when a golden fawn (De l'or) nearby with his mother. Gradually did her best to nonchalantly inch nearer and investigate, but a bit timid to approach alone with the strange doe there. With Isiel's approving nod of encouragement gets near enough to grab the fawn's attention and seems to have made an instant friend in him. Plays with him for some time before being distracted by a new little creature...a rabbit! Investigate the furry little thing curiously, as it was the first she'd seen up close. Hmm...this doesn't seem too bad. Then POOF! What is this?! Isadorae had never before experienced rabbits OR spells...but now the thing was casting one spell after another on her. She found the first very amusing, but became quite angry when they wouldn't stop. Chased the rabbit for a while until it settle down, then returned to playing with De l'or until a strange stag approached and she retreated to Isiel. Became very uncomfortable only when the stag refused to leave them alone, eventually following Isiel in a wild goose chase all over the forest to lose the creep. Just like that white doe from before...but this one had caused her to lose out on her new play pal...hopefully she'd see him again soon.

    January 11th, 2014

              Discovered a new pass-time in plucking the petals of flowers and contemplating the strange taste before spitting them out while waiting for Ramsus to awake. Very distressed to realize the flowers left a terrible aftertaste, and thus sentencing herself to a bitter chain reaction of endless petal tasting. Only the sound of someone approaching absolved her of this task, leaving the flower patch to hike up Ramsus' side and peer at...Isiel! Scrambled over Ramsus quite gracelessly to greet Isiel with a shower of nuzzles. Excitement was uncontrollable when she was presented with a gift of a lapis lazuli beaded necklace from a small sack. Spends several minutes admiring the necklace and trying to don it, but eventually resolves to carry it over to Ramsus where Isiel was now offering his gift. Distracted by inspecting the shining sterling bangle, she didn't at realize the tension gathering between the two. While unable to understand the source of the drama , it was hard not to feel the rigidity and coldness. Felt her stomach plummet with dejection as Ram left the scene, tersely rejecting Isiel's gift. How quickly her excitement for Isiel's return was soured by Ramsus' absence.

    January 4th, 2014

              Awoke next to grumpy Ramsus once again. Disappointment sinking in as she realizes Isiel still has not returned. Isadorae really had begun to enjoy Ramsus' gruff and tough demeanor, but he wasn't nearly as willing to play. If anything he seemed like more of a grump than before Isiel disappeared. Sulked over to nurse from her nanny goat, fantasizing an elaborate rescue mission for the blue doe...but remembering all the strange deer she'd seen from afar here, it probably wasn't a good idea. Ramsus didn't seem too worried about her, anyway.
              The dainty fawn's tenacious heroine fantasy is interrupted when she spots a lavender fawn approaching, unmistakably the same one she had shyly peered at from behind Isiel on her first day in the forest. The difference was now she had gained strength and a little bit of confidence to say hello! A few sniffs and chuffs seemed adequate for introductions, let's play! Far too elated and excited to have a real playmate to be hesitant in the slightest when a strange fawn, Renwyk, shows up. Welcome to the party!
              Finds herself nearly out of energy for the first time since recovering from her journey to the forest, but couldn't be happier about her new playmates. As she cedes to exhaustion and lays down near Ram, she wonders: are these what one would consider friends? She isn't left long to the musing when a white doe (Flora) stumbles over her new friends. Though a very quiet fawn, she bleats in dismay and retreats behind Ramsus who promptly attempts to set the stranger straight. Becomes very uncomfortable seeing the doe's disregard for being shooed away. Very pleased and proud when Neela and Renwyk join her in following Ramsus away from the doe...yes, these are friends, I think! Growing gradually creeped out as Flora persistently follows the group from spot to spot despite Ram's chiding. Thoroughly tuckered out, Isadorae falls asleep under Ramsus' vigil as soon as they ditch the strange doe.

    November 11th, 2013

              Only in the forest for a moment before Isiel leads her off again. She follows, but not without a mope on her face and weariness in her step. Can't we just stop and take a nap? Relieved when Isiel stops to greet a feathered doe (Herla). Naturally feels extremely shy, but too exhausted to worry too much over the stranger who seems friendly enough anyway. Can't help but take another step or two forward when she seems another closer to her size (Neela), but again too tired to show much more interest than that. Sees another buck nearby, and Ramsus catch up behind, but concedes to her fatigue and lays down to sleep.

    October 27th, 2013

              Birthed in a world parallel to the forest. Ember eyes open to discover a mother's love and a peaceful clearing, in time struggling to learn the intricacies of walking. Mostly napping throughout the day, rousing only to nurse with rare bouts of playful frolicking around her mother, but never leaving the safety of the clearing. Awoken from deep slumber in the middle of the following night by nearby rustling in the undergrowth, blinking the sleep from her eyes just in time to see a massive creature tear from the forest and take her mother to the ground. In the blink of an eye, her entire world was taken from her. Shock and instinct kept her curled in the foliage where she had slept though her heart felt ready to jump from her chest.
              Was surprised by a gentle nudge from a hoof belonging to a blue doe (Isiel) who began to beckon her away from the danger. She eagerly complied, though they made it only a few steps before the beast took notice of them. Isadorae understood very little of the situation aside from her fear, which soared ever higher as an even larger and equally gruff creature leapt from the forest and attacked the bear. Scampered away after Isiel and hunkered down into hiding as she was told. Listened to the gentle and gruff muffled voices until Isiel came to invite her back to the open, relieved at the seemingly safe surroundings but a bit leery upon seeing Ramsus.
    Most of her remaining time in this world consisted of sleeping, awaking only to see Ramsus apparently returning.
              Despite many hours of sleep she couldn't help but feel tired with the growing hunger in her stomach but would grudgingly follow the couple away from the resting spot. Isiel's kind voice and gestures were a comfort in her distress, and though she remained wary of Ramsus she couldn't help but admire his strength as he slung the bear carcass across his back. Stopped at a large tree, only to see Isiel disappear into a flash of light at the trunk and leave her with the intimidating ram. Attempted to follow, bracing for the tree trunk to give her a good bop on the head should she fail to join Isiel. Instead, Ramsus' leg softened her crash and he plucked her from the ground gingerly in his mouth. At first she was frightened and squirmed a tad, but then she was amazed to see the world from so high up. Relieved to be put back down next to Isiel on the other side of the portal, now in The Endless Forest.

Name: Isadorae
Nickname: Isa
Pictogram: cheesus
Gender: Female
Age: Adolescent
Date of Birth: October 27th, 2013
Size: Currently around size 16
Diet: Herbivorous

Description here blah!
To use the square edged headers, copy and paste the entire h6 code, including the margin-right bit!

Isiel: Adoptive mother.
Ramsus: Adoptive father.
Jhorla: Adoptive sister.

Neela, Ciel, Trekka, Jovan, Freya, Leo, Trout, Narumi, Herla, Gehirn, Renwyk, Johan, Zyren, Sebastion, Junalia, Flora, Kaars

Other Information
Insert facts or whatever other miscellaneous information you have about your deer here!


by Treacherous

By DaMustang By Wake/Kelleh By DaMustang By Joann

an iCSS Production

Sighthoundlady's picture

Yay! Good to see a bio up.

Yay! Good to see a bio up. Welcome to the forest Isadorae.
Faustt's picture


wake's picture

-smothers- c: Hi

-smothers- c: Hi
alcinda's picture


TmA's picture


By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
treacherous's picture

Very belated, but thank you

Very belated, but thank you all for the tracks!

Had meant to track this

Had meant to track this earlier! Her design is gorgeous ♥

Sig: Aihnna

Treek! Cute baby.

Treek! Cute baby. <3
OrinocoFlow's picture

Narumi enjoyed her romp with

Narumi enjoyed her romp with Isadorae no matter how short it was ^^ she's still a baby so many things don't make sense to her XD
You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
treacherous's picture

JustDance & Vasilisa: Thank

JustDance & Vasilisa: Thank you both! Smiling

Orinoco: Definitely understandable! Isa had fun bouncing around with Narumi as well.
OrinocoFlow's picture

And its always fun

And its always fun interacting with new people Smiling Isa is always welcome around little Naru ^^
You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
OrinocoFlow's picture

. double post sorry ;3;

. double post sorry ;3;
You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
Sighthoundlady's picture

LOVE that new art by Wake,

LOVE that new art by Wake, Isa is Isadorable! <3

Hello there. Stunning

Hello there. Stunning artwork. ♥♥
OrinocoFlow's picture

Need to have naru hang with

Need to have naru hang with her again ^^
You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis
treacherous's picture

@ Sight & Glytch - Thanks!

@ Sight & Glytch - Thanks! Wake did a really wonderful job on it!

@Ori - Yes! Naru's always welcome to come for a little play time. Smiling
idiosyncrasies's picture

What a cutie! She has so much

What a cutie! She has so much spunk and energy.
Mothlett's picture

trackk c:

trackk c:
Tuo's picture

And he will continue the

And he will continue the laughing. ;I (though it was directed to Isiel more than Isa)

Have a track. And control your maniac daddy pls.
treacherous's picture

Thanks for the tracks!

Thanks for the tracks! <3
I got a little kick out of Kalma's laughing, feel free to keep it up but I can't make any promises about Ram! There's nothing Isa loves more than watching him kick some ass. Evil
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

Can't believe I never tracked

Can't believe I never tracked this! That's my Sonali playing with Isa ;;
treacherous's picture

Thanks Soli! She had a ball

Thanks Soli! She had a ball playing with Sonali the other day. Smiling
Freyja's picture


Track! Smiling
Sighthoundlady's picture

Is that a new Isadorae

Is that a new Isadorae picture? I love it, she's so adorbs, and dang that fur texture. <3
treacherous's picture

It is, thanks! Figured I had

It is, thanks! Figured I had to rush to put it up before she actually grows a bit!
Nazzard's picture

Tracking~ It was a pleasure

Tracking~ It was a pleasure meeting her today.

Discord:Nazzard#9068 ||Click for bios.
treacherous's picture

Thanks Naz! Hope to see your

Thanks Naz! Hope to see your girl gain when things are a little less tense for Isadorae's family and they can get some real play time in. Smiling