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Isadorae; Adrift and at Peace

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{PHE} Temporary Bio

Just some quick info on Phe until he gets a real bio!

11/4/13: Beginning to let his guard down and socialize a bit with the other forest-dwellers. Still keeping his distance from the carnivores and stranger creatures, and remains very wary of the human-faced deer. Approached by a human-faced fawn (Hovis), at first a bit unsure about accepting his company but decides to investigate as he seemed harmless enough. Exchanged greetings and discovers he is playful, but not as obnoxious as most of the fawns he's seen about.

Relaxed a bit and actually plays with the fawn, finding his spirits lifted. A relatively normal-looking doe approached (Lirisash). Quickly decides to keep his distance from the doe as she shows a total lack of respect for personal space...ugh. Watched Hovis and the doe play for a bit, occasionally moving off further when the irritating doe ventured too close. A bit relieved when the socially oblivious deer took her leave and sat with his unlikely new companion for a bit before drifting off to sleep.

8/20/13: Has for the most part successfully kept his distance from the stranger creatures of the forest. Was relieved when he saw two fawns who appeared to be normal, and though he never meddled in the affairs of deer back home he was grateful enough for the familiarity to take some time to play with the fawns. It was a bizarre experience, but not so strange as watching some deer-like peculiars spend several minutes apparently changing each others appearance. Slowly finding himself a tad more complacent with his dimensional depart...and ever more curious.

8/18/13: Brand new to the forest, questioning the shift in reality.
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