The Slender Man (Currently; Hidden)

DouglasMorris's picture

He is known by many names.
The Tall One
Mr. Thin
The Operator
Big Brother
The Slender Man

For the sake of these notes, we'll refer to him simply as 'Slender Man'

(Shown above is an artist's representation of what she thinks Slender Man would look like as a deer. Credit; Matthieu. I'm shocked at how accurate this actually is.)

What it is

The Slender Man is, by no means, human. He is a terrible, horrifying entity that gains nothing but absolute satisfaction from slowly and painfully driving his victims to absolute insanity. Sometimes he may kill, though more often than not, he simply follows and stalks his victims.

He plays on the paranoia of the mind. Humans and deer alike are always terrified of the thought of being watched and followed. His presence is not only unnerving, but causes sickness and even death as well.

The Slender Man has absolutely no value whatsoever on human life. To him, creatures exist for his own sick amusement.

He also has an obsession with the use of fire. In several cases, he's used it as a warning to his victims.

His primary targets are children, and in this case, fawns. He'll seek them out, often approaching them directly so that he can kidnap them. However, in many cases, he has been known to play with children and show them kindness, portraying himself as a child-like... even a confused being.

That is not to say that he hasn't killed children either....

Maybe their deaths are accidental... or intentional. We'll never know.

I've observed that, to mark his victims, he uses a peculiar emblem.

It's Abilities

Being a supernatural being, The Slender Man has many curious... and often deadly attributes to him that he always utilizes.

His limbs have no definite length. They can stretch and envelop victims with a single flourish. Upon further inspection, I've noted that his antlers work in a similar fashion. They act as his arms, curling outwards to grip and handle objects.

Shape shifting is another commonly used ability of his. As you can see, he has adapted to the environment of the forest by changing himself to look much like a fellow deer to fool others.

Whenever he is near, some deer may experience coughing spells or bouts of sickness that come and goes as it pleases. Technology is interfered with and often malfunctions. If one meets The Slender Man, they may suffer a bout of memory loss for periods that can last even years.

He can also teleport from location to location, hence his sudden appearances and disappearances from time to time.

With teleportation, he can also allow himself to be seen to only a certain number of people. Because of this, children can often mistake him as an 'imaginary friend' that no one can see save for them.

Common Behavior

The Slender Man is a lurker. Depending on the victim, he usually stands a far distance off, watching and observing. If he is noticed and approached, he'll either teleport away or approach himself (if the victim happens to be a fawn)

If you are sleeping, he may walk up and sit in front of you to watch.

If you're bold enough to approach him yourself, expect to be grazed over with his collecting antlers. The gesture itself is not aggressive, but you're likely to become a victim if you let him do so.

As said before, he'll often play with fawns... only to abduct them to a new location.

Weaknesses and Aversions

There are many, many theories on how to 'defeat' The Slender Man, or at the very least, weaken him.

For one, it's been proven that he visibly slows down if he is being filmed. Not enough to really make a difference, considering that his long limbs and teleportation abilities can bypass it. However, this is still worth noting.

I've also noticed a reoccurring behavior that may also have some connection here. The Slender Man seems to avert from water, both in recorded videos and in the forest.

There is also the common belief that The Slender Man is weakest during the winter solstice.


The Tulpa Effect
The idea that The Slender Man exists by our own will. If we think of him, he appears. If we refrain from thinking of him, he disappears. He exists only because we make him exist. As plausible as this theory is, I still have qualms about it. Yes, I can think of The Slender Man, but when I turn around and expect him to be there, he is not.

The Core Theory
Based on several concepts coupled with The Tulpa Effect. Presents the idea that, yes, The Slender Man was created based on our beliefs. In this theory, various roles are given to unknown people in order to ultimately 'defeat' the 'monster'. The roles are, the Hero, the Guardian and the Warrior. Each role has its own specific task to complete. The monster resides on another plane of existence, and it's the Hero's job, with the assistance of the other two roles, to defeat the monster... losing his/her own life in the process. I don't know if such an idea can apply to The Slender Man himself, but we can always hope.


I didn't find much, but I found evidence that The Slender Man may have originated from Germany with the original name of 'Der Ritter'. Little else is known. All I found otherwise was records of unusual disappearances of children.



A fawn. Will likely be followed and interacted with for several years to come.

-The Twin Deer-
Names are unknown as of now. For now, he seems to think of them more as fawns than adults. This will likely change

Took interest in her for unknown reasons. Was charged by her.


-The Masked Man-
Originally an actor for an ameturish student project. The Masked Man is considered to be The Slender Man's closest real 'follower'. He is extremely aggressive, often appearing out of nowhere to attack others (possible through The Slender Man's orders?). As of now, there is no sign of him in this particular area. Still, it would be best to keep an eye out just in case.

An odd doe that has caught The Slender Man's attention. She knows how deadly he is, yet continues to insist on his company. The Slender Man does not quite have 'friends'... but this doe might well possibly be an exception to that rule.
Unless, of course, he gets bored of her.

((I'd like to thank Mr. Victor Surge and Mr. Jay for publishing essential information that I can pass on to you for your own benefit))

Be careful

He's watching you

so much track

so much track
DouglasMorris's picture

Thank you.

Thank you.

Track of massive proportions.

Track of massive proportions. ♥
DouglasMorris's picture

It's for your own good, I'm

It's for your own good, I'm afraid...

Frightening. I'll be watching

Frightening. I'll be watching it, both here and in the forest.
Sighthoundlady's picture

*runs away in terror* Must

*runs away in terror*

Must track this!

... i'd really love to ask

i'd really love to ask what compelled you to make slender man a deer.

Minutiae; Not my character

Not my character but.

I'd really love to ask what compelled you to make a rude comment on someone else's biography

There are plenty of fandeer.
Don't like? Don't interact.
DouglasMorris's picture

The Slender Man can become

The Slender Man can become anything or one he pleases.
I suppose he's chosen this form for a change.
Even monsters can get bored of their surroundings.

if asking question without

if asking question without glitter and sprinkles is rude? then yes, I suppose I am guilty.
tassle, you are not involved. please, this question was for the deer's player. i simply wanted to know how slenderman = deer.

thank you douglas.

I can be as brash as anyone.

I can be as brash as anyone. Trust me I'm pretty much known for it.
And when me and the 'deer's player' who by the by is as close to me as any sibling, are talking about it offsite as well yes, yes it does involve me.

But I wouldn't want to dirty this biography so.
That's all I have to say on that~

Tracking on this account too

Tracking on this account too while I'm at it.
Uruushou's picture

God, yes. I love me some

God, yes. I love me some Slender Man, as much as he scares me! /track~
Spyrre's picture

Track. =)

Track. =)

You are getting so much love

You are getting so much love from me. Marbled Hornets, oh yes. (8 &hearts
Skitties's picture



Signature by Roo ♥
DouglasMorris's picture

Thanks everyone. If I missed

Thanks everyone.
If I missed anything important, please tell me so it can be added.



c: Why hallo thar~ As I'm

Why hallo thar~
As I'm typing this, I keep expecting something to jump out.
Sighthoundlady's picture

Is he going to be actually

Is he going to be actually played in forest? *looks out for him*
DouglasMorris's picture

I apologize for that. My

I apologize for that. My internet has been clipping on and off lately. As such, my forest refuses to connect...

Granted, it usually dosen't connect at this time anyway. I'll probably find The Slender Man tomorrow morning.
ocean's picture

Annd track. Even though he

Annd track. Even though he still gives me nightmares. x3
Skitties's picture

I'm curious... you say he

I'm curious... you say he targets fawns, but what about minideer?

Signature by Roo ♥
DouglasMorris's picture

As far as I can see, smaller

As far as I can see, smaller adult deer seem to be much like fawns in The Slender Man's eyes. Granted, I do think he's aware that they aren't children, but many of them can be and are very childlike. That sort of behavior appeals to him.

Keep in mind that The Slender Man targets those that catch his interest. Children are more likely to be stalked, but that doesn’t stop him from following adults as well.

The only real difference I can see between the two is that the minis have a higher mortality rate than the fawns, since they aren't really ‘children’. Granted, The Slender Man has killed children, but that's usually a rare occurrence. Adults are far more likely to die under his hands.
DouglasMorris's picture

Observation note

Observation note (04/28/11);

I've noticed that The Slender Man will often 'investigate' approaching deer using the moving antlers atop his head. By doing this, he lowers them and lets them observe a possible victim. Many deer have reacted in an aggressive fashion to this gesture. Quite smart of them, I must say.

I've also watched him claim a fawn... Thankfully he doesn't seem inclined to harm it in any way. Not yet.

Seem's I've found the

Seem's I've found the legendary Slender Man! I was quite curious about this character in your previous threads that mentioned him.
Toya's picture

track ... -=Runs away=-


... -=Runs away=-
Apparanza's picture

Definitely tracking. I love

Definitely tracking. I love your static icon ♥

By Leuvr
DouglasMorris's picture

By constantly being withen

By constantly being withen The Slender Man's general 'territory', it seems that it's suffered indefinite feedback... but I auppose it adds a certain charm, dosen't it?
uwharrie's picture

OH I like this like it a

I like this
like it a lot
thus I track <3

This is so fucking scary... I

This is so fucking scary... I need to track him.
I hope dearly that I get to see him... Something of his morbid nature is just beyond alluring...

A track. ♥
DouglasMorris's picture

Thank you everyone. Through

Thank you everyone.

Through my observations and added research, I've uncovered some more information. I'll be extensively updating this blog very soon.

Edit; Updated. Though I highly doubt these weaknesses can be credible...
wocio's picture


OokamiAzura's picture

The track of ultimate love

The track of ultimate love <3
DouglasMorris's picture

Continuation of today's

Continuation of today's observation;

First kidnapping has just occured. Victim; an unnamed fawn. However, I saw it manage to stumble back to the group from where The Slender Man took it.

Took caution, everyone. It looks like he's gotten his bearings of the forest. More abductions are likely to occur.

I cannot stop following every

I cannot stop following every update of this. You have captured my greatest curiousities.
OkamiLugia's picture

-all over this-

-all over this-
DouglasMorris's picture

04/29/11 Spent the day


Spent the day researching. Found numerous theories and historical excerpts that I plan to publish here soon.
hidden.eyes's picture

Tracking. My Nanaea senses

Tracking. My Nanaea senses something off about him.
Honeyfur's picture

I am definately tracking this

I am definately tracking this <333

Ooh, tracking.

Ooh, tracking.
DouglasMorris's picture

04/30/11 I've noticed that


I've noticed that he seems to linger around a large cluster of rock formations that the deer call the 'Playground'. Upon further inspection I've found that the rocks are littered with various sketches of his emblem.

The Slender Man has marked his territory.
Toya's picture

My Hototo is a sleepwalker,

My Hototo is a sleepwalker, more accurately, he has waking dreams.

I tracked this a little bit back, and ran. I have given it much thought, considered your warnings, but acknowledge that the slender man may disturb Hototo. It is noteworthy that he is not a fawn, nor a small deer, but he was taken with a ghostly sleeping-sickness in his youth, which attacked his neurological system and left him straddling the waking and dreaming for life. The slender man being perhaps, an apparition, or at least a creature of psychological bent, And Hototo being a creature already predisposed to spontaneously having a feeble grip on what is real and unreal (or what is perceived and unperceived...) I would like to share with you a dream he has had.

Do you think it was the slender man? I am not sure. Nothing is definitive at all. It may just be another dream.

Noooo! The playground >.

Noooo! The playground >.<

Nayu's picture

Big curious and creepy

Big curious and creepy trackin'...

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
DouglasMorris's picture

Toya; While many of The


While many of The Slender Man's victims are children that are stalked into adulthood, he still occasionally tracks adults as well.

The truth of the matter is, I have been stalked by The Slender Man since childhood. As such, I've had many peculiar dreams and nightmares associated with him.

I've analyzed the dream you've shown me, and I think that yes, the 'thin line' is a symbolic representation of The Slender Man himself, obviously.

The fact that Hototo is visualizing himself as a fawn, a being of impressionable innocence, renders him as a more of a 'target'.

"Is it far away? Or a hairs breadth behind me? I do not look. I am afraid it may see me."

More evidence indicating that it's a form of The Slender Man. In some ways, it may point to a more simplified Tulpa Effect (described above). If you do not see him, he cannot hurt you. Both are similar

"I fill my lungs with places I once had forgotten and remember once..."

The Slender Man can erase memories. Perhaps Hototo is keeping them as close as he possibly can so that he can't lose them?

"Why do they make no sound? It is because they are falling."

As a warning to victims, The Slender Man has often killed small animals and piled them in places (or strung them up in trees) where the victim can see them.

"All I see is shadow, Illuminating nothing. Or is it a light sucking in on itself?"

The Slender Man itself, I think, as he is nothingness himself.

Overall, I would suggest keeping an eye out for more ominous symbolism that could point to The Slender Man. If such dreams reoccur, it's likely that Hototo has become a victim.

I'll watch as well.
DouglasMorris's picture

Note (04/31/11); Laying low

Note (04/31/11);

Laying low for a few days, really for my own personal comfort. I'm well aware that The Slender Man knows that I observe him on a constant basis...

I think he wants me to.

I'm confused. This is a

I'm confused. This is a fandeer?
Nothing against fandeer, but I really do wish people would link to something about whatever the fandeer is based on, or at least say what it's based on somewhere in the bio.
DouglasMorris's picture

If you would please regard

If you would please regard the following quip near the bottom of the page,

((I'd like to thank Mr. Victor Surge and Mr. Jay for publishing essential information that I can pass on to you for your own benefit))

Perhaps I was not clear enough, but those two individuals, along with a plethora of other individuals, have assisted me in my own personal research and observations.

Mr. Surge, you could say, was the 'first' to publish information on The Slender Man. Countless others followed in his footsteps of research. I am one of these people.

Mr. Jay, on the other hand, has suffered from being a prime victim of The Slender Man. As such, he has published various video logs regarding the multiple times that he has been assulted.

I apologize for misinforming you.

No, I guess I

No, I guess I misunderstood...