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Verycrazygirl's picture
Christmas Gifts Blog

Takeharu Ishimoto - Fufilled Desire (Crisis Core Soundtrack)


Weather: Sunny
Time: Day
Forest Magic: None


Vee Blog

Feral Hearts is finally, but unofficially out.
However their servers are very dodgy, you might have to keep coming back and trying to get in until it works.
I'll post the link when it's ready.


Final Fantasy 7 Gaming Phase.
Crisis Core - Completed (Sniff ;_;)
Last Order Anime - Completed
Original Game - Playing
Advent Children - Watch After Game
Final Fantasy Dirge of Cerberus - Trying to obtain

Connection: Good
Pictos: Good
Framerate: 15fps

Bios & Links

murrr's picture

I've been meaning to ask you

I've been meaning to ask you if I could have the nameless spelldata? :>
If you could email since I'm not always online on msn much, if that's okay :3

The comments here always

The comments here always confuse me. I must miss a lot.
Firefli's picture

Must track

Must track <3

Virgil seemed to be in a good

Virgil seemed to be in a good mood. Unless that's the "mask".
Verycrazygirl's picture

I think he is in a good mood

I think he is in a good mood today; he finally got a proper sleep and it's done wonders. He can think much more clearly now too! ^^

Thanks for the tracks, guys~! 83

OokamiAzura's picture

&hearts ....

&hearts ....

My internet seems faster

My internet seems faster today, maybe I'll see Virgil in the forest soon. I miss playing!
Verycrazygirl's picture

We miss playing with you!

We miss playing with you! Ahhh, really hope that damn thing fixes soon. Eh. :/

How are you feeling? (:

A lot better thanks, I'm over

A lot better thanks, I'm over my 'hong kong cooties' XP
I hope it fixes soon too, it's annoying.
Verycrazygirl's picture

That's fantastic! ^^ I never

That's fantastic! ^^ I never realized how huge the Hong Kong timezone differences were 8D It sounds really dramatic!

Is hong kong cooties contageous? Try contaminating it! The internet hosts that is. xP
I'm joking of course. Sticking out tongue

Nice chatbox you got there.

Nice chatbox you got there. ♥

Noooo, Virgil ;_; What

Noooo, Virgil ;_;
What happened, more fighting with Saosin?
Verycrazygirl's picture

Yeah. But it'll be okay no

But it'll be okay no matter the decision.
The forest is good at that. <3

Unplugged's picture

Everyone goes missing lately.

Everyone goes missing lately. D8

/useless comment.
Verycrazygirl's picture

It's better than dying which

It's better than dying which can't(well, shouldn't >>) be reversed. D8

Unplugged's picture

Ugh. :/ Oh well then.

Ugh. :/ Oh well then.
Munkel's picture

: ( /useless comment

: (

/useless comment myself...
Verycrazygirl's picture

It might do us a bit of good

It might do us a bit of good to give 'em a break anyway. ;w;
Sorry if this is annoying you. ^^;

I find it more fitting for him anyway, Vir is such a good hider he can disappear for a while to recover.

Unplugged's picture

Sorry I came off as annoyed.

Sorry I came off as annoyed. I didn't mean to. D:

Egh, I'm being an ass lately. Ignore me. |D
Verycrazygirl's picture

Ah the joys of the internet

Ah the joys of the internet huh? Laughing out loud It's hard to really be able to express emotion in words! But that's okay, sorry for misreading. Cx

Ignore you? NEVAHHHH *tacklefuss* ♥

;____; What happened to

;____; What happened to Virgil?
I hate not being able to play...
Verycrazygirl's picture

He was a n00b, and fought

He was a n00b, and fought back when Sao attacked. :D
I hate your inability to play. ;____;
*throws a bananatree at your inet and demands it stop being lame and work*


Heads up: My internet has deteriorated more; lots of freezing, slow loading pages. I logged out of the forest but can't get back in now.
Clearly the internet's been taking stupid lessons from Dag's and Ki's. :D

Maybe there's a inet

Maybe there's a inet disease... IT'S THE END OF THE WOOORLD AS WE KNOW IIIIIIIIIT~
Are you with plusnet too, like Dag and I? They are stinky-faces >8U

Awe, poor Virgil. Kiyo-lovin' will make it all better when I can play again <3

... Why a banananananananananatree?
Verycrazygirl's picture

So soon!? Will there be huge

So soon!? Will there be huge alien robot things next? :D
... which now leads to thinking of this.
Mmm, not sure what we have, I'm pretty sure it's a good company so I really have no explanation to it's recent instability. It just has good and bad phases days at a time. Unfortunately I'm no computer dork and thus unable to diognose it.

Why not a baaananananananananananatree? We could always give the banananananaphones a go... Or do you prefer kamikaze watermelons? :B

Fincayra's picture

Ah, Virgil. D; I would write

Ah, Virgil. D;
I would write a roleplay post to convey Esll's feelings towards the fight, but Virgil is in hiding, as you said.
But Esll is definitely not happy with Sao right now. :c

Or Virgil for that matter.
Kaoori's picture

Stop. Why can't you both.

Stop. Why can't you both. Just. Stop?
Custard's picture

Is he hiding in shame/guilt?

Is he hiding in shame/guilt?
Seele's picture

*Butts in* What should he be

*Butts in*
What should he be ashamed/guilty for?
*Butts out*
Custard's picture

Fighting Saosin maybe? I'm

Fighting Saosin maybe? I'm not even sure what happened entirely.. xD
I'll take that as a no then :B
Verycrazygirl's picture

He's hiding to have a safe

He's hiding to have a safe recovery. (:
And, Sao attacked him that time, not vice versa. P:

Custard's picture

Okay, sorry. I didn't find

Okay, sorry. I didn't find the whole situation very clear so I hadn't got a clue anyway :s
I don't really care who cares and who doesn't, but it's just not like you. I guess it's the only way to get things across, now though. eh.

I just noticed how much cleaner the sidebar looks without those messy bullet points!
Haru's picture

What did you do to your foot?

What did you do to your foot? D:

Right right, fofo is calm

Right right, fofo is calm again. I hope ju are too?

Can has your foot? :3

Verycrazygirl's picture

... Every time I read fofo I

... Every time I read fofo I keep thinking MOFO 8D MOFO-FOFO!

And yes you can has, can I has ur faec? 83 *tail waggy*



My toe's been messed up since the lake district holiday, every time I walk far I get horrid amount of pain. I suspect it's a fracture that's not healed right in which case, I'd like to know the fastest way to heal it. I like travelling!


MOFOOOOO FO FO FO bo bo bo bobo...


/takes face off and puts it in a basket
Thar, shweety c:
Haru's picture

Daaang, that sounds terrible

Daaang, that sounds terrible :C I hope it gets better soon <3
Munkel's picture

Gah sorry for that stupid

Gah sorry for that stupid head-tilt in the end... shouldn't have happened. But I had this bad lag again and it took so long till he finally disappeared |D
But CB was happy to see him again :3

...and he had a stalker >_> he was hiding all the time rofl
Verycrazygirl's picture

'Tis no problem at all! We

'Tis no problem at all! We all have emote fails from time to time, and geez yes your lag looked terrible! D;
Thanks for hanging out, even with the creepy stalker guy! V couldn't really help if things got worse though...

Munkel's picture

I don't know how to fix this

I don't know how to fix this stupid lag ;___;
Aw x'D
Verycrazygirl's picture

Eat it. :U

Eat it. :U

Munkel's picture


Apparanza's picture


He just watches people.

By Leuvr
Munkel's picture

He scared him ;;

He scared him ;;
Trickster's picture

I'm not a stalker... I just

I'm not a stalker... I just admire from afar... From behind a sign...

Verycrazygirl's picture



ROFL Zebs. <3 EW SIGN! :D

Haru's picture

(No subject)

Apparanza's picture


And rofl poor Crybaby xD

By Leuvr
Kiraki's picture

Hehe those deer in the pic

Hehe those deer in the pic are so cute :3

Lick attack! Shocked

*Pokes head in.* I just had

*Pokes head in.* I just had to say... I LOVE your new Icon. :3 Watership Down is one of my all time faves. <3