Sometimes I'm Miserable - Present (Slight Violence)

KittyCatKita's picture
Trying this for the fun of it, (having to rewrite because stupidly didn't save it and my computer crashed....)

(Slight Violence Warning)

Moss beneath my body. The sounds of birds in the forest filled my ears. The warmth of the sun on my back. I slowly forced my eyes to open and yawned, powerful haunches pushing me up to my hooves, shaking off the dirt and stretching. I didn't know that today would turn out as it did...

I listened to the forest, it was fairely quiet today in the forest, a small group was playing but either than that there were only a few lone deer who ran the trees. I was about to lay back down to rest and wait when I heard a call.

Howl. A smile slipped over my face and I returned the call back to my good friend. The raven soon appeared and I nuzzled him in greeting. Our time together began like it usually did, we bound around playing in the trees and then taking a drink at the pond.

We joined in a group party for a short time before I ran off and hid. A game of hide and go seek broke out between Howl and I for a long time, the hiding locations getting harder as the game progessed.

Everything took a turn for the worse when I ran to go hide, looking over my shoulder I laughed, nearly colliding with another deer in the process. I quickly skid to a stop, tilting my head and bowing to the stag who returned the greeting. I took in a couple of deep breaths, nares flaring as his scent filled my nose. I smiled widely

Reed. I had not seen him in quite some time so it was good to see him again. I thought of Howl, waiting for me to hide. My ears flicked back and I called out to him, trying to tell him that I couldn't play anymore. He joined us soon after and I tried again to explain to the raven that I couldn't play anymore. He vanished suddenly and, while I was slightly worried, this was not unnatural for him so I turned back to Reed.

We greeted each other again and began walked and bounding in the forest, playing again as we had not in a long time. We joined Virgil and his friends in a dance, and I do not know much of what happened, but I know that Howl did return, this time as a stag.

I went to greet him, bowing down before stepping forward to nuzzle him. I was met by his antlers. I skittered back away, lowering my head confused, cringing back slightly. He pawed at the ground and reared up before he took off.

"Howl.....what did I do wrong..?"

I lowered my head sadly, why was he so mad with me? I did not understand. I looked back over my shoulder, spotting Reed standing nearby. Reed, was Howl mad with me because I was following Reed?

I looked back ahead after Howl, head lowering sadly, anger and hurt filling me. I turned and quickly ran after him, but every time I tried to appologize, to tell him that I had not ment to hurt him I was turned away. He would lower his head sadly before attacking, keeping my back away from him.
Reed even tried to get closer to him, and while I think that had been a bad idea I know he was just trying to help.

I retreated. Turning I ran to the playground, hiding myself away by the cold unforgiving stone. I lay down, listening to the occasional call from Howl, Reed or the others in the forest. Finally only Howl was the one calling. I finally stood, and called out regretfully.
To my surprise Howl answered. I moved quickly along through the forest toward his call, finding him standing along by the magical fountain. He lowered his head sadly and I followed suit, looking away slightly. When I looked back up Howl had stepped forward, closing the gap between us. We both lowered our heads sadly, and gently nuzzled one another.

"Please forgive me... Howl I'm sorry for anything that I did to hurt you, forgive me..."

I still do not know if he has forgiven me. He vanished soon after and did not return...

Sadly I turned, going to go and find someone. How I wished that Fran or Myu had been with me. I needed someone to go to, tell them what had happened and be comforted that I had not been wrong.
That I had not been a bad friend...

I stopped listening, Reed was still in the forest so I sighed and rejoined him, there was no one else to go to either than Virgil and I did not wish to disrupt Baal and he.
Reed and I walked or ran through the forest, occasionally casting magic on deer before ending up at the bridge.
A stag that I did not know lay on the bridge, though Reed seemed to know him, and did not seem to like him. He struck out at the ground and reared up. The other stag stood and returned the gesture. A small group soon arrived some trying to help the fight, others trying to stop it or watch.

" no!"

I got between the fighters, lowering my head and calling, shaking my head. The two combatants broke, racing off into the forest. I turned and raced after them, I couldn't let them fight, they might kill one another.

We raced past a group of deer and out of the corner of my eye I spotted Virgil stand and race after us. Relief filled me and I followed quickly, Virgil would be able to stop them from fighting. Keep them from getting hurt.

The two of them stopped in the birch forest, taking up their brawl. I rushed between them, lowering my head and shaking it. Begging them not to fight.
Stray hooves and antlers stuck and cut my side but I did not move. I couldn't let them fight. Moment's later Virgil arrived, joining me between them. With his help they broke apart and I took off in pursuit of Reed.

He stopped near the playground but would not allow me to come near. He kept rearing and striking, I suppose he was taking his anger out on the air. I waited quietly nearby until he stopped and joined his side.
He gently nuzzled me in return when I turned him and we turned walking or bounding together through the forest, ending up near the ruins. As I bound past the opening to the crypt I spotted a shape and skid to a stop, going back to look.

FurFur... He lay alone, part way down the crypt. His once beautiful set was broken, blood slipping down his face. He looked broken and my heart wrenched when I saw him. I slowly approached with Reed, bowing down to him.

I could do nothing but watch as he forced himself to stand, trembling and he could barely return my jesture. No words passed between us as he limped past me, moving to a nearby tree and laying down. He curled up and vanished.
Fear tore through me and I ran to where he had been, lowering my head mournfully. Had he died...? I could not stand another dying. Another one of my friends hurt...

Reed joined my side and gently nuzzled me in comfort. I softly nuzzled him back and we turned, walking back toward a larger group of deer. We joined them briefly before my body forced me to retreat and lay down. I was sore from the battles and from the mental exhaustion. Large bruises developed against my skin and blood stained my pelt. Reed followed as I stopped in a sunlit patch, turning to face him.

I couldn't stay any longer. I lowered my head sadly, bowing to him. I needed to allow my body to rest. His head lowered also, sadness in his eyes as we gently nuzzled goodbye. I lay myself down and slipped away....


Pounding hooves. Black pelt. Green eyes. A large stag bare down upon me, malice in his eyes.

I couldn't get away, couldn't run fast enough. I turned and saw him stop also.

Striking out I reared and charged....

What happened yesterday. Kita had an eventful day
Plus her dream at the end....Foreshadowing!!!

In this:
Howl played by Kikoutii
Reed played by Mikuru
Virgil played by VeryCrazyGirl
FurFur played by Alecsander
Alecsander's picture

-applauds- Well done! I

Well done! I vaguely wondered what Kita was up to the rest of the day and I love it when people chronicle their forest adventures in writing. I know it can be very challenging to try and bring the simple interactions into words and you did a great job of it. Now I'm curious about the foreshadowing. Smiling
Verycrazygirl's picture

Poor Kita. It's a shame about

Poor Kita. It's a shame about how aggressive stags seem to be becoming these days. :c
I hope she'll be alright, and oooo that dream seems interesting!

The stag Reed was so set on

The stag Reed was so set on fighting was my Beliar. ;3
Lovely writing, m'dear!
KittyCatKita's picture

@Alecsander: Thank you very

@Alecsander: Thank you very much ^^ It was hard as I could not say what others said, Kita couldn't express to me in words the thoughts that they conveyed. Muahahah Tis foreshadowing for my stag once he grows. Kita won't like him.

@VeryCrazyGirl: I know, there is a lot of fighting occuring in the forests now adays =( tis slightly sad. Kita will be ok, she just needs to heal up and then she will be back to her perky annoying energetic self ^^ Thank you for the comment!! The dream is foreshadowing my Keiran once he grows <3

@Crimsongale: Thank you very much, twas irritating to have to write again T-T Ya Kita noticed that Reed was set on fighting, she didn't want them to fight.