The scars will remain; Isac

Jepha's picture

O hi

Gave him his old picto back :sob:

Isac Sawyer Bosch

Picto - Adult male - Size
Toyhouse - Tumblr NSFW! - Spotify - Pinterest
Bisexual Biromantic - Single

Wayfarer — Today at 10:11 AM
Can you believe Isac is going through his Grindr arc

Hi I'm Isac and I make dumb decisions and hate myself after.

On the very verge of completely falling apart.
Stressed and anxious with Andrés persistent presence, has on several occasions argued, screamed and drawn blood
the few times they do get near each other. Scared in ways he cannot quite voice, angry with the constant
reappearance but also soothed in ways by the familiarity of it. Has made it clear that the feline holds
none of his trust and that the hurt has scarred him to his very bones.

Hasn't been blind to how it has flipped his relationship with Mo, however.
Hurt by the growing distance between them and despite his tries to bridge the gap, is met by a wall each and every time.
Questioning himself and his place because of it, taking the rejection heavily and can't help the way
it's making him feel at complete loss, despite wanting to clear things out can't find his voice to do so.
Has seen the Violet by the side of another more and more lately, which is fueling his insecurities into
a raging fire.
When met with flat out rejection the night prior, left the forest to numb himself with alcohol through the night.

Returned to the forest in a foggy daze, emotionally shut off as he simply followed his legs along to the birch,
intentionally or unintentionally collapsing near Andi, perhaps because he knew Andi wouldn't reject him
but also because he craved some sort of distant company while staring into space.

With past traumas, taking the rejection from Mo harder than necessary.

Art/design by Becca!

i agree

i agree

Sig: Aihnna

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Sigi by Wake

belated tracc

belated tracc
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