Onjo; Trickster

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🂡 🂢 🂣 🂤 🂥


Alias: Onjo

Forest name: Party Pill

Gender: Genderfluid, any pronouns

Age: Young adult

Species: Crowhound/Gremlin

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Orientation: Polyamorous

Size #7

In-forest set: Skull mask, magpie antlers, BAN pelt, mini

Reference: Click here

Scent: Ash, liquors, incense, metallic, blood.

It comes from within – the feeling of chaos, curiosity and unbridled mischievousness. The feeling to push, to rip, to tear. Sinew, smoke and spark; this creature is borne of the forces kept deep within.

Onjo is an immortal being that exists across many realms; their exact origin is not entirely known, a creature driven by desire and impulsiveness and always getting into mischief. Their curiosity is limitless and is always getting their beak into trouble. They are at most a theif and a trickster and revel in the whim of chance. Routines and security are things that Onjo seeks to disrupt the most and has no hang-ups for doing so.

Is attracted to shiny trinkets and can be easily persuaded to do another’s bidding if the price is high enough, just don’t expect him to play by your rules. What’s yours is mine, what’s mine is mine and that is also mine. Chaotic bird energy.


Onjo is lithe and lightweight and although incredibly erratic in behaviours, has very well kept features. Although often seen covered in mud, blood (sometimes his, sometimes another’s) and m i s c e l a n e o u s, their feathers are well kept and cleaned and often glimmer with a crow-like iridescence. His feathery plumage mostly occurs from withers across his chest and up his neck and is blended with wolf-like fur almost resembling a small mane. You better believe those crest and wither feathers can fan up with excitement, anger or defence.

Stretched across a tiny frame is short fur similar to that of a domestic dog. Although toned and muscled, is clear that Onjo is not built for brute force but rather speed, agility and scavenging (not that this obvious physical deficiency ever stops him from throwing himself into dangerous and life threatening situations). Their rib cage is perhaps the strangest physical feature wherein the rib cage splits, allowing onlookers to see within, but all one can see is a very faint, flat crimson glow; not a soul has reached through the bars and been able to comprehend the experience, and seldom lived it. Legs and body are canine like with short and sharp talons and bright red paw pads and makes for an excellent climber of trees, rocks and obstacles.

Their head comprises of a skull like structure just like a crow or raven but also houses raptor like pins and fangs, alongside a large reptilian tongue. You know their beak gets into absolutely everything and their bite is not fatal, but really terribly annoying. Perhaps that crimson glow you thought of dabbling with earlier, alongside the other bright red features Onjo sports may be a warning sign for what happens next after a bite….venomous at best.


Not much is known about Onjo’s origins and emergence – it was never really sudden, it just always was. Throughout history, some blamed the devil and demons for the wicked things they had done, the things that had been stolen, the pranks that had been pulled, the lives they had led – or taken. Perhaps they were right? What is certain is this creature is not a "devil", but a wandering chaotic force seeking to challenge man and beast across all realms.

Whatever it was, it gained many forms instantly – spanning many realms in many timelines. Most commonly, Onjo appears what is best described as a gremlin or demon – and recently came into The Endless Realm.

More is to be learned.

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gremlin energy

gremlin energy