without innocence the cross is only iron

HB's picture


Jowli | Eidolon, Titanium, the

Son of Effe and Vira. Twin to Jolyon.
Male, born 5.1.2018; Taurus, Earth Dog. Teenager.
Crown. Stature. Reference. Pins. Toyhouse.

Sports a permanent limp of his left hind leg which was once shattered by Varg. Often sore, and always held off the ground when standing still.
Body is smooth and hairless save for a stiff mane and a tail which naturally curves over his spine. Long legs and a slender frame, built for speed. Narrow eyes, split pupils and a forked tongue.
Color blind, monochromacy sight. Eyes are sensitive to direct light.
Mieleni minun tekevi, aivoni ajattelevi, lähteäni laulamahan, saa'ani sanelemahan, sukuvirttä suoltamahan, lajivirttä laulamahan. Sanat suussani sulavat, puhe'et putoelevat, kielelleni kerkiävät, hampahilleni hajoovat.


OkamiLugia's picture

I adore these designs ;o;

I adore these designs ;o;
Echosong's picture



q>q ♥

q>q ♥
wake's picture


idiosyncrasies's picture

m'other bABE ♥

m'other bABE ♥
HB's picture


Clare's picture


Sybilline's picture

Track! c:

Track! c:
sig by AceAshling, icon by HeartClock
HoneyBean's picture

omg those designs..

omg those designs..
Evern's picture

Pretty boi

Pretty boi

Shey's picture

i thought i was trackin him

i thought i was trackin him already...??
HB's picture

aaa thank you all ;u; pan's

aaa thank you all ;u; pan's baby is the cuter one tho, look at all them bright colors
tossercook's picture

love his colours, so pretty

love his colours, so pretty

Signature by Wildflowerdeer and Profile by Sybilline
Personal/Character Hub

i love him,,

i love him,,

purple stripey bby

purple stripey bby