Neela's Diary Archives

Sighthoundlady's picture
((These are Neela's Diary Archives))

(12/31/14): Updated the art by others section. I lost many files when I had to reformat my laptop so please if you've given me Neela art and it's not in the art section TELL ME!

~And updated the Art by Me art section!

This bio is old and very outdated now. Someday perhaps we'll be able to work on it properly, but for now, have a tumblr

Just been living her life as a little girl, doing little girl things in a quirky forest with a bit of magic. Nothing that's very interesting or of much importance to anyone else, hardly worth documenting and goes mostly unnoticed by all around. But she's happy so that's something. Perhaps that's part of being Fae. No one notices.

Has an apart-ment. Based on a misunderstood tale from Thais and Altijd, the "human world" was a village in India to her. Old and forgotten by time. It was just India. A place inhabited by animals of all kinds. Including some called human. And her family for a short time. The child wanted her own place of apart-ness though. Only it's often fill with her friends and family so that's not much apart. But that's alright. It's just a place between two trees. Child's drawings adorn the tree trunks on bits of paper from old books and precious scraps from other places. Old places that don't exist anymore. She draws pictures of her friends and family. Drawings of creatures real and imagined. A place to stash her treasures. Books. Interesting bits of bone, feather, and stone she finds or is given. Candy, most important, all the treats and sweet tasting things she pilfers from her mother's pantry. To keep to herself, but to share with friends too. She still returns home often enough, for dinner. Fashionably late as to avoid chores. Child things. Hardly worth writing about.

Drawing is a relatively new interest of her's since she had to draw a picture to lead Ephire and Verve to their special dinner. Still pretty proud of that. Wonders where they got off too.

Rossamund came to visit her a couple days ago when she was at her apart-ment. The boy had grown up much faster then her, as most do, but he still seemed to enjoy getting into child's mischief and fun and was a valued friend. Still keeping her promise to not disclose his Fae heritage as she had to do too. It had to be kept secret, these things. So the bad things didn't come to get them.

The child lived her life mostly unfettered though by broader concerns. Being Fae impacted her in subtle ways though. The steel cage at the ruins. Mustn't even brush against it slightly. And the river. Couldn't cross it. The other children bound over it with glee and she was left to take the long way, running fast to keep up. It embarassed her sometimes. After a time of sitting with Thais, Altijd and Indira, went to look at the small river, watching the rushing water. Always thinking of ways to overcome her obstacles. When Altijd arrived to see what she was doing, asked him to throw her across. Perhaps then she could overcome her inability to cross it on her own. He obliged, knew she could count on him to not worry about throwing a kid through the air. It was terrible. Like passing through a hurricane being bitten by a million birds. Quivering and shaky on the otherside, she found the experience survivable but very unpleasant. Something she would continue to avoid. For now. Sat with the angel a while until she could get her legs again. He told her he liked to ask his good friends to give him a special name and asked if she would like to give him one too. Delighted by this concept. Teased him with a few. Old Purple Goat. Star Horn. But ultimately will need some time to come up with a good one. A perfectly special one.

The next day, joined Thais and Altijd again and played with a number of deer that came to join them. At one point very forward skullie came to stare, and Neela could tell it was making Thais uncomfortable. So did the only reasonable thing, snuck up behind him and hurled a pelt spell at him. Running off squealing in laughter. Only this seemed to alarm Thais more, so restrained herself doing it again. Collected more deer to play with, until she realized Thais had left. Was it because she'd been too loud? Suddenly self conscious she'd made the doe left. Went to go find her along with Altijd. Gave her some flowers in apology but Thais told her it wasn't Neela's fault she left, she'd just felt scared. Perplexed by this, there had been no monsters, why was she afraid? Sorta understood though after some explanation that there are other fears besides monsters. For both children and adults. Agreed to share some of her own bravery (perhaps just foolhardiness) with the doe.

What are updates, Sight doesn't do those anymore. Rut stuff still up even. LMAO.

Took a walk with Verve through a twilight shrouded forest. Visited a sleeping Leto in his new home. Cool. When does she get to move out too? Was sure to riffle through all his things and snoop in all crevices. You might have moved out big brother but you'll never be free of Neela. Hung out with Verve and Thais. Rossamund joined them.

Awoke to a rather quiet forest. Wandered around trying to find any interesting groups. Sat with her dad for a while, got excited when a group of deer in front of them looked like they might be sparring? Oh no, just sitting. Oh well that's dull.

After dad fell asleep wandered around, found a group with some familiar faces, Nihm and Ridera, and two other deer she didn't really know, Joro and Envy. But they where all nice and played with her. Yay! Got restless again when they all sat for a rest. Wandered around looking at some groups (my forest freezes all the time hard to tell if anybody acknowledged Neela or not, so sorry if we missed you ;-; )

Found Altijd and Thais! Yay! Oh! They had to make a herd or have some spars right? This was the game the adults had been playing all week. Eager to help. Tried to snag a few passing stags for Altijd to fight. Found Draven! Oh he likes to fight, she'd seen him! Tried to bring him over. Altijd didn't seem to like it. Confused, didn't he want to play? Next thing she knew he was gone. Oh. Then Thais left too. Oh. Kinda sad, guess they didn't want her around or to play. She was just a dumb kid after all. Felt pretty left out. Her dad arrived, thought maybe Altijd had told on her but dad didn't seem mad. Sat next to him and sulked.

Later in the evening sat by herself sulking by a tree after an unsuccessful attempt to find company. Dozed off until she realized Thais had approached her. Had planned to storm off acting self important and too busy to bother with her or Altijd if they came around again, but found she could not do that to Thais. All her plans to be a bratty snob, falling through. So she was polite because she wasn't much good at not being polite, but Thais could tell something was off. Thais apologized to her for leaving her behind and explained that her and Altijd had to discuss some things. Neela had been worried that they'd left because they where mad at her but Thais assured her that wasn't the fact. Okay. They still left her. Told Thais she'd just wanted to have fun doing rut stuff too, like everybody else, so still sad and disappointed with the day. Thais told her she'd take her to watch some rutters fight tomorrow if she could. Placated a little. Greeted Lem when he came over, still feeling solemn but could never be rude. Then Genty came over. Who could tell she was not herself too so tried to cheer her up by taking her for a run through the forest. It worked to some degree, had some fun and played on the rocks at the playground then sat with him and he told her about his past home. Enthralled by the stories. A lot of it brought flashes of memory but what was more exciting to her were the parts that brought no recollection at all. New things where always of the most interest to a child to whom so much seemed overly familiar even when she herself had never actually experienced it. Excited to one day visit all the places, go back to India again, to Africa like Verve and Norway like Rossamund and to Genty's old land. She wanted to ride Elephants. And horses.

Ciel arrived just as Genty had to leave, pretty tired out by this point curled up with her brother and fell asleep. And then Neela lost her set. AGAIN AKHSFKJHSKFHJ

((OOC note: Rarely able to get pictos to spread anymore. Like never. Going to miss the rut unless some sort of miracle occurs with that. Not counting on it. Starting my third job besides. BUT, have some beautiful Neela art by Halfbaked.

Yesterday Neela tromped as noiselessly as a bear through the forest that was her home. She often sung loudly while doing so and was never much concerned about being embarrassed about it. She'd been mute the first 6 months of her life and was still making up for that now it seemed in droves. She'd often be quiet and focused when working on a spell or her mud babies but a tromp through the woods, was all twig snaps and giggles. Feathers as grown in as they had been in quite some time, spared being singed of late, they had grown back in rather curled it seemed from how they used to be. And her pelt colors had began to slowly darken slowly as autumn had began to descend. The child hardly noticed herself. Scenting a familiar scent , someone she hadn't seen in a little while, maybe only a couple weeks really, but she headed toward the small rise near the ruins looking for the spinning halo of her friend. She found it but it seemed to be connected to someone a bit different. Pausing she stared confused a moment. Smelled the same, she sniffed obnoxiously, and magic felt the same, but appearance was off. After a bit of rude staring he let her know it was indeed him. Learned Altijd and died. Well he'd shucked off his body and acquired a new one. A little worried for him, dying was a big deal after all, but here he was, he didn't seem in pain or otherwise badly affected by the transformation. Did not in the least doubt the being's ability to do this, not appalled or scared by it, but dang sad to have missed it. He had to promise to let her watch next he died. Err, got a new body. Complimented his new looks, especially envious of his long fingered hands and those tall white horns. Thought she'd like to have such horns but maybe if they could be made of light magic, they'd be much too heavy otherwise. Tempted to try and "read" the new runes that made up his form, but stopped herself realizing it was probably quite rude. Even more so then staring. Was told it was just his eyes. Still very much wanted to poke them.

He asked after her, had she been practicing her magic? Told him she'd been forced to read only at this point and rein in her experiments for the time being. He promised to bring her new books but said that practicing was important too of course. Eager to practice some magic. Wondered if turning a tree pink would be bad for it. Was told likely not, if it was already a tree that was turning it's colors for Fall and would be shedding it's leaves soon anyways. Excited, asked his help in the endevour. With a piece of yellow ochre snatched from her sister's crafting stash, "rewrote" the words of a tree on it's trunk and quite successfully turned it brightly pink. The effects would fade as the runes washed away in the rain, but for now, it would remain a stunning pink tree in the heart of the Old Forest. Proud. Didn't even explode anything or catch it on fire.

Today wandered the woods again, searching for a good tree, just turning it's Autumn colors to turn pink. Or maybe purple. Almost didn't see her dad at first, despite his tall antlers projecting into the sky. He was sitting in the Old Glade a place of past memories that where not her own, from before her birth and a place they didn't often visit since she'd been born into this forest. So it made her pause finding him there. Approached and became worried over his strange expression and the way he held his war mask to his chest. And he'd not even seen her approach, Neela the most unstealthy, noisy child in all tarnation. Did what a child does and assumed she was in trouble. For something. Hastily admitted to turning a tree pink. Was told that was fine? Oh, then why was he acting funny she wanted to know. Started to get very concerned for him. Learned someone from his past, someone who had died had returned again. Pretty scared by this, that sounded terrifying to her, she got the impression this was not a being that should have had that ability yet her father didn't seem scared, he seemed sad. Thought she understood quite a lot really more then what a normal child of her age and experience would ever understand because Neela was not merely a child, alive in this forest for only 18 some months, she was many, many lifetimes, of death and loss and change, something she kept at bay, because living in the now, with those that where here now was what mattered. The past was gone and lived only in memories.

Last night after all the others had left, found herself with a baby. Isabeau. Come on kid, let’s go to my house, and we can raid the snacks. Woke up in the morning, Isabeau gone, but with leftovers in her hair and a mess all around. And her dad looking down at her. Wanted to know if she intended to clean up her mess, did so promptly scurrying around to fix the disaster zone and tidy things up at their home. Her father helping her. When they were finished sat down with him and let him groom and tidy HER. Talked about some wild fishing schemes she had, that involved a giant basket, pulled by her brothers and her dad and a water so big it would never run out of fish. Talked about other kid’s dads she had met. Thinks she has the best daddy, clearly. Found out how old he was. Started to get worried and feel sad about that, and he assured her he would be around a long while yet, until Johan and Leto had kids grown up maybe and she herself maybe had kids too. Told her he’d be around so long she’d be sick of him. Clung a little bit still upset by the idea of mortality and assured she’d never ever, ever be sick of her dad being around.

Then her crush showed up. And Dad flung mud at her. DAD! Got over her mortification quickly though and had fun having a mud fight with Nimh and Mieraak. Lots of visitors gathered through the day, Rota with her mom, Alice. Rossamund. And her sister, Verve. Another little fawn Talita, and a deer she didn’t know but Nimh seemed too, Echo. Galene came for a visit too.

At one point, Alice left, leaving baby Rota alone. Well there were a whole group of children and adults there but Neela was the closest to Rota and suddenly became very worried for the baby and feeling sudden scary RESPONSIBILITY. Verve and her father assured her it was alright, Alice would be back soon. Still scooted closer to the child along with Vevre. Didn’t want her to be alone.

Settled down in the afternoon and found herself wedged between Mieraak and Rossamund. Forgot to be nervous even, was too tired for that. But probably stared smiling at Mieraak a little too long.

Rossamund had a present for her it seemed, giving her a collection of feathers, liked them a lot, and told him she thought some of them would go great with the new headdress her sister had made for her. Went and fetched some honey cakes from her mother’s pantry and shared them with Rossamund. Both got covered in sticky crumbs. Talked to him about her visit to India when she was a baby and elephants. He told her about a place he’d been that had forest you could walk for days through and about the giant boats the people there made. Mesmerized by this and all the more hopes she will be able to travel to more amazing places when she gets older too.

Noticed that Ross seemed to give Mieraak who was sitting on her other side, a few unfriendly looking glances. Thought to ask him what was wrong but he stood, tucked a flower behind her ear and had to leave. Felt a little perplexed.

Yesterday enjoyed one of the last of the fading summer days, playing with her sisters in the sun. Along with Vasana and Indira, decorated their sleeping father. Laughed riotously along with them when Gehirn woke up disgruntled about it. Enjoyed spending time with her mother, father and siblings and close family friends too, like Ephire, Thais, Ramsus and Isiel, anf Rossamund.

Today found Mika on her own in the birch forest so promptly took her to the kiddie pool to play. Splashed about in the fountain with the small baby and taught her how to play with the animal spells. That is absolutely not a traumatizing thing to do to an infant at all and Mika seemed to love it. Sure her cool kid factor went up a notch. Spotted Verve and Thais sitting nearby and took the now soaking wet baby over to them. “I got it a little bit wet.”

Kept Mika warm until her mother, Alice showed up not long later. And Mika’s brother. A little fawn she’d seen a few time before showed up too and tried to make them feel comfortable. Rossamund joined them as well. Lazed away the afternoon with the group. Until Mieraak arrived. Suddenly she became a clumsy mess as she quickly tried to tidy herself. Hair every which way, broken and disarrayed feathers, mud on her hooves and pelt..she never paid any attention to these things but for some reason whenever Mieraak came around, she was very embarrassed about them and wanted to look nice. For him. Ahhhh. Sat staring stupidly at him from around her older sister, all awkwardness.

Verve asked her why she was suddenly so interested in her appearance just because Mieraak had arrived. Promptly asked her if she thought she looked nice? And no she didn’t understand why she cared so much all of a sudden but she felt like her brain had fallen out whenever Mieraak came by. Learned the word “crush.” Still confused but thinks it’s kind of fun too. Wishes she didn’t turn so stupid though just because a dumb boy came around. Made her sister promise not to tell their father, worried he would chase Mier off like he used to when he was younger. Neela didn’t want to give him any reasons to do that. Verve reminded told her that she was probably still to young too. A little disheartened by that, well aware that Mier was only a week older then her but had aged so much quicker then herself. Everybody did. She felt very left behind in that moment. And silly, of course Mieraak would think her a baby. Remembered how badly Mier’s family had treated him though and as unhappy as she was to be so behind, she still felt very grateful to have a loving supportive family around her. She wished Mier could be happy too.

In the evening hung out with her sister , Indira, and Isabeau, the little dragon fawn. The young child still learning to talk, scandalized Neela again with swear words. How do you teach a kid that mimics everything not to…mimic. Where was an adult around when she needed it. She didn't feel equipped to teach babies. Play with them sure. Show off for them, you betcha. But not actually teach them. But she tried to tell Isabeau what words not to say…without actually saying them herself. Er…

Felt sad when it was revealed that Indira had burnt skin. Feels bad for having not noticed this before. Wondered how it happened, Indira never got into trouble, she highly doubted her frail white skinned sister was off blowing things up in the birch unlike herself. That’s how Neela always managed to get burnt. Learned it was because of the sun. Wondered if Verve could make Indira a cape. A sun cape.

Yesterday sat with Verve and her mother, Mieraak and Lieva sitting nearby. The cool big kids. Delighted. Later woke up to Mier and Lieva shoving off two white deer that where acting strange. Didn’t know what was happening at first. One of the white deer came straight at her. Didn’t bow, didn’t make any polite movements. Intimidated and scared, ran from them. Lee and Mier beat on them. Then Isabeau showed up and the little fawn got knocked around by the two whites too. Thinks they are big jerks. Sat with Mier and Isa squawked angrily about the whites. Cursing. Neela told her not to use bad words.

Later went to visit Jhorla, excited whenever the fawn woke up to play. Isabeau and her sister Isela came along. Then the whites came back. Urgh. Ramsus beat on them too. Gosh, that was getting boring. Sat with Isabeau and Isiel, fell asleep.

Today found Rota alone in the birch, seeming lost in the tall grasses. I’ll take care of you! Brought her to her home and read her a story from a book. On Quantum MetaPhysics. Shh, it was an exciting book. Eventually invited the whole neighborhood to her family’s home. Mieraak, Thais, Djinn and Ridera. Then Alice showed up too. Yay! Raided the cupboards and gave away all her family’s snacks. What a great kid. May get in trouble for that later. Dunno.

((I get so behind on my character updates, I appreciate each and every interaction and any that give us company, so many apologies that I don't get to mention them all here in these rushed ramblings. Better some updates then none though so ha ;-; ))

Spending her days visiting all the new babies and been also spending a lot of time with Rossamund. The buck outgrew her pretty quickly, she seems to grow a lot slower than anybody she knows even her own sisters. Not bothered by it too much but sometimes worries about being left behind by the “older kids”. Pretty grateful that Ross still seems to want to be her friend. Surprised one day when he noticed her wings. Most don’t. Something that she takes for granted that they are invisible so she thrums them without out thought most times, lower pitched when she’s resting or content, a higher pitched whine when scared or upset. But Ross saw them. Started talking more with him and finally revealed to each other they were both Fae. Promised to keep his secrets if he’d keep hers. Happy to have more like her in the forest, perhaps it’s more common then she thought. Doesn’t want her mother getting upset though.

Found her sister at the pond. She was leaning over the water (being Emo but Neela didn’t know it) and raced straight for her, unable to resist the perfect opportunity to shove her into the pond. No time for being sad with a bratty little sister to keep you busy Verve. She fell in too though and when she came up, noticed that Verve’s antlers where gone. Oh no, she’d pushed her sister so hard she’d knocked her antlers off? But Verve took her to show where her antlers where at her tree. Ah, good, wasn’t Neela’s fault then. Now she remembered how this had happened to her sister last year too. Admires her sisters new feather headdress to replace them. Verve offered the antlers to her. Enthusiastically accepted, now she could be regal with towering antlers too! Brought over the gifts that Rossamund had given her and Verve made her a headdress out of her shed antlers and the blue feathers Ross had given her. Wore it proudly but it was too heavy for her small frame so Verve cut off part of the palmate body so it’s be lighter for her. Perfect.

It has been an eventful week, Isiel had her fawn. It was scary, Isiel had been very sick and the worry of the adults pressed hard upon the young child’s mind but then Jhorla was finally born. Watched her for days, sitting at the tree across from Ramsus and Isiel’s tree waiting for her chance to greet the baby. Finally got to when the small shaky legged fawn got to her feet for the first time. Wanted to play but treated her extremely gentle knowing she was not a strong baby. Remembers she had not been either. You’ll get there kid.

Rossamund kept her company a lot this week too. Gave her a gift wrapped in leaves. Several gifts! Butterfly wings, flowers and some beautiful feathers. Will likely get Verve to help her make something with them. And thinking of things to get Ross. What do boys like?

Later in the week, followed the crowd to another birth at the ruins. This doe was big as a house. Thought for sure a flood would come washing over them from this one. Grossed out but at the same time extremely intrigued as three new fawns were born. Eager for more playmates really. Moved closer after a while, didn’t really know the family so hovered behind the grave stones, peering at the babies. Gosh they where cute. Eventually was allowed to play with them though was of course gentle with the three sisters, Ashen, Rota, and Mika. Their parents intimidated her a bit. Didn’t really know deer who wore skulls on their faces like that. Their dad was ugly and grumpy too, even after she gave him poppies for his antlers. Maybe it made him grumpier. Mika liked the poppies. And the next day when she came to visit again, their mother Alice invited her to sit. And she wasn’t wearing the scary skull mask. Neela felt a lot more comfortable and was grateful to be able to see the new children again. Played in a group of fawns and met another new face, Isabeau, liked the fawns feisty nature. Also enjoyed feeling like the cool big kid with all these babies. Spent some time with Thais and Altijd before going to sleep exhausted next to her dad after a day of playing with new babies.

Today sat with Verve at her crafting tree. Snuck in her tree to play with her older sister’s things while Verve slept. Does that a lot. Shhh, don’t tell. Located the skull masked family with the three new daughters now in the birch. Liked that a lot better then the ruins. Too close to the steel cage, made her feel ill. Was invited closer once again by Alice. What a nice lady. Greeted the babies who were asleep, except Mica who seemed to want to play. Liked to show off for the baby. And pretend to take care of her. Though in no way ready for any such actual responsibility. Took a while for her to clue in that the adults where on edge and that three predators where circling the family menacingly. (Sorry don’t know their names ;_; ) Knew things would be alright when her dad showed up though, thouroughly enjoyed seeing her father chase the predators and knock them around. Pulled Mica by the tail into a crook in a large tree to hide while the adults took care of the issue. When the coast was clear resumed trying to impress Mica with what a cool big kid she was with air fighting imaginary bad guys. When the baby seemed tired out and went to join her family for cuddles, went to find her own Dad and Mom, ready for cuddles and napping now too. Definitely the cool big kid.

Been very active the last few months, having various misadventures. A while back almost blew up Genty. When the well meaning pink Fae stag had sought to help her when she’d been working an unstable rune spell making tiles for her mud babies. He’d appeared at the wrong moment and to save him from being incinerated when the unstable rune exploded, she threw a shield around him. A great shield that indeed saved him from incineration but also locked out necessary things like air. And oxygen. And she had no idea how to dispel the shield that she’d constructed so hastily in panic. Fortunately Altijd was nearby and came to help out. Saving the pink Fae from suffocation and teaching Neela how to dispel her shields. That went a bit explody too but no limbs lost. Just many broken feathers and perhaps a tilted halo.

And it didn’t stop Neela from her tireless pursuit of perfection when it came to making her mud babies. She had grand plans for them, and someday they’d be more then the piles of groaning mud and sticks she currently animated. She was found by a new face, Ymir, who took an interest in her tinkering, finding it familiar from the household he’d been ‘born’ from. Neela was quick to accept his help, an open child by nature but especially interested in this stranger who seemed to know so much about the area of her interest, calling them golems or humonculi. Her interest over shadowed the ill feeling that began to overcome her, getting worse until fever and chills had her hardly able to stand. Her father arrived concerned when he saw how sick she was getting, though none understanding why until Ymir realized that Neela was Fae and the Iron and Steel used in his construction may be at fault. He was a homunculus. Which Neela thought was amazingly stupendous, here was a creature she most whole heartedly wanted to know more about, wishing to some day be able to make creatures such as him herself. But she had to listen to her father and go home until some way around her sensitivity to iron could be overcome. It was such a disappointment. Recovered quickly though once out of the golem’s presence.

In other Neela developments, she lost her first baby tooth. After weeks of sucking on it and fiddling with it with her tongue, the child finally allowed Verve and Ephire to help her get it out. After much cajoling. Largely based around her love of eating and not wanting Leto to get all the best bones to chew on for dinner that night. So she let Verve tie a string to it, giving her the other end to pull when she was ready. That still took most of the day to build up enough courage to finally yank it. Currently proudly wearing the tooth on a necklace about her neck, unsure what she might eventually do with it. Talks with a little lisp, as her adult tooth grows in.

Most recently she has been joining her family where they have been spending a lot of time near the Ramsiel home as Isiel’s pregnancy enters its final stages. Very uncomfortable with the situation, partly because she feels there is little she can do to help and partly because of the strong past memories the scene is causing her. Not often do they get the best of her but she can’t look at Isiel and Ramsus’ suffering without experiencing the memories of her mother and father when the same thing happened during her own birth a year ago. Taking reassurance that the adults have everything in hand, today watched Leto help her mother making medicines. When Altijd arrived nearby, her mother drafted him for stirring duty too. Quick to burrow into the angel’s shoulder, though could sense both her brother’s still viewed the angel suspiciously, Leto especially today. Learned that the Wish Twins where the cause of Isiel’s ill health, not her pregnancy. Isn’t angry at them like her mother, sees them as a force of nature, like a storm. But will certainly view them far more cautiously in the future. Hoping Altijd doesn’t tell her mother that he brought them here. Pretty sure Herla would chase him off with a frying pan and Neela would lose her angel friend.

((Way behind on updates of the plotty nature so um, have this little tid bit instead.))

Loosing her baby teeth. Has a loose one in front that’s of particular annoyance. Sitting around sucking on it and pushing it forward with her tongue. Resistant to any and all attempts to have it removed. Will likely need to be bribed. With something shiny.

Found by her brother Ciel, played with him and a white doe she’d met before. Dinah. Met a big stag she had with her, Gustiro. Amused herself with ‘covert’ sniff and runs. Stuck her tooth out at him.

Happy Birthday to Neela! She's one year old today. And still a midget.


Just a week shy of her first birthday, Neela has begun to grow again, throwing off the restraints of the wish twins’ curse, though may never catch up in size with her siblings. Long spindly awkward legs, she has a sort of elegance about her, though her knees are usually scraped up and her feathers ruffled. Playing and making things go boom is more fun then having perfect hair. Spending the weeks being taught some things of magic by friends of the family, Altijd and Ephire, as they strife to rein in her power through training. Learned a bit of light magic from the angel and now wears a “halo” finally perfecting her control enough of that little trick, to maintain the spell even when sleeping and it follows her perfectly now. A decoration, insubstantial. Quite proud of the feat none the less. Ephire has been helping her explore her mind space. Singed off eyebrows have actually started to grow back, but the long white whispy feathers of her shoulders and crown remain shorter and curled, having yet to recover from Neela’s abuse. Blackened craters of varying size may still be found through out the birch forest though, evidence of the Fae fawn’s haphazard spells.

Yesterday lounged around with the angel, Altijd. Today found her brother, Johan with Isiel and Ramsus. Thinks Isiel’s belly might look a little fat. Took it upon herself to chase off a grey stag that was mooing and bothering Isiel. Basically just makes a huge pest of herself and screams louder. Usually works. Isiel’s big belly must be making her feel sick though, so Neela went and got her one of her mother’s baskets. To be sick in. It’s just what’s done alright? Don’t ask us us why. Neela isn’t much of a medicine doe.

Recently (05/26/14):
Tried to make amends with her family after the Kaars incident. Remorseful and upset with herself. Spent the first evening speaking with Johan who told her they were all so upset because she’d scared them and they loved her. Pretty disbelieving at first when Johan told her he’d gotten into a lot of trouble and done a lot of things to drive their parent’s crazy when he was a fawn too. He was so strong and good now, Neela couldn’t believe he’d ever gotten into trouble. Made her feel a little more hopeful too. Spent the evening trying to find what they could of Verve’s lost antler decoratios.

The next morning, went with Johan to give them back to her sister. Found her mother tending Verve, putting bandages on her ankle. Very upset by this and feeling horrible all over. Gave Verve what she could find of the does broken decorations, a few broken bird skulls and some beads. Was told by her older sister that she would break them all herself to save her again but that returning them wasn’t what fixed anything. Neela had broken her family’s trust. Knows it very deeply. Ultimately got some cuddles from Verve and the rest of her family, inwardly promising to do better now.

Spent the week trying to do just that, stay out of trouble. Would play with groups of fawns when she found them, but would usually end up running off again, worried maybe she played wrong or did something else she shouldn’t have. Unsure of herself. Has a very outgoing personality and not easily held back, but questioning herself a lot now and quick to think badly of herself.

A few days ago found her parents and noticed some fawns sitting nearby. Thought to play with them but then noticed the Wish Granting Twins sitting not far behind them. Got very quiet and slunk down between her parents refusing to play and watching the twins from over her father’s shoulder.

Yesterday, sat with her mom and stared at one of the twins again. Hamsa. Mom left to go with Ciel, almost shot after her but crawled into the ferns instead to stare at Hamsa some more. Cajoled into play by a few deer and before she knew it was playing with Hamsa too. Got shy several times and would hide under the flowers but playing was too enticing especially when someone became a fluffy bunny to chase around. After a while spotted Altijd, hadn’t seen the angel in a while and shot after him, pile driving into his chest in her enthusiasm. But then Hamsa came over too and sat beside them? Errr…burrowed under Altijd to hide herself and eventually just fell asleep there. Had a conversation with Altijd after Hamsa left and told him of some of the troubles she’d gotten into of late. Found him pretty understanding and also helpful. Got some encouragement from him to try and use her magic with more thought and get help from those around her who could help her, many in her own family if only she’d ask them. And listen. Told him about her mud babies, something she’d been working on more, trying to stay out of trouble. Because making creatures from mud and bringing them to life wasn’t dangerous at all of course. Oblivious to that. Was told it was something she should perhaps share with her family too.

Later went to find her mother, who was sitting with Ciel and white doe she’d seen before, Dinah. Played with the white doe and her brother and later followed her brother to play with a group of fawns including Isadorae, Indigo, Jyoti and Sonali in the poppy gardens.

Today found herself at the pond’s edge where the best clay was, making mud babies with sticks and dirt.

Recently (05/19/14):
Started the morning peaceful enough, lounging with her parents near the Crying Idol. Joined by Verve who had Cian with her. And he had grown up. Neela is getting used to that. Was disappointed for a minute. Played with a group of fawns that gathered nearby, Kalidas, Rameses and Roanen, a grey mini (Kal) and Ember. Until she scented a familiar smell. The whale pig. Acted nonchalant but snuck off as soon as she could. Had her tile, and her plan.

Found the beast standing unawares in the Old Forest. Snuck in and pouring in Fae speed, launched at him, smacking the tile onto his forehead with glue she hoped would stick. Took control of his mind with its help, the ancient rune used to raise golems, helping to make her control easier. Still was a lot trickier then she had anticipated, this was no simple rabbit mind. Still an animal but more complex too. Managed it though. Scampered on his back, joy ride time. He launched under her full speed ahead, absolutely thrilled, it was as awesome as she thought it would be. A baby with super powers couldn’t resist taking a joy ride on a dino pig. Raced about the forest squealing with delight, the dino pig charging through everything she directed him through. Soon realized they where being chased now though. Johan. Verve. Her father. Uh-oh. Tried to get away from them doing quick turns, Kaars wanted to go to the pond, could feel his panic as he fought her for control. Was pretty sure she’d drown if she let him do that though so continued running at breakneck speed. Lost her grip at one point on a tight curve and went hurdling off, smacking into the ground and scaping hard agaist it. Dazed, lost control of Kaars. Who was more scared then angry perhaps and ran away from her and her family that where still chasing, diving into his sanctuary the pond. Limped back to her mother who didn’t seem to understand what all had just happened, curled up next to her pretty exhausted. Wouldn’t look at Johan or her father when they came back over having chased Kaars off. Keeping her mouth shut.


Soon enough though questions started getting asked. Neela could only avoid them, not lie out right. She admitted that she had climbed on Kaars back herself. That she’d tried to control him like with the rabbits. Verve had known already it seemed and Neela’s heart broke at the betrayed look her older sister gave her and the cold dismissal as she left, telling her she was selfish and had put her own family and all the other children who had been there in danger. Johan wouldn’t even look at her. Father exploded and almost took down a tree. Mother looked at her like she was a terrifying creature. Suddenly wanted to run away, convinced she was indeed horrible and dangerous and it’d be best if she left her family. They were all hurt and bleeding and scratched up. Because of her.

Her father put a swift end to that though told her in no uncertain terms she WOULD NOT leave, she would behave, she would stop getting into trouble and she would listen to her parents and STOP doing things behind their back when she knew they were wrong and she’d be told not to. Pretty much stopped her in her tracks. Really, really committed to doing better, promising up and down that she would be good. Admitted she thought she was smart enough to handle it. Knows now wasn’t as in control as she thought she was. Most of the time was just holding on to Kaars for dear life trying to keep from falling off and keep the rampaging beast from eating any of her friends. It had not been easy like she’d though it’d be. Has a bad habit of overestimating her abilities.

Feeling suitably wretched and horrible, all her family hurt, started crying all the harder when she realized Verve had lost all her antler decorations trying to save her. Vehemently promising to find them and give them all back to her. Also promising to help her mother collecting plants and heal everyone’s owies. She’d be good and angelic. Like Indira. Even though healing was boring. But she’d be the best most well behaved daughter there was now.

Recently (05/16/14):
Has been a perfect angel. For like…3 days. Self imposed grounding. Cleaned the birch home for her mother until it was spotless. Did all the dishes everyday without being asked. And didn’t step foot out of the triangle home. As the week wore on though got back to her usual activities. Namely running around the forest like a wild child, mostly playing with other fawns but observing and sometimes getting too close to not the safest creatures in the forest as well out of curiosity.

Today stayed close to her brother Johan and Isiel and Ramsus sleeping near the Crying Idol. Grew more bored though as they slept and she wanted to play. Wandered off. Played with some fawns then noticed a grey colored bull-like creature sleeping next to a tree, went to sniff it and stare when it woke up. (Elliot) Inspected the hefty creature by flitting in on nimble feet to sniff and run off again until the creature seemed to want to play too. She didn’t seem awfully good at it though so Neela encouraged her and showed her how to burrow in the flowers. Guess it’s a lot harder to hide under them when you are huge though. Sorry, might not be a great flower patch shark, bull girl.

Ran off back to her brother, Ram and Isi. More boring sleeping outta them. So wandered off again. Came across a very ugly and very cool monster, whale, hippo, pig…thing. Standing in a sunspot. It was extremely horrible and nasty. Gnarled teeth. Smelly. Made weird noises. So of course fascinated. Watched it covertly from the cover of some ferns nearby. Cover blown by a small fawn (Freyja) and two other males she’d met before, Latsvel and Fletcher. Tried to escape them. Wanted to follow the whale pig thing around some more but they where bossy and pushed her back to Ramsus and Isiel. Tried to play dumb. Didn’t think Ramsus and Isiel really bought it though. Distracted them with the gift of a cute fawn. Look, it’s cute! No I didn’t go sniffing around a whale pig, no sir.

Thought the evening’s fun was over until the whale pig came back! Stood under Isiel along with the fawn that had followed her back. Johan and Ramsus charged at the whale pig and chased it around. Cheered them on. Probably a little over excited, thought it was awesome. Tried to look dutifully chastised though when Ramsus scolded her. Knows the creature is a very dangerous animal, has no doubt it would eat her if it could. But she’d be careful the next time she saw it. Because she WOULD go looking for it again. Hopefully no one would catch her next time. She was starting to get an idea.

Things settled down again and got sleepy, still silently plotting. Hatching a plan. Bidding her baby time, dreaming her baby dreams.

Recently (05/10/14):
Spent the day lurking around the odd twins she’d met some weeks ago, Hamsa and Sitra. The wish granting pair that had tempted her, had been on her mind a lot. She knew enough to be wary of them, wishes never came without a price but they where interesting and Neela found them exciting. She enjoyed toying with the potential danger. So she lurked around contemplating a possible wish. Nothing too grand with consequences she couldn’t handle was her plan. She’d been wanting her ears pierced ever since Verve had pierced Prita’s for her. She’d been told she needed to ask her parents for permission. Neela automatically assumed they’d say no. And in her judgment it was better to ask for forgiveness then for permission.

“In return for six silver earrings, finely made and not too heavy… you will wear one notable trait of each of your parents until your next birthday.”

Neela thought of the things she coveted; Her father’s imposing antlers and strength and her mother’s beauty. Of course she was smart enough to realize the duplicity that could occur here. This really wasn’t a smart thing to do at all. She should be wiser then this. Oh but it was fun and she liked the little bit of thrill it gave her. Two months. Her first birthday was only 2 months away! What could be so bad? So she agreed. She’d get her piercings and 6 shiny earrings. It was worth it.

Only when she had left the twins company and she was able to find a pool to look upon her features did she realize what had been done. She had the earrings no doubt. Finely made silver earrings, 3 in each long ear. She was not disappointed there. But also upon her face…she’d the nose of her father. Large, protuberant and imposing. Not as a little girl would want at all. It took her a little bit longer to realize the other thing of her parents she’d been given. She’d shrunk a good two inches. She was smaller than her sisters and every other child her age and now she was even more so. She was tiny like her mother. When all she wanted was to be tall and strong. And the nose. GAH! Neela quickly obtained a swan nose mask to cover that. Two months. She could do it.

And only after all that did it start to sink in. She wasn’t going to be able to hide this from her parents. She hadn’t been afraid of the Magic Granting Twins or their consequences. But a sick dread began to fill her at the thought of what her parents were going to do.


Returned home, where her parents where entertaining a small crowd, tried to slip in unobserved and “blend in.” She sat off a ways, not getting too close so they hopefully wouldn’t notice the…changes. Thought maybe she was gonna succeed. Until her father thought she looked smaller. And Ephire did too. Then her mother spotted her piercings. And tried to blame Verve. Oh no, it was going horribly. Admitted what she’d done. Braced herself for more yelling and possible punishments. Stared after her mother, mouth gaping though when her usually forever patient mother, simpley stormed off. Hadn’t expected that. Not from her. It was her father that “dealt” with her then. Laughed at her when he made her take off the swan nose mask and discovered what the other half of the payment was for her earrings. Told her he thought this was likely punishment enough and told her, her mother just needed some time to calm down. Felt suitably miserable about it all. Got hugged by her Dad though and they tried to muddle through making dinner without Mom, her ears aching a bit from the piercings but be damned if she was going to bring that up now. She figured she deserved that too. Maybe she’d get Leto or Verve to figure out how to care for them later.

Recently (04/24/14):
Came home yesterday to find a beaten but familiar creature laying in her family’s living room. Couldn’t quite believe her eyes at first, mother was cooking like usual and Johan was lounging nearby too. And there was Mieraak laying in her living room. The black and white fawn she’d watched from a distance for months, wanting very badly to play with him but had been strictly forbidden by her parents. He was dangerous and came from dangerous folks. Stay away, not allowed. BAD. But he seemed nice to her and he was fluffy, and very pretty and she wanted to play with him! But here he was now, and Mom was acting like it wasn’t even a big deal!

He sure had grown though, he looked like an adult now. Neela was getting used to that. Everybody grew faster then her. Mom told her to be careful, that Mieraak was hurt, so sat next to him as gently as she could and couldn’t help skooching a little bit closer. Doesn’t know what happened to him but can tell he’s very sad and feels sad for him. Brings him flowers. All the flowers. He’s pretty much buried in flowers. It’s the extent of healing Neela can provide and her effort at comfort. Mother said he was just staying with them until he felt better again. Hope’s he gets better but will be sad to not have him in her living room anymore.


-Interaction with Hamsa and Sitra, tried to get another gold bead. Failed.

-Fell asleep somewhere in the middle of the forest. Got carried home by Dad. Took a long nap.

-Played with a new fawn, Cian.

-Septic tank of the neighborhood trailer park busted and fouled her home. Rescued by Helios.

-Big brother Ciel arrived to watch out for more exploding septic tanks.

-Met Helios brother, Erlantz. Terrorized him. He took it well.

Growing a little more everyday though still pretty undersized for her age. Very active and seemingly healthy though. Always a small collection of scrapes and bruises from hard play but brushes them and doesn’t let them slow her down. The other day helped her father herd the family away from an area with some troublesome predators. No one was paying much attention it seemed so Neela just ran for it. Then everybody followed her. Thought she must have pretty astounding herding skills after all. Maybe it had more to do with the little mini fawn running full pelt off by herself. Dunno.

Later had a talk with her father about fighting. Neela’s preoccupation with it and war continues. Her father cautioned her to choose her battles well. No one could fight all things all the time. Neela took it to heart. She also told him she wanted to fight to make sure her family was happy though and that nothing could harm them. It didn’t seem to be as simple as that though.

Yesterday joined her sister Verve and brother Johan at Verve’s tree in the birch. Kaya was there too and the mini fawn from a few days previous, Mirtel showed up. Played with them and a little bunny. Later when everyone had left, snuck into Verve’s tree to play with her things. Big sister’s things where the best. Tried to paint her face. Spilled paint everywhere. Kinda frantic, grabbed some furs to wipe it up. Oops, now the furs are ruined. Shoved the whole messy lot into a corner. Maybe Verve wouldn’t notice. Left the tree, herself covered in paint in glitter. Totally no one would notice.

Found her sister Indira. Kinda jealous of how even Indira was taller then her now. But her timid sister still hid behind her when two fawns she knew, Yoko and Peregryn approached. Yoko had grown too! Neela pouted for like one half a nano second before playing instead. Found a toad. Sat on it. Also licked it when no one was looking. What do toads taste like, these are very important questions.

The next morning found Kaya, joined shortly by her brother Johan. Snuck off though when she smelled a familiar scent. Found Lohtu lurking nearby at the cemetery. Hid behind a gravestone and peered at him. Teased him and he teased her back. Couldn’t help herself nuzzling him then running off again because she knew it made him mad. Secretly really likes him though so will find any excuse to nuzzle him. She fled when he chased her, diving under a thick flower patch. He stomped on all the flowers so she ran off to dive under another, he destroyed that one too. Ahhhhhh, found an even deeper flower patch and became Jaws Neela with sneak attacks on Lohtu. He fought back with mask spells. That all fell flat. Made fun of his spell skills. So he smacked her with the blue pajamas pelt. Urgh. “You still suck at spells, mean boy!”

Verve found them and joined them in some spell games. Settled down with them and Johan for a rest. Eventually snuck off again and found two interesting deer sitting in a sun spot. One seemed nice if a bit pudgy (Hamsa) the other Neela wasn’t to certain off (Sitra). The sharp teeth and snake tongue put her on guard. Hid behind a tree but came out to sniff and great tentatively when they greeted her. Hamsa gave her a gold bead. Herla’s daughter is not so easily bought with pretty trinkets! Except she is. Accepted the gift and gave them each flowers in return. Maybe they are nice. Still not convinced of that. But not every one had to be nice. Interesting was enough to get her attention too. Neela would likely be returning for further inspections. Bounced over to Verve when her sister came to collect her, proudly holding the gold bead in her front teeth and demanding a string to wear it with.

Recently (04/01/14):
In the morning found Isiel sleeping at her tree in the poppy gardens. Quite intrigued by the business going on at the tree next door, watched some stags fight and some small mini deer hover near another small fawn. When the fighting stags settled down/left, crept closer hoping perhaps she’d be allowed to play with the other fawn. The fawn never got up but the small does (Mirtel and Myshka) greeted her warmly. A bit wary but Isiel was right there and they had a fawn. Felt pretty comfortable. Went to sit next to Isiel in a pile of ferns when her father came over, greeted him and introduced him to the two does whom she didn’t know who they were. But she was enthusiastic about it none the less. Maybe she’d get to play with that fawn someday.

Took a long long nap because Sight was afk. Eventually woke up, all adults gone. Immediately went in search of appropriate adult supervision. Yes sir of course she did. Noticed a pretty white doe standing in the cemetery hovering about the gravestones. Not really her favorite place and also too close to the iron cage to her liking. But the white doe (Sacese) caught her eye and tried to beckon her closer. Curious but wary, Neela came closer but was quick to dart away when the white doe came too close. Something about her was not right and Neela could sense some foreboding magic about her too. Eventually came to realize there was some sort of line the white doe could not cross. Tried to determine the borders of that line, trying to keep keen to any treachery in it’s outlining. Soon was feeling quiet confident about it’s barrier and resisted the white doe’s efforts to draw her over it’s line. If she was stuck behind it, there must be some reason and Neela wasn’t about to help her. Had a bit of fun teasing the white doe, throwing her flowers and skipping about just out of reach. She knew she should probably inform some responsible adult about the matter but she knew what the result would be. She’d be told to stay away. And that would be boring. So she sat at a tree and watched the doe trapped in the cemetery until she disappeared. Maybe she wasn’t real or at all? Another ghost. Neela saw plenty of those. Best not to tell anyone, she decided.

Lounged around with her family in the sunspot near the Crying Idol for a large portion of the day. May have or may not have exploded the head of a stag harassing Isiel. Don’t mess with this Fairy baby. Perhaps that was just a dream. Not sure how these flecks of bone and gore got here though.

Slept the day away mostly surrounded by friends and family. Her mother and father. Johan, Verve, Isiel. And poopy Lohtu. Greeted Toir when the foliage deer approached. Played with him and Verve. Made several hesitant approaches to the river, wanting a drink of water but afraid of the river’s rushing stream. Verve told her it was okay, she didn’t have to go to the river if she didn’t want to, to which Neela insisted she was brave. Verve told her sometimes if was brave to admit she was scared too. Took this to heart and requested they get a drink at the pond instead please. Frolicked there with Verve and Toir, exploring the bank and discovering a lovely Neela sized hidey hole under a magical floating willow tree. Thais came to visit a while too.

Then the forest tanked and kicked everybody out.

Later went exploring the forest on her own. Watched some groups with interest. Came upon a doe with a small baby. (Seer and Carmella) Delighted when she was allowed near, kept her best manners and was very careful with the tiny new baby. Eventually joined by another baby (I’m sorry I don’t know this one’s name! ;_; ) Fell asleep in a fawn pile, woke up at one point alone with the babies, the mother left? Got a little worried, did she have to take care of these babies now? That was a lot of responsibility but okay, she stood over them, trying to look fierce and protective. But the mother returned a short while later. Phew. Fell back asleep.
Attracted by the sound of clashing antlers and clobbering hooves, Neela sprinted to the birch to find some sort of organized battle happening. It was all female does too apparently. Immediately excited about this. Not long before Verve and then Ephire too joined her on the hill to watch the spectacle. Neela was not satisfied to just watch though, she wanted to participate! Tried to race after Verve when her sister went down closer to the battling area. Got hauled back to Ephire…and tied to him with a leash! Kept hitting the end of it and flopping over, flailed and chewed at it. But Ephire was well….solid as a rock and unbudgable. Furious! Wanted to go battle! It was a battle for girls! And she was a girl! This was her chance! Doesn’t care she’s just a teeny tiny fawn. Ephire sat down. Wrapped him up in the leash trying vainly to drag him, he simpley stood up. And she dangled. Bit at him with her tiny sharp teeth which probably didn’t even go through his thick fur. Gnawed on the leash. Gnashed her teeth. The battle, she was missing it!

Ephire told her she should stop. That she couldn’t go down there she could get trampled, when she got older perhaps she could fight. Of course Ephire was perfectly reasonable and the reasonable side of Neela of which there was a whole line of reasonable practical family members in her mind telling her the same thing, couldn't hold a candle to Neela's will. It was strong, it had to be. And right now it unreasonably wanted to be able to duke it out down on the battlefield. She succumbed to Ephire’s logic however. Being hog tied by the leash probably helping with that.

Verve came back and untied her when the battles where over and let Neela go down to the battlefield to join the dance line. Felt satisfied now that she’d got to participate. Returned to the hill and apologetically removed strips of leash that still tied to Ephire. She felt bad now for being a brat earlier and fixed his hair for him, telling him she was sorry. For you know, trying to strangle and bite him. >.>

Curious of a tall antlered doe that came to join them, realizing shortly it was her God Sister Prita who had been missing some time now. Went to fetch her sister Indira when she heard the fawn crying out nearby. Brought her over but sat with her some distance away from Prita and Verve, she seemed shy of Prita.
Sought out her brother Leto in the morning when she scented him, finding him busy at work on something. Quite intrigued when she saw he was making something out of mud, sculpting it into the shape of an animal. Was welcomed and allowed to help, tried making her own creature as well. Her efforts where clumsy but she was quickly getting the hang of it, Leto seemed to be better at it really and she was aware of the slight easy hum of magic he seemed to leak as he did it. She’d felt that often from her brother, never mentioning it, why would she? That was just Leto and she just assumed everyone else felt it too. She also felt the subtle way he was controlling it and directing it toward the sculpture he was making. So she tried to mimic that, though her attempts where clumsy. She couldn’t get enough support into her mud to allow it stand upon legs yet.

Decided to name hers, she picked up a small stick and without thinking too much about it used it to scrawl a rune onto its forehead, she used the old language because it came so easy to her and felt right. Something sparked when she completed the last stroke of the rune. Leto noticed. She wondered if it was wrong to name them? Leto didn’t think so and allowed her to name his too. The magic he had imbued it with as he’d created it, was palpable to her senses. It didn’t alarm her, it felt like her brother’s magic, comforting and familiar. She touched it with her own magic and smiled. Taking the stick she scrawled a rune upon his mud sculture’s forehead, doing so more carefully this time, concentrating on what she was doing, and weaving her own magic together with her brother’s. As she finished the rune, a glow of magic that didn’t spark so much as slowly shine and hum. Like a living thing. It didn’t fade. It might have moved even but she wasn’t certain. She could feel the subtle hum coming from the construct now, her brother’s magic and her’s making something of a song. She almost wanted to hum along with it.

They agreed to take away the names though and dismantle the mud creatures. They could make better ones next time. She was having ideas too about the naming. They might go through many trials making mud creatures before they got one like they wanted it. She thought maybe it would be easier if she had the names already ready. Easier to add and take away. She’d ponder that a little longer. Seems she was more interested in the naming then the actual construction aspects, Leto honestly seemed more apt at that then her.
The mud creatures all put away, they were quite covered in mud themselves, they decided to get cleaned up so they didn’t get in trouble with Herla when they showed up at home all muddy.

Met Verve near the river and got her set back that had been lost because TEF glitched and trolled us. >:C Very, very quickly cleaned off in the river, darting out as quickly as she could, it was cold but it was more then that, that made her eager to be away from it. But she settled between her siblings on the shore and had a nap. Later, Lohtu came by, pretty happy to see the fawn. Unfortunately the sentiment didn’t seem too returned. Started to get a little angry with him when he kept purposely jumping over the river where he knew she did not like to go. Went all the way around only for him to jump to the otherside. Frustrated, but also not really wanting to admit she didn’t want to cross the river. Didn’t want others to think she was afraid.

Didn’t try to follow when he jumped the stream a final time and ran off, pouty and defiant herself now. Verve told her boys where dumb sometimes and agreed, letting her lead her off to her tree. Sulked next to her sister and fell asleep. Awoke a bit later and Verve was gone. Thought to go looking for her but….oh what’s inside her tree? Took the chance to look around, still thinking on how she wanted to name her mud creatures, maybe Verve had something she could use. Wouldn’t just take it though, would talk to her about it. Maybe she could help her make something.

Verve returned with another fawn, Pica. Rossamund arrived too. A little worried though about Cu bouncing around, remembering her father’s cautions long ago about some strangers wanting to steal her. After the ordeal with Woden and the odd behavior of the small deer the day before, Neela found herself not feeling very playful, sort of clung to Verve unsure of herself. Verve seemed off too, asked her if she needed medicine but she assured her she didn’t. Greeted Ephire when he came over.

Much later woke up with her sister Indira and Isadorae curled around her, Ramsus and Ciel on either side of them. (Apparently Neela slept through a visit from Vasana and a predator attack. Sleeps hard I guess >.> Player was out to dinner with the in-laws) Went right back to sleep, dreaming of mud babies.

Started feeling better the next day after the iron sliver had been removed by Altijd. Father helped convince mother to let her have her war mask back. It was made of silver. Not iron. Was brought blueberries by her dad while mom made them porridge for breakfast. By the time she’d eaten the berries and porridge was feeling much better and was eager to go with her father to get cleaned up at the Crying Idol. Not for the first time though, she found herself uncomfortable with being near the fountain, something that seemed to be worse lately. Doesn’t know how to explain it but her father noticed when she kept darting away from the stream. Suggested they go to the pond instead, pretty relieved, doesn’t mind the pond at all. Got washed up and returned home, Johan was there, told him how she got to have her mask back now.

Health improved greatly over the days, playing and running lots, eventually showing no signs of the illness the Iron had caused. Enjoyed time with her family the day the Gods came and brought some new magic to the forest and joined in the forest wide celebrations.

A few days ago, while being baby sat by Johan, played with another little fawn, Helios and his friend. Met the boy’s mother Zafeiri and Helios’ brother who was very large so Neela assumed an older brother. Also played with a very pretty older fawn named Luyu.

Today, found her sister Verve and brother Leto sleeping at the ruins, ran around playing with them. Curious of a trio of deer that approached, especially the smallest of the three Panumbra, she had a pretty painted skull, but her clawed feet made Neela a bit cautious, remembering her father’s warnings about things with sharp teeth and claws wanting to eat her. Ran off when she scented her other brother Johan, nearby. Found him sitting near the pretty doe Luyu, yay! Likes her. Played with the two, then noticed the small clawed deer had followed her, curious went to investigate her again, unsure though when the creature circled her a few times. Tried to be polite but was still wry. Not overly concerned though, Johan was there and soon Leto and Verve came over too. Got distracted by playing once more and didn’t see when Panumbra left.

Later sat curled up with Johan in a flower patch. Woke up feeling something was off, Johan was on his feet and shifting about uneasily. Saw that they were being watched by something that could only be described as thoroughly unpleasant, definitely in the “will eat you if it can” category, no confusion about it. (Sehkment). Was pretty sure she could take the monster, Johan thought otherwise though so she hid in a tree to abide him. Johan charged after it a few times, really wasn’t overly worried about it until he charged off after it over a hill…out of her sight and she didn’t know what was happening to him. Became very distraught at that point, and started calling out, terrified something had happened to her brother. Anxiety quickly dispelled however when he returned pretty quickly, looking fine. Phew. A pretty gold and blue doe, Nadezdha, and a stag that was with her, helped Johan harass and chase off the predator when he returned again.

Curled up in some ferns with Johan when things seemed calm, glad her brother wasn’t hurt.
Recently (03/02/14):
Started the morning, playing hard, first with a group of fawns at some spell wars then with her sister Verve and her friend Kaya when they showed up wearing giant raven spells. Played war games with them, which mostly entailed putting on her war mask and hollering a lot. When the two went into the cage, went to go too but scraped her knee on the rusty metal, it burned badly so kept away from it. Continued playing ignoring the growing throb in her knee, it was just a scratch after all, she was usually covered in a multitude of small scratches and bruises, she played hard. And she wasn’t a baby. Said goodbye to Kaya when she had to leave then followed Verve back to her crafting tree. Started to feel very hot in her mask, her stomach feeling queasy and her knee throbbing. She ran over to the fountain to get a drink and try to cool down, Verve coming over to help her. Let her sister take her mask off for her, drank some water then went back to sit with Verve at the tree, admitting she thought she was sick and maybe needed some medicine. Trusted her sister of course to be able to help her, who gave her some ginger root and put salve on her knee. It helped some at first but then she got sicker. Was too sick to give Altijd much of greeting when he came over. They both talked to her some more trying to figure out what was going on. She told them she remembered bumping her leg on the cage and how much it had burned but she didn’t know why she was sick either. By the time her mother arrived was very feverish and not able to lift her head anymore. More discussion, Altijd had brought a book over, the grown ups talked, serious and concerned. She was sorry to cause them so much worry. Altijd said something about iron. That he thought she had a piece of it inside her and it’s what was making her so sick. He said it was poison to her because she was Fae.. Was brought back to the fountain, she lay limp shivering in the water while Verve held her, Herla trying to clean the iron from her leg. Altijd did something, Neela felt it but didn’t see because she had her eyes closed. But he got the iron splinter out she knew that. Her leg pretty instantly started to feel better though she was still cold from laying in the water. Let her sister and mother bring her back to some rabbit furs to get dried off, not feeling so sick anymore, just extremely exhausted. Stayed there asleep with her family around her, Johan and Ciel had arrived. Still confused what happened, worried her mom blames the war mask and it will be taken it away.

Pretty regularly seeks Altijd out now for company. Still enthralled by his halo of course but now trusts him pretty implicitly and feels confident in his company. Spent some time snuggled up between him and Thais. Later woke up with her brother Ciel curled around her. Yawned and looked around, noticed Altijd close by still. WITH A BOOK. Inched closer and closer with wide interested eyes, apparently wasn't fooling anybody, and Altijd let her look at the book explaining a bit about it. Pretty stoked. Even more so when he mentioned he had many books. Insisted that she wanted to read them all. Was told she might not live long enough for that, told him she better get to work right away then. He reminded her she ought to probably do other things too besides read books. Agreed that playing was pretty important too. When he asked what kinds of books she’d like to read she told him books on words, magic and the stars. And also war. Altijd didn’t seem to think too oddly of the request, promised her some books, and suggested they trade for some she had. Thought that was pretty fair. Already read all the ones she has from her mom of course. Hungry for more.

Recently (02/25/14):
Found Verve sitting by her crafting tree along with that stinky boy Lohtu who always tried to get away from her nuzzles. Obviously she wasn’t trying hard enough. Sister seemed tired so let her relax. By running around screaming like a little wild Indian with Lohtu. Sure, she could relax with that, obviously. >.>

Pretty happy though that Lohtu actually played with her, turned into his little shadow, following him everywhere, hey look, I’m the annoying little sister you never wanted to have! Took his pushing and shoving in stride, shoved right back. He taught her how to rub on other deer. Thinks this is pretty fun. When some noisy mooing fawn irritated Lohtu, tried to lead them over the the drinkplatts to drown them distract them. The fawn left, followed Lohtu all around, tired older sister Verve following and keeping a watchful eye. Got upset about Lohtu going too close to the river, her dislike for it growing deeper then previously it seemed. She’d always been a little wary of it after falling in several times in the past but the rushing water made her actually feel a little ill when she got near it now. Convinced Lohtu to come away from it. Chased a frog with him, trying to step on it. Likes these fun boy games. Didn’t like when it poofed into a giant stag. Laughed again when Lohtu fearlessly smacked the huge stag like he was invincible. REALLY liked these boy games.

Settled with Verve for rest at the tree near the Crying Idol. The tall doe moved them though when some rude big deer thought it was great to sit and heavy breath on someone else’s baby. Followed her around, she led them through the blue bowl, stopped in her tracks gobbling blueberries. Hungry! And this was the closest thing to sweets she’d had really. Offered Lohtu some too though not sure if he liked them or not. Very tired finally curled up with Verve and Lohtu to sleep, her little baby face covered in blueberry stains.

((Check out new art by Mis! <3

Also This bio is in need of massive updating. Someday I'll get to it. ))

Found Verve in the birch with Lohtu, huddled with them for a while against the snow but grew bored. Scented her brother Leto nearby, ran to find him, bouncing on him until he woke up and played with her. Went to the pond with him, stood back while he fwooshed through the water, wanted to fwoosh too but knew she’d likely freeze in place if she did so stood on the pond edge and giggled, making small splashes there. Wandered with him back into the Old Forest and found a nice patch of ferns to settle down into. Went to fetch Johan when she spotted him nearby and dragged him back. Had a nice warm bed ‘o brudders now.

In the evening was sat upon kept warm by Johan then Isiel came to offer her warmth when Johan had to go.

Couldn’t find any friends or family members so went to the family home pulling out some of her mother’s books to occupy herself. Wasn’t long though before she spied what appeared to be a family with two very little babies. Neela was instantly interested and went closer to see. It was the raptor doe, Vittani she’d gotten into trouble for going near before so she kept her distance. Two others, Gretai and Kei'ali were also there. Neela was cautious. But when the little girl, Vithara, came boldly forward, couldn’t help playing with her, her enthusiasm infectious. The little boy, Garai was more timid, and hid under his mother at first but he seemed to be warming up. Thought it was great fun. Jumped around in the birch grasses with the other children.

Then…CARNAGE. Daddy showed up. Neela’s daddy. And he was angry, chased Vittani and the other deer, the babies scattered. Neela, scared and upset, bolted to hide in a nearby tree, watching with wide wary eyes when Gehirn came to check on her. His angry pacing had her ducking back into the tree. Had he hurt the babies? Neela felt like it was all her fault. Crying softly, she followed her father at a distance when he told her too, letting him lead her to the Man Den. Huddled in some ferns there, keeping her eyes down cast and not meeting his gaze while she cried.

Was given the silent treatment for a long while. When Indira came over, let her sister comfort her, crying softly into her white fur. Neela startled when her father suddenly spoke up, she'd begun to think he wasn't going to speak to her at all and she wasn't sure what was worse, sitting there worrying about shouting on the horizon or the continued silence. He had calmed down it seemed, but told her she wasn’t to go near those “animals”. This confused Neela, animals where for eating, she didn't think they seemed like animals. So she asked him why? Neela was a child with a lot of wisdom crammed haphazardly within her mind. It wasn't always the most organized unfortunately. But father was wise. He had reasons for what he did and said, and Neela wanted to know why he hated those children she was playing with. Gehirn answered her question telling her the raptors would eat her and her sisters if they could and also told her of the one raptor does past plots to have him murdered. He worried they might use her to hurt him…by hurting the thing he loved. Very distraught by this and maturing enough to realize the world could be quite full of deceit and malice as well, even though she had done nothing. Still quite firmly believing though that the children had certainly meant her no harm but she was sorry now to have played with them when she knew she was to stay away from the raptors. Her father told her it wasn’t their fault either but the adults. She asked him if he had hurt the babies and he told her he didn’t know, it had been too chaotic. Believed him but wished she could know what had happened to them. Let him comfort her, very sad and feeling guilty though that if the babies had been hurt, it was most definitely her fault.

((New Neela art up most accurately portraying her current age and appearance. Yes dang, let's now call her a "young child" instead of a "newborn." Only 7 months old now, gosh. Sight likes her babbeh's, what can we say.))

Wandered off from sleeping Verve and Leto to climb about on the ruins. Tapping her hooves on the crumbling rocks, watching the ghost drift by when a familiar fawn found her. Peregryn confidently retrieved her, followed the older fawn who brought her over to another she knew, Yoko! Had a bout of play with them before flopping down in a fawn pile. Daddy came and found her, eagerly introduced her father to her two friends. Helped her father vanquish a pesky deer who kept disrupting the organized fawn pile. When the two fawns had to go, cuddled up with her father and her brother Leto and then her sister Indira too. Later when the two sisters realized they were alone, immediately set out to wreak some mischief. Wandered to the pond, Neela steered her sister away from the river. The river was bad. And then a Leto picto theif arrived and apparently scared Indira badly because her sister bolted. Caught up to her. Tried to calm her down, and showed her some nice ferns they could rest in, but then the sisters got approached by another odd fellow. He was long and willowy, and pulled some sort of glamour of menace about himself. Neela could see through it though and faced him, putting her chest out and feigning bravado. Indira bolted. SISTER! Followed her, the slender being chasing them. Indira dived under Ramsus, Neela following shortly, rather amused when the toothy monster erupted to chase after their slender stalker. Cheered him on along with Isadora who was awakened by the sister’s calamitous arrival. Played with Isa and Ira when it seemed the coast was clear. Only soon the slender being was spotted lurking some distance away again. Neela ripped up some poppies, and went careening over and to throw them at the slenderdeer, before racing off again, giggling madly the whole way, her smile only crashing when Ramsus erupted once again, this time to herd her back. Kay, that was scary. Stayed put this time. Cuddled up in Johan’s chest fluff when he arrived.

I am really terrible at updating my characters anymore. A shabby habit of which I’m not proud. Let’s try to throw something together here.

Spends most her days with her family, father and mother during the day, and in the evenings, Isiel and Ramsus usually look after her. Her brother Ciel and Johan often as well. Growing fast friends with the fawn Isadorae, seeking her out for playing often. Surrounded most of the time by love and affection. A very lucky child. Never short of attention. And she'll always find it somehow.

Enjoyed the day of the falling flowers. A little mystified at the phenomena but everyone seemed to take it in stride. Was found by her brother Leto and sister Verve as she stood in the Old Forest watching the red roses and daisies rain everywhere. Smiled at the giant Dandelions that had sprung up everywhere too. Shares her mother’s like of flowers it seems. Later found Johan and Indira, Renwyk, Isiel and Ramsus too. Came a moment when she realized only herself and Verve where the only one’s not frozen like statues. Creepy. Maybe this is another thing we don’t mention? Like the rainfall of flowers? And the ghost that float around the ruins? Neela wants to ask but perhaps that’s just not done. Does get sad sometimes when she seems to be the only thing alive and all else is frozen around her.

Later that evening, looked for someone to play with her. All were frozen like statues again and didn’t respond to her, even when she mooed in their faces and climbed on their backs. Grew sad and dismayed at this again. Wandered looking for signs of life. Got approached by a green doe that seemed to be made of plants and flowers (Complex). Hello, I’m Neela and I like flowers! The doe was very kind and played with Neela. She reminded her of the green friend of her sister Verve, Seed. The doe escorted her to the ruins where she fell asleep on one of the ledges. Got a bit cold and moved down to snuggle up with the nice green flower doe. The funny boy Castilion joined them.

Today wandered away from Ramsus and Isiel, Ciel and Isadorae. They were doing the frozen thing again. Went looking for alive things, when she was suddenly found by Thais and with her the big red bull, Reed! Smothered them both in enthusiastic Neela nuzzles. Thais played with her and Reed tolerated her using him as a jungle gym. Yay! Tired out, slept between them for a while until they had to go. Went back to find Isadora and Ramsus in a flower patch, played with Isa and a group of fawns that where casting antler spells before she finally toppled over for good and went to sleep next to Isa, becoming one of the frozen people too after all.

Bounced around in a snow covered forest. Stayed warm for the most part in her thick rabbit fur cloak…or so she liked to think. Little round face and 4 stick legs where all that stuck out. Had to go back often to snuggle into warm adults though. Probably had frozen baby boogers. >.>

Played with Verve in the snow at the playground rocks, sliding down the steep rock on her tail. Snuggled with Verve, Mother and stinky Lohtu who sheltered under the sledding rock. Noticed when stinky Lohtu put Verve between himself and her. Hurumph! A rude big antlered deer tried to sit on top of them, hid under Thais while Verve and Lohtu smacked the deer with spells. Followed the group when they heard Herla calling them over to the Old Oak to shelter instead. Swept under mother with Indira inside the Oak, but then scented father and burst outside the tree again to call excitedly to him. Thais tried to get her to come back in out of the snow. I’m invincible babbeh! Not cold at all! Okay, maybe a little bit cold. A lot cold truthfully. Daddy arrived and Gehirn shuffled her back in too. Cuddled up in his fur to get warm, while she stared at the strange creature that was sheltering near the back of the tree too (Ra'Klak). It smelled of the sea and seemed wet. Stared at it with interest from the safety of her father’s warm fur.

Recently (01/20/14):
Was very tired the previous day. Remembers the events that happened while under Woden’s curse only vaguely and in a dreamlike quality, but sometimes experiences vivid feelings or memories, much of it hard for her to sort or understand. Doesn’t feel scared though, surrounded by her friends and family.

Today feeling more active and energetic, she awoke and climbed out of Fort Gerla (Mom and Dad Fort) to greet Isadorae. With much bleating. Something she hadn’t ever been able to do. They other fawn answered enthusiastically, ran around screaming and yelling and enjoying being a fawn. Never did notice her father startling every time she shrieked or the predator their shrieking at attracted but did quiet down when her father cautioned her too. Played more quietly. Played with Renwyk for a while too when he came over. Marveled how big he was getting. Wonders if she will too.

Recovering from an attempt by the Old Fae to kidnap her from her family. Saved by friends and family. All I ask?
(See the blog and also the updates of Gehirn and Verve and Altijd for more info on what transpired. Sight will have to get to her updates when she’s not so much dying! )

Hung out with her family in a new spot they hadn’t sat in before in the Old Forest. Ciel, Verve, Johan, Indira, Mommy and Daddy where there. The poopy fawn Lohtu and Verve’s nice friend Thais sat with them too. Lots of other deer were starting to gather nearby as well and she realized they all seemed to be focused on a small doe a ways off in a poppy patch. They all acted quiet and some what solemn. What was going on? Watched Mommy take Indira with her then come back and give something to the small doe. Mute, so couldn’t ask what was going on, but none the less keenly interested. Daddy kept getting up too, he would chase off some deer from getting too close to the doe, smacking some of them and herding them away. Yay! Loved when Daddy smacked things, wanted to help him smack things too, so donned her baby war mask and pranced around menacingly with him.

Perplexed when her Mommy went to sit with the small doe, what was she doing? Was the small doe sick? Her belly sure did seem big. She looked like she’d eaten a thousand cookies. She must have a really bad belly ache. Mommy was good with medicines though, she’d be able to help her. Neela thought smacking thugs with Daddy was more fun though. A very huge and ugly green necked lizard stag stood nearby her Mommy and the small doe. Neela thought he was rather scary but then the small doe stood up and yelled at the lizard stag and he acted afraid of her. So maybe he wasn’t that scary.

Started to get a little tired helping Daddy but didn’t want to stop. Clearly this was important work though and her father needed her. Pouty and fussy when he tried to make her go back to sit with the rest of the family on the hill nearby. Didn’t want to admit her tiredness. Only relented when he told her she needed to guard her sisters. Okay! Guarded them and guarded them, couldn’t tell what Mommy was doing with the small doe, but there sure was a lot of yelling and screaming. Was the doe going to be alright? Despite the excitement, fell asleep for a while.

Awoke when Daddy came back and wanted her to come with him. He led her back down to see the small doe. There was a lot of blood and funny smells. But there, there was a small babbeh! Incredibly enthusiastic about this, maybe too enthusiastic. Daddy yelled at her to not get too close. Kinda had to be dragged away. Wanted to play with the baby! Went back with her father though. Watched Indira get to meet the baby too. Hopes to someday get to play with the new fawn, but content to sleep the rest of the day with her family, tired out from the day’s events.
In the morning played with a group of fawns near where her mother sat with her two brothers Ciel and Johan. After cuddling with Ciel for a while, wandered off to the pond when she scented her God Sister, Daae. She was with her father Morikiah, whom Neela doesn’t know well but has always seemed nice enough. They had a familiar little fawn with them, Rais, and Neela was sad to see the other child seemed sick or hurt. Taunted at a clumsy deer that almost stepped on them. Verve arrived, went with her and the group to a spot nearby. Cuddled with Daae and Rais for a while then got up to greet Thais when she came over, played her older sister and the burgundy doe. Ended up getting a mask like Daddy’s from a mask tree. Very excited to now have her own war mask now. Strutted around showing it off. Helped Daae to stomp on her Daddy when he got turned into a dove. Greeted some other small deer that came to sit with Thais. A little perplexed why they seemed afraid of her? Guess her war mask WAS pretty scary alright. Let Verve lead her to see Ephire. Showed him her mask. Got snores in return. Climbed all over him to show him her love. Followed Verve back to her parents, ah, here was somebody who would love her mask! Not Mommy of course, but Daddy! Proudly romped around with him, now a proper war baby. Mommy seemed to grumble a bit about it.

Frolicked with her sister Vasana, showed off, beating up some small trees with her war mask and pretending to vanquish other villains with her. Daddy was the best at it and ripped up several small trees. Impressed with this, raced off to find more trees for him to vanquish. The Old Oak! You can do it Daddy! Push it over for Neela and Vasana! The tree was too big a foe to vanquish however so decided it was a great fort instead. A girls only fort. Wouldn’t let Daddy or her brothers in. Felt especially smug when Mommy and Verve joined them in the fort. Thumbed their noses at the boys who had to go sit in the smelly boy fort (Daddy’s man den) Mommy is the princess, you’re not allowed to talk to her!

Went with Vasana and Verve for a raid on the Boy Fort. Their plan backfired though when the boys ran back to the Oak and captured it! No, give us the princess back! But Daddy wouldn’t let her out. Please give us the princess, please! Daddy caved pretty quickly when Neela and Vasana turned on the crocodile tears. He’s not THAT tough. The whole family curled up then together in the Oak and Neela slept a long while tired out from all the fun of the day. Cuddled Isadora when Isiel arrived along with the small fawn.

Yesterday the tiny fawn was starting to feel a lot better, still stuck close by her parents for the most part. Quite excited when Father showed up wearing his blue wrestlers mask. Couldn’t understand why her mother seemed so appalled about it. It was super awesome looking! And oh! She’d seen a green one that belonged to her Mother in the stash under the rocks where Herla kept her books. Neela often snuck in there to look at the books and knew exactly where the mask was. Retrieved it joyfully much to her father’s pleasure and her mother’s great dismay. Sat proudly by her father, thinking she was pretty cool now too. Mother just didn’t know what she was missing.

Today woke up to the forest blanketed in thick fog and quite chilly. So promptly ran off to play in it like a fawn who had just been sick should do. Duh. It’s okay. She’s super baby. Just look at this mask. Found Altijd sitting with a doe she didn’t know. Greeted them, showed off her mask. Obviously everyone must think it’s as amazing as she does. Followed the angel through the fog, as ever enthralled by his circling halo. He led her back to her family. Father came over to inspect her angel. Uh oh, ran quickly to sit with her mom hoping that would keep Daddy from breaking the angel’s face.

Played with a group of mini fawns that seemed to have gathered close by. Sahrotsil, Riasanel, and a whistler masked fawn she’d met before too. Ran up to Mier who was sitting close by too, but he seemed to have his eye on her father and couldn’t be budged to play. Her God Sister, Daae joined them, gave her lots of snuggles and showed off her mask of course. Altijd came over with another fawn, Junalia. Felt sad though when the other child seemed upset/scared and ran from them? Started to chase after but couldn’t keep up. After that the children seemed to disperse. Aww. Went back to sit with her family. Super excited when her older brother, Leto arrived, LOOK AT MY MASK BRUDDER! Sure he is amazed as well of course.

After a while, noticed a tiny purple three eyed squirrel with a circling halo wandering around nearby. Yay, what is better than an angel then and ANGEL SQUIRREL!? Her father surely couldn’t disapprove such an innocent small woodland animal, right? Played hide and seek in a tree with the squirrel then sat down to cuddle it. The baby from earlier, Junalia, came back. Okay yeah, you can share my purple angel squirrel too. You can touch…the very tip of his tail, but that’s it!

(Updated the music, thanks to Jala for showing me the song <3)
Snuggled between her parents as they rested in a sunspot in the Old Forest. Seeming to feel tired today but when she noticed two small fawns playing nearby, went to join them. (Rais, and another, I’m sorry, didn’t get their name ;_; ) Jumped around with them, followed to the pond where she carefully got a drink of water at the edge, avoiding touching the icy water any more then necessary. Played some more with the fawns but started to lag and become more and more tired. One of the children seemed to want to play rough, Neela couldn’t stand up to them though, didn’t think they were trying to be mean, just more than Neela could keep up with. Retreated, running to dive into the thick fur of her father’s neck who had come to sit closer by where she’d been playing. Followed her parents tiredly as they gathered her to their home in the birch. Gave O’Marash a weak smile when the other little fawn came to sit nearby, but felt too sick now to go see him or play, felt a little sad about this. Stayed nestled between her parents the rest of the day.

Lounged around with her family, nestled between her mother, father her brother, Johan, and sister Indira most of the day. It was cold, and they where warm. Went to investigate a bigger fawn, realized shortly it was Gwendolyn, the owl fawn had grown a lot, outgrown her it seemed. Confused how that happened, she seemed to stay small but others grew so fast. Trying not to think on that too hard, leads to thoughts she doesn’t like.

Lots and lots of sleeping, woke up at one point, again noticing a small fawn sitting nearby. Went with her brother Johan to investigate the other child. Neela would take care of this one too she decided. Played with them and brought them over to the tree near the drying spot her family had been lounging at all day. Excited to see Reed when he came over to her. Scolded him when yet again, he tried to chase off her new playmate. Bad Reed! Poopy Reed! This is not how we play tea time! Cuddled with him anyhow for a while until he had to leave to beat something else up. Went to huddle with her mum and sister again against the cold. Woke up again when Reed and Ramsus were rushing around to beat up a deer they didn’t like that came too close to Neela, her sister and mother. Totally missed what the deer had done in the first place to elicit the beat down.

Played with two mini deer that looked identical to one another near the Crying Idol, (wow I suck at remembering ANY names tonight, so sorry ;-; ) then played with Renwyk and went to pester Galene and Fletcher who had been sleeping nearby. Lots of fawns showed up, lots of playing and goofing off, got tired and sat down next to Fletcher and Renwyk and another fawn. That then turned into a big deer. Mother came over to investigate, stared at the fawn turned stag hard a while but ultimately sat close by clearly watching. Mister grumpy Ramsus came over and got into a fight with the stag, got under her mother to avoid big feets stomping around until Fletcher led off the other stag. Her mother then lead herself and Renwyk back to Johan and Indira. Finally went to sleep for the night, perhaps befuddled how so many big stags seemed to get upset and angry so much. Honestly not too bothered by it in the end though, finds it all very interesting and wonders if eventually she'll figure it all out.

Recently (12/07/13):
Woke up to a very frigid forest, winter’s grip was ice cold. Stood shivering a while. Waited for Verve to find her, watched the tall doe go to the wrong mini fawn at first, perhaps silently laughed a little at that. Greeted another mini fawn briefly before Verve led her off to her crafting tree in the birch and presented her with a fluffy white rabbit fur coat. Instantly felt warmer in it, quite pleased and grateful. Followed her older sister down into the First Forest to greet her mother, Herla and brother Ciel along with Isiel. Scented her other brother Leto after a while nearby and shot off to fetch him, jumping on him excitedly until he woke up and brought him back to the rest of the family.

Played with Renwyk when the little boy fawn showed up. They investigated what they thought was a purple fawn but was actually some tiny three headed deer instead. Verve called them back, investigated a little further but came back to her older sister. Found Indira sleeping next to mother, who looked cold. Insisted Verve give Indira a fluffy bunny coat too, her older sister leaving then returning a short while later with a coat for Ira. Bounced around like little white fluff balls before nestling down for a rest with her bunny twin between Verve and Leto.

Awoke and jumped around on everyone for a while but they all slept and wouldn’t wake up. Didn’t willfully wander, but yeah, wandered. Ended up at the pond’s edge watching a stag and fawn play. They left and Neela turned around to find a very large, very noisy pig snuffling at her. Knows by now the pig never means her any harm despite her parent’s early warnings about him. All he ever does is try to take her home. Tried to not get too close to him, he was stinky and muddy and bloody and he might get her new rabbit fur coat dirty. Had wanted to wander further but the giant pig was very insistent so reluctantly followed him back to her family, where Verve was looking rather peeved at the sight of him. Gave her older sister her best charming smile and danced around cutely for her.

Later wandered again, looking for other children to play with. Got approached by several adults, smiled sweetly at them all and hoped they wouldn’t notice her lack of a hall pass. They all fell for it and let her go on her way. Found a scared looking little fawn laying next to a couple trees. Instantly thought to take care of it. Neela will take care of all the babies. (I forgot the fawn’s name, sorry ;_; ) The giant pig came back. Was polite to him but kept her distance, it was very important not to get her rabbit fur coat dirty! Big brother Ciel came to find her. He didn’t seem to like the pig either and chased him off. Sat with the baby. Mother came to join them then. Reed came by and didn’t seem to like her new friend, trying to chase them off. Scolded him for his bad behavior, this is not how you make friends Reed! Frowned mightly at him. MIGHTLY.

Dang I’ve been bad making updates, I’ll try to outline some basic developments, drown you all in too many words likely. Sorry!
Health has improved greatly the last month, not having any sick days where she could not play, seems to be thriving more than ever before. Still takes the heart medicine her mother gives her, which seems to be of huge benefit to her. Smaller then her siblings but perhaps the most outgoing and bold of them. Remarkably precocious, more than her parents perhaps realize. Everything she sees and does is over laid with memories from the past lives she contains. Sometimes these memories are more clear than others. Still unable to speak or make any sounds whatsoever, a disability of growing frustration to the burgeoning mind within that can’t communicate effectively what she sees and feels.
Listens to her parents, loves and trusts them and never directly disobedient, but also determined to make up her own mind and a bit stubborn in some regards to accepting all that is told to her at face value. Prefers to make up her own mind based on her own observances and study especially when it comes to certain individuals she has been warned to stay away from.

Has grown a bit wary of water. Still fascinated by it but after a few times falling in and having a good scare swallowing too much water, has developed a healthy respect for it. Goes around the river instead of jumping over it and will generally avoid the bridge unless coaxed. Will play in the shallow edge of the pond where she is certain she can reach. Tries to hide her misadventures, can’t really tell anyone because of her muteness any ways but likely wouldn’t speak of them even if she could.

Today seemed bent on “adventure” leaving her sleeping mother’s side to explore the twilight lit forest. Intrigued by the giant Dandelions, found a little deer standing under one (Nidhem). He was missing a leg, wondered if it hurt, wanted to ask him. He seemed nice but a little worried, wasn’t sure why. He came with her when she bounded off to explore further, and didn’t mind. He seemed nice. Found Yoko! Played with the other little girl then spotted Mierakk, the fluffy black and white fawn sleeping near a tree alone. Knows her father disapproves but he’s just a little baby like her and seems nice as far as she can see too so softly head butted him in greeting. Another deer like creature, with rather sharp teeth arrived (Rhea), Meir seemed to know them and they greeted Neela so wasn’t too worried. Continued playing with the other fawns. Mier seemed nervous though and realized that a skulled deer had followed them from when she’d met Nidhem. He kept staring (Ezra). Neela didn’t know what to think of it but became worried because Mier was worried.

Followed the black and white fawn when he ran off. He ran fast and she grew a little winded trying to keep up, but he stopped to wait for her. Followed him some more until he went up to a pie bald doe who wore a skulled mask with large sharp antlers. A memory rose that was not her own and she became afraid. The images where not clear, often the memories where just feelings or brief flashes of disjointed scenes, but she knew she did not want to come any closer. Felt alone and afraid in that moment, darted off and found a pile of high rocks on the edge of the birch forest that she had not visited before there she found some crevices to squeeze into. Came out though when Rhea and Yoko came over to her. Felt a bit embarrassed, her heart still pouding strangely in her chest but it seemed to calm and she could play again. Eventually tired though and sat one of the rocks with the other fawn, the predator female sitting with them. Awoke to Fletcher on her other side. Yawned, got up and nuzzled everybody while they slept then went looking for her mother.

Found her sleeping next to Isiel. Ramsus joined them. Squished into Ramsus shoulder for a while and put some flowers on him to help him look prettier. Happy to have them back, had missed them, greeted and played with the little fawn they had brought back with them too. Then greeted and played with her God Sister, Daae, when she came over. Snuggled into Daae’s fur to sleep again when everyone sat for a rest.

The previous day, played with Renwyk and her sister, Indira in the family home while mother watched over them. Indira was pretty hesitant of the boy fawn, tried to get her sister to play with him too but she stuck shyly with their brother Johan instead. An older fawn, Rossamund, showed up. He seemed nice, (Neela thinks everyone is nice) so invited them to play too. Ira still being shy. Got sleepy after a while and curled up with Ren to sleep.

The next day slept between her mother and father in the family home. Then played with Johan on the rocks. When everyone fell asleep became instantly bored. So of course wandered off. Found Verve in the Old Forest with Thais and Kaya. And THAT boy. Lohtu. Cue baby stare off.

Snuck off though when she scented a familiar scent and went to investigate. That OTHER boy, Mieraak. Daddy had told her to stay away from him because he was devil spawn. Stared at him from a distance. Not that far though, pretty interested in him. Still couldn’t see what was so bad about him. Stared at him hard trying to figure it out. Then realized her dad was staring at HER. Oh no, caught! Herded off back home by him, pretty obvious he was mad, very frustrated with her inability to talk, had much to say. Hid behind her sleeping brother, sulking.

Wandered off on her own as per usual. Looking for someone to play with. Spotted the little black and white fawn that had intrigued her before, Mieraak. He was sitting with the big pig and a little doe she’d met before (Cree). Hid behind a tree, hoping he would notice her and want to play too. He stood but it was the big pig Lats who came up to see her. Immediately he started to try and lead her away. Followed at first but then ran back to see Mier, sniffing and bowing to him. He seemed hesitant of her but eventually started sniffing too, then gave her a soft head smush. She head smushed him back, he was soft and floofy! Lats tried to lead her off again, he jumped and skipped so she jumped and skipped with him. Then she realized he was taking her home. Nooooooo. Ran back to Mier, much to Lat’s obvious frustration. Prettty much stuck her baby tongue out at him. She wanted to play! Lats tried and tried to cajole her to follow him, only relented when Mier came too. Yay we are having fun now!

And then Daddy showed up. And he was not happy. He stomped and snarled and yelled at everyone. Told her to get back to her mother NOW. Pouted at him a moment, but he stomped again and she bolted off as fast as she could and dove into her sleeping mother’s feathers. Her father chided her for following dangerous creatures and playing with “devil spawn.” Pretty upset by this, they seemed nice? And the fawn was soft and was just a kid like her. Couldn’t voice any of her protests though, which frustrated her even more. Wished so badly she could speak. But the mute child couldn’t. Father and Mother told her that Lat’s had hurt Isiel before and might hurt her. Stricken to hear this. Very remorseful that she’d scared and upset her parents, but also crushed to hear what they had to say, was everyone bad then?

Spent the rest of the day resting with her parents. Snuggled up with her sister Indira when she joined them. Went with her father to inspect the river, as usual overly intrigued by the water. He made himself a Daddy bridge so she could cross it and splash her feet in it. Was quite excited when he asked her if she’d like to learn to swim. Held her breath like he instructed then jumped in like he hadn’t instructed far to enthusiastically. He plucked her back out of the water with his antlers as she spluttered and flailed. Learned to paddle properly while supported by his tines then. Paddled and paddled and didn’t want to stop was having so much fun, but when she grew cold and her teeth started chattering her father lifted her back out and took her back to the sun spot to dry and cuddle up in his warm fur. Her brother Johan arrived later, slept, exhausted the rest of the evening.

Recently (09/26/13):
Found her older sister Verve sitting with a fawn she’d seen her sit with a few times before, Lohtu. Played with Verve and tried to play with the fawn too, but he kept avoiding her and brushing off her attempts to greet him or sniff him. That only made Neela all the more determined to play with him, he was now the cool older kid whose approval she deeply wanted. More joined the group, her bother Johan, Ephire and her mother Herla. All the while Neela would not let go the object of her fascination, almost dying now for acknowledgement from the older fawn. He stead fastly denied it. Started to get pretty sad about it. Was there something wrong with her?

Amused her self playing with the other adults, then found Renwyk. Soon Gwendolyn joined them too, played with the other children. Saw Lohtu at one point seeming to rear at her, got defensive and taunted and reared back, soon baby punches where being thrown. Stopped by Ephire and Verve. Shot Lohtu some angry looks. He started it! Got distracted by playing again with the other children. Grabbed some poppies and decorated Ephire’s antlers with them. He seemed happy and thanked her. Oh! Maybe the snotty boy Lohtu would like some flowers too and then he would like her. Plucked some more of the bright flowers and gave them to the older fawn, quite proud of her gift. He threw them off and sneezed in her face. Completely heart broken. By this. Verve scolded the boy and Lohtu went and put some more flowers on. He didn’t seem to like her still though. Pretty upset and mad at him at this point, might not want to have anything to do with him now, mostly because she was hurt.

Played with the fawns who did like her. Chased a small dove that flew around them, shooting off with Renwyk and Gwen in pursuit of the tiny white bird that led them deep into the birch. Thought it was great fun until the tiny bird was suddenly a giant deer mooing at them. Badly startled and afraid. That ain’t cool! Verve arrived and led the wayward group of mini fawns back to the group, fell asleep between Verve and Ephire, pretty exhausted from all the play.

The previous evening awoke restless, wanting to play. But everyone was asleep and wouldn’t wake up. Pushed a tiny foot into her mother and brother, Johan. No wakey. Wandered off looking for playmates. Passed by the ruins, some sort of drama happening there adults arguing. Something. Didn’t pay any attention. But not far off where some kids! Saw two fawns (Mier and Lieva) standing with a black doe (Galene). The fawns were bigger than her but maybe they’d still play with her. Went to go greet them. But Johan arrived and dragged her off. Pouted furiously at him but he was somehow immune. Hurrumphed angrily but in the end just fell asleep.

The next day rested besides a fallen log with lots of ferns around it with her family. Crawled around on Dad’s back then on Leto’s. Saw the little owl fawn she’d met before (Besiini) and went to greet them. Indira seemed shy, so tried to introduce them. Dad left Leto to watch over them, while he went to go take a nap on mom’s butt. Thought Leto looked a bit scared to be the primary baby sitter, tried to behave for him. Even after he kept falling asleep.

Later in the day, everyone was sleeping again. Tired of sleeping so went looking again for playmates. Found the two kids from yesterday! Watched them from behind a tree. They ignored her though. Felt snubbed. Wishes she was a big kid too then maybe they’d play with her. A bit wary when the two large males that where with them came over to her. (Lats and Fletcher) Bowed courteously when they did and to the other deer that where with them. A bit overwhelmed by the sudden activity by such large creatures but they seemed friendly. Pretty dumbly hopped after Lats and Fletcher when they seemed to hop merrily through the forest. Yay, they are hopping, we are having fun right? No. They took her back to her mother. Bleh.

Cuddled up with her mother and sister was tired anyways now. Got woken up though by two large deer fighting very close to them. Mother didn’t like it either, stayed under her with sister. Ramsus and Isiel came over. Ramsus yelled at the two deer, Isiel and Herla led the two fawns off. Plopped down with sister and went back to sleep in the flower patch they’d visited Ramsus and Isiel at before. Feeling very very tired.

The family moved into a flower patch in the Old Forest yesterday, Neela found she really enjoyed the change in scenery…and opportunity to observe this much busier location. All sorts of deer and other children busied about them. Watched with apt attention. Discovered the butterflies that flew above the flowers, showed father her discovery with exuberance. Couldn’t resist chasing after a little bunny that magically appeared in a Fairy circle near them, Father helping her chase it, and knocking big deer away from her that thought they might like to chase the bunny too. Mostly she didn’t notice that but being saved from broken bones registered somewhere. Found another tiny little fawn to play with, Erythraea, played at dressing them up in poppies and hyacinths, likes decorating others it seems. Went to snuggle with her older brothers, Johan and Leto when the other child had to go. Awoke to find that the little boy from the last couple previous nights had returned, O’Marash. He’d discovered the butterflies too it seemed, played with his before snuggling up and falling asleep next to him in the purple flowers. Ramsus and Isiel came and sat nearby too.

The next day, the family camped out in the flower patch again. Slept between her mother and father until she awoke and Johan took her for a romp. Played near the pond, found a small fawn to play with, Danaë, thought he was nice but his skull mask/face was perhaps a bit weird to her at first. Made him look scary but he seemed nice to play with. Went to go sleep next to mother and father who had moved down closer to the pond on the edge of the forest. Slept again a while until she noticed a group of fawns playing near the bridge. Raced over to join them, played at mask and antler spells and then a round of devout pelting. Brought one of those over for Daddy who had moved a bit closer to watch. These fawns where bigger than her and it was harder to keep up but tried very hard. (SylvanRah and lala_2000). Intrigued but a bit wary when a DotD masked deer crossed the bridge. Observed him from a distance, hiding behind trees. Her fawn compatriots where more bold though. Stayed behind a tree and watched when he went to sit in a Fairy circle, the two fawns joining him. Shocked and unnerved when the DotD stag then shrunk on the children with a spell. Pretty freaked out actually. Doesn’t want to be shrunk anymore than she already is. Would probably just pop out of existence entirely and cease to exist. Raced back to father with a sort of “Holly ksjdhgksg, did you see THAT!” expression and dived into his fur to hide. Satisfied to observe “That guy who shrinks kids” stag from a distance now safe next to her father.

Trapped in a baby cage all day.

Ran away from home and found Johan. Played with her brother and then spotted a fawn (O’ Marash). Come on Johan we are playing with this fawn NOAW. He seemed shy though at first, so decided they would be friends. He was little, like her but he had little twigs growing from his head instead of feathers. Idly wondered if they were edible. Decorated them with poppies. There. Beautiful. Curled up with him at the ruins and fell asleep. Johan looking after them.

(09/11/13):Woke up today between Mother and Leto. Explored around the edges of the birch home, kicking pebbles and slightly bored. Spotted the strange being from yesterday on a nearby hill, his glowing halo visible even from a distance (Altijd). Discipline dissolved, left the birch home to go investigate the creature. Crept a long while hiding behind trees and through the high birch grasses. Watched him closely trying to decide if he was really there or not. It was so hard to tell sometimes. Sniffed him and bowed politely when he did so too. Still not convinced he was real. Sat down, as did he. Watched his spinning halo, finding it quite mesmerizing. Decided by this point he was indeed not part of the physical world. Then he spoke to her. Would have yelped in surprise if she was able. Real then. It spoke. He said some strange things to her that made her pause but then wanted to know where her family was. Indicated with her gaze, their location and then he wanted to take her back to them. Sigh. Fine. Followed the odd creature, hiding quickly behind her sleeping brother and mother, Mother awakening and speaking with the being. He said more odd things, that seemed to alarm mother a bit before Johan arrived and chased the halo stag away.

Dad arrived not long later. Mum didn’t mention the halo stag…or Neela’s wandering. Phew. Played around with her family, noticed Cu running around the outskirts of the home, thinks he is funny and amusing, wanted to go play with him. Apparently Father had a different opinion and tore out after the small deer trying his best to mash him and chase him off. Seemed he succeeded, and Cu was run off. Stared petulantly at Daddy squarely in the face when he came back and sat down. Has no voice but has potent expressions and her’s said, “Well? What now? You’ve chased away all the toys. Get me a puppy. Manifest me a cookie. Something.” He manifested neither but gave her a Johan to play with instead.

(09/10/13):Woke up feeling much better today, back to tottering around the birch home and even playing with her brother, Leto and other family members. Isiel had come to babysit her and her sisters last night and she stayed the night it seemed. Happy about this, played with the blue doe too. Noticed at one point a very odd looking being with a bright circling halo about his head, the creature walking by a few times (Altijd). Did anyone else notice? Interest highly piqued, wanted badly to inspect him closer but she was grounded and there were far too many eyes on her actions.

Later in the afternoon things settled down, slept too, awoke with everything quiet and everyone sleeping. The little red impish doe Foxbrow came over. Played with her until she spotted what she thought was her sister a ways off obscured by the birch grasses. She thought she better go get her, Indira shouldn’t be out there by herself. Only it wasn’t Indira she discovered when she got back, but another white fawn, this one a little boy (Dimitri). Sorta forgot at that point she was supposed to be grounded and started playing with him until she got tired and fell asleep next to him. Awoke again some time later and he was gone. Went looking for him, wandering all over the forest. Saw a few strange things as she tottered around, deer with strange spikes of what seemed their very being projecting off into infinity in the horizon. Found on like this that was sleeping, looked at it a long while, trying to figure it out. No one else seemed to notice. Seems to see lots of odd things that nobody else notices.

Attention grabbed by a large group of deer playing in the meadow near the river. Intrigued, wanted to get closer and maybe play too. A HUGE blue pig creature approached her. Wary at first but then quickly went to sniff and bowed when he acted friendly. Then he wanted her to follow him? Alright. Sure. Skipped along with him…until Ramsus ran up and seemed mad at the pig and wanted her to follow HIM now. Perturbed. But acquiesced. Thought he was going to take her home at first but then seemed willing to let her wander a bit. Explored some of the forest, pulled some mushrooms down from a tree and nibbled on them. Wandered back to where the group she’d seen before was playing. A big fluffy feline thing caught her eye (Jahi) and it saw her too. Yay! Wanted to play. Ramsus told her no and stopped her, peered between his legs at the fluffy ginormous feline in interest, then everyone got all mad, the blue pig came over and another feline thing came over, they all seemed angry at each other and Ramsus took her away. Pouted the whole way home, sticking her lip out at him in petulance when he deposited her back next to her sleeping mother and Isiel. Remained upset that she hadn't been able to find the little boy again.

Putting conscious effort into obeying her parents and staying within the borders of her family home, despite any and all temptations that existed outside said borders. Finding a bit of strength in maintaining discipline and not entertaining every whim of excitement that comes her way. Played with her sisters yesterday, father allowing them to play on the rocks nearby, climbed on them with Vasana, the other fawn now twice her size but Neela seemed to be able to keep up with her just fine. Enjoying her increasing mobility and health.

Awoke this morning feeling too tired to move though. Breathing was a bit difficult and the voices of her family distant as if heard from underground. Muffled. Wishes to play and see the sunshine. Can’t even lift her head though. Never got up. Stayed nestled between her parents.

Snuck off from Mother when she fell asleep. Spared a moment’s guilt but the draw of seeking new experience was too alluring. Searched for playmates. Couldn’t find any. But was found by a tall slender creature with sharp teeth (Vittani). Startled at first but the creature seemed calm and patient so grew at ease. Approached by a fawn who wanted to play, pretty energetically played too, until they raced away faster then Neela could follow. Really sad about this. But Vittani comforted her and led her to another group of fawns to play. Played with a group of 4-5 fawns, having a really good time. Figured out how to cast pelt spells. Felt accomplished. Grew a little sad when they would scream and yell and she couldn’t though. It looked fun. She wished she could yell too. But even though she couldn’t scream like they could, they still liked her and wanted to play with her. Another deer arrived, with sharp teeth too. Vittani didn’t seem concerned so went to greet this new deer (Greitai). Felt the sting of rejection when the raptor deer backed away from her. Why didn’t she like her? The raptor deer seemed to get more friendly after a while though and came back. Got carried away playing with the fawns again, so happy that they liked her and were playing with her. Then Vittani tried to get her attention and lead her too…Father! Oh but he looked infuriated, never seen him looks so mad. Shrunk into herself, felt very sorry when he charged down and chased Vittani off. Greitai ran away too. Sorry to make Father mad and sorry that Vittani got in trouble because of her. Followed him back home and dove into her mother’s feathers, wishing she could apologize and wishing she could cry. Exhausted, she fell asleep.


Slept for a little while but woke up when she heard her parent’s discussing her, her mother sounding tired and frazzled her father still very much angry. Was a bit afraid to look at him. Hid her face when he scowled at her. Got a scolding from her mother and told that she was grounded, and not to leave their home without an appropriate babysitter.

When Leto and Indira arrived, went to greet them though a little subdued now since she’d gotten into trouble. Indira tried to comfort her. Iaurdagnire arrived, the family greeted him and she did too. Started playing with him and Indira but then wouldn’t follow when they stepped outside the triangle of the home trees, not sure if Dag counted as an “appropriate baby sitter” or not. Paced at the edge of the home trees, feeling sad and left out. So Dag came back! Also at one point told her if she was in trouble she should hide in the tall birch grasses? Oh like when Mommy and Daddy where mad at her? Duly noted. Dag seemed a great baby sitter. Greeted a little brown deer (Cu) that came to play and then a little red deer (Foxbrow) though was starting to get tired again so curled up and tucked under Dag’s chin to watch the two new deer with interest when they sat nearby.


Spent the rest of the day trying to be as good as possible, not stepping foot over the invisible tree line of the family home. No matter how many awesome things where happening right outside her door, including Cu and FoxBrow playing when she couldn't join. Gave her father every sad beseeching look she knew, but he didn't bend. When she came back to curl up in a fawn pile with her two sleeping sisters, Father told her if she continued to be behave he might shorten her grounding. Pretty determined to be good now.

Yesterday was sleeping at the family home in the birch surrounded by her parents and brother. Woke along with Indira, wandered off with her sister over to the family “pantry” where her mother stashes just about everything. Played between the rocks along with Indira, Gehirn noticing pretty quick that they were active coming to supervise them. Followed the sound of running water and found until she came to the edge of a giant mist enshrouded fairy circle, eyes growing wide at this, inside the circle was a fountain flowing into a beautiful glassy pool. Completely enchanted and wanted to go in badly but afraid to cross the circle. Indira seemed scared too. Always a bit more cautious in her explorations when accompanied by her frail sister, they both eventually crossed the misty line and started playing with the magic they found inside. Father joined too, even he was able to use the magic and transform into a giant bunny! Played with her father and sister in the glassy pool until she was thoroughly cold and wet. Could hardly stand up at that point, Indira seemed exhausted too, followed their father back home and curled up with Mother.

Today spent the day cuddled up with Father and Mother and Big Brother Johan. Awoke much later in the day and wandered off while everyone else was sleeping, taking her time to explore the forest, hiding behind trees when big deer raced by, keeping herself hidden as much as possible. Until she found a small fawn (Wyst) playing with burgundy colored doe (Thais) who wore a mask over her mouth. Watched from behind a tree until the fawn came to greet her. Quickly was won over and played with the other fawn. Also greeted the burgundy doe who seemed very kind. An older fawn (Luyu) came over, thought her feathers where very beautiful, greeted and played with her too. Let out a silent yelp when suddenly a giant red stag was standing behind her though, dashed under Thais. Some memories of the stag floated up into her consciousness. Reed. She remained cautious but was confident enough to sniff him a few times. Tried to play with the other fawns a bit more but had grown too tired took herself to a nearby tree and fell asleep (player afk’d).

Awoke with Thais and Wyst sitting nearby, Reed and a canine like creature sitting not far off…and Indira curled up with her. Nuzzled her sister and groomed her face wondering how she had gotten there. Obviously it was okay for Neela to wander off alone but not Indira. In Neela’s mind at least. Indira seemed frightened, tried to console her. Johan galloped onto the scene looking frantic and winded. Like he’d just been running all over the forest looking for his two missing baby sisters. Oops. Said goodbye to Thais and Wyst and followed Johan along the river. Helped guide her frightened sister across the bridge, Johan led them down to the pond. Played in the shallows, chasing dragonflies. Was soon wet and cold and exhausted. Let Johan take her and her sister home then, collapsing into her mother’s feathers along with her Indira.

Spent most of the day curled up in a safe little nest made up her parents, and two brothers. Much later though, awoke on her own near the Twin Gods (I’ll just spawn Neela random places and make the poor baby with a heart defect run all over the forest looking for her family because I’m mean like that >:C ) Nearly tumbled down the high hill and when she got to her feet again, there was a giant standing next to her. Startled badly as she looked up into a looming face with a massive maw full of dreadful sharp teeth. Pretty quickly realized who he was though, her own vivid memories of curling up in her earliest days between the giant toothy stag and the blue doe with him, her own memories overlapping and supported by those that were not her own. She ‘remembered’ him. Ramsus. The giant reassured her gently and led her off to her family. Her mother and Johan, sitting with a beautifully elegant red doe whom she hadn’t met before (Jettem) but whispers of memories spoke of another friend. Greeted her as well as accepting her mother’s worried grooming for being lost. Greeted her sister when Johan brought Indira over, her sister not sharing her same acceptance of the red doe, shrunk back. Went to console her and eventually got her to play a little bit. Started to grow sleepy after all the activity though and curled up to sleep between her sister and mother. Ramsus returned along with Isiel a bit later, the couple joining her family along with Jettem.

(8/26/13): Has been steadily growing stronger, able to accompany her family on walks through the forest if they are short and not too far or fast. Enjoys the time they spend near the river especially, drawn to the water just like her mother it seems. Her father spent several days trying to keep her away from the river’s waters though before finally realizing perhaps, she wasn’t going to give up her fascination. Delighted when the giant stag made himself a bridge for her to climb over down the steep river bank with, played in the mud and the water finding it beautiful and amazing. Has many memories and visions of just this place, but they pale in comparison to the real world around her in the here and now. Fell in a few times and got a lungful of water, it quickly taught her the water could be dangerous too. Maybe that was Father’s goal all along?

Today awoke and mother was asleep. Curled up in her side resting as well, watching the forest and it’s denizens go by. When a group of fawns went jumping by, squealing with laughter and playing with one another, found she couldn’t resist trying to join them. Followed them, trying to play too, had a hard time keeping up, her legs didn’t work so well and she kept getting tired. But it was exciting and fun and they actually seemed to like her too, one of them giving her a nuzzle. Didn’t know how to respond, just stared and smiled, amazed by all the sensations. Followed them about, realizing every where she looked held a strange sort of double vision, past memories of places and events superimposed everywhere she looked. It confused and disorientated her at times so she’d push those shadowy visions aside a best she could. The fawns disappeared. She was alone. Grew more tired, could hardly walk anymore and didn’t know the way back to Mother. Doesn’t know how to call out, knows it’s possible she did it once before but she just seems unable to make any sound, even if she wants too. Stumbled upon some broken down ruins, there were some deer there that she didn’t know yet at the same time did, shadowy memories in the back of her mind (Jack and Nidhem), they seemed kind though, trying to convince her to sit down with them but she was too tired, she curled up among the stones and couldn’t keep her eyes open. Was awakened by the gentle nudge of Father, relieved and happy to see him, he would know the way home and back to Mother. So very tired but managed to bow to the two kind deer and follow her father. He told her it wasn’t safe to run off like that, felt bad knew she had worried and upset him. Curled up into some ferns with him and fell into an exhausted sleep.


Much later was feeling a little better and awoke curled up between Mother and Father, in a cuddle pile with her sister Indira. Scented Johan nearby, wanted to go get her brother poste haste, shot off to do so but was pulled up short by a very worried looking Gehirn. Oops, seems she forgets she needs adult supervision. Inwardly promising to do better to remember those things, though she couldn’t offer any verbal assurances to her father. It does make her feel bad to see him or her mother upset.

Went off with Father to find Brother. Went off to play with him, romped around in poppy fields, trying to match her brother’s athletic moves, remains only a stumbling fawn in his wake, but still finds the play joyous. Met a doe sleeping on her own, Nadezdha. Found her bright colors stunning and wanted to get a closer look. Big Brother wouldn’t let her get too close, insisting she politely bow from a distance. Quickly became tired from all the play and activity again and suddenly became a crumpled fawn upon the forest floor, could barely manage to follow her brother when he led her back to Mother. Curled up there in her side and slept the rest of the night.

Recently (8/18/13): Has returned along with her family from 3 weeks in India where the people there helped her and her ailing sister to better health, supplementing them with extra milk. Her heart has begun to grow stronger with the help of digitalis made from foxglove, can walk around now and has fewer fainting episodes, though remains unable to keep up with a normal fawn’s activity. Watches her family and those around her with growing awareness and self consciousness. Still does not speak or vocalize. Spoke for the one and only time when she called her mother back from the grasp of the Wild Hunt. Remains too fragile a vessel to hold all that she has been born with despite the help of the Indian villagers.

(7/29/13): Listened to her parents talk of taking her along with her sisters to India to find help for their illnesses. Feels sadness to know how very worried her beloved parents are for her, wishes to be well, wants very much to stay with her family but knows how sick she is and knows more than she should that her own chances are slim.

Put into a sling to be carried by her mother, her sisters being carried by her father. The brothers where coming too, so happy about this. Eager for the trip. Eager to be well. And most of eager to stay with her family. Upset and sad when Verve said she could not come too, wanted so much to say goodbye to her sister but still cannot speak, the words are their and she can understand the words of others, but her own words lay trapped within her unable to be spoken.

(7/18/13): Growing connection with her surrounding family members based on her own experiences. Has much inborn knowledge about them already but even now, an ill newborn infant, feels driven to understand them based on her own encounters, the here and now always taking precedent in her mind. Sought out for comfort and love. Feels deep bonds already. Crawls with determination to meet them all whenever they are near. Still weak though, cannot stand. Tires easily and sleeps still more than anything.

(7/15/13): Health has been very unstable since her birth 3 days ago, but gradually becoming more aware of her surroundings. Doesn’t vocalize like her sisters and is not able to move much but is quietly growing ever more observant and aware, perhaps more so then a normal newborn would be. Watches the activity around her with quiet interest, makes eye contact and holds it. Calm but seemingly perceptive.

Was happy when her mother awoke for the first time and kissed her face. Knows her father quite well already, recognizes her brothers and other siblings as well. Knows there is something wrong with her though. She’s sick. So is her sister. Feels loved and cared for. Content and happy in this place, hopes to be able to remain.

Has still yet to make a single vocalization.

Blossoming understanding continues at a rapid rate.

Was named. Understands it's meaning.

(7/13/13): Born last after her two sisters, Vasana and Indira. Long difficult birth. A very undersized, fragile fawn. Health unstable. Barely breathing
Sighthoundlady's picture

March 11th, 2015 It's been

March 11th, 2015

It's been raining for days and Neela's strategy it seems is to just move fast enough that the drops can't touch you. A busy little kid, playing in the rain, visiting others and working on her newest 'secret' project. Leto had left on a journey and Neela pining after adventures of her own. Rossamund had showed up after months of absence from the forest, and seemed to have gotten beat up promptly again. Pretty confused over the whole thing. Doesn't understand why others do a lot of the things they do now but watches and puzzles in her own time. Glad anyways to have Rossamund hanging around the family home more, he's better at doing the chores then she is!

Found a neatly carved bird mask at her 'apart-ment'. Beautiful purple with gold and white accents. Delighted with it, suspects it a gift from Rossamund, his smell was about the place. A couple nights ago bumped into Ymir! The real live Homunculus! Would she some day be able to built such an amazing thing? Sat near him in fascination peppering him with questions, would he melt in the rain? Could he catch colds too like everyone else seemed to be doing in this rain? Wished she could come closer but keeps a distance feeling the Iron in him now and knowing it'd make her sick if she got too close and all the more's pity.

Tonight prodded the Ramsiel family taking shelter from the rain under the slanted rock. Rather doesn't like staying there herself but both her playmates, Isabeau and Jhorla where sick with colds so went in to play with them there, Ramsus didn't want them out in the rain. Attention was caught by midnight blue pelted deer with electric whipping cords for antlers that seemed to singe in the falling rain. Immediately intrigued. Rose to greet him, darting from the rock to inspect him from all angles, giggling and running back under the rock. He seemed miserable with the rain perhaps. Didn't know if she had the right to invite him in, it wasn't her home after all and when he tried to come near, Ramsus got alarmed and drove him off. Aww. He was glowie and shiny!

Went with Jhorla to inspect him further, he'd retreated to a spot under another rock, Ramsus shoved Jhorla back under the rock because of her cold maybe. Neela hid behind a rock to watch glowie guy, eventually Ramsus ushering her back under the rock too. Snuggled between her two snot nosed playmates, maybe she'd ask mom to bring them so more cold medicine.

March 1st, 2015

Awoke next to her sister's crafting tree a large white and purple skull faced bull standing right next to her. Startled, scrambled into Verve's tree, but the bull didn't appear to see her. Noticed a moment later, Lieva was actually right there too. Both couldn't see her or something. Thais arrived, also apparently invisible to all but Neela, so after grabbing a bucket of paint out of her sister's tree, went to greet the burgundy doe. They wandered to the top of Red Hill where Ciel was slumbering away. Kissed her brother on the nose and proceeded to paint him head to toe. He never awoke. Wandered some more with Thais through the high birch grasses until they found Verve and Syo, both momentarily wondering if they should bother them. Neela was always for bothering and dumped paint on her sister before she could wake up, squealing when she got chased. Played with Thais and Syo too, doesn't know Syo too awfully well, and thinks the female as an odd smell. Not bad, but different and also somehow familiar, the echoes of memories from past lives often leaving her hanging like that. Doesn't think much about it. Might decide to ask her someday.

Cuddled with Thais and Verve and then burrowed into Ciel's chest when he came to sit with them, smiling to herself for her excellent painting job. Pretty sure he had no clue it was her. Not like there was a trail of paint or anything. And not like she had paint all over herself as well.

While everyone rested, Neela decided to show Verve something she'd been keeping secret since the accidental trip to the land of ginormous lizards and mean chickens. The child was harboring a lot of guilt for putting her family at risk and at the same time thinking the whole thing was extremely awesome. But she went to retrieve a satchel from a hiding place nearby. In it was one of the toothy little chickens as her mother had called them, from their illicit trip to the otherworld. She was worried she'd be in trouble for keeping it but it was so interesting. A small creature without a lot of fat, it had dried without much odor, it had long black talons on front and back feet and half wings growing from it's front legs with rather pretty blue feathers along the arms and fanning out from the long bony tail. The family had killed and eaten all the creatures that had accidentally been brought back with them but this one Neela had found between some rocks and relatively intact so she'd kept it. Verve seemed the least likely to get mad at her over it so she showed it to her sister now. Who seemed rather envious she'd managed to get such a complete specimen it seemed. Beamed with eagerness, wanted to have it preserved somehow, and discussed with her sister how to do so, the doe being rather more expert then her with these matters. Neela admitted that touching the creature gave her a sense of the place they had gone, like a connection to it existed through this tie. Verve worked on the creature for her, having her spiders remove the innards and pack it with dried grass, then asked her if she would like something to go in the center, another skull perhaps or a gem? Neela thought of that then decided she wanted a stone from their home. So the connection could be complete from that place and this. It seemed natural to her, like something she remembered in her own bones, she just had to remember how. Promised her sister she would be careful and not careless about it but very much hoped that with this talisman she might be able to return one day again to that place.

February 14th, 2015

Kinda been keeping to herself after the accidental magic transportation thing. Maybe a bit clingy with her family. Still eating and drinking otherwise and even playing a little. Those that didn't know her closely wouldn't think anything amiss but those that did would maybe notice. Avoiding using magic which was hard for her since she pretty much breaths it. So lots of breath holding.

In a moment alone though, she found a bag of sweet smelling things near the family home. It didn't have her mother's smell, but that of Thais, so of course it would be safe! Unable to hold in her curiosity she opened the bag and found honey coated cookies of nuts, seeds and nice smelling herbs. Tail wagging furiously she considered stashing the entire bag for herself but remembering her manners she took a few only, leaving the bag near her mother's cooking hearth in the middle of the family home.

Nibbling on the snacks by the river, she was found by Johan. Clung to her brother a bit hard at first but then let him coax her into some play. Saw Altijd soaking in the river, peered to see what he was doing but disliked the river so didn't come closer. Played with him a bit when he came out, then moved with Altijd and Johan to Verve's crafting tree where Thais, Verve, Leto and Draven where resting. Greeted everyone then cuddled in the crook of Johan's leg and took a nap.

February 11th, 2015

((super long update, I copy paste a lot directly from the RP because I'm lazy and I know like maybe 2 people will read it anyways, ROFL. ))

Neela was not far off from her home, it was a quiet morning, and nearby her parents and verve where cleaning some hares. The fawn was within ear shot if not slightly hidden by a dip in the terrain and the cover of birch grasses. Close enough to smell the cooking meals but not in easy sight to be called over to do actual work. Because, bleh chores. The child sat playing in the snow, having had the thought to make golems from the snow. They were fragile though and required extra magic and concentration to keep them from falling under their own weight. Not very practical but Neela was enjoying the play, it took a lot of concentration to keep the small snow golems in shape, her magic flowing with ease to the task if she kept her mind to it. As she played, she began making the snow golems larger, using more and more magic to do so, the magic beginning to well up. Those sensitive to it, might have taken notice, or even begun to be alarmed. The child generally tried to keep a low profile with magic so as not to draw unwanted attention but lulled by the general peace of the last year, she let herself flex her magical muscles a little bit. She was concentrating a lot of will into maintaining the golems which also required a steady stream of cooler air and the surrounding temperature began to drop as she did so, so much so that a few crystals began to form in a spiral about the area she sat. Magic and cold welled, an icy sting made her flinch, and broke her concentration, it was then that she realized what a huge bubble of magic she had collected around her. Sudden panic at not knowing what to do with the icy forces, she forcibly tried to disperse them. Away. But not into the forest. Someplace else.

And a portal ripped open like a gaping chasm, through air, earth and time.

Neela woke in a befuddled state. The warm, humid air in stark contrast to the snow and cold she’d just been in. Absent minded she shrugged out of her warm winter cloak and stumbled about in a small circle, nothing looking even remotely familiar. Where was everyone? Then she heard her mother’s screams. Heart rammed into her throat the child raced toward the screams. And soon Verve was by her side too, racing in the same direction, They found Herla trapped in some vines, a gigantic horned beast trying to attack her. Her sister calling an army of gigantic insects went after the monster trying to lure it away from Herla. The monster chased after Verve, her older sister commanding her to stay with her mother. The child did so and helped her mother free of the vines using her mother’s obsidian cooking knives. With her mother free it was then that she saw her father’s red antlers. He was laying in the grass not very far from them. Suddenly Neela was very scared, more then she’d been when she’d seen the monster and she could tell when she looked in her mother’s eyes that she was scared too. She was told to stay with her father and handed an obsidian knife. Her mother left. To help Verve. Neela trembled, the unfamiliar feel of her mother’s boning knife in her mouth.

Too stunned for tears yet, the child ran to where Gehirn lay, poking at him gently with her nose, then perhaps not so gently as he lay unmoving and her panic increased, starting to shake him harder, a frantic litany of "Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!" flowing from her lips. He woke up and told her to not talk so loud, he wanted to sleep.. She froze when he spoke and peered at his face, "You aren't dead!" she shouted smushing her face to his and generally being quite loud for someone who probably had head trauma and a nice headache to go along with it. She hugged him fiercely and told him that Mom and Verve had fought a giant beast, it was 10 times bigger than him and very ugly and they ran off and mom had told her to stay here with him and she’d gave her this knife. Neela picked it up off the ground brandishing it like a warrior. Neela stayed with her head trauma father as he finally managed to get up again and she repeated the story of what had happened a few times. That they weren’t at home anymore and she thought it might have been her fault they were here. Her ‘magic had gotten away from her.’

Soon to the child’s relief, her mother and sister returned and they went to find a river to cool off in and get a rest before trying to figure out a way home. Neela was soon overcome with childish enthusiasm for everything around them, though the adults were far more worried as adults usually were. They found a stream and while the adults talked Neela played at trying to catch some fish before they all decided they should try to get back home again.

With Verve’s help she recreated the same welling of magic that occurred before the ‘accident’. First on a small pool of water in a leaf, but it wasn’t big enough. So they tried the stream next, Neela doing as Verve suggested, bringing the magic to cool the stream, it was much bigger and she had to pour it in, but it was working, the glassy surface freezing over now too, and the fishes that swam under its surface quickly darting off, but for a few the ice overtook. Neela idly wondered if they’d still be nice to eat frozen like that. But she disregarded the distracting thoughts, concentrating on what she was doing, Verve now telling her to think of home as hard as she could and when she thought she was ready, to throw the magic away again.

And it worked. The world went upside down and inside out once more.

Tumbling into the snow, she was surrounded by the familiar rocks and trees of their home, and her family,...all frantically fighting off a swarm of angry featherless chickens. But they were back home. And the mean chickens disposed of, father declared they had dinner. Neela said the only reasonable thing about the entire affair that a child could say, “That was GREAT!”

February 8th, 2015

Wandered around the forest, eventually made her way to her sister's crafting tree. Verve there sitting next to Draven who was asleep. Greeted her sister and danced around Draven. Thought very seriously about sawing a few tines off, wouldn't that be funny? Ah, maybe not. He never woke up though. Noticed her father sitting nearby, went to go greet him and noticed a doe next to him. Having that sense of familiarity that she knew was not her own, didn't think she'd met the doe before. Always a bit confusing for the child and she often choose to exert her own self over memories from the lives of others. But her father confirmed she'd never met them before, she was a charge raised by her mother and father long before Neela was born. And long before her brothers had been born too. Stared at the doe as she slept, intrigued, hoping that the other would like her too, always eager for new friends and playmates.

The doe poofed before Neela could meet her properly but then Verve was returning with Indira in tow. Happily bounced around with her two sisters, Dad seeming a bit jumpy at first. Wondered if it was because of the doe appearing after so long then disappearing again. Settled with her family in a warm patch of the birch forest.


Later Isiel arrived with a pretty white doe she remembered from her early childhood, Idelle. Jumped up to greet the doe, and happily played with Thais, Verve and Isiel. Dad went off momentarily and came back with Jhorla in tow, greeted her and played with her too. Went to go get Indira to meet Idelle and play too. Settled down again for more lazy sleeping for the evening.