
Shey's picture
CreditCSS by Sycamorre. | DisclaimerNaiya is a fictional character that is not intended to represent any real person or myself in any way. Her opinions and outward actions do not reflect my own. She is always in character.

Should you wish to contact me, for discussing issues related to her character or for roleplay, contact me via:

discord: snarpo#6387 or email: catiir00@gmail . com

Feed my fish pls


Body{ physical wellness }Mind{ mental wellness }Note{ whatever you want or replace/get rid of me }


"...Put some good thoughts here. Any thoughts. All thoughts. They can be kinda-long thoughts, but not too long!"


Let your people know what's crackalackin'.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eu hendrerit urna. Nunc sollicitudin vestibulum tincidunt. Donec fringilla semper eleifend. Aenean faucibus ante diam, a viverra dui maximus id. Quisque quis venenatis sem, sed eleifend elit. Cras ullamcorper consectetur eros, nec bibendum urna iaculis ut. Etiam viverra mattis luctus. Cras venenatis suscipit magna eget dignissim. Curabitur id scelerisque quam, ut rhoncus est. Vestibulum in euismod urna. Praesent vitae ligula eget erat sollicitudin congue. Etiam molestie porttitor tellus.

Praesent non sagittis tortor. Cras non justo convallis, ultricies est efficitur, facilisis mauris. Proin ac euismod odio, vitae imperdiet turpis. Maecenas faucibus non urna consequat posuere. Aenean venenatis volutpat purus finibus interdum. Morbi urna risus, auctor eget posuere ut, accumsan et enim. Vestibulum in sollicitudin odio. Pellentesque vehicula neque sit amet eros luctus, et eleifend leo blandit.

Tab I ⇴ Basics

Name · Naiya"Water nymph" - Greek
"Boat" - Indian
"Wave, sea foam" - Basque

Age · Young adult; 20s

Gender · Female ♀

Sexuality · Bisexual homoromanticCapable of reciprocating intimate advances with males, but feels uncomfortable with romantic advances.
Greatly prefers women, either way.

Scent Sea salt air, honeysuckle, fresh cut grass and wildflowers

Species · Deer mermaid .. deermaid ... merdeer...

Voice · Hynden Walch

Diet · Herbivorous - pond weeds, lilies, flowers, grasses

Zodiac · Aquarius / Air element

Toyhouse · Naiya.

Tumblr · naiyaaa

Tab II ⇴ Personality & Quirks

· Active listener.

· Sociable and generally trustworthy.

· Likes to play small pranks on friends.

· Always follows a set schedule. Dislikes change.

· Almost always accompanied by a koi fish familiar. It hovers around her in a small, floating water bubble and is very expressive of her emotions.

· Knows the recipes of potions and poultices that are useful for healing or other uses/effects. Usually doesn't expect something in return when requested for one. Likes to gather herbs and plants and keep them stocked high.

· Mid 20s in the human world. Works and shadows at a corner apothecary in a small suburban town. Working towards her pharmacy degree.

· Loves to play and sit with fawns. Mom Friend™

· Treats the fish of the Pond like her children. Can be seen in the middle of the pond swimming with them often. Might get upset if you scare them or disturb the pond water a lot.

Tab III ⇴ Appearance

· The jewelry she wears is enchanted to keep her afloat in midair/on land. Gives her an "anti-gravity" effect.

· Most importantly, wears a ruby on a decorative silver chain around her neck. The ruby not only "powers" the other enchantments, but keeps her existence grounded in the forest. Given to her by her mother. Cherished dearly, and never seen without.

· May wear silver bracelets, earrings, necklaces and pearls on occasion.

· Hair is super long, but never knots.

· Lacks hind legs: to move around on land [sans jewelry], she must either cast a spell on herself that allows her to float as if she were in water or simply drag her tail around. Prefers the first option greatly. Sticks around the deep waters of the Pond for this reason.

Tab 3 text.
Tab I ⇴ Relationships

Tab 4 text.
Tab I ⇴ Miscellaneous

Tab 5 text.

phantomhelsing's picture

gasp I love her ;o;

gasp I love her ;o;


Poppyflower's picture


Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
Shey's picture



♥ stalks this

♥ stalks this
FairyClock's picture

Whoah! Track

Whoah! Track <3
Shey's picture

aa thank you both ?

aa thank you both ♥
pumpkinseed's picture

You gave Pagan quite a

You gave Pagan quite a shock!! A PRACTICAL MERMAID.
littleswan's picture

eee what a lovely pond pal

eee what a lovely pond pal <3
Awentia's picture


Discord: Tzvii#9954 // Signature by Wake.

(No subject)


i just got so excited i

i just got so excited i doubleposted

hello i've come to.. feed the

hello i've come to.. feed the fishies....
Tureina's picture

now u can feed them

now u can feed them more

Vessan's picture


Jiaruqa's picture

Oooooo cool!

Oooooo cool!
