This is a big one. WARNING: MAY KILL YOUR COMPUTER or at least slow it down
I don't think these are all in the right order but whatever.

I was having trouble connecting and tried turning off animations, and this happened...

Connection issues.

Connection issues.


and then Amary "fell asleep" (she was already asleep though) and this happened.


*tries to catch the bird*

Amary found a dragon in a tree...

Encounters with Seline are always interesting.

Amary got bird'd.

Surrounded by smols.

An example of what happens near Deermuda...

Dogs. And a bunny.

This is just a very strange shot...

ugh bad timing on Wesker's part, too bad I didn't take any more screenshots of this

Maybe she heard something.

Meeting Melinoe is bound to be awkward for anyone.


Mel: *slow walk to the ruins*
Kero: *suddenly runs past*

Rota looks almost like Scape.

I think Oisín is attracted to troubled does with lots of drama in their lives...

New friend.

The devout pelt would be more appropriate for Macaria, but it seems I need an older version to get it to stick, and I don't want to go through that trouble anyway.

It looks like Culzean has a flower on his head. owo

Mask display. I still think the koi mask looks like a fanged duck

Something's not right here...

Seline could probably fit between the bars, actually.

Cage dancing.

Macaria is introduced to flower sparring.

Culzean got caught in the crossfire and has a dead.

Awkward meeting.

Indra isn't serious all the time?

stair steps

*side-eyes Indra and Dorian*

I feel like we're being watched...

I thought I was watching a fight, but then this happened...

omg you guys that is not how you treat the dead

"Look, I'm a pillar!"

"My face! D8"

Just some birds in a tree.

what the

what is happening

What kind of creature is this

Butt in the face!

Tree climbing. It's a goat thing.

Infiltrating the koi brigade. *shifty eyes*

Rock climbing. It's a goat thing.

"I can see my house from here!"

The taller rocks were too darn slippery.

So she sat on this shelf instead.

There's something I haven't seen in ages!

am I part of the family now c:
Wyldflower's picture

I want to see a screenshot

I want to see a screenshot dump of just Aileana sitting/standing on things XD

By Draak ♥
Zergarikiaka's picture

Looks like that tree was...

Looks like that tree was... butting. Sticking out tongue

lol I don't do it that much

lol I don't do it that much even though Aileana likes to climb things, but for me it's not exactly easy an I miss a lot. X3

Zerg that was a bad pun and you should feel bad. XD