Loitering in the Forest and why you should never eat mushrooms before bed

Bastion's picture
Been spending the past few days dwelling in the forest and have had many a delightful encounter in that time. To all of you I have met, thank you for spending time with me.

For the past day or so I have slept in a delightful clearing next to the pond, well within reach of any mask or antler spells I should need. To my mild embarrassment, I consumed a rather large number of mushrooms before succumbing to sleep. I awoke early in the morning to the sound of a great hulabaloo all around me. Prancing fawns, trumpeting adults, all having a spell-casting party and creating quite a stir...clearly, they had also found the mushrooms. Luckily I am a heavy sleeper and was able to resume my rest without too much interruption, much like the fellow I found myself sleeping next to.

When I again woke, I found my slumbering friend was really a rather large rabbit. Or was the rabbit really a rather average sized deer? This was a mystery too deep to fathom in my current state, so I again retired.

I later awoke to a much quieter scene and found myself dozing by a fellow forest-dweller who beared an uncanny resemblance to myself.

I found this quite pleasant and agreeable and so settled back down for another snooze with my new nap buddy....only to be disturbed from my recovering rest again to have an out of body experience. Quite unsettling, this!

Edit: ...and now we are with child. 0____o

I think I'll stay asleep this time until the effects of my experimenting last night have worn off....

XD this is so derpy

XD this is so derpy

snowblink's picture

My Bastion is a lovable derp

My Bastion is a lovable derp indeed, though he doesn't know it. Eye
Bastion's picture

I do what I can Sharptwoth.

I do what I can Sharptwoth. Also, may I just say that you have a lovely picto. It reminds me of a songbird perched on a twig, marvelous. <3

@Bastion Thank you and that's

@Bastion Thank you and that's why I chose it because I thought it looked like a bird

@Snowblink Yes yes he/she (forgot the gender) is XD